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Year 2014, , 219 - 232, 11.01.2015


Members of the Chrysopidae family (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), are an active predatory insects especially in the larval density. All chrysopid larvae are characteristically voracious, and they often have a broad prey range. They feed on small, comparatively soft-bodied arthropods, including aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies, psyllids (Homoptera); thrips (Thysanoptera); and eggs of numerous pest insect species. Knowledge of the feeding habits and diet content is prerequisite for understanding the behavior of them in the natural ecosystems and agroecosystems. In this review article, briefly informations were presented on the insect feeding ecology, specific nutritional requirements, semi-natural, natural and chemical dietary applications, the morphological characteristics of the digestive tract, dietary ingredients, the mechanism of enzyme activity and nutritioning


  • Bigler, F., Ferran, A. and Lyon, J.P. (1976). L’èlevage larvaire de deux prèdatuers aphidiphages (Chrysopa carnea Steph., Chrysopa perla L.) à l’aide de diffèrents milieux artificiels. Annales de Zoologie- Ècologie Animale 8, 551-558.
  • Bond, A.B. (1978). Food deprivation and the regulation of meal size in larvae of Chrysopa carnea. Physiologycal Entomology 3, 27-32.
  • Bozdoğan, H., Bahadıroğlu, C., Toroğlu, S.,Altıngözlü Böcekler (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), Genel Özellikleri ve Biyolojik Mücadelede Önemi, Nevşehir Üniversitesi Fenbilimleri Enstitü Dergisi 1 (2012) 51- 57.
  • Bratti, A. (1990). Techniche di allevammento in vitro per gli stadi larvali di insetti entomophagi parassitoidi. Bollettino dell’Istituto di Entomologia dell’Università di Bologna 44, 169-220.
  • Canard, M. (19973). Influence de l’alimentation sur le dèveloppement, la fécondité et la fertilité d’un prédateur aphidiphage: Chrysopa perla (L.). PhD thesis, Université Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse.
  • Cohen, A.C. (1983). Improved method of encapsulating artificial diets for rearing predators of harmful insects. Journal of Economic Entomology 76, 957-959.
  • Cohen, A.C. (1992). Using a systematic approach to develop artificial diets for predators. In Advances in Insect Rearing for Research and Pest Management, ad. Anderson, T.E. & Leppla, N.C., pp. 77-79. Westview Press, Boulder CO.
  • Cohen, A.C. (1996). Technology transfer potential of artificial media for entomophages. Informaiton Bulletin of West Palaearctic Section International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (WPRS IOBC) 19-80.
  • Ermicheva, FM., Sumenkova, V.V., Yazlovetskij, IG., 1987: The localization of protease in the intestine of the common lacewing Chrysopa carnea Sterh. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Moldavskoi SSR Seriya Biologicheskikh I Khimicheskikh Nauk, 4: 49-52.
  • Ferran, A., Lyon, J.P., Larroque, M.M. & Formento, A. (1981) Essai d’élevage de différents prédateurs apidiphages (Coccinellidae, Chrysopidae) à l’aide de poudre Iyophilissée decouvain de reines d’abeilles. Agronomie 1, 579-586.
  • Grenier, S., Delobel, B. & Bonnot, G. (1986). Physiological considerations of importance to the success of in vitro culture: an overview. Journal of Insect Physiology 32, 403-408.
  • Hagen, K.S. and Tassan, R.L. (1966a). Artificial diet for Chrysopa carnea Stephens. In Ecology of Aphidophagous Insect, ed. Hodek, I., pp. 83- 87. Academia, Prague.
  • Hagen, K.S. and Tassan, R.L. (1966b). A method off coating droplets of artificial diets with parafin for feding Chrysopa larvae. In Ecology of Aphidophagous Insect, ed. Hodek, I., pp. 89-90. Academia, Prague.
  • Hagen, K.S. (1987). Nutritional ecology of terrestrial insect: Predators. In Nutritional Ecology of Insects, Mites, Spiders and Related Invertebrates ed. Slansky, F, & Rodriguez, J.G., pp. 533-538. Wiley, New York.
  • Hagen, K.S. and Tassan, R.L. (1965). A method of providing artificial diets to Chrysopa larvae. Journal of Economic Entomology 58, 999-1000.
  • Hasegawa, M., Niijima, K. and Matsuka, M. (1989). Rearing Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera, Chrysopedae) on chemically defined diet. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 24, 96-102.
