Research Article
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Year 1985, Issue: 7, 125 - 138, 01.01.1985


Markowit/.'in portföy modelinden başlayıp, Finansal Varlıkları Fiyatlama Modeline kadar olan gelişmeler kısaca izah edilmiş ve bu modelin hazırlanmasında kullanılan varsayımlar üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar dikkate alınarak, modelin eleştirisi yapılmıştır.


  • Black, Fisher. .Capital Market Equilibrium vvith Restricted Borrowing». Journal of Business, Vol: 45, July 1972, pp. 444 - 454 Black F Jensen, M.C. and Scholes, M., «The Cap.tal Asset PncıngModeT tL Empirical Tesis», in M.C. Jensen (Ed.), Studles in the Theory of Capital Markets, New York : Pıaeger, 1972, pp. 79-121.
  • Cohen, Kalman J. and Pogue. Jerry A.. «An Empirical Evaluat.on of Altema-tive Portfolio - Selection Models», Journal of Business, Vol: XL, No. 2. April 1967. pp. 166 - 193. . , ..
  • Douglas, G.W„ «Risk in the Equity Markets: An Empirical Appratsa1 of Market Efficiency», Yalc Economic Essays, Vol: 9, Sprıng 1969, pp. 3-45. Hadavvay, Samuel C. Jr„ «The Zero • Beta Portfolio and Intcrtemporal Asset Pricing», September 1976, Journal of Finance.
  • Haeerman, Robert L. and Kim, E. Han. «Capital Asset Pricing wıth Pnce Le-vel Changes», Journal of Financial and Quantitatlve Analysls, September 1976, pp. 381 -391. ..
  • Jensen, Michael C., «Capital Markets: Theory and Evıdence», Bell Journal, Autumn 1972, pp. 357 - 398. .,.
  • Lintner, John, «Security Prices, Risk, and Maximal Gaıns from Dıversıfıca-tion», Journal of Finance, December 1965, pp. 587 - 615.
  • Lintner, John. «The Aggrcgation of Investors’ Di verse Judgments and Prefe-rences in Pcrfcctly Competitive Security Markets», Journal of Financial and Ouantitatlve Analysls, December 1969, pp. 347 - 400.
  • Markowitz. Harry M., «Portfolio Selection», Journal of Finance, March 1952, Markovvitz, Harry M., Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diverslflcation of Invest-ment, Nevv York : John VViley and Sons, Inc., 1959.
  • Merton, R.C., «An Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model», Econometrlca, September 1973, pp. 867 - 887.
  • Miller, Merton H. and Scholes, Myron, «Rates of Retum in Relation to Risk: A Re - Esamination of Some Recent Findings», in Studles in the Theory of Capital Markets, cd. M.C. Jensen, N.Y.: Praeger, 1972.
  • Mossin, J., «Equilibrium in a Capital Asset Market», Econometrica, October 1966, pp. 768-783.
  • Sharpc, VVilliam F.. «A Simplified Model for Portfolio Analysis». Management Science, Vol: IX, No: 2, January 1963, pp. 277-293.
  • Sharpe VVilliam F., «Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk», Journal of Finance, September 1964, pp442.
  • Sharpe, VVilliam F., Portfolio Theory and Capital Markets, New York : McGravv Hill, Inc., 1970.
  • Stone, Bemell K., «Systematic Interest - Rate Risk in a T\vo - Index Model of Retums», Journal of Financial and Quantitatlve Analysls, Vol: 9, November 1974, pp. 709-721.
  • Tobin, James, «Liquidity Preference as Behavior Tovvards Risk», Review of Economic Studles, Vol: 25, February 1958, pp. 65 - 85.


Year 1985, Issue: 7, 125 - 138, 01.01.1985


Markowit/.'in portföy modelinden başlayıp, Finansal Varlıkları Fiyatlama Modeline kadar olan gelişmeler kısaca izah edilmiş ve bu modelin hazırlanmasında kullanılan varsayımlar üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar dikkate alınarak, modelin eleştirisi yapılmıştır.


  • Black, Fisher. .Capital Market Equilibrium vvith Restricted Borrowing». Journal of Business, Vol: 45, July 1972, pp. 444 - 454 Black F Jensen, M.C. and Scholes, M., «The Cap.tal Asset PncıngModeT tL Empirical Tesis», in M.C. Jensen (Ed.), Studles in the Theory of Capital Markets, New York : Pıaeger, 1972, pp. 79-121.
  • Cohen, Kalman J. and Pogue. Jerry A.. «An Empirical Evaluat.on of Altema-tive Portfolio - Selection Models», Journal of Business, Vol: XL, No. 2. April 1967. pp. 166 - 193. . , ..
  • Douglas, G.W„ «Risk in the Equity Markets: An Empirical Appratsa1 of Market Efficiency», Yalc Economic Essays, Vol: 9, Sprıng 1969, pp. 3-45. Hadavvay, Samuel C. Jr„ «The Zero • Beta Portfolio and Intcrtemporal Asset Pricing», September 1976, Journal of Finance.
  • Haeerman, Robert L. and Kim, E. Han. «Capital Asset Pricing wıth Pnce Le-vel Changes», Journal of Financial and Quantitatlve Analysls, September 1976, pp. 381 -391. ..
  • Jensen, Michael C., «Capital Markets: Theory and Evıdence», Bell Journal, Autumn 1972, pp. 357 - 398. .,.
  • Lintner, John, «Security Prices, Risk, and Maximal Gaıns from Dıversıfıca-tion», Journal of Finance, December 1965, pp. 587 - 615.
  • Lintner, John. «The Aggrcgation of Investors’ Di verse Judgments and Prefe-rences in Pcrfcctly Competitive Security Markets», Journal of Financial and Ouantitatlve Analysls, December 1969, pp. 347 - 400.
  • Markowitz. Harry M., «Portfolio Selection», Journal of Finance, March 1952, Markovvitz, Harry M., Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diverslflcation of Invest-ment, Nevv York : John VViley and Sons, Inc., 1959.
  • Merton, R.C., «An Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model», Econometrlca, September 1973, pp. 867 - 887.
  • Miller, Merton H. and Scholes, Myron, «Rates of Retum in Relation to Risk: A Re - Esamination of Some Recent Findings», in Studles in the Theory of Capital Markets, cd. M.C. Jensen, N.Y.: Praeger, 1972.
  • Mossin, J., «Equilibrium in a Capital Asset Market», Econometrica, October 1966, pp. 768-783.
  • Sharpc, VVilliam F.. «A Simplified Model for Portfolio Analysis». Management Science, Vol: IX, No: 2, January 1963, pp. 277-293.
  • Sharpe VVilliam F., «Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk», Journal of Finance, September 1964, pp442.
  • Sharpe, VVilliam F., Portfolio Theory and Capital Markets, New York : McGravv Hill, Inc., 1970.
  • Stone, Bemell K., «Systematic Interest - Rate Risk in a T\vo - Index Model of Retums», Journal of Financial and Quantitatlve Analysls, Vol: 9, November 1974, pp. 709-721.
  • Tobin, James, «Liquidity Preference as Behavior Tovvards Risk», Review of Economic Studles, Vol: 25, February 1958, pp. 65 - 85.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

İ.hakkı Sönmez This is me

Publication Date January 1, 1985
Published in Issue Year 1985 Issue: 7


APA Sönmez, İ. (1985). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL AND THE EFFECT OF INTEREST RATE MOVEMENTS ON IT. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(7), 125-138.

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