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Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi ile Tekstil Sanayi Atıksuyunun Arıtımı Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Process

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 29 - 37, 01.02.2012


Elektrokoagülasyon (EC) prosesi, kimyasal koagülasyon prosesine göre sağladığı bazı avantajlar nedeniyle tercih edilen bir proses haline gelmiştir. Elektrokoagülasyon prosesi bu nedenle farklı özellikteki atıksuların arıtımında yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, bir tekstil sanayi atıksuyunun Elektrokoagülasyon prosesi ile arıtılabilirliliği incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla monopolar parelel bağlı alüminyum elektrotlarının kullanıldığı, elektrokoagülasyon prosesinin performansı araştırılmıştır. Elektrokoagülasyon prosesinde; toplam organik karbon (TOC), kimyasal oksijen ihtiyacı (KOI), renk ve bulanıklık giderim verimi üzerine; başlangıç pH, akım yoğunluğu ve elektroliz süresinin etkisi incelenmiştir. Yapılan deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda elde edilen veriler değerlendirilerek EC prosesinin optimum koşulları belirlenmiştir. Bu koşullar; başlangıç pH:3, akım yoğunluğu 100 A/m2 ve elektroliz süresi 20 dk olarak bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlar neticesinde TOK, KOİ, renk ve bulanıklık giderme verimleri sırasıyla, %82,6-%72,5- %97,7 ve %98,7’dir. Ayrıca yapılan çalışmada KOİ parametresi açısından, arıtılmış suyun Su Kirliliği Kontrol Yönetmeliği’nde belirtilen deşarj limit değerini sağladığı görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak tekstil sanayi atıksuyunun arıtımında EC prosesinin etkili bir yöntem olduğu ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Lin, S.H. and Lin, C.H. Treatment of textile Wastewater by Ozonation and Chemical Coagulation, Water Resource., 27:1743-1748, (1993).
  • Ince, N.H. and Tezcanli, G. Treability of textile Dye-bath Effulents by Advanced Oxidation: Preparation for Reuse. Water Resource., 40: 183-190, (1999).
  • Vlyssides, A.G., Papaioannous, D., Loizidoy, M., Karlis, P.K., Zorpas, A.A.. Testing an Electrochemical Method for Treatment of Textile Dye Wastewater., Waste Management 20:569–574, (2000).
  • Szpyrkowicz, L., Juzzolino, C., Kaul, S.N. A Comparative Study on Oxidation of Disperse Dyes by Electrochemical Process, Ozone, Hypochlorite and Fenton Reagent, Water Resource., 35: 2129-2136, (2001).
  • Kobya, M., Can, O.T., Bayramoglu, M. Treatment of Textile Wastewaters by Electrocoagulation Using Iron and Aluminum Electrodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, B100: 163-178, (2003).
  • Can, O.T. Kobya, M. Demirbas, E. Bayramoglu, M. Teratment of The Textile Wastewater by Combined Electrocoagulation, Chemosphere, 62: 181-187, (2006).
  • Slokar, Y.M., and Marechal, A.M.L., Methods of Decoloration of Textile Wastewaters. Dye Pigment, 37: 335-356, (1998).
  • Koch, M., Yediler, A., Lienert, D., Insel, G., Kettrup, A., Ozonation of Hydrolyzed Azo Dye Reactive Yellow 84(CI), Chemosphere, 46: 109-113, (2002).
  • Shu, H.Y., and Huang, C.R., Ultraviolet Enhanced Oxidation for Color Removal of Azo Dye Wastewater, American Dyestuff Reporter, 30-34, (1995).
  • Namboodri, C.G., and Walsh, W.K., Ultraviolet Ligth/Hidrogen Peroxide System for Decolorizing Spent Reactive Dyebath Wastewater, American Dyestuff Reporter, 15:32-45, (1996).
  • Arıcı, Y., Tekstil Endüstrisinde Reaktif Boyar Maddelerden Kaynaklanan Rengin Fenton Prosesi ile Giderilmesi, Yük. Lisans Tezi, İTÜ Çevre Müh. Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, (2000).
  • Kulunk, A., Tekstil Endüstrisinde Asit Boyar Maddelerden Kaynaklanan Rengin Fenton Prosesi ile Giderilmesi, Yük. Lisans Tezi, İTÜ Çevre Müh. Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, (2000).