  • Hassan, S.A. and Hagen, K.S. (1978). A new artificial diet for rearing Chrysopa carnea larvae (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae). Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie 86, 315-320.
  • Kariluoto, K.T. (1980). Survival and fecundity of Adalia bipunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and some other predatory insect species on an artificial diet and and a natural prey. Annales Entomologici Fennici 46, 101-106.
  • Matsuka, M. and Niijima, K. (1985). Harmonia axyridis. In Handbook of Insect Rearing , vol. 1, ed. Singh, P. and Moore, R.F., pp. 265-268. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Mellini, E. (1975). Possibilitià de allevamento de insetti entomophagi parassiti su diete artificiali. Bolletino dell’Instituto di Entomologia dell’Università di Bologna 32, 257-290.
  • Nepomnyashaya, A.M., Mencher, E.M. & Yazlovetsky, I.G. (1979). A new approach to the development of artificial nutritive diets for mass- rearing of beneficial insects. Optimization of nutritive diets by simplex lattice method. In Biochemistry and Physiology of Insects, ed. Popushoi, I.S., pp. 29-36. Shtiintsa Publishing, Kishinev. (in Russian with English summary)
  • Nijiima, K. & Matsuka, M. (1989). Artficial diets for mass-production of chrysopids (Neuroptera). In Proceedings of FFTC-NARC International Seminar on Agricultural Research Centre, ‘The Use of Parasitioids and Predators to Control Agricultural Pets’, pp. 1-15.
  • Nijiima, K. (1989). Nutritional studies on an aphidophagous chrysopid, Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmael. l. Chemically-defined diets and general nutritional requiremments. Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tamagama University 29, 22-30.
  • Nordlund, D.A. and Morrison, R.K. (1992). Mass rearing of Chrysoperla species. In Advances in Insect Rearing for Research and Pest Management, ed. Anderson, T.E. & Leppla, N.C., pp. 427-439. Westview Press, Boulder CO.
  • Okada, I. and Nijiima, K. (1971). Artificial rearing of lecawings, Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmael, with special reference to a new diet using drone honey bee brood. Heredity 25, 41-44.
  • Ponomareva, I.A. and Beglyarov, G. A. (1973). Development of artificial diets for rearing of green lacewing, Chrysopa carnea Steph. In Problems of Plant Protection (1969-1971), vol. 2, ed. Shapa, V.A., pp. 67-68. Shtiintsa Publishing, Kishinev. (in Russian with English summary)
  • Ponomareva, I.A. (1971). Artificial diet fort he larvae of Chrysopa carnea Steph. In Proceedings of Conference of Biological Pest Control on Vegetable and Fruit Crops, ed. Sikura, A.I. et al., pp. 77-79. All-Union Research Institute of Biological Methods for Plant Protection, Kishinev. (in Russian)
  • Porcel, M., Ruano, F. Cotes , B. Peña, A. And Campos, M., Agricultural Management Systems Affect the Green Lacewing Community (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in Olive Orchards in Southern Spain., Environmental Entomology 42(1):97-106. 2013.
  • Principi, M.M. (1983). I Neurotteri Crisopidi e la possibilità della loro utulizzazione in lotta biologica e in lotta integrata. Bolletino dell’Instituto di Entomologia dell’Università di Bologna 38, 231-262.
  • Sekirov, I.A., Yazlovetsky, I.G. & Dobrikov, M.I. (1990) Utilization of dietary nucleic acids and some of their precursors by larval aphis lion Chrysopa carnea. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology (Leningrad) 26, 35-40. (in Russian with English summary).
  • Singh, P. (1982). The rearing of beneficial insects. New Zealand Entomologist 7, 304-310.
  • Terra, W.R. and Ferreira, C. (1981). The Physiological role of the peritrophic membrane and trehalase: digestive enzymes in the midgut and xcreta of starved Rhyncchosciara. Journal of Insect Physiology 27, 325-331.
  • Vanderzant, E.S. (1969). An artificial diet for larvae and adults Chrysopa carnea, an insect predator of crop pests (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 62, 256-257.
  • Waage, J.K., Carl, K.P., Mills, N.J. and Greathead, D.J. (1985). Rearing entomophagous insects. In Handbook of Insect Rearing, vol. 1, ed. Singh, P. & Moore, R.F., pp. 45-66. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Wuhrer, B. and Hassan, S. (1990). Möglicher Einzatz von Kunstfutter in Massenzuchten von Prädatoren am Beispiel von Chrysoperla carnea and Coccinella septempunctata. In Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt fur Land-und Forstmirtschafi, Berlin-Dahlem, number 266, p. 312. Parey Buchverlag, Berlin.
