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Year 2011, Issue: 37, 1 - 40, 16.05.2015


Hızlıteknolojik gelişmeler, küreselleşmenin neden olduğu baskılar, rekabet ve artan kaynak sıkıntısı tüm örgütler için etik kavramınıgünümüzde önemli bir konu haline getirmiştir. Neyin doğru neyin yanlışolduğu konusunda yol gösterici bir özelliğe sahip olan etik ilkeler, hem örgüt içinde uyumlu bir atmosferin oluşmasında hem de örgütün tüm paydaşlarıyla olumlu ilişkiler geliştirmesinde büyük bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu özelliği ile etik ilkeler, çalışanların memnuniyet
düzeylerinin artmasına da katkıda bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacıda, örgütsel etiğin çalışan memnuniyetine etkisini incelemektir. Örgütsel etiğin çalışan memnuniyetini ne yönde etkilediğini ortaya koymak amacıyla, Niğde özel sağlık kurumlarıçalışanlarınıkapsayan ankete dayalı bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda örgütsel etiğin çalışan memnuniyetini olumlu yönde etkilediği ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • ADDO, Michael K.; (1999), Human Rights Standards and the Responsibility of Transnational Corporations, Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • AMBROSE, Maureen; Anke ARNAUD and Marshall SCHMINKE; (2008), “Individual Moral Development and Ethical Climate: The Influence of Person Organization Fit on Job Attitudes”, Journal of Business Ethics, 77, pp. 323–333.
  • AY, Ünal; (2003), İşletmelerde Etik ve Sosyal Sorumluluk, Adana: Nobel Kitabevi.
  • AYDIN, İnayet Pehlivan; (2002), Yönetsel Mesleki ve Örgütsel Etik, İkinci Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • BALKIR, Z. Gönül; (2005), “İşverenin Yönetim Hakkının Kullanılmasında Etik Sınırlar”, 2. Siyasette ve Yönetimde Etik Sempozyumu, 18–19 Ka- sım, Sakarya: Sakarya Üniversitesi, ss. 197–209, İnternet Adresi: tr/etik/2.2/Balkir.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 25.10.2007.
  • BBC News; (2003), “Enron Bribed Tax Officials”, BBC News World Edition, Internet Address: 2002/enron/default. stm, Date of Access: 14.12.2007.
  • BEWS, Neville F. and Gedeon Josua ROSSOUW; (2002), “A Role for Business Ethics in Facilitating Trustworthiness”, Journal of Business Ethics, 39, pp. 377–390.
  • BROWN, Jerry; (2003), “Ten Writing Tips for Creating an Effective Code of Conduct”,, Date of Access: 25.10.2007.
  • Capital İş ve Ekonomi Dergisi; (2002, Kasım), “Etik İş Zamanı”, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 04. 07. 2011.
  • CIULLA, Joanne Bridgett; (1998), Ethics, the Heart of Leadership, Westport: Praeger Publishers.
  • COLDWELL David A.; John BILLSBERRY; Nathalie van MEURS and Philip J. G. MARSH; (2008),“The Effects of Person-Organization Ethical Fit on Employee Attraction And Retention: Towards a Testable Explanatory Model”, Journal of Business Ethics, 78, pp. 611-622.
  • ÇALIŞLAR, Aziz; (1983), Ansiklopedik Kültür Sözlüğü, İstanbul: Altın Ki- taplar Yayınevi.
  • DAVIS, Anne L. and Hannah R. ROTHSTEIN; (2008), “The Effects of the Perceived Behavioral Integrity Of Managers on Employee Attitudes: A Meta-analysis”, Journal of Business Ethics, 67, pp. 407–419.
  • DOĞAN, Selen; (2005), Çalışan İlişkileri Yönetimi, İstanbul: Kare Yayınları.
  • CLARK, Don; (2010), “Concepts of Leadership”, Don CLARK’s Personal Website, Internet Address: leadcon.html, Date of Access: 29.11.2011.
  • DUMAN, İsmail ve Yılmaz TAPTIK; (2003), “Mühendislik Etiği”, Bilim, Teknik,
  • Teknoloji, Kalite Çevre, TMMOB MMO İstanbul Şubesi Bülteni, 74, ss. 48–49.
  • Echeat,; t.y.,“Importance of Ethical Principles”, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 17.11.2007.
  • ERGÜN, Mustafa; (t.y.), “Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri”, Araştırma Etiği Sunusu, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 25.11. 2007.
  • FREEMAN, Robert M.; (1999), Correctional Organization and Management: Public Policy Challenges, Behavior and Structure, Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing,.
