Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 4 , 465 - 470, 01.09.2016


achievement in mathematics education has been an increasing problem in the
recent years in some countries. According to a 2010 study from the U.S.
Department of Education, blended learning classes produce statistically better
results than their face-to-face. There is also an increasing number of students
using smartphones and tablets in schools. Mobile devices gained popularity as
an educational tool and there are many schools that use them frequently in
educational activities to improve learning. In this paper, we present the
development of an application for smartphones and tablets to provide activities
that students can do outside the classroom or at home and increase the time
they spend learning and practicing mathematics. With this app students solve
mathematic activities and are helped by the presentation of videos with the
problems resolutions.


  • Bereiter, C. and Scardamalia, M., 2003. Learning to work creatively with knowledge. In E. De Corte, L. Verschaffel, N. Entwistle, & J. van Merriënboer (eds.), Powerful learning environments: Unraveling basic components and dimensions. Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK. Fernandes, G., & Ferreira, C. (2012). Desenho de conteúdos e-learning: Quais teorias de aprendizagem podemos encontrar?. RIED: revista iberoamericana de educação à distancia, 15(1), 79–102. Heide, A., & Stilborne, L. 2000. Guia do Professor para a Internet - Completo e fácil. Porto Alegre – Brasil, Artmed Editora. Kalantzis, M. and Cope, B., 2008. New Learning. Elements of a Science of Education. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA. Kietzmann, J., Plangger, K., Eaton, B., Heilgenberg, K., Pitt, L., Berthon, P. 2013. Mobility at work: A typology of mobile communities of practice and contextual ambidexterity. In Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 3, No. 4 Kukulska-Hulme, A. 2010. Mobile Learning for Quality Education and Social Inclusion. Policy Brief published by UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education. Available at Kukulska-Hulme, A. and Traxler, J. 2013. Design Principles for Mobile Learning. In H. Beetham and R. Sharpe (eds.), Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age. Routledge, New York, USA. Mayer, R. E., 2009. Multimedia Learning. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA OECD (2015), PISA IN FOCUS 2015/01. Presky, M., 2010. Teaching Digital Natives. Partnering for Real Learning. Corwin A SAGE Company, Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA. Sharples, M., Taylor, J., & Vavoula, G. 2007. A Theory of Learning for the Mobile Age. In R. Andrews and C. Haythornthwaite (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Elearning Research. Sage, London, UK. Spilka, R. and Manenova , M. (2013). Screencasts as web-based learning method for math students on upper primary school, WSEAS Conference Proceedings, 4th Eu- ropean Conference of Computer Science, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 246–250. Traxler, J., 2007. Defining, Discussing, and Evaluating Mobile Learning: The moving fingerwrites and having writ… . In International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol. 8, No. 3 Wenger, E., 2008, Communities of Practice. Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA. WSEAS Conference Pro- ceedings, 13th International Conference on Education and Educational Technology, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 21–26.
Year 2016, Volume: 4 , 465 - 470, 01.09.2016



  • Bereiter, C. and Scardamalia, M., 2003. Learning to work creatively with knowledge. In E. De Corte, L. Verschaffel, N. Entwistle, & J. van Merriënboer (eds.), Powerful learning environments: Unraveling basic components and dimensions. Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK. Fernandes, G., & Ferreira, C. (2012). Desenho de conteúdos e-learning: Quais teorias de aprendizagem podemos encontrar?. RIED: revista iberoamericana de educação à distancia, 15(1), 79–102. Heide, A., & Stilborne, L. 2000. Guia do Professor para a Internet - Completo e fácil. Porto Alegre – Brasil, Artmed Editora. Kalantzis, M. and Cope, B., 2008. New Learning. Elements of a Science of Education. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA. Kietzmann, J., Plangger, K., Eaton, B., Heilgenberg, K., Pitt, L., Berthon, P. 2013. Mobility at work: A typology of mobile communities of practice and contextual ambidexterity. In Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 3, No. 4 Kukulska-Hulme, A. 2010. Mobile Learning for Quality Education and Social Inclusion. Policy Brief published by UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education. Available at Kukulska-Hulme, A. and Traxler, J. 2013. Design Principles for Mobile Learning. In H. Beetham and R. Sharpe (eds.), Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age. Routledge, New York, USA. Mayer, R. E., 2009. Multimedia Learning. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA OECD (2015), PISA IN FOCUS 2015/01. Presky, M., 2010. Teaching Digital Natives. Partnering for Real Learning. Corwin A SAGE Company, Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA. Sharples, M., Taylor, J., & Vavoula, G. 2007. A Theory of Learning for the Mobile Age. In R. Andrews and C. Haythornthwaite (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Elearning Research. Sage, London, UK. Spilka, R. and Manenova , M. (2013). Screencasts as web-based learning method for math students on upper primary school, WSEAS Conference Proceedings, 4th Eu- ropean Conference of Computer Science, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 246–250. Traxler, J., 2007. Defining, Discussing, and Evaluating Mobile Learning: The moving fingerwrites and having writ… . In International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol. 8, No. 3 Wenger, E., 2008, Communities of Practice. Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA. WSEAS Conference Pro- ceedings, 13th International Conference on Education and Educational Technology, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 21–26.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Mauro Fıgueıredo This is me

Arif Solmaz This is me

José Rodrıgues This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 4


APA Fıgueıredo, M., Solmaz, A., & Rodrıgues, J. (2016). AN INTERACTIVE APP FOR STEM LEARNING IN MOBILE DEVICES. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 4, 465-470.