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İntiharın Fıkhı -Psikopatolojik Boyutları ve Vaka Sunumu-

Year 2018, Issue: 36, 53 - 72, 30.05.2018


Kişinin kendi hayatına son verme teşebbüsü olarak
tanımlanabilecek intihar, sadece şahısları ve aileleri değil toplumları
derinden sarsan, bütün insanlığı ilgilendiren uluslara- rası bir insanlık
sorunudur. İslam başta olmak üzere bütün semavi dinlerin olumsuz de-
ğerlendirdiği ve önlemeye çalıştığı bu eylemin, sebep ve sonuçlarının özellikle
de İslam fıkhı açısından incelenmesi önem arz etmektedir. Modern yaşam
alışkanlıkları ile zaman- la sayısı artan bu eylem, İslam toplumlarında da
görülebilmektedir. Bu davranışın İslami ilkeler ve modern bulgular çerçevesinde
yeniden değerlendirilmesi, İslam toplumlarının geleceğine katkıda bulunacaktır.


  • Acar, Halil İbrahim, İslâm Borçlar Hukukunda İradeyi Sakatlayan Sebepler II–İkrah. Atatürk Üniver- sitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 18 (2002), 19-38.
  • Ajdacic, Gross Vladeta. “Suicide- Background, Epidemiology, Risk Factors”. Therapeutische mschau. Revue The rapeutique 72: 10 (2015), s. 603-609.
  • Arias, Elizabeth. Robert N Anderson. Hsiang-Ching Kung. “National Vital Statistics Reports,” 52: 3 (2003), s. 1-116.
  • Aysev, A. “İntihar Girişimi Olan Çocuklarda Yaşam Olaylar” Kriz Dergisi, 1: 1 (1992): 17-22.
  • Buhari, Muhammed b. İsmail, Sahihu’l-Buhari (el-camiu’s-sahih), İstanbul: Dar-u Sahnun-Çağrı Yayınla- rı, 1413/1992.
  • Burns, Vincent., Kate Dempsey Peterson., Terrorism: A Documentary and Reference Guide, London: Greenwood Press, 2005.
  • Cessâs, Ebû Bekr Ahmed b. Alî er-Râzî, Ahkamu’l- Kur’ān, Beyrut: Daru’l-Kutubi’l-İlmiyye, tsz
  • Conner, Kenneth R., Paul R. Duberstein, Yeates Conwell, Larry Seidlitz, Eric D. Caine. “Psychological Vulnerability to Completed Suicide: A Review of Empirical Studies”. Suicide and Life Thratening Behavior, 31: 4, (2001), s. 367-385.
  • Dinesh, Bhugra. “Commentary: Religion, Religious Attitudes and Suicide,” International Journal of Epidemiology, c. 39, (2010) s. 1496-1498.
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (World Health Organization [WHO]) ]) “Mental Health Age standardized suicide rates (per 100.000 population), 2012”
  • (26.02.2017).
  • Dolan, Raymond J. “Emotion, Cognition, and Behavior,” Science 298.5596 (2002), s. 1191-1194. Eagly, Alice H, Wendy Wood, “Explaining Sex Differences in Social Behavior, A Meta-Analytic Perspective” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17: 3 (2016), s. 306 – 315
  • Ebu Davud, Süleyman b. Eşas es-Sicistani, Kitabu’s-Sunen, İstanbul: Dar-u Sahnun-Çağrı Yayınları, 1413/1992.
  • Eisenberger, Naomi I., Matthew D. Lieberman, and Kipling D. William ,”Does rejection hurt? An fMRI Study of Social Exclusion.” Science 302.5643 (2003), s. 294-300
  • Erermiş, Serpil., Müge Tamar, Hakan Coşkunol, Cahide Aydın, “5 Yaşında Bir Özkıyım Girişimi”
  • Düşünen Adam, 10: 3 (1997), s. 47-51.