  • GILMAN, Stuart; (t.y.), “The Importance of Workplace Ethics”, Website, Internet Address: Authors/Gilman/0404GilmanEd.pdf, Date of Access: 22.06.2008.
  • GORLIN, Rena. A.; (1999), Codes of Professional Responsibility: Ethics Standards in Business, Healt and Law, New Jersey: BNA Books.
  • HADJISTAVROPOULOS, Thomas; David C. MALLOY; Donald SHARPE and Sheryl M. GREEN; (2002), “The Relative Importance of the Ethical Principles”, Canadian Psychology, 43(4), pp. 254-259, Internet Address: mi_qa3711/ is_200211/ai_n9150384, Date of Access: 26.11.2007.
  • ILTIS, Ana Smith; (2003), Institutional Integrity in Health Care, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Institute of Business Ethics (IBE); t.y., “Codes of Ethics”, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 22.08.2007.
  • Josephson Institute Reports (JIR); t.y., “The Hidden Costs of Unethical Behavior”, Internet Address: workplace-flier_0604.pdf, Date of Access: 12.12.2007.
  • KJERULF, Alexander; (2007), “Şirketlere Mutluluğu Öğretiyor”, İ, İnternet Adresi: ikdotnet/Icerik Detay.aspx? BLM=Röportajlar&KayitNo=8826, Erişim Tarihi: 29.12.2007.
  • LEIGHTON, Paul and Donna KILLINGBECK; (2001), “Professional Codes of Ethics”, Criminal Justice Ethics, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 29.11.2007.
  • MARSH, Mary; (2002), Ethical Leadership for the 21st Century Participant Book: Packet of 5, Prepack Edition, Amherst: HRD Press.
  • MCDANIEL, Charlotte; (2004), Organizational Ethics: Research and Ethical Environments, London: Ashgate.
  • MILLER, David and Michael WALZER; (1995), Pluralism, Justice and Equality, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • MITCHELL, Charles; (2003), A Short Course in International Business Ethics: Combining Ethics and Profits in Busines, Novato, California: World Trade Press.
  • MUGERAUER, Robert; (1996), “Environmental Ethics, Mixed-Communities and Compassion”, University of Washington, Department of Urban Design and Planning, Internet Address: discover/ sustainability/nextcity/faculty/robert-mugerauer, Date of Ac- cess: 02.08.2007.
  • MULKI, Jay P.; Jorge F. JARAMILLO and William B. LOCANDER; (2008), “Effect of Ethical Climate on Turnover Intention: Link Attitudinal and Stress Theory”, Journal of Business Ethics, 78, pp. 559–574.
  • NEWMAN, Dianna L. and Robert Donald BROWN; (1996), Applied Ethics for Program Evaluation, California: Sage Publishing.
  • NUTTALL, Jon; (1997), Ahlak Üzerine Tartışmalar, Çev.: Abdullah YILMAZ, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • OKPARA, John O.; (2003), “Can Corporate Ethical Codes of Conduct Influence Behavior?”, The Sixth International Conference of Academy of Business & Administrative Sciences, Brussels: Belgium, July 11-13, Internet Address: _ethical%20codes%20of%20conduct%20and%20employeebehavior.pdf, Date of Access: 12.11.2007.
  • OpenDNS; t.y., “The Performance Executive”, Internet Address: performance _executive_aug_06.html, Date of Access: 21.06.2008.
  • ÖZGEN, Canan; (2004), “Meslek Etik İlkeleri”, ODTÜ Uygulamalı Araştır- ma Merkezi, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tari- hi: 27.11.2007.
  • ÖZMEN, Türda; (2003, 23 Aralık), “Hafife Alanı Kriz Bekliyor”, Radikal, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2007.
  • ÖZTAN, Bilge; (2000), Medeni Hukuk’un Temel Kavramları, Beşinci Bas- kı, Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi.
  • PEKŞEN, Yıldız; (t.y.), “Deontoloji ve Etik”, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Öğrenme Kaynakları Merkezi, İnternet Adresi: deontolojid1.ppt, Erişim Tarihi: 07.08.2007.
  • PETERSON, Robert and Allen O. C. FERRELL; (2004), Business Ethics: New Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders, New York.: M. E. Sharpe, Inc.
  • PETTIJOHN, Charles; Linda PETTIJOHN and Albert J. TAYLOR; (2008), “Salesperson Perceptions of Ethical Behaviors: Their Influence on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intents”, Journal of Business Ethics, 78, pp. 547–557.
