Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 88 - 100, 01.08.2019
Abdullah Eren
Muhammet Dursun Kaya
- Abran, A., Khelifi, A., Suryn, W., & Seffah, A. (2003). Usability meanings and interpretations in ISO standards. Software quality journal, 11(4), 325-338.
- Afonso, C. M., González, M. D. L. O., Roldán Salgueiro, J. L., & Sánchez Franco, M. J. (2012). Determinants of User Acceptance of a Local eGovernment Electronic Document Management System (EDMS).
- Björk, B. C. (2002, June). The impact of electronic document management on construction information management. In Proceedings of International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction CIB w78 conference (pp. 12-14).
- Cheng, Y. M. (2011). Antecedents and consequences of e‐learning acceptance. Information Systems Journal, 21(3), 269-299.Chiu, C. M., Hsu, M. H., Sun, S. Y., Lin, T. C., & Sun, P. C. (2005). Usability, quality, value and e-learning continuance decisions. Computers & Education, 45(4), 399-416.Cho, V., Cheng, T. E., & Lai, W. J. (2009). The role of perceived user-interface design in continued usage intention of self-paced e-learning tools. Computers & Education, 53(2), 216-227.
- Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319–340.
- Davis, F.D.; Bagozzi, R.P.; and Warshaw, P.R. User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models. Management Science, 35, 8 (1989), 982–1003.
- Delone, W. H. and McLean, E. (1992). Information Systems Success: The Quest for the Dependent Variable. Information Systems Research, 3, pp.60-95.
- Flavián, C., Guinalíu, M., & Gurrea, R. (2006). The role played by perceived usability, satisfaction and consumer trust on website loyalty. Information & management, 43(1), 1-14.
- Forbes-Pitt, K. (2006). A document for document's sake: A possible account for document system failures and a proposed way forward. Records Management Journal, 16(1), 13- 20.
- Hair, J. F., Black Jr, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). ―Multivariate Data Analysis‖, Pearson Prentice Hall, USA.
- Hertzum, M. (2010). Images of usability. Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 26(6), 567-600.
- Holden, H., & Rada, R. (2011). Understanding the influence of perceived usability and technology self-efficacy on teachers’ technology acceptance. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 43(4), 343-367.
- Hong, K., Cheng, J. L. A., & Liau, T. (2005). Effects of system's and user's characteristics on e-learning use: A study at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia, 28(2), 1.
- Hubona, G., & Burton-Jones, A. (2002). Modeling user acceptance of e-mail. In R. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences (Vol. 1, pp. 25–35). Washington, DC: IEEE Computing Society Press.
- Hung, S. Y., Tang, K. Z., Chang, C. M., & Ke, C. D. (2009). User acceptance of intergovernmental services: An example of electronic document management system. Government Information Quarterly, 26(2), 387-397.
- International Organization for Standardization, & International Electrotechnical Commission. (2001). Software Engineering--Product Quality: Quality model (Vol. 1). ISO/IEC.
- ISO 9241-11. (1998). Ergonomics requirements for office with visual display terminals (VDTs) – Part 11: Guidance on usability. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
- Jones, S. (2012). eGovernment Document Management System: A case analysis of risk and reward. International Journal of Information Management, 32(4), 396-400.
- Kline, R. B. (2011). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, 3rd edn Guilford Press. New York
- Lacka, E., & Chong, A. (2016). Usability perspective on social media sites' adoption in the B2B context. Industrial Marketing Management, 54, 80-91.
- Lee, M., Cheung, C. and Chen, Z. (2005), “Acceptance of Internet-based learning medium: the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation”, Information & Management, Vol. 42, pp. 1095-104.
- Meier, J., & Sprague, R. (1996, January). Towards a better understanding of electronic document management. In System Sciences, 1996., Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Hawaii International Conference on, (Vol. 5, pp. 53-61). IEEE.
- Nielsen J (1993) Usability engineering. MorganKaufman, San Francisco
- Oghuma, A. P., Libaque-Saenz, C. F., Wong, S. F., & Chang, Y. (2016). An expectation-confirmation model of continuance intention to use mobile instant messaging. Telematics and Informatics, 33(1), 34-47.
- Pituch, K. A., & Lee, Y. K. (2006). The influence of system characteristics on e-learning use. Computers & Education, 47(2), 222-244.
