Research Article
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Analysis of Animal Law in the Framework of International Declarations

Year 2023, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 169 - 198, 28.04.2023


The interaction between animals and humans dates back to the beginning of their existence. Considering this interaction, especially after the industrial revolution, the exploitation and abuse of animals by humans has reached a high and irreparable level. The development of technology has made this situation worse. Theoretically, solutions have been sought with animal welfare, new animal welfarism and animal rights approaches. The animal welfare approach has been full of shortcomings for animal protection due to its anthropocentrism and uncertainties. The new animal welfarism, on the other hand, is ina difficult position to defend, as it threatens to compromise in the struggle for rights. Real protection can only be provided on the basis of animal rights.

Even if an international consensus on animal law has not yet been achieved in the international arena, there are two declarations that can be a guide or basis for future binding international regulations and national legislations. The first of these is the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights. Although this Declaration was created on the basis of animal rights, it has reached a new animal welfare line with some regulations. The second declaration is the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare, which was originally prepared with the concern of animal welfare and aimed to be developed in this direction. Even if these regulations have not established an ideal protection, they can be deemed as important in terms of contributing to animal protection in various ways and shedding light on future regulations.


  • 5199 Sayılı Hayvanları Koruma Kanunu, (Erişim Tarihi: 17.01.2022),
  • ur=1&MevzuatTertip=5
  • Anderson, David J. ve Ralph Adolphs. “A Framework for Studying Emotions across Species”. Cell. 127 (2014): 187-200.
  • Animal Ethics, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.09.2022),
  • Armutak, Altan, “Deney Hayvanları ile Çalışmanın Etik Boyutları”. İçinde Hayvan Etiği, Editör M. İhsan Karaman, Seyit Ankaralı, Tuncay Sandıkçı, İstanbul: İsar Yayınları, 2019.
  • Bekoff, Marc. Hayvanların Duygusal Dünyası, Çeviren Asude Taçyıldız İpekçioğlu, İstanbul: Destek Yayınları, 2020.
  • Berger, John. Hayvanlara Niçin Bakarız?, Çeviren Cevat Çapan, Ankara: Tudem Yayın Grubu, 2. Baskı, 2017.
  • Broom, Donald M., “Animal Welfare-Freedom”. İçinde Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Editör Marc Bekoff, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.
  • Cambridge Bilinç Bildirgesi, (Erişim Tarihi: 25.12.2021), .
  • Davies, Peter, “Work of Non-Governmental Organisations Supporting the Implementation of the OIE Standards”. İçinde Second OIE
  • Global Conference on Animal Welfare:‘Putting the OIE Standards to Work’, Luxemburg. 2011.
  • DeMello, Margo. Animals and Society. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021.
  • Descartes, Rene, “Animals are Machines”. İçinde Animal Rights and Human Obligation, Editör. Tom Regan, Peter Singer, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1976.
  • Descartes, Rene. Duygular ya da Ruh Halleri, Çeviren Çiğdem Dürüşken, İstanbul: Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım, 3. Basım, 2017.
  • Faria, Catia ve Eze Paez. “Anthropocentrism and Speciesism: Captual and Normative Issues”. Revista de Bioetica y Derecho. (2013): 1- 9.
  • Francione, Gary L.. “Animal Rights-Animal Rights and New Welfarism”. İçinde Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Editör Marc Bekoff, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.
  • Francione, Gary L. ve Robert Garner. The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
  • Fraser, David. “Animal Welfare”. İçinde Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Editör Marc Bekoff, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.
  • Fraser, David vd. “A Scientific Conception of Animal Welfare that Reflects Ethical Concerns”. Animal Welfare. 6 (1997): 187-205.
  • Fox, Michael Allen. “Anthropocentrism”. İçinde Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Editör Marc Bekoff, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.