  • Fusé, Toyomasa, “Suicide and Culture in Japan: A study of seppuku as an institutionalized form of suicide,” Social Psychiatry 15: 57, (1980) s. 57-63
  • Gearing, Robin E. Dana Lizardi. “Religion and Suicide,” Journal of Religion and Health 48:3 (2009): s. 332-341.
  • Gordon, Harvey, “The ‘Suicide’ Bomber” Psychiatric Bulletin, 26, (2002), s. 285-287.
  • Gould, Madelyn S vd., “Suicide Clusters: An Examination Of Age-Specific Effects,” American Journal of Public Health, 80. 2 (1990), s. 211-212
  • Gutaymil, Abdullah b. Hamd, “Mealimu Nazariyyetu’l-İntihar Fi’l-Fıkhi’l-İslami”, Mecelletu’l-Arabiyye Liddirasati’l-Emniyye ve’t-Tedrib, 15: 30 (1421/2000), s. 5-70.
  • Hökelekli, Hayati, “İntihar”, Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi, s. 351-353
  • İbn Aşur, Muhammed Tahir, Muhammed b. Muhammed et-Tunusi, Tefsirü’t-Tahrir ve’t-Tenvir, byy., tsz.
  • Karaman, Hayreddin. “Fıkıh,” Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi, c. 13, s1-14.
  • Kendler, Kenneth S, Carol A Prescott, “A Population-Based Twin Study of Lifetime Major Depression in Men and Women,” Arch Gen Psychiatry. 56: 1 (1999), s. 39-44.
  • Keten, Hamit Sırrı vd., “Acil Servise İntihar Girişimi Nedeniyle Başvuran Olguların İncelenmesi,” Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi; 5: 2, (2015), s. 102-105. Kring, Ann M., Sheri L Johnson, Gerald Davinson. John, Nealea. Anormal Psikolojisi. terc. Ed. Mu- zaffer şahin, Ankara: Nobel yayıncılık, 2015.
  • Kurtubi, Ebu Abdullah Muhammed b. Ahmed b. Ebu Bekr b. Ferh. ö. 1273 el-Cami li Ahkami’l- Kur’an, tah. Muhammed İbrahim el-Hafnavi, Kahire :Daru’l-Hadis 2002-2003.
  • Lenroot, Rhoshel K. Jay N Giedd. “Brain Development in Children and Adolescents: Insights from Anatomical Magnetic Resonance İmaging,” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 30 (2006), s. 718 – 729.
  • Lester, David, “Suicide and Islam,” Archives of Suicide Research, 10: 1 (2006), s. 77-97.
  • Macdonald, Geoff. Mark R. Leary, “Why Does Social Exclusion Hurt? The Relationship Between Social and Physical Pain,” Psychological Bulletin 131. 2 (2005), s. 202-223.
  • Maturidi, Ebu Mansur Muhammed b. Muhammed b. Mahmud es-Semerkandi, Tevilatü’l-Kur’an, İs- tanbul: Mizan Yayınevi, 2008.
  • Muslim, Ebu’l-Huseyn b. Haccac b. Muslim el-Kuşeyri en-Nisaburi, Sahihu Muslim, İstanbul: Dar-u Sahnun-Çağrı Yayınları, 1413/1992.
  • Merete, Nordentoft, Leif Breum, Lars K. Munck, Aksel G. Nordestgaard, Alex Hunding and Peder
  • A. Laursen Bjældager, “High Mortality by Natural and Unnatural Causes: A 10 Year Follow Up Study of Patients Admitted to A Poisoning Treatment Centre After Suicide Attempts,” British Medical Journal, 306: 6893, (1993), s 1637-1641.
  • Nesai, Ebû Abdurrahman Ahmed b. Ali b. Şuayb, Sunenun-Nesai, İstanbul: Dar-u Sahnun-Çağrı Ya- yınları, 1413/1992.
  • O’neill Joseph R., The Bolshevik Revolution, Minnesota: ABDO, 2010.
  • Perry, Bruce. Maia Szalavitz, Köpek Gibi Büyütülmüş Çocuk, terc. Elif Söğüt, İstanbul: Okuyanus Ya- yınları, 2012.
