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Force Molting Methods in Laying Hens

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 111 - 115, 01.06.2006




  • Arrington LR, Santa Cruz RA, Harms RH, Wilson HR, 1967. Effects of excess dietary iodine upon pullets and laying hens. J Nutr, 92: 325-330.
  • Baker M, 1981. The relationship between adipose dysfunction in Gallus domesticus. Auburn University, Auburn, AL. and reproductive
  • Baker M, Brake J, 1981. Relationship of body weight loss during a forced molt of commercial layers to optimum postmolt performance. Highlights Agric Res, 28:16
  • Berry WD, 2003. The physiology of induced molting. Poult Sci, 82: 971-980. 5. Berry WD, Brake J, 1987. Postmolt performance of laying hens molted by high dietary zinc, low dietary sodium and fasting: egg production and egg shell quality. Poult Sci, 66: 218-226.
  • Brake J, 1993. Recent advances in induced molting. Poult Sci, 72: 929-931.
  • Brake J, Carey JB, 1983. Induced molt of commercial layers. Poult Sci Technol Guide No. 10. Raleigh, NC.
  • Brake J, Thaxton P, 1979. Physiological changes in caged layers during a forced molt. 1. Body temperature and selected blood constituents. Poult Sci, 58: 699-706.
  • Brake J, Thaxton P, 1982. Comparative effect of photoperiod modification and/or fasting with a short period without water on physiological and performance parameters associated with molt in SCWL hens. Poult Sci, 61: 1382.
  • Breeding SW, Brake J, Garlich JD, Johnson AL, 1992. Molt induced by dietary zinc in a low-calcium diet. Poult Sci, 71: 168-180.
  • Carter TA, Ward JB, 1981. Limited and full feeding of layers during the non-laying period of a molting cycle. Poult Sci, 60: 1635.
  • Cunningham DL, McCormick CC, 1985. A multicycle comparison of dietary zinc and feed removal molting procedures: Production and income performance. Poult Sci, 64: 253-260.
  • Douglas CR, Harms RH, Wilson HR, 1972. The use of extremely low dietary calcium to alter to production pattern of laying hens. Poult Sci, 51: 2015-2020.
  • Gilbert AB, Blair R, 1975. A comparison of the effects of two low-calcium diets on egg production in the domestic fowl. Br Poult Sci, 16: 547-552.
  • Ibrahim MA, 1998. Induced moulting: Part 1. Poultry International, 37: 28-29.
  • Johnson AL, Brake J, 1992. Zinc-induced molt: Evidence for a direct inhibitory effect on granulosa cell steroidogenesis. Poult Sci, 71: 161-167.
  • Lee K, 1982. Effects of forced molt period on postmolt performance of Leghorn hens. Poult Sci, 61: 1594-1598.
  • Martin GA, Morris TB, Gehle MH, Harwood DG, 1973. Force molting by limiting calcium intake. Poult Sci: 52: 2058.
  • McDaniel BA, Aske DR, 2000. Egg prices, feed costs and the decision to molt. Poult Sci, 79: 1241-1245.
  • Naber EC, Latshaw JD, Marsh GA, 1984. Effectiveness of low sodium diets for recycling of egg production type hens. Poult Sci, 63: 2419-2429.
  • Oguike MA, Igboeli G, Ibe SN, Ironkwe MO, 2005. Physiological and endocrinological mechanism associated with ovulatory cycle and induced-moulting in the domestic chicken. World’s Poult Sci J, 61: 625-632.
  • Oguike MA, Igboeli G, Ibe SN, Uzoukwu M, 2004. Effect of day length and feed/water regime on induction of feather moult and subsequent domestic fowl. Int J Poult Sci, 3: 507-512. performance of the
  • Öğün S, Aksoy T, 1991. Değişik tüy değiştir- me yöntemlerinin ikinci verim yılında yumurta verimi ve kalitesine etkileri. Doğa Türk Vet Hayv Derg, 15: 338-348.
  • Petek M, 2001. Değişik zorlamalı tüy dökümü programlarının ticari yumurtacı tavuklarda başlıca verimler üzerine etkisi. J Fac Vet Med, 20: 39-44.
  • Robinson D, Wilson GC, Barrom KM, 1992. Multiple short management schedule for laying flocks. 19. World’s Netherlands. on alternative Poultry Congress, Amsterdam,
  • Rolon A, Buhr RJ, Cunningham DL, 1993. Twenty four hour feed withdrawal and limited feeding as alternative methods for induction of molt in laying hens. Poult Sci, 72: 776-785.
  • Ross E, Herrick RB, 1981. Forced rest induced by molt or low salt diet and subsequent hen performance. Poult Sci, 60: 63-67.