  • PIEPER, Annemarie; (1999), Etiğe Giriş, Çev.: Veysel ATAYMAN ve Gönül SEZER, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • PRILLELTENSKY, Isaac; (1994), The Morals and Politics of Psychology: Psychological Discourse and the Status Quo, New York: Suny Press.
  • RUACAN, Şevket; (t.y.), “Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayınlarda Etik İlkeler”, Ha- cettepe Üniversitesi Onkoloji Enstitüsü, dokumanlar/ sempozyum1/sruacan2.pdf, Eri- şim Tarihi: 21.11. 2007. İnternet Adresi:
  • SHIH, Chia-Mei and Chin-Yuan CHEN; (2006), “The Effect of Organizational Ethical Culture on Marketing Managers’ Role Stress and Ethical Behavioral Intentions”, The Journal of American Academy of Business, 8(1), pp. 89–95.
  • ŞİMŞEK, M. Şerif; Tahir AKGEMCİ ve Adnan ÇELİK; (2003), Davranış Bilimlerine Giriş ve Örgütlerde Davranış, Konya: Adım Matbaacılık ve Ofset.
  • TEVRÜZ, Suna; (2007), İş Hayatında Etik, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım.
  • TÜRK, Zeynep; (2004), Muhasebe Meslek Ahlakı, Adana: Nobel Kitabevi.
  • Türkiye Etik Değerler Merkezi (TEDMER); (2005), “Türk İş Gücünün İş Etiğine
  • Yaklaşımı”, İnternet Adresi: turkisgucu 2005.pps#1130,
  • Erişim Tarihi: 07.06.2007.
  • University of Minnesota (UMN); t.y., “Caux Round Table: Principles for Business”, Human Rights Library, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 18. 02. 2008.
  • ÜLGEN, Hayri ve S.Kadri MİRZE; (2004), İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim, İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık.
  • Winning Workplace Organization (WWO); t.y., “Research Studies”, Internet Address:
  • competitiveadvantages.php#ethics, Date of Access: 18. 06. 2008.
  • VALENTINE, Sean and Gary FLEISCHMAN; (2004), “Ethics Training and Businesspersons’ Perceptions of Organizational Ethics”, Journal of Business Ethics, 52, pp. 381–390.
  • VELASQUEZ Manuel; Claire ANDRE, Thomas SHANKS and Michael J. MEYER; (t.y.), “Ethics and Virtue”, Santa Clara University, The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 16.09.2007.
  • VITELL, Scott J. and Ramos HIDALGO; (2006), “The Impact of Corporate Ethical Values and Enforcement of Ethical Codes on the Perceived Importance of Ethics in Business: A Comparison of U.S and Spanish Managers”, Journal of Business Ethics, 64, pp. 31–43.
Year 2011, Issue: 37, 1 - 40, 16.05.2015



  • ADDO, Michael K.; (1999), Human Rights Standards and the Responsibility of Transnational Corporations, Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • AMBROSE, Maureen; Anke ARNAUD and Marshall SCHMINKE; (2008), “Individual Moral Development and Ethical Climate: The Influence of Person Organization Fit on Job Attitudes”, Journal of Business Ethics, 77, pp. 323–333.
  • AY, Ünal; (2003), İşletmelerde Etik ve Sosyal Sorumluluk, Adana: Nobel Kitabevi.
  • AYDIN, İnayet Pehlivan; (2002), Yönetsel Mesleki ve Örgütsel Etik, İkinci Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • BALKIR, Z. Gönül; (2005), “İşverenin Yönetim Hakkının Kullanılmasında Etik Sınırlar”, 2. Siyasette ve Yönetimde Etik Sempozyumu, 18–19 Ka- sım, Sakarya: Sakarya Üniversitesi, ss. 197–209, İnternet Adresi: tr/etik/2.2/Balkir.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 25.10.2007.
  • BBC News; (2003), “Enron Bribed Tax Officials”, BBC News World Edition, Internet Address: 2002/enron/default. stm, Date of Access: 14.12.2007.
  • BEWS, Neville F. and Gedeon Josua ROSSOUW; (2002), “A Role for Business Ethics in Facilitating Trustworthiness”, Journal of Business Ethics, 39, pp. 377–390.
  • BROWN, Jerry; (2003), “Ten Writing Tips for Creating an Effective Code of Conduct”,, Date of Access: 25.10.2007.
  • Capital İş ve Ekonomi Dergisi; (2002, Kasım), “Etik İş Zamanı”, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 04. 07. 2011.
  • CIULLA, Joanne Bridgett; (1998), Ethics, the Heart of Leadership, Westport: Praeger Publishers.