  • Razi, Ebu Abdullah (Ebu’l-Fazl) Fahruddin Muhammed b. Ömer b. Hüseyn et-Taberistani, Tefsiru’l- Kebir. 2. Bsk. Tahran: Daru’l-Kutubi’l-ilmiyye, tsz.
  • Rudd, M. D., Berman, A. L., Joiner Jr, T. E., Nock, M. K., Silverman, M. M., Mandrusiak, M., Van Orden K, Witte, T. “Warning signs for suicide: Theory, research, and clinical applications,” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 36: 3 (2006), s. 255-262.
  • Salebi, Ebu İshak Ahmed b. Muhammed b. İbrahim en-Nisaburi, Keşfu’l-Beyan Fi Tefsiri’l-Kur’an; El- Ma’ruf; Tefsiru’s-Salebî, tahk. Ebu Abdullah Seyyid Kesrevi Hasan, Beyrut: Daru’l-Kutubi’l- İlmiyye, 2004.
  • Sanani, Muhammed b. İsmail, Subulus’selam Şerhu Buluğu’l-Meram min Cemi Edilleti’l-Ahkam, Beyrut: Daru’l-Kutubi’l-İlmiyye, 1408/1988.
  • Semerkandi, Ebulley Bahru’l-Ulum, Beyrut: Daru’l-Kutubi’l-İlmiyye, 1427/2006. Shemesh, Yael. “Suicide in the Bible,” Jewish Bible Quarterly, 37: 3 (2009), s. 157-168.
  • Smith, Edward E., Stephen M. Kosslyn, Bilişsel Psikoloji, terc. Muzaffer şahin, Ankara: Nobel Yayın- ları, 2014.
  • Stack, Steven. “Suicide: A 15-Year Review of the Sociological Literature Part I: Cultural and Economic Factors” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 30: 2 (2000), s. 145-162.
  • ----------., “Suicide: A 15-Year Review of the Sociological Literature Part II: Modernization and Social Integration Perspectives,” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 30: 2 (2000) s. 163-176.
  • Stein Edward V. “Faith, Hope and Suicide” Journal of Religion and Health, 10:4 (1971), s. 214-225.
  • Şeybani Muhammed b.el-Hasan, Siyer-i Kebir: İslam Devletler Hukuku, terc. M.Said Şimşek, İstanbul: Evs Yayınları, 1980.
  • Taberi, Ebu Cafer Muhammed B. Cerir. Et-Tefsiru’t-taberi camiü’l-beyan an te’vili’l-Kur’an, Tahkik Mahmud Muhammed Şakir. ö. 923, Kahire: Daru’l-Maarif, 1969.
  • Talge Nicole m., Charles Neal, Vivette Glover, “Antenatal maternal stress and long-term effects on child neurodevelopment: how and why?” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48: 3/4 (2007), pp 245–261. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK), “İntihar İstatistikleri” [] (26.02.2017).
  • Van Orden, Kimberly Tracy K. Witte, Kelly C. Cukrowicz, Scott Braithwaite, Edward A. Selby, Thomas E. Joiner Jr, “The İnterpersonal Theory of Suicide,” Psychology Review. 117: 2 (2010) 575– 600.
  • Yalaki Z., M. A. Taşar, N. Yalçın, Y. Dallar. “Çocukluk ve gençlik dönemindeki özkıyım girişimleri- nin değerlendirilmesi” Ege Tıp Dergisi 50: 2 (2011), s. 125-128.
  • Yazır, Elmalılı Hamdi. Hak Dini Kuran Dili. İstanbul: Eser Yayınları, tsz.
  • Yüksel, Nevzat. “İntiharın Nörobiyolojisi,” Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi, 4 (2001) s. 5-15.
  • Zerka, Mustafa Ahmed. El-Fıkhu’l-İslâmî Fi Sevbihi’l-Cedîd. Dimeşk: Matbaatu Câmiatu Dimeşk, 1387/1959.