  • Gibson, Miah. “The Universal Declaration of Animal Welfare”. Deakin Law Review. 16/2 (2011): 539-567.
  • Gordilho, Heron José de Santana ve Fernando de Azevedo Alves Brito. “Universal Declaration of Animal Rights and Brazilian Law System”. Revista Jurídica Luso-Brasileira. 5/4 (2019): 987-1009.
  • Güven, Yağmur Özgür ve Oğuzcan Kınıkoğlu. Hayvan Deneyleri: Hayvanlar Bizim İçin Mi Var?. İstanbul: Yeni İnsan Yayınevi, 2020.
  • Jena, Nibedita Priyadarshini. “Animal Welfare and Animal Rights: an Examination of Some Ethical Problems”. Journal of Academic Ethics. 15 (2017): 377-395.
  • Lenguaer, Erwin. “Tom Regan’s Philosophy of Animal Rights: Subjects-of-a-Life in the Context of Discussion of Instrinsic and Inherent Value”. Problemos. 97 (2020): 87-98.
  • Lund, Vonne, Grahame Coleman, Stefan Gunnarsson, Michael Calvert Appleby, Katri Karkinen. “Animal Welfare Science—Working atthe Interface Between the Natural and Social Sciences”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 97 (2006): 37-49.
  • Neumann, Jean-Marc. “The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights or The Creation of a New Equilibrum between Species”. Animal Law Review. 19/91 (2012): 91-109.
  • Paul, Elizabeth S. ve Michael T. Mendl, “Animal Emotion: Descriptive and Prescriptive Definitions and Their Implications for a Comparative Perspective”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 205(2018): 202-209.
  • Peters, Anne. “Rights of Human and Nonhuman Animals: Complementing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. AJIL Unbound. 112 (2018): 355-360.
  • Regan, Tom. Animal Rights, Human Wrongs: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy. Oxford: Rowman&Littlefield Publishers, 2003.
  • Regan, Tom. “The Case for Animal Rights”. İçinde Advences in Animal Welfare Science 1986/87, Editör M.W. Fox, L. D. Mickley, Washington: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1986.
  • Regan, Tom. The Case For Animal Rights. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.
  • Report of the Committee to Enquire into the Welfare of Animals kept under Intensive Livestock Husbandry Systems, (Erişim Tarihi: 22.12.2021),
  • Rollin, Bernard. “Animal Ethics and Law”. Michigan Law Review First Impression. 106 (2008): 143-146.
  • Rollin, Bernard. “Animal Welfare, Animal Rights and Agriculture”. Journal of Animal Science. 68/10 (1990): 3456-3461.
  • TDK Sözlüğü, (Erişim Tarihi: 21.12.2021-01.09.2022),
  • Universal Declaration of Animal Rights 1978, (Erişim Tarihi: 28.11.2021), Universal Declaration of Animal Rigths 1989, (Erişim Tarihi: 28.11.2021),
  • f%20Animal%20Rights.htm.Universal Declaration of Animal Rigths 2018, (Erişim Tarihi 28.11.2021),
  • Declaration on Animal Welfare, (Erişim Tarihi: 24.12.2021),
  •, Russell ve Rex Burch, The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique, (Erişim Tarihi: 27.10.2021),
  • Zentall, Thomas R.. “Animal Intelligence”. İçinde The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence, Editör Robert J. Sternberg, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2. Baskı, 2020.
  • Zurlo, Joanne ve Alan M. Goldberg. “Alternatives to Animal Experiment-Reduction, Refinement and Replacement (the Three Rs)”. İçinde Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Editör Marc Bekoff, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.


Year 2023, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 169 - 198, 28.04.2023


Hayvanlar ve insanlar arasındaki etkileşim varoluşlarıyla birlikte başlar. Bu etkileşim kapsamında, özellikle sanayi devrimi sonrasında, hayvanların insanlar tarafından sömürülme ve istismar edilme durumları onarılamaz boyutlara ulaşmıştır. Teknolojinin de gelişmesiyle aşikâr hale gelen bu duruma, teoride hayvan refahı, yeni hayvan refahçılığı ve hayvan hakları yaklaşımlarıyla çözüm aranmıştır. Hayvan refahı, gebe olduğu belirsizlikler ve barındırdığı antroposantrizm nedeniyle hayvanların korunması için eksikliklerle dolu bir yol olmuştur. Yeni hayvan refahçılığı ise hak mücadelesinin taviz verilebilir bir olgu olduğu algısını yaratma tehdidi oluşturduğu için savunulması güç bir konumdadır. Gerçek bir koruma ancak hayvan hakları temelinde sağlanabilecektir.