  • Robinson, T., McMullan, G., Marchant, R., Nigam, P., Remediation of Dyes in Textile Effulent: Critial Review on Current Treatment Technologies with A Proposed Alternative, Bioresource Technol, 77:247-255, (2001).
  • Kennedy, M.T., Morgan, J.M., Benefield, L.K., McFadden, A.F., Color Removal from Textile Dye Wastewater; A Case Study, in: Proceesings of the 47th. Ind. Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN, Lewis Pub. Chelsea, M.F, 727-741, (1993).
  • Shaw, C.B., Carliell, C.M., Wheatly, A.D., Anaerobic/aerobic Treatment of Coloured Textile Effulents Using Sequencing Batch Reactors, Water Resource, 36: 1193-2001, (2002).
  • Vandevivere, P.C., Bianchi, R., Verstraete, W., Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater from The Textile Wet-Processing Industry: Review of Emerging Technologies, Journal Chem. Technol. Biotechnol, 72: 289-302, (1998).
  • Robinson, T., Chandran, B., Nigem, P., Removal of Dyes from A Synthetic Textile Dye Effluent by Biosorption on Apple Pamace and Wheat Straw, Water Resource., 36: 2824-2830, (2002).
  • Pala, A., Tokat, E., Color Removal from Cotton Textile Industy Wastewater In An Activated Sludge System With Various Additives, Water Resource, 36: 2920-2925, (2002).
  • Hung-Yee, S., Ching-Rong, H., Degradation of Commerical Azo Dyes In Water Using Ozonation and UV Enhanced Ozonation Process, Chemosphere, 31: 3813-3825, (1995). 20. Kang, S.F., Chang, H.M., Coagulation of Textile Secondary Effulents with Fenton’s Reagent, Water Resource, 36:(12) 215-222, (1997).
  • Kang, S.F., Liao, C.H., Chen, M.C., Pre-oxidation and Coagulation of Textile Wastewater By The Fenton Process, Chemosphere, 46: 923-928, (2002).
  • Solozhenko, E.G., Soboleva, N.M., Goncharut, V.V., Decolourization of Azo Dye Solutions By Fenton’s Oxidation, Water Resource, 29: 2206-2210, (1995).
  • Pérez, M., Torrades, F., Domènech, X., Peral, J., Fenton and Photo-Fenton Oxidation of Textile Effulents, Water Resource, 36: 2703-2710, (2002).
  • Zanoni, M.V.B., Sene, J., Anderson, M.A., Photoelectro Catalytic degradation of Remozol Birillant Orange 3r on Titanium Dioxide Thin-Film Electrodes, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A Chem., 157: 55-63, (2003).
  • Hachem, C., Bocquillon, F., Zahraa, O., Bouchy, M., Decolourization of Textile Industy Wastewater By The Photocatalytic Degradation Process, Dye Pigments, 49: 117-125, (2001).
  • Neppolian, B., Sakthivel, S., Arabindoo, B., Murugesan, V., Solar/UV Induced Photocatalytic Degradation of Three Commerical Textile Dyes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 89: 303-317, (2002).
  • Zienlinska, B., Grzechuslka, J., Morawski, A.W., Photocatalytic decomposition of Textile Dyes on TiO2 Tytanpol All and TiO2-Degussa P25, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A Chem, 157:(1), 65-70, (2003).
  • Pouet, M.F., Grasmick, A., Urban Wastewater Treatment By Electrocoagulation and Flotation, Water Sci Technol, 31: 275-283, (1995).
  • Vik, E.A., Carlson, D.A., Electrocoagulation of Potable Water, Water Res, 18: 1355-1360, (1984).
  • Holt, P.K., Barton, G.W., Wark, M., Mitchell, C.A., A Quantitative Comparison Between Chemical Dosing and Electrocoagulation, Colloids Surf.,A211: 233, (2002).
  • Tsai, C.T., Lin, S.T., Shue, Y.C., Su, P.L., Electrolysis of Soluble Organic Matter in Leachate from Landfills, Water Resource, 31: 3073-3081, (1997).
  • Chen, X., Chen, G., Yue, P.L., Separation of Pollutans From Restaurant Wastewater By Electrocoagulation, Sep. Purif. Technol., 19: 65-76, (2000).
