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Year 2020, , 85 - 90, 18.12.2019


Childhood period is a vital opportunity period for learing with experiencing and developing age related skills to enhance social participation with participation to dily life and learn that they are part of the community. So that brings out the importance of developing the highest level of performance skills of children with any limitation in body functions and structure, activity or participation with multidisciplinary / interdisciplinary / transdisciplinary rehabilitation interventions and services. Habilitation understanding and studies for children facing developmental risks identified as a disadvantaged group are developing rapidly in our country as well as in the world. In this review, it is aimed that professionals from different disciplines working as a team aiming to develop children’s capacity in different performance areas and to ensure their social / social participation by developing new skills for children with activity and participation limitations and also in this study the client-centered habilitation practices additional to family and caregivers educations for children with different physical, social and institutional environmental features discussed in detail.


  • Referans 1 Adolfsson, M. (2017). The ICF-CY in habilitation services for children. In An Emerging Approach for Education and Care (pp. 187-203). outledge.
  • Referens 2 Alexander, M. A., Matthews, D. J., & Murphy, K. P. (Eds.). (2015). Pediatric rehabilitation: principles and practice. Demos Medical Publishing.
  • Referans 3 Arca, M., & Saka, G. (2019). Engellilerin Temel Hizmetlere Ulaşılabilirliği ve Beklenti Durumları.
  • Referans 4 Aslan, F. (2017). Çocukluk Dönemi Engeliliğinde Habilitasyon Uygulamaları ve Hemşirelerin Rolleri. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 4(3), 260-266.
  • Referans 5 Bøttcher L, Stadskleiv K, Berntsen T, et al. (2015). Systematic cognitive monitoring of children with cerebral palsy–the development of an assessment and follow-up protocol. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 1-12.
  • Referans 6 Bronfenbrenner U. (1977). Toward an experimental ecology of human development. American psychologist, 32 (7):513.
  • Referans 7 Camden, C., Tétreault, S., & Swaine, B. (2010). Rehabilitation for children-How is it different from rehabilitation for adults. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation.
  • Referans 8 Cook, R. E., Klein, M. D., & Chen, D. (2015). Adapting early childhood curricula for children with special needs. Pearson.
  • Referans 9 Crnic, K. A., Neece, C. L., McIntyre, L. L., Blacher, J., & Baker, B. L. (2017). Intellectual disability and developmental risk: Promoting intervention to improve child and family well‐being, Child Development, 88(2), 436-445.
  • Referans 10 Ekberg, K., Scarinci, N., Hickson, L., & Meyer, C. (2018). Parent‐directed commentaries during children's hearing habilitation appointments: a practice in family‐centred care. International journal of language & communication disorders, 53(5), 929-946.
  • Referans 11 Escorpizo, R., Brage, S., Homa, D., & Stucki, G. (2016). Handbook of vocational rehabilitation and disability evaluation. Springer International Pu.
  • Referans 12 Guralnick, M. J. (2017). Early intervention for children with intellectual disabilities: An update. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30(2), 211-229.
  • Referans 13 Haglund, N., Dahlgren, S., Råstam, M., Gustafsson, P., & Källén, K. (2017). Improvement of autism symptoms after comprehensive intensive early interventions in a clinical setting. European Psychiatry, 41, S129.
  • Referans 14 Harty, M., Griesel, M., & Van der Merwe, A. (2011). The ICF as a common language for rehabilitation goal-setting: comparing client and professional priorities. Health and Quality of life outcomes, 9(1), 87.
  • Referans 15 Heckman, J. J. (2006). Skill formation and the economics of investing in disadvantaged children. Science, 312(5782), 1900-1902.
  • Referans 16 Illum, N. O., Bonderup, M., & Gradel, K. O. (2016). Environmental needs in childhood disability analysed by the WHO ICF, Child and Youth Version. Danish medical journal, 63(6), 1-5.
  • Referans 17 Kesselring, J., & Oesch, P. (2017). Teamwork in rehabilitation–it is effective but it must be financed. Swiss medical weekly, 147(2526).
  • Referans 18 King, G., Schwellnus, H., Servais, M., & Baldwin, P. (2019). Solution-focused coaching in pediatric rehabilitation: investigating transformative experiences and outcomes for families. Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics, 39(1), 16-32.
  • Referans 19 Martin Ginis, K. A., Ma, J. K., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., & Rimmer, J. H. (2016). A systematic review of review articles addressing factors related to physical activity participation among children and adults with physical disabilities. Health psychology review, 10(4), 478-494.
  • Referans 20 Márton, S. M., Polk, G., & Fiala, D. R. C. (2013). Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Referans 21 Novak, I., & Berry, J. (2014). Home program intervention effectiveness evidence. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr, 34(4), 384-389.
  • Referans 22 Oliver, M. (2017). Defining impairment and disability: Issues at stake. In Disability and equality law (pp. 3-18). Routledge.
  • Referans 23 Organization WH, Unicef. Early childhood development and disability: Discussion paper. World Health Organization & United Nations Children’s Fund. Retrieved from: http://www. who. int/disabilities/media/news/2012/13_09/en/index. html. 2012.
  • Referans 24 Porter, J. (2016). Time for justice: safeguarding the rights of disabled children. Disability & Society, 31(8), 997-1012.
  • Referans 25 Rimmer, J. H. (2017). Equity in active living for people with disabilities: Less talk and more action. Preventive medicine, 95, S154-S156.
  • Referans 26 Sameroff AJ, Seifer R, Baldwin A & Baldwin C. (1993). Stability of intelligence from preschool to adolescence: The influence of social and family risk factors. Child development, 64(1):80-97.
  • Referans 27 Santos, M. D. C. (2012). Intellectual developmental disorders: towards a new name, definition and framework for mental retardation/intellectual disability in ICD-11. Nascer e Crescer, 21(4), 248-249.
  • Referans 28 Shemek, M., Carey, D. H., Ott, A., Tiedemann, A., Moffa, L., Stanzione, M., & Walsh, K. (2018). Assessing the Need for a Multidisciplinary Patient and Family Education Pediatrics Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting.
  • Referans 29 Shonkoff, J. P., & Hauser-Cram, P. (1987). Early intervention for disabled infants and their families: a quantitative analysis. Pediatrics, 80(5), 650-658.
  • Referans 30 Simeonsson, R. J., & Lee, A. (2017). The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Children and Youth. An Emerging Approach for Education and Care: Implementing a Worldwide Classification of Functioning and Disability.
  • Referans 31 TUİK, Engellilerin Sorun ve Beklentileri Araştırması, 2014 – TÜİK
  • Referans 32 Tye-Murray, N. (2019). Foundations of aural rehabilitation: Children, adults, and their family members. Plural Publishing.
  • Referans 33 World Health Organization. (2015). WHO global disability action plan 2014-2021: Better health for all people with disability. World Health Organization.

