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Year 2015, , 95 - 114, 20.07.2015


After 1980, Turkey has adopted a "Export-Led Growth Strategy" based on a growth model. In this strategy, export is one of the most important elements of growth and development. To reach to Turkey's exports target, the contribution of the country's most exporting firms is great. In this study, the largest exporter of Turkey in terms of various indicators of the firm performance have been analyzed using firm level annual data from the years between 2004 and 2012. Our results show that, year by year, total exports of the top 1000 largest exporter firms is increasing. Many of these firms are privately-owned companies rather than public-owned ones. These firms are usually concentrated in big cities and many of them have a foreign partner


  • AITEKEN, Brian; Gordon HANSON and Ann HARRISON; (1997), “Spillovers, Foreign Investment, and Export Behaviour”, Journal of International Economics, 43(1–2), pp.103–32.
  • ALTINTAŞ, Halil ve Rahmi ÇETİN; (2008), “Türkiye’de Dış Ticaret Dengesi Belirleyicilerinin Sınır Testi Yaklaşımıyla Öngörülmesi: 1989–2005”, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, 63(4), ss.29–64.
  • ATABEY, İsmail; (2004),“İhracat Performansını Etkileyen Faktörler (Zeytinyağı Sektöründe Bir Araştırma)”, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(12), ss.17-44.
  • ÇAVUŞGİL, S. Tamer and Jacob NAOR; (1987), “Firm And Management Cha- racteristics As Discrimina-Tors Of Export Marketing Activity”, Journal of Business Research, 15(3), pp.221-35.
  • ÇAVUŞGİL, S. Tamer and Zou SHOAMIN; (1994), "Marketing Strategy-Perfor- mance Relationship: An Investigation of the Empirical Link in Export Market Venture", Journal of Marketing, 58, pp.1-21.
  • CHAISRISAWATSUK, Santi and Wisit CHAİSRİSAWATSUK; (2007)," Im- ports, Exports and Foreign Direct Investment Interactions and Their Ef- fects", Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade Wor- king Paper Series, No. 45, Internet Address: http://artnet.unes-, Date Of Access: 11. 04. 2014.
  • CHRISTENSEN, Carl H.; Angela da ROCHA and Rosane K. GERTNER; (1987), “An Empirical Investigation of The Factors Influencing Expor- ting Success of Brazilian Firms”, Journal of International Business Studies, 18(3), pp.61-77.
  • CLARKE, George; (2005), “Beyond Tariffs and Quotas: Why Don’t African Ma- nufacturing Firms Export More?”, Policy Research Working Paper, No. 3617, The World Bank, Washington, D.C, Internet Address:, Date Of Access: 05. 04. 2014.
  • DİJK, Van Michiel; (2002), "The Determinants Export Performance in Develo- ping Countries: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing", Ecis Working Paper 02.01, Internet Address: econometrics/ Exports.pdf, Date Of Access: 28. 03. 2014.
  • HARRIS, Donald J.; (1995), "Determinants of Aggregate Export Performance of Caribbean Countries", Inter American Development Bank-Working Papers, No: 201, Internet Address: /~dharris/pa- pers/Determinants%20of%20 mance%20of%20Caribbean%20Countries. pdf, Date Of Access: 05. 04. 2014.
  • Aggregate%20Export%20 Perfor
  • Kalkınma Bakanlığı; (2014), “Uluslararası Ekonomik Göstergeler”, İnternet Adresi: Ekono- mik%20Gstergeler/Attachments/9/Uluslararas%C4%B1%20Ekono- mik%20G%C3%B6stergeler-2013.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 20. 03. 2014.
  • LIPSEY, Robert E. and Merle Yahr WEISS; (1981), “Foreign Production and Export in Manufacturing Industries”, Review of Economic and Statis- tics, stable/1935843, Date Of Access: 20. 03. 2014. Internet Address:
  • MUSINGUZI, Polycarp and Marios OBWONA; (2000), "The Use of Econo- metrics in Policy Design in Uganda", African Economic Policy Discus- sion Paper, Number 23, Kampala: Economic Research Center.
  • NARAYAN, Paresh Kumar and Seema NARAYAN; (2004), “The J-Curve: Evi- dence from Fiji”, International Review of Applied Economics, 18(3), pp.369–380, Internet Address: doi/abs/ 10.1080/0269217042000227088#.VImf6dKsVqU, Date Of Access: 20. 03. 2014.
  • NGENO, Nehemiah K.; (1996), "Comparative Analysis of Economic Reform and Structural Adjustment Programme in Eastern Africa with Emphasis on Trade Policies", Technical Paper, No: 19-20, Internet Address:, Date Of Access: 20.03. 2014.
  • SHARMA, Kishor; (2000), "Export Growth in India, Has FDI Played a Role?", Center, Date Of Access: 20. 03. 2014. Paper, No. 816, Internet Address:
  • Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi; (2014), “İlk 1000 İhracatçı Araştırması”, İnternet Adresi: racatci-arastirmasi.html, Erişim Tarihi: 25. 05. 2014.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu; (2014), “Yıllara Göre Dış Ticaret”, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 25. 05. 2014.

