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Year 2009, Issue: 32, 81 - 95, 14.05.2015


Girişimcilik sadece üretim faktörlerini bir araya getirmek ve fırsatlardan istifade ederek kâr amaçlı bir organizasyon oluşturmak değildir. Akademik alanda, organizasyon içinde, kamuda, sanatta, bilimde, okulda, toplumda girişimcilik örneklerine rastlamak mümkündür. Bu çalışmada bunun örneklerinden biri yani sosyal girişimcilik üzerinde durulmuştur. Sosyal girişimcilik, sosyal fayda yaratmayı hedefleyen ve genellikle kâr amacı gütmeyen sosyal girişimcilerin bir eylemidir. Ortaya çıkan sonuç ise sosyal girişimlerdir. Okullar, çeşmeler, vakıflar, dernekler, sivil toplum kuruluşları, gönüllü platformlar, yardımlaşma ve dayanışma dernekleri birer sosyal girişimcilik örneğidir. Bu tür girişimler veya oluşumlar, toplumların hem psiko-sosyal hem de ekonomik anlamda gelişmelerine ve kalkınmalarına katkıda bulunmaktadırlar. Bu bakımdan bir toplumda sosyal girişimciliğin geliştirilmesine önem verilmelidir.


  • AKDOĞAN, Asuman. ve Ayşe CİNGÖZ; (2006), “İç Girişimciliğe Verilen Önem Düzeyi ve İç Girişimciliği Etkileyen Örgütsel Faktörlerin Belir- lenmesine Yönelik Kayseri İli’nde Bir Araştırma”, Bişkek, Uluslarara- sı Girişimcilik Kongresi, Kırgızistan-Manas Üniversitesi Yayınla- rı: 86, Kongreler Dizisi: ss.49-64.
  • ARIKAN, Semra; (2004), Girişimcilik: Temel Kavramlar ve Bazı Güncel Sorunlar, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara
  • AUSTİN, James; Howard STEVENSON ve Jane Wei-SKİLLERN; (2006) “Social and Commercial Entrepreneurship: Same, Different, or Both?”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, January, ss.1-19.
  • BARENDSEN, Lynn ve Howard GARDNER; (2004), “Is the Social Entrepreneur a New Type of Leader?”, Leader to Leader, 4, ss.43-50.
  • BOSCHEE, Jerr ve Jim MCCLURG; “Toward a Beter Understanding of Social Entrepreneurship: Some Importent Distinctions”, 2003, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 20.05.2008, ss.1-5.
  • DESS, Gregory j.; (2001), “The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship”, İnternet Adre- si:, Erişim Tarihi: 21.12.2006, ss.1-5.
  • EMERSON, Jed; (1999), “Leadership of the Whole: The Emerging Power of Social Entrepreneurship”, Leader to Leader, Summer, ss.12-14.
  • HASAN, Samiul; (2005), “Social Capital and Social Entrepreneurship in Asia: Analysing the Links”, The Asia Pasific Journal of Public Administration, 27(1), ss.1-17.
  • LİGHT, Paul E.; (2006), “Reshaping Social Entrepreneurship”, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 4(3), ss.47-51.
  • JOHNSON, Sherrill; (2000), “Social Entrepreneurship Literature Riview”, Research Associate Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Novenber, ss.1-17.
  • MAİR, Johanna ve Ignasi MARTİ; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Source of Explanation, Prediction and Delight”, Journal of World Busines, ss.36-44.
  • MORT, Gillian Sullivan; Jay WEERAWARDENA ve Kashonia CARNEGİE; (2003), International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marke- ting, 8(1), ss.76-88. Toward Conceptualisation,
  • MÜFTÜOĞLU, Tamer ve Tülin DURUKAN; (2004), Girişimcilik ve KOBİ’ler, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • NAKTİYOK, Atılhan; (2004), İç Girişimcilik, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • PEREDO, Anna Maria ve Murdih MCLEAN; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship: A Critical Review of the Concept”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss.56-65.
  • ROPER, Juliet ve George CHENEY; (2005) “Leadership, Learning and Human Resource Management: The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship Today”, Corporate Governance, 5(3), ss.95-104.
  • SHANE, Scott ve S. VENKATARAMAN; (2000), “The Promise of Entrepreneurship As a Field of Research”, Academy of Management Review, 25(1), ss. 217-226.
  • SHARİR, Moshe ve Miri LERNER; (2005), “Gauging The Success of Social Ventures Initiated by Individual Social Entrepreneurs”, Journal of World Business, Article in Pres, ss.1-15.
  • THOMPSON, John J.; (1999), “The World of The Entrepreneur-a new perspective”, Journal of Workplace Learning-Counselling Today, 11(6), 1999, ss.209-224.
  • THOMPSOn, John; Geoff ALVY ve Ann LESS; (2000), “Social Entrepreneurship-a New Look at the People and the Potential”, Management Decision, 38(5), ss.328-338.
  • THOMPSON, John L.; (2002), “The World of the Social Entrepreneur”, The International Journal of Public Sector Management, 15(5), ss.412- 431.
  • THORNBERRY, Neal; (2001), “Corporate Entrepreneurship: Antidote or Oxymoron?” ,European Management Journal, 19(5), ss.526-533.
Year 2009, Issue: 32, 81 - 95, 14.05.2015



