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İhracat Performansı Düşük Olan Kobiler ile Yüksek Olan Kobi'lerin Farklılıklarını Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Pilot Araştırma

Year 2007, Issue: 29, - , 01.06.2007


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, KOBİ’lerin ihracat performansının ayırıcı değişkenler vasıtasıyla tahminlenip tahminlenemeyeceğini belirleyebilmektir. Bir başka deyişle, ihracat performansı düşük olan KOBİ’ler ile ihracat performansı yüksek olan KOBİ’leri farklılaştıran belirleyicileri saptayabilmektir. Araştırma hipotezlerini test edebilmek amacıyla diskriminant analizi kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda, ihracat performansı düşük olan KOBİ’ler ile yüksek olan KOBİ’lerin pazar yönlülük bakımından birbirinden farklı oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Test grubu için diskriminant fonksiyonunun doğru sınıflandırma oranı %75,4’tir. Bu çalışma sonucunda, ihracat performansı yüksek olan küçük ve orta büyüklükteki işletmelerin satış sonrası hizmetlere daha fazla özen gösterdikleri, müşteri memnuniyetini temel öncelikleri arasında değerlendirdikleri tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu araştırma sonucunda, ihracat performansı yüksek olan işletmelerin fonksiyonları arasındaki koordinasyon ve eşgüdümün etkin olduğu ve piyasada meydana gelen rekabetçi faaliyetlere hızla cevap verdikleri tespit edilmiştir


  • AXINN, Catherina; (1995), “Export Intention, Beliefs, and Behaviors in Smaller Industrial Firms,” Journal of Business Research, 32 January, ss. 49–55.
  • BALDAUF, Artur; (2000), “Examining Determinants and of Export Performance in Small Open Economies”, Journal of Word Business, Spring, ss. 61-80.
  • BEŞELİ, Nursun; (1997), “KOBİ’lerin Dış Pazarlara Açılabilmesi için Alternatif Yöntemler”, İGEME’den Bakış, Nisan-Haziran, ss. 36-39.
  • BONACCORSI, Andrea; (1992), “On The Relationship Between Firm Size and Export Intensity”, Journal of International Business Studies, 23, ss. 605-636.
  • CALOF, Jonathan; (1993), “The Impact of Size on Internationalisation”, Journal of Small Business Management, October, ss. 60-69.
  • ÇAVUŞGİL, Tamer ve Shaoming ZOU; (1994), “Marketing Strategy Performance Relationship: An Investigation of The Empirical Link in Export Market Ventures”, Journal of Marketing, 56, January, ss. 1-21.
  • ÇETİN, Canan; (1996), Yeniden Yapılanma Girişimcilik Küçük ve Orta Boy İşletmeler ve Bunların Özendirilmesi, İstanbul, 285s.
  • DAS, Mallika; (1994), “Successful and Unsuccessful Exporters From Developing Countries”, European Journal of Marketing, 28, ss. 19-33.
  • DAWES John; (1999), “The Relationship Between Subjective and Objective Company Performance Measures in Market Orientation Research: Further Empirical Evidence”, Marketing Bulletin, October, ss. 65-75.
  • DHANARAJ, Charles ve Paul BEAMISH; (2003), “A Resource-Based Approach to the Study of Export Performance,” Journal of Small Business Management, 41(3), ss. 242–261.
  • JAFFE, Eugene D. ve Hanoch PASTERNAK; (1994), “An Attitudinal Model to Determine Manufacturers”, International Marketing Review, 11 (3), ss. 17-32. of
  • Non-exporting, Small