  • Mahesh, S., Prasad, B., Mall, I.D., Mishra, I.M., Electrochemical Degradation of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater, Part 1. Cod and Color Removal, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45: 2830, (2006).
  • Mahesh S., Prasad, B., Mall, I.D., Mishra, I.M., Electrochemical Degradation of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater. Part 2. Characterization and Analysis of Sludge, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45: 5766 (2006).
  • Lin, S.H., Chen, M.L., Treatment of Textile Wastewater By Chemical Methods for Reuse, Water Resource, 31: 868-876, (1997).
  • Lin, S.H., Peng, C.F., Treatment of Textile Wastewaters By Electrochemical Method, Water Res, 28, 276-282, (1994).
  • Mameri, N., Lounici, H., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Piron, D.L., Yahiat, Y., Defluoridation of Shara Water By Small Plant Electrocoagulation Using Bipolar Aluminium Electrodes, Sep. Purif. Technol., 24: 113-119, (2001).
  • Daneshvar, N., Ashassi-Sorkhabi, H., Kasiri, M.B., Decolorization of Dye Solution Containing Acid Red 14 by Electrocoagulation With A Comparative Investigation Of Different Electrode Connections, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B112: 55-62, (2004).
  • Daneshvar, N., Khatae, A.R., Djafarzadeh, N., The Use Artifical Neural Networks (ANN) for Modeling Of Decolorization Of Textile Dye Solution Containing C.I. Basic Yellow 28 by Electrocoagulation Process, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 137:1788-1795, (2006).
  • Kobya, M., Demirbas, E., Can, O.T., Bayramoglu, M., Treatment of Levafix Orange Textile Dye Solution By Electrocoagulation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B132: 183-188, (2006).
  • Ogutveren, U.B., Gonen, N., Koparal, A.S., Removal of Dye Stuffs From Waswater: Electrocoagulation of Acilan Blau Using Soluble Anode, J. Environ. Sci. Health., A27(5): 1237-1247, (1992).
  • Xiong, Y., Strunk, P.J., Xia, H., Zhu, X., Karlsson, H.T., Treatment of Dye Wastewater Containing Acid Orange Iı Using A Cell With Three-Phase Three-Dimensional Electrode, Water Res, 35:4226-4230, (2001),
  • Koparal, A.S., Ogutveren, U.B., Removal of Nitrate From Water By Electroreduction And Electrocoagulation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 89: 83-94, (2002).
  • Kumar, P.R., Chaudhari, S.C., Khilar, K.C., Mahajan, S.P., Removal of Arsenic From Water By Electrocoagulation, Chemosphere, 55: 1245-1252, (2004).
  • Bayramoglu, M., Kobya, M., Can, O.T., Sozbir, M., Operating Cost Analysis Of Electrocoagulation Of Textile Dye Wastewater, Sep. Purif. Technol., 37: 117-125, (2004).
  • Mollah, M.Y.A., Pathak, S.R., Patil, P.K., Vayuvegula, M., Agrawal, T.S., Gomes, J.A.G., Kesmez, M., Cocke, D.L., Treatment of Orange II Azo-Dye By Electrocoagulation (EC) Technique İn A Continuous Flow Cell Using Sacrificial İron Electrodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. B. 109 (2004), 165-171.
  • Alinsafi, A., Khemis, M., Pons, M.N., Leclerc, J.P., Yaacoubi, A., Benhammous, A., Nejmeddine, A., Electro-coagulation of Reactive Textile Dyes And Textile Wastewater, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 44: 461-470, (2005).
  • Kim, T.K., Park, C., Shin, E.B., Kim, S., Decolorization of Disperse and Reactive Dyes By Continuous Electrocoagulation Process, Desalination, 150: 165-175, (2002).
  • Ahlawat, P., Srivastava, V.C., Mall, I.D., Sinha, S., Investigataion of The Electrocoagulation Treatment Of Cotton Blue Dye Solution Using Aluminium Electrodes, Clean, 36:(10-11) 863-869, (2008).
  • Mollah, M.Y.A., Schennach, R., Parga, J.P., Cocke, D.L., Electrocoagulation (EC)-Science and applications, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B84: 29-41, (2001).