Çocukluk Dönemi Habilitasyon Uygulamaları

Year 2020, , 85 - 90, 18.12.2019


Çocukluk dönemi; tüm çocuklar için, deneyim öğrendiği ve yaşı ile
uyumlu günlük yaşam aktivitelerine katılım yolu ile sosyal katılım
becerilerinin geliştiği ve toplumun bir parçası olduklarını öğrendikleri önemli
bir fırsat dönemidir. Bu nedenle, herhangi bir yapı ve fonsiyon bozukluğu ile
aktivite ve katılım kısıtlılığı gösteren çocukların; en üst seviye performans
becerilerini ortaya çıkarmalarına yardımcı olabilecek
multidipliner/interdipliner/transdisipliner rehabilitasyon müdahalelerine ve
hizmetlere en erken dönemde ulaşabilmelerinin, çocukların toplumsal katılım
becerilerinin geliştirilebilmesi için çok önemli olduğu bilinmektedir.
Dezavantajlı bir grup olarak tanımlanan gelişimsel riskler ile karşı karşıya
kalan çocuklara yönelik habilitasyon anlayışı ve çalışmaları dünyada olduğu
gibi ülkemizde de hızla gelişme göstermektedir. Bu derlemede, aktivite ve
katılım kısıtlılığı gösteren çocuklara yönelik yeni beceri gelişimi ile farklı
performans alanlarında kapasitelerini geliştirerek toplumsal/sosyal katılımlarının
sağlanmasını hedefleyen, farklı disiplinlerden profesyonellerin ekip olarak
çalıştığı; çocuk merkezli, aile ve bakım verenler ile çocuğun içerisinde
bulunduğu fiziksel, sosyal ve kurumsal çevresel faktörlerin farklı boyutları ile
detaylı olarak ele alındığı, çocuklara yönelik habilitasyon uygulamalarının
incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. 