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G. and Abashkin, A.S. (1977). Microencapsulated artificial diet for Chrysopa carnea larvae. Zaschita Rastenii, 3, 32. (in Russian)
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G. (1992). Development of artificial diets for entomophagous insects by understanding their nutrition and digestion. . In Advances in Insect Rearing for Research and Pest Management, ed. Anderson, T.E. & Leppla, N.C., pp. 41-62. Westview Press, Boulder CO.
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G., Abashkin, A.S. and Keiser, L.S. (1990). Mass rearing of Chrysopa carnea Steph. Zaschita Ratenii, 1, 27-28.
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G., Ageeva, L.I. and Keiser, L.S. (1992). Artificial diet for five species of Chrysopids. Zoologichesky Zhurnal (Moscow) 71, 123-129. (in Russian with Englis summary)
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G., Lupu, E.I., Kaplan, P.B. and Aimert, K.M. (1993). Properties of intestinal lipases and new data on nutrition mechanism of larval aphis lion Chrysopa carnea. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology (Leningrad), 29, 139-145. (in Russian with Englis summary)
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G., Mencher, E.M., Nepomnyashaya, A.M. and Sumenkova, V.V. (1979a). New approach to elaboration of artificial nutritive diets for mass-rearing of entomophagous insects. Izvestia Academy of Science Moldavian SSR, Seria of Biology and Chemistry Sciences 1, 55- 63. (in Russian)
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G., Sumenkova, V.V. and Nepomnyashaya, A.M. (1979c). of Biochemical aphidophagous insects. General characterization and amino acid composition of some aphid species and the Angoumois grain moth eggs. In In Entomophages in Plant Protection, ed. Popushoi, I.S., pp. 19-28. Shtiintsa Publishing, Kishinev. requirements of


Year 2014, , 219 - 232, 11.01.2015


Chrysopidae familyası üyeleri (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), yoğunluklu olarak larval dönemde aktif predatör böceklerdir. Familyanın bazı üyeleri karasaldır. Familyanın tüm larvaları beslenme odaklıdır. Afit, yaprakzararlısı, beyazsineki psillid (Homoptera); trips (Thysanoptera) gibi nisbeten yumuşak vücutlu artropotların ve çoğu zararlı böceklerin yumurtalarını yiyerek beslenirler. Chrysopidae larvalarının beslenme ekolojilerinin ve besin içeriklerinin iyi bilinmesi, onların, doğal ekosistem ve agroekosistemlerdeki davranışlarının anlaşılmasının ön koşulunu oluşturmaktadır.  Bu da hiç şüphesiz  biyolojik savaşımdaki başarı oranını artırıcı yönde etki yapacaktır.

Bu derleme makalede, böcek beslenme ekolojisi, spesifik beslenme gereksinimleri, yarı-doğal, doğal ve kimyasal diyet uygulamaları, sindirim kanalındaki morfolojik özellikler, diyet içerikleri, enzim aktiviteleri ve beslenme mekanizmasına ilişkin kısa bilgiler  sunulmuştur.


  • Bigler, F., Ferran, A. and Lyon, J.P. (1976). L’èlevage larvaire de deux prèdatuers aphidiphages (Chrysopa carnea Steph., Chrysopa perla L.) à l’aide de diffèrents milieux artificiels. Annales de Zoologie- Ècologie Animale 8, 551-558.
  • Bond, A.B. (1978). Food deprivation and the regulation of meal size in larvae of Chrysopa carnea. Physiologycal Entomology 3, 27-32.
  • Bozdoğan, H., Bahadıroğlu, C., Toroğlu, S.,Altıngözlü Böcekler (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), Genel Özellikleri ve Biyolojik Mücadelede Önemi, Nevşehir Üniversitesi Fenbilimleri Enstitü Dergisi 1 (2012) 51- 57.
  • Bratti, A. (1990). Techniche di allevammento in vitro per gli stadi larvali di insetti entomophagi parassitoidi. Bollettino dell’Istituto di Entomologia dell’Università di Bologna 44, 169-220.
  • Canard, M. (19973). Influence de l’alimentation sur le dèveloppement, la fécondité et la fertilité d’un prédateur aphidiphage: Chrysopa perla (L.). PhD thesis, Université Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse.
  • Cohen, A.C. (1983). Improved method of encapsulating artificial diets for rearing predators of harmful insects. Journal of Economic Entomology 76, 957-959.