  • Canizares, P., Carmona, M., Lobato, J., Martinez, F., Rodrigo, M.A., Electrodissolution Of Aluminum Electrodes in Electrocoagulation Processes, Indian journal of Engineering Chemical Research, 44: 4178-4185, (2005).
  • Gurses, A., Yalcın, M., Dogan, C., Electrocoagulation of Some Reactive Dyes; A Statistical İnvestigation Of Some Electrochemical Variable, Waste Management, 22: 491-499, (2002).
  • Rebhun, M., and Lurie, M., Control of Organic Matter By Coagulation and Separation, Water Sci Technol, 27: 1-20, (1993).
  • Do, J.S., and Chen, M.L., Decolorization of Dyecontaining Solutions by Electrocoagulation, J. Appl. Electrochem., 24: 785-790, (1994).
  • APHA, Standart Methods for examination of water and wastewater. American Water Work Association, (1992), New York.
  • Daneshvar, N., Oladegaragoze, A., Djafarzadeh, N., Decolorization of Basic Dye Solutions By Electrocoagulation: An İnvestigation Of The Effect of Operational Parameters, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B129: 116- 122, (2006).
  • Can, O.T., Alüminyum Elektrotlar Kullanılarak Tekstil Atıksu ve Boyalarının Elektrokoagülasyon ile Arıtımı, GYTE Müh., ve Fen Bil. Ens.,Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gebze, 2002.
  • Adhoum, N., Monser, L., Decolourization and Removal of Phenolic Compounds from Olive Mill Wastewater By Electrocoagulation, Chem. Eng. Process, 43:(10) 1281–1287, (2004).
  • Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı, Su Kirliliği Kontrol Yönetmeliği, Tablo 10. Tekstil sanayii atık sularının alıcı ortama deşarj standartları, 2004.

Treatment of textile wastewater by electrocoagulation process

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 29 - 37, 01.02.2012


Electrocoagulation process (EC) has become a preferable process because of its advantages over chemical coagulation process. Therefore EC has been widely used to treat wide variety wastewaters. In this study, the treatability of textile wastewater by EC using aluminum electrodes was investigated. This purpose, EC process’s performance using aluminum electrodes connected monopolar parallel was investigated. The effects of various operating conditions such as, initial pH, current density and electrolysis time on removal efficiency of total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), colour and turbidity were examined. The end of study, optimum conditions were determined. The optimum values of initial pH, current density and electrolysis time in the EC studies using aluminum electrode were found to be 3, 100 A/m2 and 20 min, respectively. In these conditions, removal efficiencies for TOC, COD, colour and turbidity were obtained as 82.6%-72.5%-97.7% ve 98.7%, respectively. Beside in this study, according to Turkish Directive on Water Pollution Control, COD concentrations levels were below the permitted direct-discharge limits. Consequently, EC process is found to be an effective treatment method for textile wastewaters.


  • Lin, S.H. and Lin, C.H. Treatment of textile Wastewater by Ozonation and Chemical Coagulation, Water Resource., 27:1743-1748, (1993).
  • Ince, N.H. and Tezcanli, G. Treability of textile Dye-bath Effulents by Advanced Oxidation: Preparation for Reuse. Water Resource., 40: 183-190, (1999).
  • Vlyssides, A.G., Papaioannous, D., Loizidoy, M., Karlis, P.K., Zorpas, A.A.. Testing an Electrochemical Method for Treatment of Textile Dye Wastewater., Waste Management 20:569–574, (2000).
  • Szpyrkowicz, L., Juzzolino, C., Kaul, S.N. A Comparative Study on Oxidation of Disperse Dyes by Electrochemical Process, Ozone, Hypochlorite and Fenton Reagent, Water Resource., 35: 2129-2136, (2001).
  • Kobya, M., Can, O.T., Bayramoglu, M. Treatment of Textile Wastewaters by Electrocoagulation Using Iron and Aluminum Electrodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, B100: 163-178, (2003).
  • Can, O.T. Kobya, M. Demirbas, E. Bayramoglu, M. Teratment of The Textile Wastewater by Combined Electrocoagulation, Chemosphere, 62: 181-187, (2006).
  • Slokar, Y.M., and Marechal, A.M.L., Methods of Decoloration of Textile Wastewaters. Dye Pigment, 37: 335-356, (1998).