  • Ruszler PL, 1998. Health and husbandry considerations of induced molting. Poult Sci, 77: 1789-1793.
  • Şenköylü N, 1995. Modern Tavuk Üretimi. Anadolu Matbaası. İstanbul, pp. 247-251.
  • Uyanık F, Mengi A, 1993. Zorlamalı Tüy de- ğiştirmenin yumurta tavuklarında serum Ga- ma- GT, GOT, GPT, albumin ve globulin dü- zeylerine etkisi. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 19: 245-256.
  • Webster AB, 2003. Physiology and behavior of the hen during induced molt. Poult Sci, 82: 992-1002.
  • Yetişir R, Sarıca M, 2004. Yumurta tavuğu yetiştiriciliği. Türkoğlu M, Sarıca M. eds. Ta- vukçuluk Bilimi. Ankara, Bey-ofset Matbacılık, pp. 321-324.
  • Brake J, 1993. Recent advances in induced
  • molting. Poult Sci, 72: 929-931.
  • Brake J, Carey JB, 1983. Induced molt of
  • commercial layers. Poult Sci Technol Guide
  • No. 10. Raleigh, NC.
  • Brake J, Thaxton P, 1979. Physiological
  • changes in caged layers during a forced molt.
  • Body temperature and selected blood
  • constituents. Poult Sci, 58: 699-706.
  • Brake J, Thaxton P, 1982. Comparative effect
  • of photoperiod modification and/or fasting with
  • a short period without water on physiological and performance parameters associated with molt in SCWL hens. Poult Sci, 61: 1382.
  • Breeding SW, Brake J, Garlich JD, Johnson AL, 1992. Molt induced by dietary zinc in a low-calcium diet. Poult Sci, 71: 168-180.
  • Carter TA, Ward JB, 1981. Limited and full feeding of layers during the non-laying period of a molting cycle. Poult Sci, 60: 1635.
  • Cunningham DL, McCormick CC, 1985. A multicycle comparison of dietary zinc and feed removal molting procedures: Production and income performance. Poult Sci, 64: 253-260.
  • Douglas CR, Harms RH, Wilson HR, 1972. The use of extremely low dietary calcium to alter to production pattern of laying hens. Poult Sci, 51: 2015-2020.
  • Gilbert AB, Blair R, 1975. A comparison of the effects of two low-calcium diets on egg production in the domestic fowl. Br Poult Sci, 16: 547-552.
  • Ibrahim MA, 1998. Induced moulting: Part 1. Poultry International, 37: 28-29.
  • Johnson AL, Brake J, 1992. Zinc-induced molt: Evidence for a direct inhibitory effect on granulosa cell steroidogenesis. Poult Sci, 71: 161-167.
  • Lee K, 1982. Effects of forced molt period on postmolt performance of Leghorn hens. Poult Sci, 61: 1594-1598.
  • Martin GA, Morris TB, Gehle MH, Harwood DG, 1973. Force molting by limiting calcium intake. Poult Sci: 52: 2058.
  • McDaniel BA, Aske DR, 2000. Egg prices, feed costs and the decision to molt. Poult Sci, 79: 1241-1245.
  • Naber EC, Latshaw JD, Marsh GA, 1984. Effectiveness of low sodium diets for recycling of egg production type hens. Poult Sci, 63: 2419-2429.
  • Oguike MA, Igboeli G, Ibe SN, Ironkwe MO, 2005. Physiological and endocrinological mechanism associated with ovulatory cycle and induced-moulting in the domestic chicken. World’s Poult Sci J, 61: 625-632.
  • Oguike MA, Igboeli G, Ibe SN, Uzoukwu M, 2004. Effect of day length and feed/water regime on induction of feather moult and subsequent domestic fowl. Int J Poult Sci, 3: 507-512. performance of the
  • Öğün S, Aksoy T, 1991. Değişik tüy değiştir- me yöntemlerinin ikinci verim yılında yumurta verimi ve kalitesine etkileri. Doğa Türk Vet Hayv Derg, 15: 338-348.
  • Petek M, 2001. Değişik zorlamalı tüy dökümü programlarının ticari yumurtacı tavuklarda başlıca verimler üzerine etkisi. J Fac Vet Med, 20: 39-44.
  • Robinson D, Wilson GC, Barrom KM, 1992. Multiple short management schedule for laying flocks. 19. World’s Netherlands. on alternative Poultry Congress, Amsterdam,
  • Rolon A, Buhr RJ, Cunningham DL, 1993. Twenty four hour feed withdrawal and limited feeding as alternative methods for induction of molt in laying hens. Poult Sci, 72: 776-785.