  • AKDOĞAN, Asuman. ve Ayşe CİNGÖZ; (2006), “İç Girişimciliğe Verilen Önem Düzeyi ve İç Girişimciliği Etkileyen Örgütsel Faktörlerin Belir- lenmesine Yönelik Kayseri İli’nde Bir Araştırma”, Bişkek, Uluslarara- sı Girişimcilik Kongresi, Kırgızistan-Manas Üniversitesi Yayınla- rı: 86, Kongreler Dizisi: ss.49-64.
  • ARIKAN, Semra; (2004), Girişimcilik: Temel Kavramlar ve Bazı Güncel Sorunlar, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara
  • AUSTİN, James; Howard STEVENSON ve Jane Wei-SKİLLERN; (2006) “Social and Commercial Entrepreneurship: Same, Different, or Both?”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, January, ss.1-19.
  • BARENDSEN, Lynn ve Howard GARDNER; (2004), “Is the Social Entrepreneur a New Type of Leader?”, Leader to Leader, 4, ss.43-50.
  • BOSCHEE, Jerr ve Jim MCCLURG; “Toward a Beter Understanding of Social Entrepreneurship: Some Importent Distinctions”, 2003, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 20.05.2008, ss.1-5.
  • DESS, Gregory j.; (2001), “The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship”, İnternet Adre- si:, Erişim Tarihi: 21.12.2006, ss.1-5.
  • EMERSON, Jed; (1999), “Leadership of the Whole: The Emerging Power of Social Entrepreneurship”, Leader to Leader, Summer, ss.12-14.
  • HASAN, Samiul; (2005), “Social Capital and Social Entrepreneurship in Asia: Analysing the Links”, The Asia Pasific Journal of Public Administration, 27(1), ss.1-17.
  • LİGHT, Paul E.; (2006), “Reshaping Social Entrepreneurship”, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 4(3), ss.47-51.
  • JOHNSON, Sherrill; (2000), “Social Entrepreneurship Literature Riview”, Research Associate Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Novenber, ss.1-17.
  • MAİR, Johanna ve Ignasi MARTİ; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Source of Explanation, Prediction and Delight”, Journal of World Busines, ss.36-44.
  • MORT, Gillian Sullivan; Jay WEERAWARDENA ve Kashonia CARNEGİE; (2003), International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marke- ting, 8(1), ss.76-88. Toward Conceptualisation,
  • MÜFTÜOĞLU, Tamer ve Tülin DURUKAN; (2004), Girişimcilik ve KOBİ’ler, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • NAKTİYOK, Atılhan; (2004), İç Girişimcilik, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • PEREDO, Anna Maria ve Murdih MCLEAN; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship: A Critical Review of the Concept”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss.56-65.
  • ROPER, Juliet ve George CHENEY; (2005) “Leadership, Learning and Human Resource Management: The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship Today”, Corporate Governance, 5(3), ss.95-104.
  • SHANE, Scott ve S. VENKATARAMAN; (2000), “The Promise of Entrepreneurship As a Field of Research”, Academy of Management Review, 25(1), ss. 217-226.
  • SHARİR, Moshe ve Miri LERNER; (2005), “Gauging The Success of Social Ventures Initiated by Individual Social Entrepreneurs”, Journal of World Business, Article in Pres, ss.1-15.
  • THOMPSON, John J.; (1999), “The World of The Entrepreneur-a new perspective”, Journal of Workplace Learning-Counselling Today, 11(6), 1999, ss.209-224.
  • THOMPSOn, John; Geoff ALVY ve Ann LESS; (2000), “Social Entrepreneurship-a New Look at the People and the Potential”, Management Decision, 38(5), ss.328-338.
  • THOMPSON, John L.; (2002), “The World of the Social Entrepreneur”, The International Journal of Public Sector Management, 15(5), ss.412- 431.
  • THORNBERRY, Neal; (2001), “Corporate Entrepreneurship: Antidote or Oxymoron?” ,European Management Journal, 19(5), ss.526-533.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Mahmut Özdevecioğlu This is me

Ayşe Cingöz This is me

Publication Date May 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 32


APA Özdevecioğlu, M., & Cingöz, A. (2015). SOSYAL GİRİŞİMCİLİK VE SOSYAL GİRİŞİMCİLER: TEORİK ÇERÇEVE. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(32), 81-95.

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