  • COLDWELL David A.; John BILLSBERRY; Nathalie van MEURS and Philip J. G. MARSH; (2008),“The Effects of Person-Organization Ethical Fit on Employee Attraction And Retention: Towards a Testable Explanatory Model”, Journal of Business Ethics, 78, pp. 611-622.
  • ÇALIŞLAR, Aziz; (1983), Ansiklopedik Kültür Sözlüğü, İstanbul: Altın Ki- taplar Yayınevi.
  • DAVIS, Anne L. and Hannah R. ROTHSTEIN; (2008), “The Effects of the Perceived Behavioral Integrity Of Managers on Employee Attitudes: A Meta-analysis”, Journal of Business Ethics, 67, pp. 407–419.
  • DOĞAN, Selen; (2005), Çalışan İlişkileri Yönetimi, İstanbul: Kare Yayınları.
  • CLARK, Don; (2010), “Concepts of Leadership”, Don CLARK’s Personal Website, Internet Address: leadcon.html, Date of Access: 29.11.2011.
  • DUMAN, İsmail ve Yılmaz TAPTIK; (2003), “Mühendislik Etiği”, Bilim, Teknik,
  • Teknoloji, Kalite Çevre, TMMOB MMO İstanbul Şubesi Bülteni, 74, ss. 48–49.
  • Echeat,; t.y.,“Importance of Ethical Principles”, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 17.11.2007.
  • ERGÜN, Mustafa; (t.y.), “Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri”, Araştırma Etiği Sunusu, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 25.11. 2007.
  • FREEMAN, Robert M.; (1999), Correctional Organization and Management: Public Policy Challenges, Behavior and Structure, Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing,.
  • GILMAN, Stuart; (t.y.), “The Importance of Workplace Ethics”, Website, Internet Address: Authors/Gilman/0404GilmanEd.pdf, Date of Access: 22.06.2008.
  • GORLIN, Rena. A.; (1999), Codes of Professional Responsibility: Ethics Standards in Business, Healt and Law, New Jersey: BNA Books.
  • HADJISTAVROPOULOS, Thomas; David C. MALLOY; Donald SHARPE and Sheryl M. GREEN; (2002), “The Relative Importance of the Ethical Principles”, Canadian Psychology, 43(4), pp. 254-259, Internet Address: mi_qa3711/ is_200211/ai_n9150384, Date of Access: 26.11.2007.
  • ILTIS, Ana Smith; (2003), Institutional Integrity in Health Care, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Institute of Business Ethics (IBE); t.y., “Codes of Ethics”, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 22.08.2007.
  • Josephson Institute Reports (JIR); t.y., “The Hidden Costs of Unethical Behavior”, Internet Address: workplace-flier_0604.pdf, Date of Access: 12.12.2007.
  • KJERULF, Alexander; (2007), “Şirketlere Mutluluğu Öğretiyor”, İ, İnternet Adresi: ikdotnet/Icerik Detay.aspx? BLM=Röportajlar&KayitNo=8826, Erişim Tarihi: 29.12.2007.
  • LEIGHTON, Paul and Donna KILLINGBECK; (2001), “Professional Codes of Ethics”, Criminal Justice Ethics, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 29.11.2007.
  • MARSH, Mary; (2002), Ethical Leadership for the 21st Century Participant Book: Packet of 5, Prepack Edition, Amherst: HRD Press.
  • MCDANIEL, Charlotte; (2004), Organizational Ethics: Research and Ethical Environments, London: Ashgate.
  • MILLER, David and Michael WALZER; (1995), Pluralism, Justice and Equality, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • MITCHELL, Charles; (2003), A Short Course in International Business Ethics: Combining Ethics and Profits in Busines, Novato, California: World Trade Press.
  • MUGERAUER, Robert; (1996), “Environmental Ethics, Mixed-Communities and Compassion”, University of Washington, Department of Urban Design and Planning, Internet Address: discover/ sustainability/nextcity/faculty/robert-mugerauer, Date of Ac- cess: 02.08.2007.
  • MULKI, Jay P.; Jorge F. JARAMILLO and William B. LOCANDER; (2008), “Effect of Ethical Climate on Turnover Intention: Link Attitudinal and Stress Theory”, Journal of Business Ethics, 78, pp. 559–574.
  • NEWMAN, Dianna L. and Robert Donald BROWN; (1996), Applied Ethics for Program Evaluation, California: Sage Publishing.