  • Ross E, Herrick RB, 1981. Forced rest induced by molt or low salt diet and subsequent hen performance. Poult Sci, 60: 63-67.
  • Ruszler PL, 1998. Health and husbandry considerations of induced molting. Poult Sci, 77: 1789-1793.
  • Şenköylü N, 1995. Modern Tavuk Üretimi. Anadolu Matbaası. İstanbul, pp. 247-251.
  • Uyanık F, Mengi A, 1993. Zorlamalı Tüy de- ğiştirmenin yumurta tavuklarında serum Ga- ma- GT, GOT, GPT, albumin ve globulin dü- zeylerine etkisi. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 19: 245-256.
  • Webster AB, 2003. Physiology and behavior of the hen during induced molt. Poult Sci, 82: 992-1002.
  • Yetişir R, Sarıca M, 2004. Yumurta tavuğu yetiştiriciliği. Türkoğlu M, Sarıca M. eds. Ta- vukçuluk Bilimi. Ankara, Bey-ofset Matbacılık, pp. 321-324.

Yumurta Tavuklarında Zorlamalı Tüy Döküm Yöntemleri

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 111 - 115, 01.06.2006


Yumurtacı tavuklarda yumurtlama döneminin sonunda yumurta verimi ve kalitesi önemli derecede azaldığındanbazı üreticiler verimi artırmak ve eldeki sürüden bir dönem daha ekonomik olarak yararlanmak için sürüyü zorlamalı tüydökümüne sokarlar. Tüy dökümünü sağlayan pek çok yöntem vardır. Bunlar yemin uzaklaştırılması, suyun uzaklaştırılması, ışık süresinin azaltılması, düşük düzeyde kalsiyum yada düşük düzeyde sodyumla, yüksek düzeyde çinko yadaiyot ile yemleme, dane arpa veya yulaf kullanılması ve bazı ilaç-hormonların verilmesidir. İkinci yumurtlama dönemindeyumurta büyüklüğü, kabuk kalitesi ve iç kalite tüy dökümü öncesindeki döneme göre artmaktadır


  • Arrington LR, Santa Cruz RA, Harms RH, Wilson HR, 1967. Effects of excess dietary iodine upon pullets and laying hens. J Nutr, 92: 325-330.
  • Baker M, 1981. The relationship between adipose dysfunction in Gallus domesticus. Auburn University, Auburn, AL. and reproductive
  • Baker M, Brake J, 1981. Relationship of body weight loss during a forced molt of commercial layers to optimum postmolt performance. Highlights Agric Res, 28:16
  • Berry WD, 2003. The physiology of induced molting. Poult Sci, 82: 971-980. 5. Berry WD, Brake J, 1987. Postmolt performance of laying hens molted by high dietary zinc, low dietary sodium and fasting: egg production and egg shell quality. Poult Sci, 66: 218-226.
  • Brake J, 1993. Recent advances in induced molting. Poult Sci, 72: 929-931.
  • Brake J, Carey JB, 1983. Induced molt of commercial layers. Poult Sci Technol Guide No. 10. Raleigh, NC.
  • Brake J, Thaxton P, 1979. Physiological changes in caged layers during a forced molt. 1. Body temperature and selected blood constituents. Poult Sci, 58: 699-706.
  • Brake J, Thaxton P, 1982. Comparative effect of photoperiod modification and/or fasting with a short period without water on physiological and performance parameters associated with molt in SCWL hens. Poult Sci, 61: 1382.
  • Breeding SW, Brake J, Garlich JD, Johnson AL, 1992. Molt induced by dietary zinc in a low-calcium diet. Poult Sci, 71: 168-180.
  • Carter TA, Ward JB, 1981. Limited and full feeding of layers during the non-laying period of a molting cycle. Poult Sci, 60: 1635.
  • Cunningham DL, McCormick CC, 1985. A multicycle comparison of dietary zinc and feed removal molting procedures: Production and income performance. Poult Sci, 64: 253-260.
  • Douglas CR, Harms RH, Wilson HR, 1972. The use of extremely low dietary calcium to alter to production pattern of laying hens. Poult Sci, 51: 2015-2020.
  • Gilbert AB, Blair R, 1975. A comparison of the effects of two low-calcium diets on egg production in the domestic fowl. Br Poult Sci, 16: 547-552.
  • Ibrahim MA, 1998. Induced moulting: Part 1. Poultry International, 37: 28-29.
  • Johnson AL, Brake J, 1992. Zinc-induced molt: Evidence for a direct inhibitory effect on granulosa cell steroidogenesis. Poult Sci, 71: 161-167.