  • Koch, M., Yediler, A., Lienert, D., Insel, G., Kettrup, A., Ozonation of Hydrolyzed Azo Dye Reactive Yellow 84(CI), Chemosphere, 46: 109-113, (2002).
  • Shu, H.Y., and Huang, C.R., Ultraviolet Enhanced Oxidation for Color Removal of Azo Dye Wastewater, American Dyestuff Reporter, 30-34, (1995).
  • Namboodri, C.G., and Walsh, W.K., Ultraviolet Ligth/Hidrogen Peroxide System for Decolorizing Spent Reactive Dyebath Wastewater, American Dyestuff Reporter, 15:32-45, (1996).
  • Arıcı, Y., Tekstil Endüstrisinde Reaktif Boyar Maddelerden Kaynaklanan Rengin Fenton Prosesi ile Giderilmesi, Yük. Lisans Tezi, İTÜ Çevre Müh. Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, (2000).
  • Kulunk, A., Tekstil Endüstrisinde Asit Boyar Maddelerden Kaynaklanan Rengin Fenton Prosesi ile Giderilmesi, Yük. Lisans Tezi, İTÜ Çevre Müh. Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, (2000).
  • Robinson, T., McMullan, G., Marchant, R., Nigam, P., Remediation of Dyes in Textile Effulent: Critial Review on Current Treatment Technologies with A Proposed Alternative, Bioresource Technol, 77:247-255, (2001).
  • Kennedy, M.T., Morgan, J.M., Benefield, L.K., McFadden, A.F., Color Removal from Textile Dye Wastewater; A Case Study, in: Proceesings of the 47th. Ind. Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN, Lewis Pub. Chelsea, M.F, 727-741, (1993).
  • Shaw, C.B., Carliell, C.M., Wheatly, A.D., Anaerobic/aerobic Treatment of Coloured Textile Effulents Using Sequencing Batch Reactors, Water Resource, 36: 1193-2001, (2002).
  • Vandevivere, P.C., Bianchi, R., Verstraete, W., Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater from The Textile Wet-Processing Industry: Review of Emerging Technologies, Journal Chem. Technol. Biotechnol, 72: 289-302, (1998).
  • Robinson, T., Chandran, B., Nigem, P., Removal of Dyes from A Synthetic Textile Dye Effluent by Biosorption on Apple Pamace and Wheat Straw, Water Resource., 36: 2824-2830, (2002).
  • Pala, A., Tokat, E., Color Removal from Cotton Textile Industy Wastewater In An Activated Sludge System With Various Additives, Water Resource, 36: 2920-2925, (2002).
  • Hung-Yee, S., Ching-Rong, H., Degradation of Commerical Azo Dyes In Water Using Ozonation and UV Enhanced Ozonation Process, Chemosphere, 31: 3813-3825, (1995). 20. Kang, S.F., Chang, H.M., Coagulation of Textile Secondary Effulents with Fenton’s Reagent, Water Resource, 36:(12) 215-222, (1997).
  • Kang, S.F., Liao, C.H., Chen, M.C., Pre-oxidation and Coagulation of Textile Wastewater By The Fenton Process, Chemosphere, 46: 923-928, (2002).
  • Solozhenko, E.G., Soboleva, N.M., Goncharut, V.V., Decolourization of Azo Dye Solutions By Fenton’s Oxidation, Water Resource, 29: 2206-2210, (1995).
  • Pérez, M., Torrades, F., Domènech, X., Peral, J., Fenton and Photo-Fenton Oxidation of Textile Effulents, Water Resource, 36: 2703-2710, (2002).
  • Zanoni, M.V.B., Sene, J., Anderson, M.A., Photoelectro Catalytic degradation of Remozol Birillant Orange 3r on Titanium Dioxide Thin-Film Electrodes, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A Chem., 157: 55-63, (2003).
  • Hachem, C., Bocquillon, F., Zahraa, O., Bouchy, M., Decolourization of Textile Industy Wastewater By The Photocatalytic Degradation Process, Dye Pigments, 49: 117-125, (2001).
  • Neppolian, B., Sakthivel, S., Arabindoo, B., Murugesan, V., Solar/UV Induced Photocatalytic Degradation of Three Commerical Textile Dyes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 89: 303-317, (2002).
