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Some Clinical, Haemotological and Biochemical Parameters in Horse with Colic Symptoms

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 87 - 91, 01.06.2006




  • Bradford PS, Magdesion KG, 2002. Alterations in alimentary and hepatic function. Bradford, P.S. (ed). Large Animal Internal Medicine, Third edition, Mosby Company, 108-111.
  • Bottoms GD, Fessler JF, Roesel OF, Moore AB, Frauenfelder HC, induced heamodynamic changes in ponies. Effects of flunixin meglumine. Am J Vet Res, 42 (9): 1514-1518. 1981. Endotoxin
  • Cohen ND, Gibbs PG, Woods AM, 1999. Dietary and other management factors associated with colic in horses. JAVMA, 215 (1): 53-60.
  • Cohen ND, Matejka PL, Honnas CM, Hooper RN, 1995. Case-control study of the association between various management factors and development of colic in horses. JAVMA, 206 (5): 667-673.
  • Goncalves S, Julliand V, Lebland A, 2002. Risk factors associated with colic in horses. Vet Res, 33: 641-652.
  • İmren HY, Şahal M, 1990. Veteriner İç Hasta- lıkları, Ankara, Aydoğdu Ofset Matbaacılık, 149-153.
  • Jones SL, Snyder JR, Spier SJ, 1998. Obstructive Conditions of Large Intestine. Reed SM, Bayly WM (eds), Equine Internal Medicine, Company. pp: 691. WB Saunders
  • Keen K, Coates-Markle L, 2005. Preventing and treating colic in your horse. Oregon State University Extension Service, 1474.
  • Mark TE, Andrew J D, Hodgson DR, Rose RJ, 2000. Alimentary System. Hodgson, D.R and Rose, J.S. (eds). Manual of Equine Practice, WB Saunders Company, pp: 291- 292, 295, 318, 453, 595.
  • Moore JN, 1985. Management of pain and shock in equine colic. Compend Contin Ed, 7: 169-177.
  • Muir WW, Robertson JT, 1985. Visceral analgesia: effects of xylazine, butorphanol, meperidine, and pentazocine in horses. Am J Vet Res, 46: 2081-2084.
  • Parry BW, Anderson GA, Gay CC, 1983. Prognosis in equine colic: a comparative study of variables used to assess individual cases. Equine Vet J, 15: 337-344.
  • Proudman CJ, 1992. A two year, prospective survey of equine colic in general practice. Equine Vet J, 24(2):90-93.
  • Pouteman-Reinert A, variables commonly used in examination of equine colic cases to assess prognostic value. Equine Vet J, 18: 275-277. 1986. Study of
  • Reeves MJ, 1996. What really causes colic in horses? Epidemiology’s role in elucidating the ultimate, multi-factorial disease, Equine Vet J, 29: 413-414.
  • Reeves MJ, Gay JM, Hilbert BJ, Morris RS, 1989. Association of age, sex and breed factors in acute equine colic: A retrospective study of 320 cases admitted to a veterinary teaching hospital in the USA, Prev Vet Med, 7:149-160.
  • Ryu SH, Bak UB, Lee CW, Lee YL, 2004. Cholelithiasis associated with recurrent colic in a Thoroughbred mare. J Vet Sci, 5 (1): 79-82.
  • Seaborn TL, Gaunt SD, Berry CBS, 1994. Blood Cell Deformability in Horses with intestinal Colic. Am J Vet Res, 55 (3): 321- 324.
  • Snyder JR, Spier SJ, 1990. Diseases of the Large Abdominal Pain. Smith BP, (ed). Large Animal Internal Medicine. St Louis, Mosby year book, pp: 694-703. with Acute
  • Thoefner MB, Ersboll AK, Jensen AL, Hesselhot M, 2001. Factor analysis of the interrelationships between clinical variables in horses with colic. Vet Med, 48: 201-214,
  • Tinker MK, White NA, Lessard P, Thatcher CD, Pelzer KD, Davis B, Carmel DK, 1997. Prospective Study of Equine Colic Risk Factors. Equine Vet J, 29: 448-453.