Fiqh of Suicide -Psychopathological Dimensions and A Case-Presentation-

Year 2018, Issue: 36, 53 - 72, 30.05.2018


Word of suicide comes from Latin and means to kill
someone himself/herself. It is a vital concern that shakes families and
societies even many countries. Examining and assessing cause and effects of
this action is important. İnternational literature has a vast data about the
Suicide, of which number has been rising in modern world, may also happen in
Islamic communities Reconsideration of this act within the frame of classical
Islamic law’s (figh) principles and modern discoveries, will make contribution for
the better future of the Islamic societies.


  • Acar, Halil İbrahim, İslâm Borçlar Hukukunda İradeyi Sakatlayan Sebepler II–İkrah. Atatürk Üniver- sitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 18 (2002), 19-38.
  • Ajdacic, Gross Vladeta. “Suicide- Background, Epidemiology, Risk Factors”. Therapeutische mschau. Revue The rapeutique 72: 10 (2015), s. 603-609.
  • Arias, Elizabeth. Robert N Anderson. Hsiang-Ching Kung. “National Vital Statistics Reports,” 52: 3 (2003), s. 1-116.
  • Aysev, A. “İntihar Girişimi Olan Çocuklarda Yaşam Olaylar” Kriz Dergisi, 1: 1 (1992): 17-22.
  • Buhari, Muhammed b. İsmail, Sahihu’l-Buhari (el-camiu’s-sahih), İstanbul: Dar-u Sahnun-Çağrı Yayınla- rı, 1413/1992.
  • Burns, Vincent., Kate Dempsey Peterson., Terrorism: A Documentary and Reference Guide, London: Greenwood Press, 2005.
  • Cessâs, Ebû Bekr Ahmed b. Alî er-Râzî, Ahkamu’l- Kur’ān, Beyrut: Daru’l-Kutubi’l-İlmiyye, tsz
  • Conner, Kenneth R., Paul R. Duberstein, Yeates Conwell, Larry Seidlitz, Eric D. Caine. “Psychological Vulnerability to Completed Suicide: A Review of Empirical Studies”. Suicide and Life Thratening Behavior, 31: 4, (2001), s. 367-385.
  • Dinesh, Bhugra. “Commentary: Religion, Religious Attitudes and Suicide,” International Journal of Epidemiology, c. 39, (2010) s. 1496-1498.
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (World Health Organization [WHO]) ]) “Mental Health Age standardized suicide rates (per 100.000 population), 2012”
  • (26.02.2017).
  • Dolan, Raymond J. “Emotion, Cognition, and Behavior,” Science 298.5596 (2002), s. 1191-1194. Eagly, Alice H, Wendy Wood, “Explaining Sex Differences in Social Behavior, A Meta-Analytic Perspective” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17: 3 (2016), s. 306 – 315
  • Ebu Davud, Süleyman b. Eşas es-Sicistani, Kitabu’s-Sunen, İstanbul: Dar-u Sahnun-Çağrı Yayınları, 1413/1992.
  • Eisenberger, Naomi I., Matthew D. Lieberman, and Kipling D. William ,”Does rejection hurt? An fMRI Study of Social Exclusion.” Science 302.5643 (2003), s. 294-300
  • Erermiş, Serpil., Müge Tamar, Hakan Coşkunol, Cahide Aydın, “5 Yaşında Bir Özkıyım Girişimi”
  • Düşünen Adam, 10: 3 (1997), s. 47-51.
  • Fusé, Toyomasa, “Suicide and Culture in Japan: A study of seppuku as an institutionalized form of suicide,” Social Psychiatry 15: 57, (1980) s. 57-63
  • Gearing, Robin E. Dana Lizardi. “Religion and Suicide,” Journal of Religion and Health 48:3 (2009): s. 332-341.
  • Gordon, Harvey, “The ‘Suicide’ Bomber” Psychiatric Bulletin, 26, (2002), s. 285-287.