- Roca, J. C., Chiu, C. M., & Martínez, F. J. (2006). Understanding e-learning continuance intention: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of human-computer studies, 64(8), 683-696.
- Shin, D. H. (2012). Cross-analysis of usability and aesthetic in smart devices: what influences users' preferences?. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 19(4), 563- 587.
- Sutton, M. J. D. andLemay, P. J. 1999), ‘Terms Of Reference: The Foundation ForImplementing Document Management Systems’, International Journal of Information Systems Management, Vol. 16, pp. 78-83
- Sprague, R. H.. (1995). Electronic Document Management: Challenges and Opportunities for Information Systems Managers. MIS Quarterly, 19(1), 29–49
- Tyrvainen, P., & Paivarinta, T. (1999, January). On rethinking organizational document genres for electronic document management. In Systems Sciences, 1999. HICSS-32. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 10-pp). IEEE.
- Vélez, O., Okyere, P. B., Kanter, A. S., & Bakken, S. (2014). A usability study of a mobile health application for rural Ghanaian midwives. Journal of midwifery & women's health, 59(2), 184-191.
- Venkatesh, V., & Davis, F. D. (2000). A theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model: Four longitudinal field studies. Management Science, 46(2), 186–204.
- Wixom, B. H., & Todd, P. A. (2005). A theoretical integration of user satisfaction and technology acceptance. Information systems research, 16(1), 85-102.
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 88 - 100, 01.08.2019
Abdullah Eren
Muhammet Dursun Kaya
Elektronik belge yönetim
sistemleri (EBYS) bu anlamda birçok kuruluşta tercih edilmekte ve
kullanılmaktadır. İş süreçlerinin dijital hale gelmesi ile kullanıcıların yeni
sisteme hangi düzeyde adapte olabildikleri sistemin devamlılığı adına
önemlidir. Bu yüzden sistemin kullanılabilirlik derecesi kullanıcıların sistemi
benimsemesi adına önem taşımaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı EBYS’nin sistemsel
özelliklerinin algılanan kullanılabilirliği hangi düzeyde etkilediğini
belirlemektir. Aynı zamanda sistemin kabullenme derecesini belirlemektir. Buna
göre bu çalışmada sistemin karakteristik özelliklerinin algılanan
kullanılabilirlik üzerindeki etkileri ve algılanan kullanılabilirliğin kullanım
niyetleri üzerindeki etkileri Teknoloji Kabul Modeli çerçevesinde araştırılmıştır.
Üniversite çalışanları ve akademisyenler üzerinde yürütülen bu çalışmada EBYS
kullanan kişiler üzerinde anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar
kullanılan yapılar arasındaki ilişki düzeylerine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Buna
göre sistem özelliklerinden sistem işlevselliği, sistem tepkisi ve kullanıcı
arayüz tasarımının algılanan kullanılabilirlik üzerinde anlamlı ve pozitif
yönde etkileri gözlenirken, sistem etkileşiminin algılanan kullanılabilirliği
etkilemediği gözlenmiştir. Bu çalışma ile EBYS’nin sistemsel özelliklerinin
algılanan kullanılabilirlik ve sistemi kabullenme adına önemli olduğu ortaya
- Abran, A., Khelifi, A., Suryn, W., & Seffah, A. (2003). Usability meanings and interpretations in ISO standards. Software quality journal, 11(4), 325-338.
- Afonso, C. M., González, M. D. L. O., Roldán Salgueiro, J. L., & Sánchez Franco, M. J. (2012). Determinants of User Acceptance of a Local eGovernment Electronic Document Management System (EDMS).
- Björk, B. C. (2002, June). The impact of electronic document management on construction information management. In Proceedings of International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction CIB w78 conference (pp. 12-14).
- Cheng, Y. M. (2011). Antecedents and consequences of e‐learning acceptance. Information Systems Journal, 21(3), 269-299.Chiu, C. M., Hsu, M. H., Sun, S. Y., Lin, T. C., & Sun, P. C. (2005). Usability, quality, value and e-learning continuance decisions. Computers & Education, 45(4), 399-416.Cho, V., Cheng, T. E., & Lai, W. J. (2009). The role of perceived user-interface design in continued usage intention of self-paced e-learning tools. Computers & Education, 53(2), 216-227.
- Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319–340.
- Davis, F.D.; Bagozzi, R.P.; and Warshaw, P.R. User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models. Management Science, 35, 8 (1989), 982–1003.