  • Turgut K, 1995. Veteriner Klinik Laboratuar Teşhis, Özel baskı, 502-510.
  • White NA, Lessard P, 1986. Risk factors and clinical signs associated with case of equine colic. Proc Am Ass Equine Practnrs, 23: 637- 643.
  • Yılmaz K, Otlu A, 1985. Evcil Hayvanların Hematoloji El Kitabı, Elazığ, 17-55. 1.Bradford PS, Magdesion KG, 2002.
  • Alterations in alimentary and hepatic function.
  • Bradford, P.S. (ed). Large Animal Internal
  • Medicine, Third edition, Mosby Company, 108-111.
  • Bottoms GD, Fessler JF, Roesel OF, Moore AB, Frauenfelder HC, induced heamodynamic changes in ponies. Effects of flunixin meglumine. Am J Vet Res, 42 (9): 1514-1518. 1981. Endotoxin
  • Cohen ND, Gibbs PG, Woods AM, 1999. Dietary and other management factors associated with colic in horses. JAVMA, 215 (1): 53-60.
  • Cohen ND, Matejka PL, Honnas CM, Hooper RN, 1995. Case-control study of the association between various management factors and development of colic in horses. JAVMA, 206 (5): 667-673.
  • Goncalves S, Julliand V, Lebland A, 2002. Risk factors associated with colic in horses. Vet Res, 33: 641-652.
  • İmren HY, Şahal M, 1990. Veteriner İç Hasta- lıkları, Ankara, Aydoğdu Ofset Matbaacılık, 149-153.
  • Jones SL, Snyder JR, Spier SJ, 1998. Obstructive Conditions of Large Intestine. Reed SM, Bayly WM (eds), Equine Internal Medicine, Company. pp: 691. WB Saunders
  • Keen K, Coates-Markle L, 2005. Preventing and treating colic in your horse. Oregon State University Extension Service, 1474.
  • Mark TE, Andrew J D, Hodgson DR, Rose RJ, 2000. Alimentary System. Hodgson, D.R and Rose, J.S. (eds). Manual of Equine Practice, WB Saunders Company, pp: 291- 292, 295, 318, 453, 595.
  • Moore JN, 1985. Management of pain and shock in equine colic. Compend Contin Ed, 7: 169-177.
  • Muir WW, Robertson JT, 1985. Visceral analgesia: effects of xylazine, butorphanol, meperidine, and pentazocine in horses. Am J Vet Res, 46: 2081-2084.
  • Parry BW, Anderson GA, Gay CC, 1983. Prognosis in equine colic: a comparative study of variables used to assess individual cases. Equine Vet J, 15: 337-344.
  • Proudman CJ, 1992. A two year, prospective survey of equine colic in general practice. Equine Vet J, 24(2):90-93.
  • Pouteman-Reinert A, variables commonly used in examination of equine colic cases to assess prognostic value. Equine Vet J, 18: 275-277. 1986. Study of
  • Reeves MJ, 1996. What really causes colic in horses? Epidemiology’s role in elucidating the ultimate, multi-factorial disease, Equine Vet J, 29: 413-414.
  • Reeves MJ, Gay JM, Hilbert BJ, Morris RS, 1989. Association of age, sex and breed factors in acute equine colic: A retrospective study of 320 cases admitted to a veterinary teaching hospital in the USA, Prev Vet Med, 7:149-160.
  • Ryu SH, Bak UB, Lee CW, Lee YL, 2004. Cholelithiasis associated with recurrent colic in a Thoroughbred mare. J Vet Sci, 5 (1): 79-82.
  • Seaborn TL, Gaunt SD, Berry CBS, 1994. Blood Cell Deformability in Horses with intestinal Colic. Am J Vet Res, 55 (3): 321- 324.