  • Gould, Madelyn S vd., “Suicide Clusters: An Examination Of Age-Specific Effects,” American Journal of Public Health, 80. 2 (1990), s. 211-212
  • Gutaymil, Abdullah b. Hamd, “Mealimu Nazariyyetu’l-İntihar Fi’l-Fıkhi’l-İslami”, Mecelletu’l-Arabiyye Liddirasati’l-Emniyye ve’t-Tedrib, 15: 30 (1421/2000), s. 5-70.
  • Hökelekli, Hayati, “İntihar”, Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi, s. 351-353
  • İbn Aşur, Muhammed Tahir, Muhammed b. Muhammed et-Tunusi, Tefsirü’t-Tahrir ve’t-Tenvir, byy., tsz.
  • Karaman, Hayreddin. “Fıkıh,” Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi, c. 13, s1-14.
  • Kendler, Kenneth S, Carol A Prescott, “A Population-Based Twin Study of Lifetime Major Depression in Men and Women,” Arch Gen Psychiatry. 56: 1 (1999), s. 39-44.
  • Keten, Hamit Sırrı vd., “Acil Servise İntihar Girişimi Nedeniyle Başvuran Olguların İncelenmesi,” Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi; 5: 2, (2015), s. 102-105. Kring, Ann M., Sheri L Johnson, Gerald Davinson. John, Nealea. Anormal Psikolojisi. terc. Ed. Mu- zaffer şahin, Ankara: Nobel yayıncılık, 2015.
  • Kurtubi, Ebu Abdullah Muhammed b. Ahmed b. Ebu Bekr b. Ferh. ö. 1273 el-Cami li Ahkami’l- Kur’an, tah. Muhammed İbrahim el-Hafnavi, Kahire :Daru’l-Hadis 2002-2003.
  • Lenroot, Rhoshel K. Jay N Giedd. “Brain Development in Children and Adolescents: Insights from Anatomical Magnetic Resonance İmaging,” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 30 (2006), s. 718 – 729.
  • Lester, David, “Suicide and Islam,” Archives of Suicide Research, 10: 1 (2006), s. 77-97.
  • Macdonald, Geoff. Mark R. Leary, “Why Does Social Exclusion Hurt? The Relationship Between Social and Physical Pain,” Psychological Bulletin 131. 2 (2005), s. 202-223.
  • Maturidi, Ebu Mansur Muhammed b. Muhammed b. Mahmud es-Semerkandi, Tevilatü’l-Kur’an, İs- tanbul: Mizan Yayınevi, 2008.
  • Muslim, Ebu’l-Huseyn b. Haccac b. Muslim el-Kuşeyri en-Nisaburi, Sahihu Muslim, İstanbul: Dar-u Sahnun-Çağrı Yayınları, 1413/1992.
  • Merete, Nordentoft, Leif Breum, Lars K. Munck, Aksel G. Nordestgaard, Alex Hunding and Peder
  • A. Laursen Bjældager, “High Mortality by Natural and Unnatural Causes: A 10 Year Follow Up Study of Patients Admitted to A Poisoning Treatment Centre After Suicide Attempts,” British Medical Journal, 306: 6893, (1993), s 1637-1641.
  • Nesai, Ebû Abdurrahman Ahmed b. Ali b. Şuayb, Sunenun-Nesai, İstanbul: Dar-u Sahnun-Çağrı Ya- yınları, 1413/1992.
  • O’neill Joseph R., The Bolshevik Revolution, Minnesota: ABDO, 2010.
  • Perry, Bruce. Maia Szalavitz, Köpek Gibi Büyütülmüş Çocuk, terc. Elif Söğüt, İstanbul: Okuyanus Ya- yınları, 2012.
  • Razi, Ebu Abdullah (Ebu’l-Fazl) Fahruddin Muhammed b. Ömer b. Hüseyn et-Taberistani, Tefsiru’l- Kebir. 2. Bsk. Tahran: Daru’l-Kutubi’l-ilmiyye, tsz.