- Delone, W. H. and McLean, E. (1992). Information Systems Success: The Quest for the Dependent Variable. Information Systems Research, 3, pp.60-95.
- Flavián, C., Guinalíu, M., & Gurrea, R. (2006). The role played by perceived usability, satisfaction and consumer trust on website loyalty. Information & management, 43(1), 1-14.
- Forbes-Pitt, K. (2006). A document for document's sake: A possible account for document system failures and a proposed way forward. Records Management Journal, 16(1), 13- 20.
- Hair, J. F., Black Jr, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). ―Multivariate Data Analysis‖, Pearson Prentice Hall, USA.
- Hertzum, M. (2010). Images of usability. Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 26(6), 567-600.
- Holden, H., & Rada, R. (2011). Understanding the influence of perceived usability and technology self-efficacy on teachers’ technology acceptance. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 43(4), 343-367.
- Hong, K., Cheng, J. L. A., & Liau, T. (2005). Effects of system's and user's characteristics on e-learning use: A study at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia, 28(2), 1.
- Hubona, G., & Burton-Jones, A. (2002). Modeling user acceptance of e-mail. In R. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences (Vol. 1, pp. 25–35). Washington, DC: IEEE Computing Society Press.
- Hung, S. Y., Tang, K. Z., Chang, C. M., & Ke, C. D. (2009). User acceptance of intergovernmental services: An example of electronic document management system. Government Information Quarterly, 26(2), 387-397.
- International Organization for Standardization, & International Electrotechnical Commission. (2001). Software Engineering--Product Quality: Quality model (Vol. 1). ISO/IEC.
- ISO 9241-11. (1998). Ergonomics requirements for office with visual display terminals (VDTs) – Part 11: Guidance on usability. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
- Jones, S. (2012). eGovernment Document Management System: A case analysis of risk and reward. International Journal of Information Management, 32(4), 396-400.
- Kline, R. B. (2011). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, 3rd edn Guilford Press. New York
- Lacka, E., & Chong, A. (2016). Usability perspective on social media sites' adoption in the B2B context. Industrial Marketing Management, 54, 80-91.
- Lee, M., Cheung, C. and Chen, Z. (2005), “Acceptance of Internet-based learning medium: the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation”, Information & Management, Vol. 42, pp. 1095-104.
- Meier, J., & Sprague, R. (1996, January). Towards a better understanding of electronic document management. In System Sciences, 1996., Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Hawaii International Conference on, (Vol. 5, pp. 53-61). IEEE.
- Nielsen J (1993) Usability engineering. MorganKaufman, San Francisco
- Oghuma, A. P., Libaque-Saenz, C. F., Wong, S. F., & Chang, Y. (2016). An expectation-confirmation model of continuance intention to use mobile instant messaging. Telematics and Informatics, 33(1), 34-47.
- Pituch, K. A., & Lee, Y. K. (2006). The influence of system characteristics on e-learning use. Computers & Education, 47(2), 222-244.
- Roca, J. C., Chiu, C. M., & Martínez, F. J. (2006). Understanding e-learning continuance intention: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of human-computer studies, 64(8), 683-696.
- Shin, D. H. (2012). Cross-analysis of usability and aesthetic in smart devices: what influences users' preferences?. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 19(4), 563- 587.
- Sutton, M. J. D. andLemay, P. J. 1999), ‘Terms Of Reference: The Foundation ForImplementing Document Management Systems’, International Journal of Information Systems Management, Vol. 16, pp. 78-83
- Sprague, R. H.. (1995). Electronic Document Management: Challenges and Opportunities for Information Systems Managers. MIS Quarterly, 19(1), 29–49
- Tyrvainen, P., & Paivarinta, T. (1999, January). On rethinking organizational document genres for electronic document management. In Systems Sciences, 1999. HICSS-32. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 10-pp). IEEE.
- Vélez, O., Okyere, P. B., Kanter, A. S., & Bakken, S. (2014). A usability study of a mobile health application for rural Ghanaian midwives. Journal of midwifery & women's health, 59(2), 184-191.
- Venkatesh, V., & Davis, F. D. (2000). A theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model: Four longitudinal field studies. Management Science, 46(2), 186–204.
- Wixom, B. H., & Todd, P. A. (2005). A theoretical integration of user satisfaction and technology acceptance. Information systems research, 16(1), 85-102.