  • Cohen, A.C. (1992). Using a systematic approach to develop artificial diets for predators. In Advances in Insect Rearing for Research and Pest Management, ad. Anderson, T.E. & Leppla, N.C., pp. 77-79. Westview Press, Boulder CO.
  • Cohen, A.C. (1996). Technology transfer potential of artificial media for entomophages. Informaiton Bulletin of West Palaearctic Section International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (WPRS IOBC) 19-80.
  • Ermicheva, FM., Sumenkova, V.V., Yazlovetskij, IG., 1987: The localization of protease in the intestine of the common lacewing Chrysopa carnea Sterh. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Moldavskoi SSR Seriya Biologicheskikh I Khimicheskikh Nauk, 4: 49-52.
  • Ferran, A., Lyon, J.P., Larroque, M.M. & Formento, A. (1981) Essai d’élevage de différents prédateurs apidiphages (Coccinellidae, Chrysopidae) à l’aide de poudre Iyophilissée decouvain de reines d’abeilles. Agronomie 1, 579-586.
  • Grenier, S., Delobel, B. & Bonnot, G. (1986). Physiological considerations of importance to the success of in vitro culture: an overview. Journal of Insect Physiology 32, 403-408.
  • Hagen, K.S. and Tassan, R.L. (1966a). Artificial diet for Chrysopa carnea Stephens. In Ecology of Aphidophagous Insect, ed. Hodek, I., pp. 83- 87. Academia, Prague.
  • Hagen, K.S. and Tassan, R.L. (1966b). A method off coating droplets of artificial diets with parafin for feding Chrysopa larvae. In Ecology of Aphidophagous Insect, ed. Hodek, I., pp. 89-90. Academia, Prague.
  • Hagen, K.S. (1987). Nutritional ecology of terrestrial insect: Predators. In Nutritional Ecology of Insects, Mites, Spiders and Related Invertebrates ed. Slansky, F, & Rodriguez, J.G., pp. 533-538. Wiley, New York.
  • Hagen, K.S. and Tassan, R.L. (1965). A method of providing artificial diets to Chrysopa larvae. Journal of Economic Entomology 58, 999-1000.
  • Hasegawa, M., Niijima, K. and Matsuka, M. (1989). Rearing Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera, Chrysopedae) on chemically defined diet. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 24, 96-102.
  • Hassan, S.A. and Hagen, K.S. (1978). A new artificial diet for rearing Chrysopa carnea larvae (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae). Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie 86, 315-320.
  • Kariluoto, K.T. (1980). Survival and fecundity of Adalia bipunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and some other predatory insect species on an artificial diet and and a natural prey. Annales Entomologici Fennici 46, 101-106.
  • Matsuka, M. and Niijima, K. (1985). Harmonia axyridis. In Handbook of Insect Rearing , vol. 1, ed. Singh, P. and Moore, R.F., pp. 265-268. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Mellini, E. (1975). Possibilitià de allevamento de insetti entomophagi parassiti su diete artificiali. Bolletino dell’Instituto di Entomologia dell’Università di Bologna 32, 257-290.
  • Nepomnyashaya, A.M., Mencher, E.M. & Yazlovetsky, I.G. (1979). A new approach to the development of artificial nutritive diets for mass- rearing of beneficial insects. Optimization of nutritive diets by simplex lattice method. In Biochemistry and Physiology of Insects, ed. Popushoi, I.S., pp. 29-36. Shtiintsa Publishing, Kishinev. (in Russian with English summary)
  • Nijiima, K. & Matsuka, M. (1989). Artficial diets for mass-production of chrysopids (Neuroptera). In Proceedings of FFTC-NARC International Seminar on Agricultural Research Centre, ‘The Use of Parasitioids and Predators to Control Agricultural Pets’, pp. 1-15.
  • Nijiima, K. (1989). Nutritional studies on an aphidophagous chrysopid, Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmael. l. Chemically-defined diets and general nutritional requiremments. Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tamagama University 29, 22-30.
  • Nordlund, D.A. and Morrison, R.K. (1992). Mass rearing of Chrysoperla species. In Advances in Insect Rearing for Research and Pest Management, ed. Anderson, T.E. & Leppla, N.C., pp. 427-439. Westview Press, Boulder CO.
  • Okada, I. and Nijiima, K. (1971). Artificial rearing of lecawings, Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmael, with special reference to a new diet using drone honey bee brood. Heredity 25, 41-44.