  • Lee K, 1982. Effects of forced molt period on postmolt performance of Leghorn hens. Poult Sci, 61: 1594-1598.
  • Martin GA, Morris TB, Gehle MH, Harwood DG, 1973. Force molting by limiting calcium intake. Poult Sci: 52: 2058.
  • McDaniel BA, Aske DR, 2000. Egg prices, feed costs and the decision to molt. Poult Sci, 79: 1241-1245.
  • Naber EC, Latshaw JD, Marsh GA, 1984. Effectiveness of low sodium diets for recycling of egg production type hens. Poult Sci, 63: 2419-2429.
  • Oguike MA, Igboeli G, Ibe SN, Ironkwe MO, 2005. Physiological and endocrinological mechanism associated with ovulatory cycle and induced-moulting in the domestic chicken. World’s Poult Sci J, 61: 625-632.
  • Oguike MA, Igboeli G, Ibe SN, Uzoukwu M, 2004. Effect of day length and feed/water regime on induction of feather moult and subsequent domestic fowl. Int J Poult Sci, 3: 507-512. performance of the
  • Öğün S, Aksoy T, 1991. Değişik tüy değiştir- me yöntemlerinin ikinci verim yılında yumurta verimi ve kalitesine etkileri. Doğa Türk Vet Hayv Derg, 15: 338-348.
  • Petek M, 2001. Değişik zorlamalı tüy dökümü programlarının ticari yumurtacı tavuklarda başlıca verimler üzerine etkisi. J Fac Vet Med, 20: 39-44.
  • Robinson D, Wilson GC, Barrom KM, 1992. Multiple short management schedule for laying flocks. 19. World’s Netherlands. on alternative Poultry Congress, Amsterdam,
  • Rolon A, Buhr RJ, Cunningham DL, 1993. Twenty four hour feed withdrawal and limited feeding as alternative methods for induction of molt in laying hens. Poult Sci, 72: 776-785.
  • Ross E, Herrick RB, 1981. Forced rest induced by molt or low salt diet and subsequent hen performance. Poult Sci, 60: 63-67.
  • Ruszler PL, 1998. Health and husbandry considerations of induced molting. Poult Sci, 77: 1789-1793.
  • Şenköylü N, 1995. Modern Tavuk Üretimi. Anadolu Matbaası. İstanbul, pp. 247-251.
  • Uyanık F, Mengi A, 1993. Zorlamalı Tüy de- ğiştirmenin yumurta tavuklarında serum Ga- ma- GT, GOT, GPT, albumin ve globulin dü- zeylerine etkisi. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 19: 245-256.
  • Webster AB, 2003. Physiology and behavior of the hen during induced molt. Poult Sci, 82: 992-1002.
  • Yetişir R, Sarıca M, 2004. Yumurta tavuğu yetiştiriciliği. Türkoğlu M, Sarıca M. eds. Ta- vukçuluk Bilimi. Ankara, Bey-ofset Matbacılık, pp. 321-324.
  • Brake J, 1993. Recent advances in induced
  • molting. Poult Sci, 72: 929-931.
  • Brake J, Carey JB, 1983. Induced molt of
  • commercial layers. Poult Sci Technol Guide
  • No. 10. Raleigh, NC.
  • Brake J, Thaxton P, 1979. Physiological
  • changes in caged layers during a forced molt.
  • Body temperature and selected blood
  • constituents. Poult Sci, 58: 699-706.
  • Brake J, Thaxton P, 1982. Comparative effect
  • of photoperiod modification and/or fasting with
  • a short period without water on physiological and performance parameters associated with molt in SCWL hens. Poult Sci, 61: 1382.
  • Breeding SW, Brake J, Garlich JD, Johnson AL, 1992. Molt induced by dietary zinc in a low-calcium diet. Poult Sci, 71: 168-180.
  • Carter TA, Ward JB, 1981. Limited and full feeding of layers during the non-laying period of a molting cycle. Poult Sci, 60: 1635.
  • Cunningham DL, McCormick CC, 1985. A multicycle comparison of dietary zinc and feed removal molting procedures: Production and income performance. Poult Sci, 64: 253-260.
  • Douglas CR, Harms RH, Wilson HR, 1972. The use of extremely low dietary calcium to alter to production pattern of laying hens. Poult Sci, 51: 2015-2020.
  • Gilbert AB, Blair R, 1975. A comparison of the effects of two low-calcium diets on egg production in the domestic fowl. Br Poult Sci, 16: 547-552.
  • Ibrahim MA, 1998. Induced moulting: Part 1. Poultry International, 37: 28-29.