  • Snyder JR, Spier SJ, 1990. Diseases of the Large Abdominal Pain. Smith BP, (ed). Large Animal Internal Medicine. St Louis, Mosby year book, pp: 694-703. with Acute
  • Thoefner MB, Ersboll AK, Jensen AL, Hesselhot M, 2001. Factor analysis of the interrelationships between clinical variables in horses with colic. Vet Med, 48: 201-214,
  • Tinker MK, White NA, Lessard P, Thatcher CD, Pelzer KD, Davis B, Carmel DK, 1997. Prospective Study of Equine Colic Risk Factors. Equine Vet J, 29: 448-453.
  • Turgut K, 1995. Veteriner Klinik Laboratuar Teşhis, Özel baskı, 502-510.
  • White NA, Lessard P, 1986. Risk factors and clinical signs associated with case of equine colic. Proc Am Ass Equine Practnrs, 23: 637- 643.
  • Yılmaz K, Otlu A, 1985. Evcil Hayvanların Hematoloji El Kitabı, Elazığ, 17-55.

Sancı Semptomlu Atlarda Bazı Klinik, Hematolojik ve Biyokimyasal Parametreler

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 87 - 91, 01.06.2006


Bu çalışma, sekum konstipasyonu ve meteorismus intestini’li atlarda bazı klinik, hematolojik ve biyokimyasalparametrelerin nasıl değişim gösterdiğini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla akut sancı semptomlu 11 ve kontrol amacıyla da klinik olarak sağlıklı 10 adet İngiliz atı kullanılmıştır. Sancı semptomlu atlarla kontrol grubu arasındavücut ısısı, total lökosit ve eritrosit sayısı, aspartat amino transferaz (AST), alkalen fosfataz (ALP), laktat dehidrogenaz(LDH), gama glutamil transferaz (GGT), kreatinin ve albumin düzeyleri bakımından istatistiksel bir önem saptanmadı.Sancı semptomlu atlarda ortalama kalp frekansı (p


  • Bradford PS, Magdesion KG, 2002. Alterations in alimentary and hepatic function. Bradford, P.S. (ed). Large Animal Internal Medicine, Third edition, Mosby Company, 108-111.
  • Bottoms GD, Fessler JF, Roesel OF, Moore AB, Frauenfelder HC, induced heamodynamic changes in ponies. Effects of flunixin meglumine. Am J Vet Res, 42 (9): 1514-1518. 1981. Endotoxin
  • Cohen ND, Gibbs PG, Woods AM, 1999. Dietary and other management factors associated with colic in horses. JAVMA, 215 (1): 53-60.
  • Cohen ND, Matejka PL, Honnas CM, Hooper RN, 1995. Case-control study of the association between various management factors and development of colic in horses. JAVMA, 206 (5): 667-673.
  • Goncalves S, Julliand V, Lebland A, 2002. Risk factors associated with colic in horses. Vet Res, 33: 641-652.
  • İmren HY, Şahal M, 1990. Veteriner İç Hasta- lıkları, Ankara, Aydoğdu Ofset Matbaacılık, 149-153.
  • Jones SL, Snyder JR, Spier SJ, 1998. Obstructive Conditions of Large Intestine. Reed SM, Bayly WM (eds), Equine Internal Medicine, Company. pp: 691. WB Saunders
  • Keen K, Coates-Markle L, 2005. Preventing and treating colic in your horse. Oregon State University Extension Service, 1474.
  • Mark TE, Andrew J D, Hodgson DR, Rose RJ, 2000. Alimentary System. Hodgson, D.R and Rose, J.S. (eds). Manual of Equine Practice, WB Saunders Company, pp: 291- 292, 295, 318, 453, 595.
  • Moore JN, 1985. Management of pain and shock in equine colic. Compend Contin Ed, 7: 169-177.
  • Muir WW, Robertson JT, 1985. Visceral analgesia: effects of xylazine, butorphanol, meperidine, and pentazocine in horses. Am J Vet Res, 46: 2081-2084.
  • Parry BW, Anderson GA, Gay CC, 1983. Prognosis in equine colic: a comparative study of variables used to assess individual cases. Equine Vet J, 15: 337-344.
  • Proudman CJ, 1992. A two year, prospective survey of equine colic in general practice. Equine Vet J, 24(2):90-93.