  • Zienlinska, B., Grzechuslka, J., Morawski, A.W., Photocatalytic decomposition of Textile Dyes on TiO2 Tytanpol All and TiO2-Degussa P25, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A Chem, 157:(1), 65-70, (2003).
  • Pouet, M.F., Grasmick, A., Urban Wastewater Treatment By Electrocoagulation and Flotation, Water Sci Technol, 31: 275-283, (1995).
  • Vik, E.A., Carlson, D.A., Electrocoagulation of Potable Water, Water Res, 18: 1355-1360, (1984).
  • Holt, P.K., Barton, G.W., Wark, M., Mitchell, C.A., A Quantitative Comparison Between Chemical Dosing and Electrocoagulation, Colloids Surf.,A211: 233, (2002).
  • Tsai, C.T., Lin, S.T., Shue, Y.C., Su, P.L., Electrolysis of Soluble Organic Matter in Leachate from Landfills, Water Resource, 31: 3073-3081, (1997).
  • Chen, X., Chen, G., Yue, P.L., Separation of Pollutans From Restaurant Wastewater By Electrocoagulation, Sep. Purif. Technol., 19: 65-76, (2000).
  • Mahesh, S., Prasad, B., Mall, I.D., Mishra, I.M., Electrochemical Degradation of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater, Part 1. Cod and Color Removal, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45: 2830, (2006).
  • Mahesh S., Prasad, B., Mall, I.D., Mishra, I.M., Electrochemical Degradation of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater. Part 2. Characterization and Analysis of Sludge, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45: 5766 (2006).
  • Lin, S.H., Chen, M.L., Treatment of Textile Wastewater By Chemical Methods for Reuse, Water Resource, 31: 868-876, (1997).
  • Lin, S.H., Peng, C.F., Treatment of Textile Wastewaters By Electrochemical Method, Water Res, 28, 276-282, (1994).
  • Mameri, N., Lounici, H., Belhocine, D., Grib, H., Piron, D.L., Yahiat, Y., Defluoridation of Shara Water By Small Plant Electrocoagulation Using Bipolar Aluminium Electrodes, Sep. Purif. Technol., 24: 113-119, (2001).
  • Daneshvar, N., Ashassi-Sorkhabi, H., Kasiri, M.B., Decolorization of Dye Solution Containing Acid Red 14 by Electrocoagulation With A Comparative Investigation Of Different Electrode Connections, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B112: 55-62, (2004).
  • Daneshvar, N., Khatae, A.R., Djafarzadeh, N., The Use Artifical Neural Networks (ANN) for Modeling Of Decolorization Of Textile Dye Solution Containing C.I. Basic Yellow 28 by Electrocoagulation Process, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 137:1788-1795, (2006).
  • Kobya, M., Demirbas, E., Can, O.T., Bayramoglu, M., Treatment of Levafix Orange Textile Dye Solution By Electrocoagulation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B132: 183-188, (2006).
  • Ogutveren, U.B., Gonen, N., Koparal, A.S., Removal of Dye Stuffs From Waswater: Electrocoagulation of Acilan Blau Using Soluble Anode, J. Environ. Sci. Health., A27(5): 1237-1247, (1992).
  • Xiong, Y., Strunk, P.J., Xia, H., Zhu, X., Karlsson, H.T., Treatment of Dye Wastewater Containing Acid Orange Iı Using A Cell With Three-Phase Three-Dimensional Electrode, Water Res, 35:4226-4230, (2001),
  • Koparal, A.S., Ogutveren, U.B., Removal of Nitrate From Water By Electroreduction And Electrocoagulation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 89: 83-94, (2002).
  • Kumar, P.R., Chaudhari, S.C., Khilar, K.C., Mahajan, S.P., Removal of Arsenic From Water By Electrocoagulation, Chemosphere, 55: 1245-1252, (2004).
  • Bayramoglu, M., Kobya, M., Can, O.T., Sozbir, M., Operating Cost Analysis Of Electrocoagulation Of Textile Dye Wastewater, Sep. Purif. Technol., 37: 117-125, (2004).
  • Mollah, M.Y.A., Pathak, S.R., Patil, P.K., Vayuvegula, M., Agrawal, T.S., Gomes, J.A.G., Kesmez, M., Cocke, D.L., Treatment of Orange II Azo-Dye By Electrocoagulation (EC) Technique İn A Continuous Flow Cell Using Sacrificial İron Electrodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. B. 109 (2004), 165-171.