  • HAIR, Joseph; Rolph ANDERSON, Ronald TATHAM ve William BLACK; (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings, Fifth Edition, Prentice- Hall International, Inc. United States.
  • HOLZMÜLLER, Hartmut H. ve Barbara STOTTINGER; (1996), “Struc- turalModeling of Success Factors in Exporting: Cross-Validation and Further Development of and Export Performance Model”, Journal of International Marketing, 4(2), ss. 29-55.
  • INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE; (1989), Exports From Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries: Issues and Perspec- tives, Geneva. 216s.
  • KINNEAR, C. Thomas ve James R. TAYLOR; (1996), Marketing Research An Applied Approach, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill. Inc., United States. 888s.
  • KNIGHT, Gary; (2000), “Entrepreneurship and Marketing Strategy: The SME Under Globalization”, Journal of International Marketing, 8(2), ss. 12-33.
  • KURTULUŞ, Kemal; (2004), Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Genişletilmiş 7. Basım, Literatür Yayınevi, İstanbul, 816s.
  • MOINI, Abdol.H; (1998) “Small Firms Exporting: How Effective Are Gov- ernment Export Assistance Programs?”, Journal of Small Business Management, January, ss. 1-15.
  • MÜFTÜOĞLU, Tamer; (1998), Türkiye’de Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletme- ler, Ankara, 511s.
  • NARVER, John C. ve Stanley F. SLATER; (1990) “The Effect of a Market Orientation on Business Profitability”, Journal of Marketing, 54(4), ss. 21-35.
  • OECD; (1996), Globalisation and Small and Medium Enterprises, OECD Report, Paris.
  • OGUNMOKUN, Gabriel ve Simone NG; (2005), “Factors Influencing Export Performance in International Marketing: A Study of Australian Firms”, International Journal of Management, 21(2), ss.172-185.
  • PUN, Kit Fai ve A. Sydney WHITE; (2005), “A Performance Measurement Paradigm For Integrating Strategy Formulation: A Review of Systems and Frameworks”, Internation Journal of Management Reviews, 7(1), ss. 49-71.
  • RESMİ GAZETE; (2005), “Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmelerin Tanımı, Nitelikleri ve Sınıflandırılması Hakkında Yönetmelik”, Resmi Gazete, Sayısı 25997, 18 Kasım.
  • SAMIEE Saeed ve P.G. Peter, WALTERS; (1990), “Influence of Firm Size on Export Planing and Performance” Journal of Business Research, 20, ss. 235-248 .
  • SARIASLAN, Halil; (1996), Türkiye Ekonomisinde Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmeler, Ankara; TOBB Yayınları, 312s.
  • SHOHAM, Aviv; (1998), “Export Performance: A Conceptualization and Em- pirical Assesment”, Journal of International Marketing, 6 (3), ss. 59- 81.
  • SUBRAMANIAN, T.S. Robert; (1989), “Export Potential of SMEs in Devel- oping Countries: Some General Issues”, Exports From Small and Me- dium Enterprises in Developing Countries: Issues and Perspectives, ss. 5-19.
  • ÜNER, M. Mithat; (1994), “Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracat- tan Alıkoyan Nedenler”, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, Haziran-Aralık, ss. 459-479.
  • YAPRAK, Ali; (1985), “An Empirical Study of the Differences Between Small Exporting and Non-Exporting US Firms” International Marketing Review, 2, ss. 72-83.
Year 2007, Issue: 29, - , 01.06.2007