  • Ponomareva, I.A. and Beglyarov, G. A. (1973). Development of artificial diets for rearing of green lacewing, Chrysopa carnea Steph. In Problems of Plant Protection (1969-1971), vol. 2, ed. Shapa, V.A., pp. 67-68. Shtiintsa Publishing, Kishinev. (in Russian with English summary)
  • Ponomareva, I.A. (1971). Artificial diet fort he larvae of Chrysopa carnea Steph. In Proceedings of Conference of Biological Pest Control on Vegetable and Fruit Crops, ed. Sikura, A.I. et al., pp. 77-79. All-Union Research Institute of Biological Methods for Plant Protection, Kishinev. (in Russian)
  • Porcel, M., Ruano, F. Cotes , B. Peña, A. And Campos, M., Agricultural Management Systems Affect the Green Lacewing Community (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in Olive Orchards in Southern Spain., Environmental Entomology 42(1):97-106. 2013.
  • Principi, M.M. (1983). I Neurotteri Crisopidi e la possibilità della loro utulizzazione in lotta biologica e in lotta integrata. Bolletino dell’Instituto di Entomologia dell’Università di Bologna 38, 231-262.
  • Sekirov, I.A., Yazlovetsky, I.G. & Dobrikov, M.I. (1990) Utilization of dietary nucleic acids and some of their precursors by larval aphis lion Chrysopa carnea. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology (Leningrad) 26, 35-40. (in Russian with English summary).
  • Singh, P. (1982). The rearing of beneficial insects. New Zealand Entomologist 7, 304-310.
  • Terra, W.R. and Ferreira, C. (1981). The Physiological role of the peritrophic membrane and trehalase: digestive enzymes in the midgut and xcreta of starved Rhyncchosciara. Journal of Insect Physiology 27, 325-331.
  • Vanderzant, E.S. (1969). An artificial diet for larvae and adults Chrysopa carnea, an insect predator of crop pests (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 62, 256-257.
  • Waage, J.K., Carl, K.P., Mills, N.J. and Greathead, D.J. (1985). Rearing entomophagous insects. In Handbook of Insect Rearing, vol. 1, ed. Singh, P. & Moore, R.F., pp. 45-66. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Wuhrer, B. and Hassan, S. (1990). Möglicher Einzatz von Kunstfutter in Massenzuchten von Prädatoren am Beispiel von Chrysoperla carnea and Coccinella septempunctata. In Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt fur Land-und Forstmirtschafi, Berlin-Dahlem, number 266, p. 312. Parey Buchverlag, Berlin.
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G. and Abashkin, A.S. (1977). Microencapsulated artificial diet for Chrysopa carnea larvae. Zaschita Rastenii, 3, 32. (in Russian)
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G. (1992). Development of artificial diets for entomophagous insects by understanding their nutrition and digestion. . In Advances in Insect Rearing for Research and Pest Management, ed. Anderson, T.E. & Leppla, N.C., pp. 41-62. Westview Press, Boulder CO.
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G., Abashkin, A.S. and Keiser, L.S. (1990). Mass rearing of Chrysopa carnea Steph. Zaschita Ratenii, 1, 27-28.
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G., Ageeva, L.I. and Keiser, L.S. (1992). Artificial diet for five species of Chrysopids. Zoologichesky Zhurnal (Moscow) 71, 123-129. (in Russian with Englis summary)
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G., Lupu, E.I., Kaplan, P.B. and Aimert, K.M. (1993). Properties of intestinal lipases and new data on nutrition mechanism of larval aphis lion Chrysopa carnea. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology (Leningrad), 29, 139-145. (in Russian with Englis summary)
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G., Mencher, E.M., Nepomnyashaya, A.M. and Sumenkova, V.V. (1979a). New approach to elaboration of artificial nutritive diets for mass-rearing of entomophagous insects. Izvestia Academy of Science Moldavian SSR, Seria of Biology and Chemistry Sciences 1, 55- 63. (in Russian)
  • Yazlovetsky, I.G., Sumenkova, V.V. and Nepomnyashaya, A.M. (1979c). of Biochemical aphidophagous insects. General characterization and amino acid composition of some aphid species and the Angoumois grain moth eggs. In In Entomophages in Plant Protection, ed. Popushoi, I.S., pp. 19-28. Shtiintsa Publishing, Kishinev. requirements of
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Hakan Bozdoğan

Publication Date January 11, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Bozdoğan, H. (2015). ALTINGÖZLÜ BÖCEKLERİN BESLENME DAVRANIŞLARI VE DİYET İÇERİKLERİ. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 7(2), 219-232.