  • Alinsafi, A., Khemis, M., Pons, M.N., Leclerc, J.P., Yaacoubi, A., Benhammous, A., Nejmeddine, A., Electro-coagulation of Reactive Textile Dyes And Textile Wastewater, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 44: 461-470, (2005).
  • Kim, T.K., Park, C., Shin, E.B., Kim, S., Decolorization of Disperse and Reactive Dyes By Continuous Electrocoagulation Process, Desalination, 150: 165-175, (2002).
  • Ahlawat, P., Srivastava, V.C., Mall, I.D., Sinha, S., Investigataion of The Electrocoagulation Treatment Of Cotton Blue Dye Solution Using Aluminium Electrodes, Clean, 36:(10-11) 863-869, (2008).
  • Mollah, M.Y.A., Schennach, R., Parga, J.P., Cocke, D.L., Electrocoagulation (EC)-Science and applications, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B84: 29-41, (2001).
  • Canizares, P., Carmona, M., Lobato, J., Martinez, F., Rodrigo, M.A., Electrodissolution Of Aluminum Electrodes in Electrocoagulation Processes, Indian journal of Engineering Chemical Research, 44: 4178-4185, (2005).
  • Gurses, A., Yalcın, M., Dogan, C., Electrocoagulation of Some Reactive Dyes; A Statistical İnvestigation Of Some Electrochemical Variable, Waste Management, 22: 491-499, (2002).
  • Rebhun, M., and Lurie, M., Control of Organic Matter By Coagulation and Separation, Water Sci Technol, 27: 1-20, (1993).
  • Do, J.S., and Chen, M.L., Decolorization of Dyecontaining Solutions by Electrocoagulation, J. Appl. Electrochem., 24: 785-790, (1994).
  • APHA, Standart Methods for examination of water and wastewater. American Water Work Association, (1992), New York.
  • Daneshvar, N., Oladegaragoze, A., Djafarzadeh, N., Decolorization of Basic Dye Solutions By Electrocoagulation: An İnvestigation Of The Effect of Operational Parameters, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B129: 116- 122, (2006).
  • Can, O.T., Alüminyum Elektrotlar Kullanılarak Tekstil Atıksu ve Boyalarının Elektrokoagülasyon ile Arıtımı, GYTE Müh., ve Fen Bil. Ens.,Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gebze, 2002.
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Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA79ZR35PG
Bölüm Makale

Fuat Özyonar Bu kişi benim

Bünyamin Karagözoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özyonar, F., & Karagözoğlu, B. (2012). Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi ile Tekstil Sanayi Atıksuyunun Arıtımı Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Process. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(1), 29-37.
AMA Özyonar F, Karagözoğlu B. Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi ile Tekstil Sanayi Atıksuyunun Arıtımı Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Process. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. Şubat 2012;28(1):29-37.
Chicago Özyonar, Fuat, ve Bünyamin Karagözoğlu. “Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi Ile Tekstil Sanayi Atıksuyunun Arıtımı Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Process”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 28, sy. 1 (Şubat 2012): 29-37.
EndNote Özyonar F, Karagözoğlu B (01 Şubat 2012) Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi ile Tekstil Sanayi Atıksuyunun Arıtımı Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Process. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 28 1 29–37.
IEEE F. Özyonar ve B. Karagözoğlu, “Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi ile Tekstil Sanayi Atıksuyunun Arıtımı Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Process”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 28, sy. 1, ss. 29–37, 2012.
ISNAD Özyonar, Fuat - Karagözoğlu, Bünyamin. “Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi Ile Tekstil Sanayi Atıksuyunun Arıtımı Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Process”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 28/1 (Şubat 2012), 29-37.
JAMA Özyonar F, Karagözoğlu B. Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi ile Tekstil Sanayi Atıksuyunun Arıtımı Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Process. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2012;28:29–37.
MLA Özyonar, Fuat ve Bünyamin Karagözoğlu. “Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi Ile Tekstil Sanayi Atıksuyunun Arıtımı Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Process”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 28, sy. 1, 2012, ss. 29-37.
Vancouver Özyonar F, Karagözoğlu B. Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi ile Tekstil Sanayi Atıksuyunun Arıtımı Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Process. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2012;28(1):29-37.

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