  • Johnson AL, Brake J, 1992. Zinc-induced molt: Evidence for a direct inhibitory effect on granulosa cell steroidogenesis. Poult Sci, 71: 161-167.
  • Lee K, 1982. Effects of forced molt period on postmolt performance of Leghorn hens. Poult Sci, 61: 1594-1598.
  • Martin GA, Morris TB, Gehle MH, Harwood DG, 1973. Force molting by limiting calcium intake. Poult Sci: 52: 2058.
  • McDaniel BA, Aske DR, 2000. Egg prices, feed costs and the decision to molt. Poult Sci, 79: 1241-1245.
  • Naber EC, Latshaw JD, Marsh GA, 1984. Effectiveness of low sodium diets for recycling of egg production type hens. Poult Sci, 63: 2419-2429.
  • Oguike MA, Igboeli G, Ibe SN, Ironkwe MO, 2005. Physiological and endocrinological mechanism associated with ovulatory cycle and induced-moulting in the domestic chicken. World’s Poult Sci J, 61: 625-632.
  • Oguike MA, Igboeli G, Ibe SN, Uzoukwu M, 2004. Effect of day length and feed/water regime on induction of feather moult and subsequent domestic fowl. Int J Poult Sci, 3: 507-512. performance of the
  • Öğün S, Aksoy T, 1991. Değişik tüy değiştir- me yöntemlerinin ikinci verim yılında yumurta verimi ve kalitesine etkileri. Doğa Türk Vet Hayv Derg, 15: 338-348.
  • Petek M, 2001. Değişik zorlamalı tüy dökümü programlarının ticari yumurtacı tavuklarda başlıca verimler üzerine etkisi. J Fac Vet Med, 20: 39-44.
  • Robinson D, Wilson GC, Barrom KM, 1992. Multiple short management schedule for laying flocks. 19. World’s Netherlands. on alternative Poultry Congress, Amsterdam,
  • Rolon A, Buhr RJ, Cunningham DL, 1993. Twenty four hour feed withdrawal and limited feeding as alternative methods for induction of molt in laying hens. Poult Sci, 72: 776-785.
  • Ross E, Herrick RB, 1981. Forced rest induced by molt or low salt diet and subsequent hen performance. Poult Sci, 60: 63-67.
  • Ruszler PL, 1998. Health and husbandry considerations of induced molting. Poult Sci, 77: 1789-1793.
  • Şenköylü N, 1995. Modern Tavuk Üretimi. Anadolu Matbaası. İstanbul, pp. 247-251.
  • Uyanık F, Mengi A, 1993. Zorlamalı Tüy de- ğiştirmenin yumurta tavuklarında serum Ga- ma- GT, GOT, GPT, albumin ve globulin dü- zeylerine etkisi. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 19: 245-256.
  • Webster AB, 2003. Physiology and behavior of the hen during induced molt. Poult Sci, 82: 992-1002.
  • Yetişir R, Sarıca M, 2004. Yumurta tavuğu yetiştiriciliği. Türkoğlu M, Sarıca M. eds. Ta- vukçuluk Bilimi. Ankara, Bey-ofset Matbacılık, pp. 321-324.
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

E. E. Onbaşılar This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Submission Date June 24, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Onbaşılar, E. E. (2006). Yumurta Tavuklarında Zorlamalı Tüy Döküm Yöntemleri. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 111-115.
AMA Onbaşılar EE. Yumurta Tavuklarında Zorlamalı Tüy Döküm Yöntemleri. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. June 2006;3(2):111-115.
Chicago Onbaşılar, E. E. “Yumurta Tavuklarında Zorlamalı Tüy Döküm Yöntemleri”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 3, no. 2 (June 2006): 111-15.
EndNote Onbaşılar EE (June 1, 2006) Yumurta Tavuklarında Zorlamalı Tüy Döküm Yöntemleri. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 3 2 111–115.
IEEE E. E. Onbaşılar, “Yumurta Tavuklarında Zorlamalı Tüy Döküm Yöntemleri”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 111–115, 2006.
ISNAD Onbaşılar, E. E. “Yumurta Tavuklarında Zorlamalı Tüy Döküm Yöntemleri”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 3/2 (June 2006), 111-115.
JAMA Onbaşılar EE. Yumurta Tavuklarında Zorlamalı Tüy Döküm Yöntemleri. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2006;3:111–115.
MLA Onbaşılar, E. E. “Yumurta Tavuklarında Zorlamalı Tüy Döküm Yöntemleri”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 2, 2006, pp. 111-5.
Vancouver Onbaşılar EE. Yumurta Tavuklarında Zorlamalı Tüy Döküm Yöntemleri. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2006;3(2):111-5.