Research Article
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The Protective Effect of Tomato Extract Against to Chromium-Induced Damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Year 2019, , 1048 - 1055, 31.08.2019


this study 4 groups were formed. Groups: (i) Control group; (ii) Tomato extract
Group (DE); (iii) Chromium group; (iv) Tomato extract + Chromium group. S. cerevisiae cultures were developed at
30 ° C for 1 hour, 3 hours, 5 hours and 24 hours. Cell development and lipid
peroxidation MDA (malondialdehyde) analyzes were determined by
spectrophotometer. Total protein changes were determined by SDS-PAGE
electrophoresis and calculated by the Bradford method.
According to the results, cell development and total
protein synthesis increased in the
Tomato extract + Chromium group (1, 3, 5 and 24 hours) and MDA level decreased
compared to the
chromium group. As a result, tomato extract has a role in promoting cell growth and total protein
synthesis as well as reducing oxidative damage in S. cerevisiae culture.


  • Alugoju, P., Periyasamy, L. and Dyavaiah, M. (2018). Quercetin Enhances Stress Resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae tel1 Mutant Cells to Different Stressors. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55 (4), 1455–1466.Aslan, A. (2015). The Effects of Different Essential FJ and their Combination on Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Growth. Progress in Nutrition, 17 (1), 36-40.Aslan, A. (2018). Cell Culture Developing and the İmaging of Total Protein Product Changing with SDS-PAGE in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Progress Nutrition, 20 (1), 128-132.Aslan, A. and Can, M.I. (2015a). The İnhbition of Chromium Effect in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Thrive from Grapefruit. Progress in Nutrition, 17 (4), 339-342.Aslan, A. and Can, M.I. (2015b). The Effect of Orange Juice against to H2O2 Stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Progress in Nutrition, 17 (3), 250-254.Aslan, A., Baspinar, S. and Yilmaz, O. (2014b). Is Pomegranate Juice has a Vital Role for Protective Effect on Saccharomyces cerevisiae Growth?. Progress in Nutrition, 16 (3), 212-217.Aslan, A., Can, M.I. and Boydak, D. (2014a). Anti-Oxidant Effects of Pomegranate Juice on Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Growth. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med, 11 (4), 14-18Aslan, A., Gök, Ö. and Erman, O. (2017). The Protective Effect of Kiwi Fruit Extract Against to Chromium Effect on Protein Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Progress in Nutrition, 19 (4), 472-476.Aslan, A., Gök, Ö., Erman, O. and Kuloğlu, T. (2018). Ellagic Acid İmpedes Carbontetrachloride-İnduced Liver Damage in Rats Through Suppression of NF-kB, Bcl-2 and regulating Nrf-2 and caspase pathway. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 105, 662–669.Gök, Ö. (2017). Karbon Tetraklorür ile Karaciğer Hasarı Oluşturulmuş Sıçanlarda Ellagik Asitin Bazı Apoptotik Proteinlerin İfadesine Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elazığ.Jacewicz, D., Siedlecka-Kroplewska, K., Drzeżdżon, J., Piotrowska, A., Wyrzykowski, D., Tesmar, A., Zamojc, K. and Chmurzyński, L. (2017). Method for Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide in HT22 Cells. Scientific Reports, 7, 45673.Karatay, H., Sahin, A., Yilmaz, Ö. ans Aslan, A. (2014). Major Fatty Acids Composition of 32 Almond (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] DA Webb) Genotypes Distributed in East and Southeast of Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry/Turk Biyokimya Dergisi, 39 (3), 307-316.Laemmli, U.K. (1970). Cleavage of Structural Proteins During the Assembly of the Head of Bacteriophage T4. Nature, 227, 680-685.Ohkawa, H., Ohishi, N. and Yagi, K. (1979). Assay for Lipid Peroxides in Animal Tissues by Thiobarbituric Acid Reaction. Analyses of Biochemichal, 95, 351-358.Pan, S., Jia, B., Liu, H., Wang, Z., Chai, M. Z., Ding, M. Z., Zhou, X., Li, X., Li, C., Li, B. and Yuan, Y.J. (2018). Endogenous lycopene improves ethanol production under acetic acid stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 11 (1), 107.Park, Y.S., Namiesnik. J., Vearasilp, K., Leontowicz, H., Leontowicz, M., Barasch, D., Nemirovski, A., Trakhtenberg, S., Gorinstein, S. (2014). Bioactive Compounds and the Antioxidant Capacity in New Kiwi Fruit Cultivars. Food Chemistry, 165, 354–361.Salehi, B., Sharifi-Rad, R., Sharopov, F., Namiesnik, J., Roointan, A., Kamle, M., Kumar, P., Martins, N. and Sharifi-Rad, J. (2019). Beneficial Effects and Potential Risks Of Tomatoes Consumption For Human Health: An Overview. Nutrition, 62, 201-208.Soquetta, M.B., Stefanello, F.S., Mota Huerta, K., Monteiro, S.S., Rosa, C. S. and Terra, N.N. (2016). Characterization of Physiochemical and Microbiological Properties, and Bioactive Compounds, of Flour Made from the Skin and Bagasse of Kiwi Fruit (Actinidia deliciosa). Food chemistry, 199, 471-478.Vázquez, J., González, B., Sempere, V., Mas, A., Torija, M. J. and Beltran, G. (2017). Melatonin Reduces Oxidative Stress Damage İnduced by Hydrogen Peroxide in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 1066.Wang, Y., Shan, T., Yuan, Y., Zhang, Z., Guo, C. and Yue, T. (2017). Evaluation of Penicillium expansum for Growth, Patulin Accumulation, Nonvolatile Compounds and Volatile Profile in Kiwi Juices of Different Cultivars. Food Chemistry, 228, 211-218.