  • NUTTALL, Jon; (1997), Ahlak Üzerine Tartışmalar, Çev.: Abdullah YILMAZ, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • OKPARA, John O.; (2003), “Can Corporate Ethical Codes of Conduct Influence Behavior?”, The Sixth International Conference of Academy of Business & Administrative Sciences, Brussels: Belgium, July 11-13, Internet Address: _ethical%20codes%20of%20conduct%20and%20employeebehavior.pdf, Date of Access: 12.11.2007.
  • OpenDNS; t.y., “The Performance Executive”, Internet Address: performance _executive_aug_06.html, Date of Access: 21.06.2008.
  • ÖZGEN, Canan; (2004), “Meslek Etik İlkeleri”, ODTÜ Uygulamalı Araştır- ma Merkezi, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tari- hi: 27.11.2007.
  • ÖZMEN, Türda; (2003, 23 Aralık), “Hafife Alanı Kriz Bekliyor”, Radikal, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2007.
  • ÖZTAN, Bilge; (2000), Medeni Hukuk’un Temel Kavramları, Beşinci Bas- kı, Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi.
  • PEKŞEN, Yıldız; (t.y.), “Deontoloji ve Etik”, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Öğrenme Kaynakları Merkezi, İnternet Adresi: deontolojid1.ppt, Erişim Tarihi: 07.08.2007.
  • PETERSON, Robert and Allen O. C. FERRELL; (2004), Business Ethics: New Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders, New York.: M. E. Sharpe, Inc.
  • PETTIJOHN, Charles; Linda PETTIJOHN and Albert J. TAYLOR; (2008), “Salesperson Perceptions of Ethical Behaviors: Their Influence on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intents”, Journal of Business Ethics, 78, pp. 547–557.
  • PIEPER, Annemarie; (1999), Etiğe Giriş, Çev.: Veysel ATAYMAN ve Gönül SEZER, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • PRILLELTENSKY, Isaac; (1994), The Morals and Politics of Psychology: Psychological Discourse and the Status Quo, New York: Suny Press.
  • RUACAN, Şevket; (t.y.), “Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayınlarda Etik İlkeler”, Ha- cettepe Üniversitesi Onkoloji Enstitüsü, dokumanlar/ sempozyum1/sruacan2.pdf, Eri- şim Tarihi: 21.11. 2007. İnternet Adresi:
  • SHIH, Chia-Mei and Chin-Yuan CHEN; (2006), “The Effect of Organizational Ethical Culture on Marketing Managers’ Role Stress and Ethical Behavioral Intentions”, The Journal of American Academy of Business, 8(1), pp. 89–95.
  • ŞİMŞEK, M. Şerif; Tahir AKGEMCİ ve Adnan ÇELİK; (2003), Davranış Bilimlerine Giriş ve Örgütlerde Davranış, Konya: Adım Matbaacılık ve Ofset.
  • TEVRÜZ, Suna; (2007), İş Hayatında Etik, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım.
  • TÜRK, Zeynep; (2004), Muhasebe Meslek Ahlakı, Adana: Nobel Kitabevi.
  • Türkiye Etik Değerler Merkezi (TEDMER); (2005), “Türk İş Gücünün İş Etiğine
  • Yaklaşımı”, İnternet Adresi: turkisgucu 2005.pps#1130,
  • Erişim Tarihi: 07.06.2007.
  • University of Minnesota (UMN); t.y., “Caux Round Table: Principles for Business”, Human Rights Library, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 18. 02. 2008.
  • ÜLGEN, Hayri ve S.Kadri MİRZE; (2004), İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim, İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık.
  • Winning Workplace Organization (WWO); t.y., “Research Studies”, Internet Address:
  • competitiveadvantages.php#ethics, Date of Access: 18. 06. 2008.
  • VALENTINE, Sean and Gary FLEISCHMAN; (2004), “Ethics Training and Businesspersons’ Perceptions of Organizational Ethics”, Journal of Business Ethics, 52, pp. 381–390.
  • VELASQUEZ Manuel; Claire ANDRE, Thomas SHANKS and Michael J. MEYER; (t.y.), “Ethics and Virtue”, Santa Clara University, The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 16.09.2007.
  • VITELL, Scott J. and Ramos HIDALGO; (2006), “The Impact of Corporate Ethical Values and Enforcement of Ethical Codes on the Perceived Importance of Ethics in Business: A Comparison of U.S and Spanish Managers”, Journal of Business Ethics, 64, pp. 31–43.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Selen Doğan This is me

Abdullah Karataş This is me

Publication Date May 16, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011 Issue: 37


APA Doğan, S., & Karataş, A. (2015). ÖRGÜTSEL ETİĞİN ÇALIŞAN MEMNUNİYETİNE ETKİSİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(37), 1-40.

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