Uluslararası alanda hayvan hukukuna ilişkin henüz uluslararası nitelikli bir mutabakat sağlanamamış olsa bile gelecekteki bağlayıcı nitelikte uluslararası düzenlemelere ve ulusal mevzuat düzenlemelerine rehber veya temel olabilecek iki bildiri göze çarpmaktadır. Bunlardan ilki hayvan hakları temelinde oluşturulmasına rağmen yapılan düzenlemelerle bir ileri bir geri adımlar atılan, nihayetinde yeni hayvan refahçı bir çizgiye gelen Hayvan Haklarına İlişkin Evrensel Bildiridir. İkincisi ise, temelinden hayvan refahı kaygısıyla düzenlenen, bu yaklaşımla geliştirilmesi amaçlanan Hayvan Refahına İlişkin Evrensel Bildiridir. Bu düzenlemeler ideal anlamda bir koruma tesis edememiş
olsalar bile muhtelif yollardan hayvan korumasına katkı sağlaması ve gelecek düzenlemelere ışık tutmaları açısından önemlidir.


  • 5199 Sayılı Hayvanları Koruma Kanunu, (Erişim Tarihi: 17.01.2022),
  • ur=1&MevzuatTertip=5
  • Anderson, David J. ve Ralph Adolphs. “A Framework for Studying Emotions across Species”. Cell. 127 (2014): 187-200.
  • Animal Ethics, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.09.2022),
  • Armutak, Altan, “Deney Hayvanları ile Çalışmanın Etik Boyutları”. İçinde Hayvan Etiği, Editör M. İhsan Karaman, Seyit Ankaralı, Tuncay Sandıkçı, İstanbul: İsar Yayınları, 2019.
  • Bekoff, Marc. Hayvanların Duygusal Dünyası, Çeviren Asude Taçyıldız İpekçioğlu, İstanbul: Destek Yayınları, 2020.
  • Berger, John. Hayvanlara Niçin Bakarız?, Çeviren Cevat Çapan, Ankara: Tudem Yayın Grubu, 2. Baskı, 2017.
  • Broom, Donald M., “Animal Welfare-Freedom”. İçinde Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Editör Marc Bekoff, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.
  • Cambridge Bilinç Bildirgesi, (Erişim Tarihi: 25.12.2021), .
  • Davies, Peter, “Work of Non-Governmental Organisations Supporting the Implementation of the OIE Standards”. İçinde Second OIE
  • Global Conference on Animal Welfare:‘Putting the OIE Standards to Work’, Luxemburg. 2011.
  • DeMello, Margo. Animals and Society. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021.
  • Descartes, Rene, “Animals are Machines”. İçinde Animal Rights and Human Obligation, Editör. Tom Regan, Peter Singer, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1976.
  • Descartes, Rene. Duygular ya da Ruh Halleri, Çeviren Çiğdem Dürüşken, İstanbul: Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım, 3. Basım, 2017.
  • Faria, Catia ve Eze Paez. “Anthropocentrism and Speciesism: Captual and Normative Issues”. Revista de Bioetica y Derecho. (2013): 1- 9.
  • Francione, Gary L.. “Animal Rights-Animal Rights and New Welfarism”. İçinde Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Editör Marc Bekoff, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.
  • Francione, Gary L. ve Robert Garner. The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
  • Fraser, David. “Animal Welfare”. İçinde Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Editör Marc Bekoff, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.
  • Fraser, David vd. “A Scientific Conception of Animal Welfare that Reflects Ethical Concerns”. Animal Welfare. 6 (1997): 187-205.
  • Fox, Michael Allen. “Anthropocentrism”. İçinde Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Editör Marc Bekoff, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.
  • Gibson, Miah. “The Universal Declaration of Animal Welfare”. Deakin Law Review. 16/2 (2011): 539-567.
  • Gordilho, Heron José de Santana ve Fernando de Azevedo Alves Brito. “Universal Declaration of Animal Rights and Brazilian Law System”. Revista Jurídica Luso-Brasileira. 5/4 (2019): 987-1009.
