Research Article
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Hârezmî’nin Eserlerinin İstanbul Yazmaları

Year 1987, Volume: 3 Issue: 7, 163 - 186, 04.01.1987




  • 1 . Sezgin F., Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. Bd. 6. Astronom ie bis ca. 430 H ., Leiden 1978.
  • 2. Muhammad ibn Mûsâ al-K hwârizm î, K 1200-letiyu so dnya rozhderıiya (T o the 1200 anniversary o f the birthday) Ed. by A . P. Youschkevitch, Moscovv: N auka 1983. In Russian.
  • 3 . Krause M ., Stambuler Handschrifteıı Islamischer Mathematiker. Quellen and Studierı zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik, A bt. B. 1936, Bd. 3, S. 437-532.
  • 4 . Dold-Sam plonius Y ., Book o f Assumption bu Aqâtun. T ext-critical edition, Amsterdam 1977.
  • 5 . Matvievskaya G . P., Rosenfeld B. A ., Matematiki i astronomy musulmanskogo srednevekovya i İh trudy (V III-X V II vv.) (M athem aticians and astronomers o f m edievel İslam and their works (8th-i7th cc.), 3 volumes, Moscovv: N auka 1983. In Russian.
  • 6. Thâbitibn Qurra, Matematicheskie traktaty (M athem atical treatises), Nauchnoe nasledstvo, vol. 8, Moscovv: Nauka 1984. In Russian.
  • 7 . King D. A ., Al-Khwârizmî and neııı trends in mathematical astronomy in the ninth century. T h e H agop K evorkian Çenter for N ear Eastern Studies. O ccasional papers, No. 2, Nevv Y o rk 1983.
  • 8. Frank J. “ Die Vervvendung des Astrolabe nach A l-Khwârizmî” Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Natunvissenschaften und Medizin, N o. 3, Erlangen 1922.
  • 9 . Al-Khwârizmî Muhammad, Matematicheskie traktaty (Mathem atical treatises), Ed. by S. H . Sirazhdinoy, Tashkent: Fan 1983. In Russian.
  • 10. Aş-Şûfî ‘Abdu’r-Rahmân b. ‘Umar, Kitâb al-amal asturlâb. Ed. M . Abdul Mu ’id Khan, H yderabad 1962.
  • 11 . Berunî A b u R ayhan (Al-Bîrûnî A b û ’r-R eyhân), Kanon Mas'uda (al-Q ânûn al-M as’ûdî), Part 1, (Translated by P. G . Bulgakov, B. A . Rosenfeld and M . M . Rozhanskaya) Izbrannye trudy (Selected vvorks), vol. 5, Part I, Tashkent: Fan 1973. In Russian.
  • 12. Ptolemaus C l., Handbuch der Astronomie Übers. K . M anitius, Vorvvort und Berichtigungen von O . Neugebauer. Bd. 1, L eipzig 1963.
  • 13. Istoriya matematiki s drevneyskih vremen do nachala novogo memeni (The history o f m athematics from the deep antiquity to the beginning o f nevv ages). — Istoriya matematiki s drevneyskih vremen do nachala X IX stoletiya (The history o f mathematics from the deep antiquity to the beginning o f the X I X th century). V o l. 1. Ed. by A . P. Youschkevitch, Moscovv: N auka, 1970. In Russian.
  • 14. Hans von Mzik, Das Kitâb Şûrat al-ard des Abû G a f ar Muhammad ibn Mûsâ al-Huwârizmî, L eip zig 1962.

İstanbul Manuscripts of Al-Khwârizmîs Treatises

Year 1987, Volume: 3 Issue: 7, 163 - 186, 04.01.1987




  • 1 . Sezgin F., Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. Bd. 6. Astronom ie bis ca. 430 H ., Leiden 1978.
  • 2. Muhammad ibn Mûsâ al-K hwârizm î, K 1200-letiyu so dnya rozhderıiya (T o the 1200 anniversary o f the birthday) Ed. by A . P. Youschkevitch, Moscovv: N auka 1983. In Russian.
  • 3 . Krause M ., Stambuler Handschrifteıı Islamischer Mathematiker. Quellen and Studierı zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik, A bt. B. 1936, Bd. 3, S. 437-532.
  • 4 . Dold-Sam plonius Y ., Book o f Assumption bu Aqâtun. T ext-critical edition, Amsterdam 1977.
  • 5 . Matvievskaya G . P., Rosenfeld B. A ., Matematiki i astronomy musulmanskogo srednevekovya i İh trudy (V III-X V II vv.) (M athem aticians and astronomers o f m edievel İslam and their works (8th-i7th cc.), 3 volumes, Moscovv: N auka 1983. In Russian.
  • 6. Thâbitibn Qurra, Matematicheskie traktaty (M athem atical treatises), Nauchnoe nasledstvo, vol. 8, Moscovv: Nauka 1984. In Russian.
  • 7 . King D. A ., Al-Khwârizmî and neııı trends in mathematical astronomy in the ninth century. T h e H agop K evorkian Çenter for N ear Eastern Studies. O ccasional papers, No. 2, Nevv Y o rk 1983.
  • 8. Frank J. “ Die Vervvendung des Astrolabe nach A l-Khwârizmî” Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Natunvissenschaften und Medizin, N o. 3, Erlangen 1922.
  • 9 . Al-Khwârizmî Muhammad, Matematicheskie traktaty (Mathem atical treatises), Ed. by S. H . Sirazhdinoy, Tashkent: Fan 1983. In Russian.
  • 10. Aş-Şûfî ‘Abdu’r-Rahmân b. ‘Umar, Kitâb al-amal asturlâb. Ed. M . Abdul Mu ’id Khan, H yderabad 1962.
  • 11 . Berunî A b u R ayhan (Al-Bîrûnî A b û ’r-R eyhân), Kanon Mas'uda (al-Q ânûn al-M as’ûdî), Part 1, (Translated by P. G . Bulgakov, B. A . Rosenfeld and M . M . Rozhanskaya) Izbrannye trudy (Selected vvorks), vol. 5, Part I, Tashkent: Fan 1973. In Russian.
  • 12. Ptolemaus C l., Handbuch der Astronomie Übers. K . M anitius, Vorvvort und Berichtigungen von O . Neugebauer. Bd. 1, L eipzig 1963.
  • 13. Istoriya matematiki s drevneyskih vremen do nachala novogo memeni (The history o f m athematics from the deep antiquity to the beginning o f nevv ages). — Istoriya matematiki s drevneyskih vremen do nachala X IX stoletiya (The history o f mathematics from the deep antiquity to the beginning o f the X I X th century). V o l. 1. Ed. by A . P. Youschkevitch, Moscovv: N auka, 1970. In Russian.
  • 14. Hans von Mzik, Das Kitâb Şûrat al-ard des Abû G a f ar Muhammad ibn Mûsâ al-Huwârizmî, L eip zig 1962.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Erdem

A. A. Ahmedov This is me

J. Ad-dabbagh This is me

B. A. Rosenfeld This is me

Publication Date January 4, 1987
Published in Issue Year 1987 Volume: 3 Issue: 7


APA Ahmedov, A. A., Ad-dabbagh, J., & Rosenfeld, B. A. (1987). İstanbul Manuscripts of Al-Khwârizmîs Treatises. Erdem, 3(7), 163-186.

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