  • AXINN, Catherina; (1995), “Export Intention, Beliefs, and Behaviors in Smaller Industrial Firms,” Journal of Business Research, 32 January, ss. 49–55.
  • BALDAUF, Artur; (2000), “Examining Determinants and of Export Performance in Small Open Economies”, Journal of Word Business, Spring, ss. 61-80.
  • BEŞELİ, Nursun; (1997), “KOBİ’lerin Dış Pazarlara Açılabilmesi için Alternatif Yöntemler”, İGEME’den Bakış, Nisan-Haziran, ss. 36-39.
  • BONACCORSI, Andrea; (1992), “On The Relationship Between Firm Size and Export Intensity”, Journal of International Business Studies, 23, ss. 605-636.
  • CALOF, Jonathan; (1993), “The Impact of Size on Internationalisation”, Journal of Small Business Management, October, ss. 60-69.
  • ÇAVUŞGİL, Tamer ve Shaoming ZOU; (1994), “Marketing Strategy Performance Relationship: An Investigation of The Empirical Link in Export Market Ventures”, Journal of Marketing, 56, January, ss. 1-21.
  • ÇETİN, Canan; (1996), Yeniden Yapılanma Girişimcilik Küçük ve Orta Boy İşletmeler ve Bunların Özendirilmesi, İstanbul, 285s.
  • DAS, Mallika; (1994), “Successful and Unsuccessful Exporters From Developing Countries”, European Journal of Marketing, 28, ss. 19-33.
  • DAWES John; (1999), “The Relationship Between Subjective and Objective Company Performance Measures in Market Orientation Research: Further Empirical Evidence”, Marketing Bulletin, October, ss. 65-75.
  • DHANARAJ, Charles ve Paul BEAMISH; (2003), “A Resource-Based Approach to the Study of Export Performance,” Journal of Small Business Management, 41(3), ss. 242–261.
  • JAFFE, Eugene D. ve Hanoch PASTERNAK; (1994), “An Attitudinal Model to Determine Manufacturers”, International Marketing Review, 11 (3), ss. 17-32. of
  • Non-exporting, Small
  • HAIR, Joseph; Rolph ANDERSON, Ronald TATHAM ve William BLACK; (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings, Fifth Edition, Prentice- Hall International, Inc. United States.
  • HOLZMÜLLER, Hartmut H. ve Barbara STOTTINGER; (1996), “Struc- turalModeling of Success Factors in Exporting: Cross-Validation and Further Development of and Export Performance Model”, Journal of International Marketing, 4(2), ss. 29-55.
  • INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE; (1989), Exports From Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries: Issues and Perspec- tives, Geneva. 216s.
  • KINNEAR, C. Thomas ve James R. TAYLOR; (1996), Marketing Research An Applied Approach, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill. Inc., United States. 888s.
  • KNIGHT, Gary; (2000), “Entrepreneurship and Marketing Strategy: The SME Under Globalization”, Journal of International Marketing, 8(2), ss. 12-33.
  • KURTULUŞ, Kemal; (2004), Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Genişletilmiş 7. Basım, Literatür Yayınevi, İstanbul, 816s.
  • MOINI, Abdol.H; (1998) “Small Firms Exporting: How Effective Are Gov- ernment Export Assistance Programs?”, Journal of Small Business Management, January, ss. 1-15.
  • MÜFTÜOĞLU, Tamer; (1998), Türkiye’de Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletme- ler, Ankara, 511s.
  • NARVER, John C. ve Stanley F. SLATER; (1990) “The Effect of a Market Orientation on Business Profitability”, Journal of Marketing, 54(4), ss. 21-35.
  • OECD; (1996), Globalisation and Small and Medium Enterprises, OECD Report, Paris.
  • OGUNMOKUN, Gabriel ve Simone NG; (2005), “Factors Influencing Export Performance in International Marketing: A Study of Australian Firms”, International Journal of Management, 21(2), ss.172-185.
  • PUN, Kit Fai ve A. Sydney WHITE; (2005), “A Performance Measurement Paradigm For Integrating Strategy Formulation: A Review of Systems and Frameworks”, Internation Journal of Management Reviews, 7(1), ss. 49-71.
  • RESMİ GAZETE; (2005), “Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmelerin Tanımı, Nitelikleri ve Sınıflandırılması Hakkında Yönetmelik”, Resmi Gazete, Sayısı 25997, 18 Kasım.
  • SAMIEE Saeed ve P.G. Peter, WALTERS; (1990), “Influence of Firm Size on Export Planing and Performance” Journal of Business Research, 20, ss. 235-248 .
  • SARIASLAN, Halil; (1996), Türkiye Ekonomisinde Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmeler, Ankara; TOBB Yayınları, 312s.
  • SHOHAM, Aviv; (1998), “Export Performance: A Conceptualization and Em- pirical Assesment”, Journal of International Marketing, 6 (3), ss. 59- 81.
  • SUBRAMANIAN, T.S. Robert; (1989), “Export Potential of SMEs in Devel- oping Countries: Some General Issues”, Exports From Small and Me- dium Enterprises in Developing Countries: Issues and Perspectives, ss. 5-19.
  • ÜNER, M. Mithat; (1994), “Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracat- tan Alıkoyan Nedenler”, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, Haziran-Aralık, ss. 459-479.
  • YAPRAK, Ali; (1985), “An Empirical Study of the Differences Between Small Exporting and Non-Exporting US Firms” International Marketing Review, 2, ss. 72-83.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Murat Canitez Yrd. Doç. Dr Yeniçeri This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Issue: 29


APA Yeniçeri, Y. D. D. M. C. Y. D. D. (2007). İhracat Performansı Düşük Olan Kobiler ile Yüksek Olan Kobi’lerin Farklılıklarını Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Pilot Araştırma. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(29).

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