  • Güven, Yağmur Özgür ve Oğuzcan Kınıkoğlu. Hayvan Deneyleri: Hayvanlar Bizim İçin Mi Var?. İstanbul: Yeni İnsan Yayınevi, 2020.
  • Jena, Nibedita Priyadarshini. “Animal Welfare and Animal Rights: an Examination of Some Ethical Problems”. Journal of Academic Ethics. 15 (2017): 377-395.
  • Lenguaer, Erwin. “Tom Regan’s Philosophy of Animal Rights: Subjects-of-a-Life in the Context of Discussion of Instrinsic and Inherent Value”. Problemos. 97 (2020): 87-98.
  • Lund, Vonne, Grahame Coleman, Stefan Gunnarsson, Michael Calvert Appleby, Katri Karkinen. “Animal Welfare Science—Working atthe Interface Between the Natural and Social Sciences”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 97 (2006): 37-49.
  • Neumann, Jean-Marc. “The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights or The Creation of a New Equilibrum between Species”. Animal Law Review. 19/91 (2012): 91-109.
  • Paul, Elizabeth S. ve Michael T. Mendl, “Animal Emotion: Descriptive and Prescriptive Definitions and Their Implications for a Comparative Perspective”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 205(2018): 202-209.
  • Peters, Anne. “Rights of Human and Nonhuman Animals: Complementing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. AJIL Unbound. 112 (2018): 355-360.
  • Regan, Tom. Animal Rights, Human Wrongs: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy. Oxford: Rowman&Littlefield Publishers, 2003.
  • Regan, Tom. “The Case for Animal Rights”. İçinde Advences in Animal Welfare Science 1986/87, Editör M.W. Fox, L. D. Mickley, Washington: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1986.
  • Regan, Tom. The Case For Animal Rights. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.
  • Report of the Committee to Enquire into the Welfare of Animals kept under Intensive Livestock Husbandry Systems, (Erişim Tarihi: 22.12.2021),
  • Rollin, Bernard. “Animal Ethics and Law”. Michigan Law Review First Impression. 106 (2008): 143-146.
  • Rollin, Bernard. “Animal Welfare, Animal Rights and Agriculture”. Journal of Animal Science. 68/10 (1990): 3456-3461.
  • TDK Sözlüğü, (Erişim Tarihi: 21.12.2021-01.09.2022),
  • Universal Declaration of Animal Rights 1978, (Erişim Tarihi: 28.11.2021), Universal Declaration of Animal Rigths 1989, (Erişim Tarihi: 28.11.2021),
  • f%20Animal%20Rights.htm.Universal Declaration of Animal Rigths 2018, (Erişim Tarihi 28.11.2021),
  • Declaration on Animal Welfare, (Erişim Tarihi: 24.12.2021),
  •, Russell ve Rex Burch, The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique, (Erişim Tarihi: 27.10.2021),
  • Zentall, Thomas R.. “Animal Intelligence”. İçinde The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence, Editör Robert J. Sternberg, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2. Baskı, 2020.
  • Zurlo, Joanne ve Alan M. Goldberg. “Alternatives to Animal Experiment-Reduction, Refinement and Replacement (the Three Rs)”. İçinde Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Editör Marc Bekoff, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Kamu Hukuku

Buse Duru 0000-0003-1726-7118

Selman Özdan This is me 0000-0002-1002-0625

Publication Date April 28, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


Chicago Duru, Buse, and Selman Özdan. “ULUSLARARASI BİLDİRİLER ÇERÇEVESİNDE HAYVAN HUKUKU İNCELEMESİ”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 18, no. 1 (April 2023): 169-98.

Cited By University Journal of Law Faculty by Erciyes University Law Faculty is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0