Domates Ekstraktının Saccharomyces cerevisiae’de Oluşturulan Krom Hasarına Karşı Koruyucu Etkisi

Year 2019, , 1048 - 1055, 31.08.2019


Bu çalışmada 4 grup oluşturulmuştur. Gruplar: (i) Kontrol grubu; (ii)
Domates ekstraktı grubu (DE); (iii) Krom grubu; (iv) DE + Krom grubu.
S. cerevisiae kültürleri 1
saat, 3 saat, 5 saat ve 24 saat boyunca 30 °C'de geliştirildi. Hücre gelişimi
ve lipit peroksidasyonu MDA (malondialdehit) analizleri spektrofotometre ile
belirlendi. Total protein değişiklikleri SDS-PAGE elektroforezi ile tespit
edildi ve Bradford metodu ile hesaplandı.
Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; krom grubu ile kıyaslandığında hücre
gelişimi ve
protein sentezi
, DE’ de (1, 3, 5 ve 24 saat)
artarken, MDA seviyesinde azalış göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak
DE’nin S. cerevisiae kültüründe oksidatif hasarı azaltmasının yanı sıra, hücre büyümesini ve
total protein sentezini teşvik edici bir role sahip olduğunu söyleyebiliriz


  • Alugoju, P., Periyasamy, L. and Dyavaiah, M. (2018). Quercetin Enhances Stress Resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae tel1 Mutant Cells to Different Stressors. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55 (4), 1455–1466.Aslan, A. (2015). The Effects of Different Essential FJ and their Combination on Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Growth. Progress in Nutrition, 17 (1), 36-40.Aslan, A. (2018). Cell Culture Developing and the İmaging of Total Protein Product Changing with SDS-PAGE in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Progress Nutrition, 20 (1), 128-132.Aslan, A. and Can, M.I. (2015a). The İnhbition of Chromium Effect in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Thrive from Grapefruit. Progress in Nutrition, 17 (4), 339-342.Aslan, A. and Can, M.I. (2015b). The Effect of Orange Juice against to H2O2 Stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Progress in Nutrition, 17 (3), 250-254.Aslan, A., Baspinar, S. and Yilmaz, O. (2014b). Is Pomegranate Juice has a Vital Role for Protective Effect on Saccharomyces cerevisiae Growth?. Progress in Nutrition, 16 (3), 212-217.Aslan, A., Can, M.I. and Boydak, D. (2014a). Anti-Oxidant Effects of Pomegranate Juice on Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Growth. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med, 11 (4), 14-18Aslan, A., Gök, Ö. and Erman, O. (2017). The Protective Effect of Kiwi Fruit Extract Against to Chromium Effect on Protein Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Progress in Nutrition, 19 (4), 472-476.Aslan, A., Gök, Ö., Erman, O. and Kuloğlu, T. (2018). Ellagic Acid İmpedes Carbontetrachloride-İnduced Liver Damage in Rats Through Suppression of NF-kB, Bcl-2 and regulating Nrf-2 and caspase pathway. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 105, 662–669.Gök, Ö. (2017). Karbon Tetraklorür ile Karaciğer Hasarı Oluşturulmuş Sıçanlarda Ellagik Asitin Bazı Apoptotik Proteinlerin İfadesine Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elazığ.Jacewicz, D., Siedlecka-Kroplewska, K., Drzeżdżon, J., Piotrowska, A., Wyrzykowski, D., Tesmar, A., Zamojc, K. and Chmurzyński, L. (2017). Method for Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide in HT22 Cells. Scientific Reports, 7, 45673.Karatay, H., Sahin, A., Yilmaz, Ö. ans Aslan, A. (2014). Major Fatty Acids Composition of 32 Almond (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] DA Webb) Genotypes Distributed in East and Southeast of Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry/Turk Biyokimya Dergisi, 39 (3), 307-316.Laemmli, U.K. (1970). Cleavage of Structural Proteins During the Assembly of the Head of Bacteriophage T4. Nature, 227, 680-685.Ohkawa, H., Ohishi, N. and Yagi, K. (1979). Assay for Lipid Peroxides in Animal Tissues by Thiobarbituric Acid Reaction. Analyses of Biochemichal, 95, 351-358.Pan, S., Jia, B., Liu, H., Wang, Z., Chai, M. Z., Ding, M. Z., Zhou, X., Li, X., Li, C., Li, B. and Yuan, Y.J. (2018). Endogenous lycopene improves ethanol production under acetic acid stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 11 (1), 107.Park, Y.S., Namiesnik. J., Vearasilp, K., Leontowicz, H., Leontowicz, M., Barasch, D., Nemirovski, A., Trakhtenberg, S., Gorinstein, S. (2014). Bioactive Compounds and the Antioxidant Capacity in New Kiwi Fruit Cultivars. Food Chemistry, 165, 354–361.Salehi, B., Sharifi-Rad, R., Sharopov, F., Namiesnik, J., Roointan, A., Kamle, M., Kumar, P., Martins, N. and Sharifi-Rad, J. (2019). Beneficial Effects and Potential Risks Of Tomatoes Consumption For Human Health: An Overview. Nutrition, 62, 201-208.Soquetta, M.B., Stefanello, F.S., Mota Huerta, K., Monteiro, S.S., Rosa, C. S. and Terra, N.N. (2016). Characterization of Physiochemical and Microbiological Properties, and Bioactive Compounds, of Flour Made from the Skin and Bagasse of Kiwi Fruit (Actinidia deliciosa). Food chemistry, 199, 471-478.Vázquez, J., González, B., Sempere, V., Mas, A., Torija, M. J. and Beltran, G. (2017). Melatonin Reduces Oxidative Stress Damage İnduced by Hydrogen Peroxide in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 1066.Wang, Y., Shan, T., Yuan, Y., Zhang, Z., Guo, C. and Yue, T. (2017). Evaluation of Penicillium expansum for Growth, Patulin Accumulation, Nonvolatile Compounds and Volatile Profile in Kiwi Juices of Different Cultivars. Food Chemistry, 228, 211-218.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Abdullah Aslan 0000-0002-6243-4221

Seda Beyaz 0000-0003-0436-8112

Özlem Gök 0000-0001-8521-6369

Publication Date August 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Aslan, A., Beyaz, S., & Gök, Ö. (2019). Domates Ekstraktının Saccharomyces cerevisiae’de Oluşturulan Krom Hasarına Karşı Koruyucu Etkisi. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 12(2), 1048-1055.