ERDEM Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
As one of the periodicals of the Atatürk Cultural Center, it is a peer-reviewed, academic journal that publishes scientific articles prepared in various fields of social sciences (history of science, literature, folklore, sociology, cultural studies, art history, music) and published twice a year in June and December.
The first issue of our journal was published in 1985, its founder Ord. Professor Dr. Aydın SAYILI.
The purpose of the journal was explained by Aydın Sayılı as representing Turkish culture and national culture. In order to realize this aim, Aydın Sayılı said: “Our first condition is to work within a completely scientific framework and to present ERDEM as a journal representing the scientific research activity in the first plan.”
Scientific articles prepared in the field of social sciences (history of science, literature, folklore, sociology, cultural studies, art history, music) in the journal of Erdem are published by the decision of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Erdem if the referee enters the process and receives two approvals. DOI numbers are assigned to all articles published in the journal. Articles submitted in accordance with ERDEM publication rules are checked for plagiarism before publication.
Erdem journal has adopted an open access policy. Open access provides useful results for humanity by increasing the speed and scope of information dissemination. Erdem journal is prepared and published by using public resources and does not charge the authors; pays royalties to the authors and referees according to the provisions of the related regulation.
ERDEM Editorial Principles
Scientific articles prepared in the field of social sciences in the journal of Erdem are published by the decision of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Erdem if the referee enters the process and receives two approvals. DOI numbers are assigned to all articles published in the journal. Articles submitted in accordance with ERDEM publication rules are checked for plagiarism before publication.
Scientific articles prepared in the field of social sciences in the journal of Erdem are published by the decision of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Erdem if the referee enters the process and receives two approvals. DOI numbers are assigned to all articles published in the journal. Articles submitted in accordance with ERDEM publication rules are checked for plagiarism before publication.
Erdem journal has adopted an open access policy. Open access provides useful results for humanity by increasing the speed and scope of information dissemination. Erdem journal is prepared and published by using public resources and does not charge the authors; pays royalties to the authors and referees according to the provisions of the related regulation.
• Article submission to ERDEM journal via The name of the institution is made by selecting the Atatürk Cultural Center Presidency and the journal name ERDEM.
Erdem, published by Atatürk Culture Centre, is a peer- reviewed international journal that publishes articles on humanities and social sciences. It is published twice a year in June and December. The articles should be in accordance with scientific research criteria, contribute to related fields, and not have been published elsewhere. Symposium papers may be accepted for publication if they are not published before.
Review of Articles
• The articles submitted to Erdem are reviewed by the Editorial Board in terms of publishing principles. Those which are in accordance with the publication criteria are sent to two referees. The authors take referee suggestions into consideration, but they have the right to oppose to the points they do not agree.
• The articles accepted for publication are sent to the authors in pdf format after their page setup is done. The author reads the article for proof and makes necessary corrections and sends it back.
• The opinions expressed in the articles are authors’ solely.
• The authors are paid for their articles. The copyright for published articles resides with Atatürk Culture Centre, and this includes the publication of the article on the net.
• Unpublished articles are not returned to authors.
The Language
• Erdem is published in Turkish. However, articles in English or in other Turkish dialects may also be published on condition that it does not exceed one fifth of an issue. The articles submitted to the journal should be in harmony with academic language use.
Style Guidelines
• Articles should be typed with MS Word or compatible programmes. Text should be written in Times News Roman font type, 12 font size, 1.5 spaced and pages should be numbered. Articles should not exceed 6000 words. Special fonts should not be used and if there are signs of transcription, they must be pointed out for editing.
• The name and surname of the author should be written in bold letters; academic title, institution and e-mail adress should be written in normal letters in footnote.
• Titles should be coherent with the content of the article, and written in bold letters, not exceeding 10 words.
• At the beginning of the article there should be an abstract in Turkish, and an abstract in English, each including between 350-400 words. Abstracts have to be typed with 12 font size, and 5 to 8 keywords from general to specific have to be supplied.
• Titles should be written in bold letters. It is suggested better to use headings in long articles. All main and subheadings (parts, bibliography, and appendix) should be written in bold letters.
• The parts to be emphasized in the text should be in “quotation marks”, not in bold or italics. Both “quotation
marks” and italics or both bold and italics cannot be used at the same time.
• Direct quotations are written in “quotation marks”. Quotations that exceed 4 lines are blocked. Use tab command for indentations, and for long quotations 2 tabs from the left margin. Use 12 font size for long quotations.
• TDK Yazım Kılavuzu is to be taken as the basis for spelling except for special occasions.
Citations and Bibliography
• Footnote and bibliography should be coherent in writing style.The names of long works (books, journals, newspapers etc.) are written in italic letters and short works (article, story, poem etc.) are written in “quotation marks”. Also it is suggested that footnotes should only be used for additional information not included in text.
• References within the text should include the surname of the author, year of the publication, and page number in parantheses as follows: (Köprülü 1932: 120).
If the name of the author is used in the sentence, there is no need to mention it in parantheses: (1932: 120).
• For articles with more than one author, names should be referred as: (Jameson ve Habermas, Lyotard 1990).
• If a work has a compiler, translator, publisher or editor, it should be cited in the bibliography.
• Author, title, and publication date should be given for electronic sources. Also access date should be given in parantheses.
• Using secondary sources should be avoided.
• Works, that are not referred to in the text, should not be cited in the Bibliography.
• Bibliography should be given at the end of the article. Bibliographical information is to be ordered alphabetically as exemplified below. Publisher of the works and page numbers of the articles should be indicated.
Ayvazoğlu, Beşir (2012). “Peyami Safa’nın Hareket Yazıları”, Erdem 62, s.1-16.
Ergin, Muharrem (1991). Dede Korkut Kitabı, Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
Gümüş, Semih (Ocak 2014). “Tarihin Rüyasını Gören Yazar: İhsan Oktay Anar”, (Erişim tarihi: 2 Şubat 2014 < anar/336>.
Jameson, Fredric ve Jürgen Habermas, Jean-François Lyotard (1990). Postmodernizm,
Haz. Necmi Zeka, Çev. Gülengül Naliş, Dumrul Sabuncuoğlu ve Deniz Erksan,
İstanbul: Kıyı Yayınları.
Moran, Berna (1994).
“Bilge Karasu’nun Kılavuz’u”, Türk Romanına Eleştirel Bir
Bakış III, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, s.119-134.
Tanpınar, Ahmet Hamdi (1969). Edebiyat Üzerine Makaleler, Haz. Zeynep Kerman, İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları.
ERDEM dergisi kamu kaynakları kullanılarak hazırlanır ve yayımlanır; yazarlardan ücret talep etmez, yazar ve hakemlerine Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu Telif Hakkı, Yayın ve Satış Yönetmeliği hükümlerine göre telif ödemesi yapar.
ERDEM Journal is indexed by TR Dizin, MLA International Bibliography, EBSCOhost, SOBIAD, ASI (Advanced Science Index) ISAM, DAVET and AYK Journal Index.