  • Pouteman-Reinert A, variables commonly used in examination of equine colic cases to assess prognostic value. Equine Vet J, 18: 275-277. 1986. Study of
  • Reeves MJ, 1996. What really causes colic in horses? Epidemiology’s role in elucidating the ultimate, multi-factorial disease, Equine Vet J, 29: 413-414.
  • Reeves MJ, Gay JM, Hilbert BJ, Morris RS, 1989. Association of age, sex and breed factors in acute equine colic: A retrospective study of 320 cases admitted to a veterinary teaching hospital in the USA, Prev Vet Med, 7:149-160.
  • Ryu SH, Bak UB, Lee CW, Lee YL, 2004. Cholelithiasis associated with recurrent colic in a Thoroughbred mare. J Vet Sci, 5 (1): 79-82.
  • Seaborn TL, Gaunt SD, Berry CBS, 1994. Blood Cell Deformability in Horses with intestinal Colic. Am J Vet Res, 55 (3): 321- 324.
  • Snyder JR, Spier SJ, 1990. Diseases of the Large Abdominal Pain. Smith BP, (ed). Large Animal Internal Medicine. St Louis, Mosby year book, pp: 694-703. with Acute
  • Thoefner MB, Ersboll AK, Jensen AL, Hesselhot M, 2001. Factor analysis of the interrelationships between clinical variables in horses with colic. Vet Med, 48: 201-214,
  • Tinker MK, White NA, Lessard P, Thatcher CD, Pelzer KD, Davis B, Carmel DK, 1997. Prospective Study of Equine Colic Risk Factors. Equine Vet J, 29: 448-453.
  • Turgut K, 1995. Veteriner Klinik Laboratuar Teşhis, Özel baskı, 502-510.
  • White NA, Lessard P, 1986. Risk factors and clinical signs associated with case of equine colic. Proc Am Ass Equine Practnrs, 23: 637- 643.
  • Yılmaz K, Otlu A, 1985. Evcil Hayvanların Hematoloji El Kitabı, Elazığ, 17-55. 1.Bradford PS, Magdesion KG, 2002.
  • Alterations in alimentary and hepatic function.
  • Bradford, P.S. (ed). Large Animal Internal
  • Medicine, Third edition, Mosby Company, 108-111.
  • Bottoms GD, Fessler JF, Roesel OF, Moore AB, Frauenfelder HC, induced heamodynamic changes in ponies. Effects of flunixin meglumine. Am J Vet Res, 42 (9): 1514-1518. 1981. Endotoxin
  • Cohen ND, Gibbs PG, Woods AM, 1999. Dietary and other management factors associated with colic in horses. JAVMA, 215 (1): 53-60.
  • Cohen ND, Matejka PL, Honnas CM, Hooper RN, 1995. Case-control study of the association between various management factors and development of colic in horses. JAVMA, 206 (5): 667-673.
  • Goncalves S, Julliand V, Lebland A, 2002. Risk factors associated with colic in horses. Vet Res, 33: 641-652.
  • İmren HY, Şahal M, 1990. Veteriner İç Hasta- lıkları, Ankara, Aydoğdu Ofset Matbaacılık, 149-153.
  • Jones SL, Snyder JR, Spier SJ, 1998. Obstructive Conditions of Large Intestine. Reed SM, Bayly WM (eds), Equine Internal Medicine, Company. pp: 691. WB Saunders
  • Keen K, Coates-Markle L, 2005. Preventing and treating colic in your horse. Oregon State University Extension Service, 1474.
  • Mark TE, Andrew J D, Hodgson DR, Rose RJ, 2000. Alimentary System. Hodgson, D.R and Rose, J.S. (eds). Manual of Equine Practice, WB Saunders Company, pp: 291- 292, 295, 318, 453, 595.
  • Moore JN, 1985. Management of pain and shock in equine colic. Compend Contin Ed, 7: 169-177.
  • Muir WW, Robertson JT, 1985. Visceral analgesia: effects of xylazine, butorphanol, meperidine, and pentazocine in horses. Am J Vet Res, 46: 2081-2084.