  • Referans 1 Adolfsson, M. (2017). The ICF-CY in habilitation services for children. In An Emerging Approach for Education and Care (pp. 187-203). outledge.
  • Referens 2 Alexander, M. A., Matthews, D. J., & Murphy, K. P. (Eds.). (2015). Pediatric rehabilitation: principles and practice. Demos Medical Publishing.
  • Referans 3 Arca, M., & Saka, G. (2019). Engellilerin Temel Hizmetlere Ulaşılabilirliği ve Beklenti Durumları.
  • Referans 4 Aslan, F. (2017). Çocukluk Dönemi Engeliliğinde Habilitasyon Uygulamaları ve Hemşirelerin Rolleri. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 4(3), 260-266.
  • Referans 5 Bøttcher L, Stadskleiv K, Berntsen T, et al. (2015). Systematic cognitive monitoring of children with cerebral palsy–the development of an assessment and follow-up protocol. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 1-12.
  • Referans 6 Bronfenbrenner U. (1977). Toward an experimental ecology of human development. American psychologist, 32 (7):513.
  • Referans 7 Camden, C., Tétreault, S., & Swaine, B. (2010). Rehabilitation for children-How is it different from rehabilitation for adults. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation.
  • Referans 8 Cook, R. E., Klein, M. D., & Chen, D. (2015). Adapting early childhood curricula for children with special needs. Pearson.
  • Referans 9 Crnic, K. A., Neece, C. L., McIntyre, L. L., Blacher, J., & Baker, B. L. (2017). Intellectual disability and developmental risk: Promoting intervention to improve child and family well‐being, Child Development, 88(2), 436-445.
  • Referans 10 Ekberg, K., Scarinci, N., Hickson, L., & Meyer, C. (2018). Parent‐directed commentaries during children's hearing habilitation appointments: a practice in family‐centred care. International journal of language & communication disorders, 53(5), 929-946.
  • Referans 11 Escorpizo, R., Brage, S., Homa, D., & Stucki, G. (2016). Handbook of vocational rehabilitation and disability evaluation. Springer International Pu.
  • Referans 12 Guralnick, M. J. (2017). Early intervention for children with intellectual disabilities: An update. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30(2), 211-229.
  • Referans 13 Haglund, N., Dahlgren, S., Råstam, M., Gustafsson, P., & Källén, K. (2017). Improvement of autism symptoms after comprehensive intensive early interventions in a clinical setting. European Psychiatry, 41, S129.
  • Referans 14 Harty, M., Griesel, M., & Van der Merwe, A. (2011). The ICF as a common language for rehabilitation goal-setting: comparing client and professional priorities. Health and Quality of life outcomes, 9(1), 87.
  • Referans 15 Heckman, J. J. (2006). Skill formation and the economics of investing in disadvantaged children. Science, 312(5782), 1900-1902.
  • Referans 16 Illum, N. O., Bonderup, M., & Gradel, K. O. (2016). Environmental needs in childhood disability analysed by the WHO ICF, Child and Youth Version. Danish medical journal, 63(6), 1-5.
  • Referans 17 Kesselring, J., & Oesch, P. (2017). Teamwork in rehabilitation–it is effective but it must be financed. Swiss medical weekly, 147(2526).
  • Referans 18 King, G., Schwellnus, H., Servais, M., & Baldwin, P. (2019). Solution-focused coaching in pediatric rehabilitation: investigating transformative experiences and outcomes for families. Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics, 39(1), 16-32.
  • Referans 19 Martin Ginis, K. A., Ma, J. K., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., & Rimmer, J. H. (2016). A systematic review of review articles addressing factors related to physical activity participation among children and adults with physical disabilities. Health psychology review, 10(4), 478-494.
  • Referans 20 Márton, S. M., Polk, G., & Fiala, D. R. C. (2013). Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Referans 21 Novak, I., & Berry, J. (2014). Home program intervention effectiveness evidence. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr, 34(4), 384-389.
  • Referans 22 Oliver, M. (2017). Defining impairment and disability: Issues at stake. In Disability and equality law (pp. 3-18). Routledge.
  • Referans 23 Organization WH, Unicef. Early childhood development and disability: Discussion paper. World Health Organization & United Nations Children’s Fund. Retrieved from: http://www. who. int/disabilities/media/news/2012/13_09/en/index. html. 2012.
  • Referans 24 Porter, J. (2016). Time for justice: safeguarding the rights of disabled children. Disability & Society, 31(8), 997-1012.
  • Referans 25 Rimmer, J. H. (2017). Equity in active living for people with disabilities: Less talk and more action. Preventive medicine, 95, S154-S156.
  • Referans 26 Sameroff AJ, Seifer R, Baldwin A & Baldwin C. (1993). Stability of intelligence from preschool to adolescence: The influence of social and family risk factors. Child development, 64(1):80-97.
  • Referans 27 Santos, M. D. C. (2012). Intellectual developmental disorders: towards a new name, definition and framework for mental retardation/intellectual disability in ICD-11. Nascer e Crescer, 21(4), 248-249.
  • Referans 28 Shemek, M., Carey, D. H., Ott, A., Tiedemann, A., Moffa, L., Stanzione, M., & Walsh, K. (2018). Assessing the Need for a Multidisciplinary Patient and Family Education Pediatrics Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting.
  • Referans 29 Shonkoff, J. P., & Hauser-Cram, P. (1987). Early intervention for disabled infants and their families: a quantitative analysis. Pediatrics, 80(5), 650-658.
  • Referans 30 Simeonsson, R. J., & Lee, A. (2017). The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Children and Youth. An Emerging Approach for Education and Care: Implementing a Worldwide Classification of Functioning and Disability.
  • Referans 31 TUİK, Engellilerin Sorun ve Beklentileri Araştırması, 2014 – TÜİK
  • Referans 32 Tye-Murray, N. (2019). Foundations of aural rehabilitation: Children, adults, and their family members. Plural Publishing.
  • Referans 33 World Health Organization. (2015). WHO global disability action plan 2014-2021: Better health for all people with disability. World Health Organization.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Rehabilitation
Journal Section Collection