Türkiye’nin İlk 1000 Büyük İhracatçısının Çeşitli Göstergelere Göre Karşılaştırmalı Analizi

Year 2015, , 95 - 114, 20.07.2015


Türkiye 1980 sonrası “İhracata Dayalı Büyüme Strateji” bazlı bir büyüme modeline geçmiştir. Söz konusu stratejide ihracat, büyüme ve kalkınmanın önemli unsurlarından biridir. Türkiye’nin ihracat hedefine ulaşmasında ülkenin en çok ihracat yapan firmalarının katkısı büyüktür. Çalışmada, çeşitli göstergeler açısından Türkiye’nin en büyük ihracatçı firmalarının performansı, 2004-2012 yıllarını kapsayan yıllık firma seviyesinde veri seti kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, yıllar itibariyle, İlk 1000 büyük ihracatçı firmaların toplam ihracatı artmaktadır. Bu firmaların çoğu kamudan ziyade, özel sermayeli firmalardır. Söz konusu firmalar, genellikle büyük şehirlerde yoğunlaşmakta ve birçoğunun yabancı ortağı bulunmaktadır.


  • AITEKEN, Brian; Gordon HANSON and Ann HARRISON; (1997), “Spillovers, Foreign Investment, and Export Behaviour”, Journal of International Economics, 43(1–2), pp.103–32.
  • ALTINTAŞ, Halil ve Rahmi ÇETİN; (2008), “Türkiye’de Dış Ticaret Dengesi Belirleyicilerinin Sınır Testi Yaklaşımıyla Öngörülmesi: 1989–2005”, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, 63(4), ss.29–64.
  • ATABEY, İsmail; (2004),“İhracat Performansını Etkileyen Faktörler (Zeytinyağı Sektöründe Bir Araştırma)”, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(12), ss.17-44.
  • ÇAVUŞGİL, S. Tamer and Jacob NAOR; (1987), “Firm And Management Cha- racteristics As Discrimina-Tors Of Export Marketing Activity”, Journal of Business Research, 15(3), pp.221-35.
  • ÇAVUŞGİL, S. Tamer and Zou SHOAMIN; (1994), "Marketing Strategy-Perfor- mance Relationship: An Investigation of the Empirical Link in Export Market Venture", Journal of Marketing, 58, pp.1-21.
  • CHAISRISAWATSUK, Santi and Wisit CHAİSRİSAWATSUK; (2007)," Im- ports, Exports and Foreign Direct Investment Interactions and Their Ef- fects", Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade Wor- king Paper Series, No. 45, Internet Address: http://artnet.unes-, Date Of Access: 11. 04. 2014.
  • CHRISTENSEN, Carl H.; Angela da ROCHA and Rosane K. GERTNER; (1987), “An Empirical Investigation of The Factors Influencing Expor- ting Success of Brazilian Firms”, Journal of International Business Studies, 18(3), pp.61-77.
  • CLARKE, George; (2005), “Beyond Tariffs and Quotas: Why Don’t African Ma- nufacturing Firms Export More?”, Policy Research Working Paper, No. 3617, The World Bank, Washington, D.C, Internet Address:, Date Of Access: 05. 04. 2014.
  • DİJK, Van Michiel; (2002), "The Determinants Export Performance in Develo- ping Countries: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing", Ecis Working Paper 02.01, Internet Address: econometrics/ Exports.pdf, Date Of Access: 28. 03. 2014.
  • HARRIS, Donald J.; (1995), "Determinants of Aggregate Export Performance of Caribbean Countries", Inter American Development Bank-Working Papers, No: 201, Internet Address: /~dharris/pa- pers/Determinants%20of%20 mance%20of%20Caribbean%20Countries. pdf, Date Of Access: 05. 04. 2014.
  • Aggregate%20Export%20 Perfor
  • Kalkınma Bakanlığı; (2014), “Uluslararası Ekonomik Göstergeler”, İnternet Adresi: Ekono- mik%20Gstergeler/Attachments/9/Uluslararas%C4%B1%20Ekono- mik%20G%C3%B6stergeler-2013.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 20. 03. 2014.
  • LIPSEY, Robert E. and Merle Yahr WEISS; (1981), “Foreign Production and Export in Manufacturing Industries”, Review of Economic and Statis- tics, stable/1935843, Date Of Access: 20. 03. 2014. Internet Address:
  • MUSINGUZI, Polycarp and Marios OBWONA; (2000), "The Use of Econo- metrics in Policy Design in Uganda", African Economic Policy Discus- sion Paper, Number 23, Kampala: Economic Research Center.
  • NARAYAN, Paresh Kumar and Seema NARAYAN; (2004), “The J-Curve: Evi- dence from Fiji”, International Review of Applied Economics, 18(3), pp.369–380, Internet Address: doi/abs/ 10.1080/0269217042000227088#.VImf6dKsVqU, Date Of Access: 20. 03. 2014.
  • NGENO, Nehemiah K.; (1996), "Comparative Analysis of Economic Reform and Structural Adjustment Programme in Eastern Africa with Emphasis on Trade Policies", Technical Paper, No: 19-20, Internet Address:, Date Of Access: 20.03. 2014.
  • SHARMA, Kishor; (2000), "Export Growth in India, Has FDI Played a Role?", Center, Date Of Access: 20. 03. 2014. Paper, No. 816, Internet Address:
  • Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi; (2014), “İlk 1000 İhracatçı Araştırması”, İnternet Adresi: racatci-arastirmasi.html, Erişim Tarihi: 25. 05. 2014.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu; (2014), “Yıllara Göre Dış Ticaret”, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 25. 05. 2014.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Recep Düzgün This is me

Publication Date July 20, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Düzgün, R. (2015). Türkiye’nin İlk 1000 Büyük İhracatçısının Çeşitli Göstergelere Göre Karşılaştırmalı Analizi. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(45), 95-114.

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