  • Parry BW, Anderson GA, Gay CC, 1983. Prognosis in equine colic: a comparative study of variables used to assess individual cases. Equine Vet J, 15: 337-344.
  • Proudman CJ, 1992. A two year, prospective survey of equine colic in general practice. Equine Vet J, 24(2):90-93.
  • Pouteman-Reinert A, variables commonly used in examination of equine colic cases to assess prognostic value. Equine Vet J, 18: 275-277. 1986. Study of
  • Reeves MJ, 1996. What really causes colic in horses? Epidemiology’s role in elucidating the ultimate, multi-factorial disease, Equine Vet J, 29: 413-414.
  • Reeves MJ, Gay JM, Hilbert BJ, Morris RS, 1989. Association of age, sex and breed factors in acute equine colic: A retrospective study of 320 cases admitted to a veterinary teaching hospital in the USA, Prev Vet Med, 7:149-160.
  • Ryu SH, Bak UB, Lee CW, Lee YL, 2004. Cholelithiasis associated with recurrent colic in a Thoroughbred mare. J Vet Sci, 5 (1): 79-82.
  • Seaborn TL, Gaunt SD, Berry CBS, 1994. Blood Cell Deformability in Horses with intestinal Colic. Am J Vet Res, 55 (3): 321- 324.
  • Snyder JR, Spier SJ, 1990. Diseases of the Large Abdominal Pain. Smith BP, (ed). Large Animal Internal Medicine. St Louis, Mosby year book, pp: 694-703. with Acute
  • Thoefner MB, Ersboll AK, Jensen AL, Hesselhot M, 2001. Factor analysis of the interrelationships between clinical variables in horses with colic. Vet Med, 48: 201-214,
  • Tinker MK, White NA, Lessard P, Thatcher CD, Pelzer KD, Davis B, Carmel DK, 1997. Prospective Study of Equine Colic Risk Factors. Equine Vet J, 29: 448-453.
  • Turgut K, 1995. Veteriner Klinik Laboratuar Teşhis, Özel baskı, 502-510.
  • White NA, Lessard P, 1986. Risk factors and clinical signs associated with case of equine colic. Proc Am Ass Equine Practnrs, 23: 637- 643.
  • Yılmaz K, Otlu A, 1985. Evcil Hayvanların Hematoloji El Kitabı, Elazığ, 17-55.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ö. Kızıl This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Submission Date June 24, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Kızıl, Ö. (2006). Sancı Semptomlu Atlarda Bazı Klinik, Hematolojik ve Biyokimyasal Parametreler. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 87-91.
AMA Kızıl Ö. Sancı Semptomlu Atlarda Bazı Klinik, Hematolojik ve Biyokimyasal Parametreler. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. June 2006;3(2):87-91.
Chicago Kızıl, Ö. “Sancı Semptomlu Atlarda Bazı Klinik, Hematolojik Ve Biyokimyasal Parametreler”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 3, no. 2 (June 2006): 87-91.
EndNote Kızıl Ö (June 1, 2006) Sancı Semptomlu Atlarda Bazı Klinik, Hematolojik ve Biyokimyasal Parametreler. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 3 2 87–91.
IEEE Ö. Kızıl, “Sancı Semptomlu Atlarda Bazı Klinik, Hematolojik ve Biyokimyasal Parametreler”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 87–91, 2006.
ISNAD Kızıl, Ö. “Sancı Semptomlu Atlarda Bazı Klinik, Hematolojik Ve Biyokimyasal Parametreler”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 3/2 (June 2006), 87-91.
JAMA Kızıl Ö. Sancı Semptomlu Atlarda Bazı Klinik, Hematolojik ve Biyokimyasal Parametreler. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2006;3:87–91.
MLA Kızıl, Ö. “Sancı Semptomlu Atlarda Bazı Klinik, Hematolojik Ve Biyokimyasal Parametreler”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 2, 2006, pp. 87-91.
Vancouver Kızıl Ö. Sancı Semptomlu Atlarda Bazı Klinik, Hematolojik ve Biyokimyasal Parametreler. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2006;3(2):87-91.