Peer Review Process

Publication Review Policy

Education Science and Sports journal follows a two-stage process, namely Editorial review and Referee Evaluation process, in the evaluation of submitted manuscripts.

1. Editorial Review: The journal editor checks the manuscripts submitted to the journal for compliance with the purpose and scope of the journal. In cases where revision is required, a ‘’revision request‘’ is sent to the responsible author. If the study is not deemed appropriate, the publication is not accepted to the journal. A preliminary review editor is appointed for the studies that meet the requirements for editorial review. 

2. Review Editor Evaluation: The publications to be submitted to the journal are checked by the pre-review editor according to the spelling and formatting rules of the journal. In addition, the contribution of the research to the field, the appropriateness of the content to the research subject, the language of writing, etc. are also examined. If necessary, a request for revision is sent to the responsible author and a statistical editor is assigned to the study for statistical review. 

3. Statistics Editor Evaluation: The necessary controls are carried out by the statistics editor for the methodology and statistical suitability of the study submitted to the journal. If necessary, a revision request is sent to the responsible author and a field editor is assigned to the study.

4. Field Editor Evaluation: After the first stage is completed, the study is examined by the field editor in terms of academic originality and language and style. Three referees are appointed by the field editor according to their areas of expertise and double-blind review process standards.

5. Reviewer Process (Double-blind review process): In the refereeing process, the principle of double-blind refereeing is adopted. The opinions of the referees on the study are obtained through the text of the article and the online referee form. If the corresponding author disagrees with the referees' opinions, he/she can submit objections and opinions. In line with the referee reports, the study is accepted/rejected for publication.

6. Correction Phase: Necessary corrections are made by the corresponding author in accordance with the referee reports. The responsible author who delays the correction process is given a 1st warning, and after 10 days, a 2nd warning is given and a reminder is made to finish the correction process. The article of the corresponding author who does not fulfil the requests within the requested period is returned with the editor's decision.

7. English Language Check: If the language of the manuscript is English, the entire manuscript, and if the language of the manuscript is Turkish, the abstract and extended summary of the manuscript are reviewed by the language editor, and if necessary, corrections are requested from the corresponding author.

8. Editorial Board Review: Articles that pass technical, academic and linguistic reviews are examined by the Editorial Board and the final publication status is decided. In case of objection from the members, the Board decides by majority vote.

9. Typesetting and Layout Phase: The manuscripts decided to be published by the Editorial Board are made ready for publication by typesetting and layout.

10. Post-Publication Corrections: The published issues are published in the journalipark system under the title of early view and remain under this title for one week. During this period, the corrections requested and deemed appropriate by the responsible author are carried out. No corrections can be made about the study after the end of the period.

Last Update Time: 2/26/25, 1:03:34 PM

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