  • Rudd, M. D., Berman, A. L., Joiner Jr, T. E., Nock, M. K., Silverman, M. M., Mandrusiak, M., Van Orden K, Witte, T. “Warning signs for suicide: Theory, research, and clinical applications,” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 36: 3 (2006), s. 255-262.
  • Salebi, Ebu İshak Ahmed b. Muhammed b. İbrahim en-Nisaburi, Keşfu’l-Beyan Fi Tefsiri’l-Kur’an; El- Ma’ruf; Tefsiru’s-Salebî, tahk. Ebu Abdullah Seyyid Kesrevi Hasan, Beyrut: Daru’l-Kutubi’l- İlmiyye, 2004.
  • Sanani, Muhammed b. İsmail, Subulus’selam Şerhu Buluğu’l-Meram min Cemi Edilleti’l-Ahkam, Beyrut: Daru’l-Kutubi’l-İlmiyye, 1408/1988.
  • Semerkandi, Ebulley Bahru’l-Ulum, Beyrut: Daru’l-Kutubi’l-İlmiyye, 1427/2006. Shemesh, Yael. “Suicide in the Bible,” Jewish Bible Quarterly, 37: 3 (2009), s. 157-168.
  • Smith, Edward E., Stephen M. Kosslyn, Bilişsel Psikoloji, terc. Muzaffer şahin, Ankara: Nobel Yayın- ları, 2014.
  • Stack, Steven. “Suicide: A 15-Year Review of the Sociological Literature Part I: Cultural and Economic Factors” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 30: 2 (2000), s. 145-162.
  • ----------., “Suicide: A 15-Year Review of the Sociological Literature Part II: Modernization and Social Integration Perspectives,” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 30: 2 (2000) s. 163-176.
  • Stein Edward V. “Faith, Hope and Suicide” Journal of Religion and Health, 10:4 (1971), s. 214-225.
  • Şeybani Muhammed b.el-Hasan, Siyer-i Kebir: İslam Devletler Hukuku, terc. M.Said Şimşek, İstanbul: Evs Yayınları, 1980.
  • Taberi, Ebu Cafer Muhammed B. Cerir. Et-Tefsiru’t-taberi camiü’l-beyan an te’vili’l-Kur’an, Tahkik Mahmud Muhammed Şakir. ö. 923, Kahire: Daru’l-Maarif, 1969.
  • Talge Nicole m., Charles Neal, Vivette Glover, “Antenatal maternal stress and long-term effects on child neurodevelopment: how and why?” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48: 3/4 (2007), pp 245–261. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK), “İntihar İstatistikleri” [] (26.02.2017).
  • Van Orden, Kimberly Tracy K. Witte, Kelly C. Cukrowicz, Scott Braithwaite, Edward A. Selby, Thomas E. Joiner Jr, “The İnterpersonal Theory of Suicide,” Psychology Review. 117: 2 (2010) 575– 600.
  • Yalaki Z., M. A. Taşar, N. Yalçın, Y. Dallar. “Çocukluk ve gençlik dönemindeki özkıyım girişimleri- nin değerlendirilmesi” Ege Tıp Dergisi 50: 2 (2011), s. 125-128.
  • Yazır, Elmalılı Hamdi. Hak Dini Kuran Dili. İstanbul: Eser Yayınları, tsz.
  • Yüksel, Nevzat. “İntiharın Nörobiyolojisi,” Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi, 4 (2001) s. 5-15.
  • Zerka, Mustafa Ahmed. El-Fıkhu’l-İslâmî Fi Sevbihi’l-Cedîd. Dimeşk: Matbaatu Câmiatu Dimeşk, 1387/1959.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Research

Ahmet Bayraktar 0000-0002-4909-0233

Publication Date May 30, 2018
Submission Date March 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 36


ISNAD Bayraktar, Ahmet. “İntiharın Fıkhı -Psikopatolojik Boyutları Ve Vaka Sunumu-”. Eskiyeni 36 (May 2018), 53-72.