Meral Huri 0000-0002-8738-9594

Filiz Aslan 0000-0002-4267-2126

Kubra Seyhan 0000-0001-7943-4255

Esra Aki 0000-0002-5806-6518

Mintaze Kerem Günel 0000-0003-4942-5272

Publication Date December 18, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Huri, M., Aslan, F., Seyhan, K., Aki, E., et al. (2019). Çocukluk Dönemi Habilitasyon Uygulamaları. Ergoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 8(1), 85-90.
AMA Huri M, Aslan F, Seyhan K, Aki E, Kerem Günel M. Çocukluk Dönemi Habilitasyon Uygulamaları. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi. December 2019;8(1):85-90. doi:10.30720/ered.623870
Chicago Huri, Meral, Filiz Aslan, Kubra Seyhan, Esra Aki, and Mintaze Kerem Günel. “Çocukluk Dönemi Habilitasyon Uygulamaları”. Ergoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 8, no. 1 (December 2019): 85-90.
EndNote Huri M, Aslan F, Seyhan K, Aki E, Kerem Günel M (December 1, 2019) Çocukluk Dönemi Habilitasyon Uygulamaları. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 8 1 85–90.
IEEE M. Huri, F. Aslan, K. Seyhan, E. Aki, and M. Kerem Günel, “Çocukluk Dönemi Habilitasyon Uygulamaları”, Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 85–90, 2019, doi: 10.30720/ered.623870.
ISNAD Huri, Meral et al. “Çocukluk Dönemi Habilitasyon Uygulamaları”. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 8/1 (December 2019), 85-90.
JAMA Huri M, Aslan F, Seyhan K, Aki E, Kerem Günel M. Çocukluk Dönemi Habilitasyon Uygulamaları. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi. 2019;8:85–90.
MLA Huri, Meral et al. “Çocukluk Dönemi Habilitasyon Uygulamaları”. Ergoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, 2019, pp. 85-90, doi:10.30720/ered.623870.
Vancouver Huri M, Aslan F, Seyhan K, Aki E, Kerem Günel M. Çocukluk Dönemi Habilitasyon Uygulamaları. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi. 2019;8(1):85-90.

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