Research Article
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İngiliz Belgelerine Göre Stephen Cave’in Mısır Özel Misyonu: Mısır Maliyesinin İflası

Year 2024, Issue: 19, 150 - 173, 31.05.2024


Hidiv İsmail Paşa Mısır maliyesini batılı usulde düzenlemek amacıyla Kasım 1875’te İngiltere’den iki uzman talep etti. İngiltere bu talebi Mısır’daki nüfuzunu arttırmak ve gelecekteki konumunu güçlendirmek için fırsat olarak değerlendirdi. İngiltere bazı gerekçelerle talep edilen memurların seçilmesi, görev ve yetkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla Mısır’a ilk olarak Stephan Cave başkanlığında özel bir misyon gönderdi. Ancak Cave’in birincil amacı memurların belirlenmesinde Hidiv ile görüşmek değil İngiltere için oldukça önemli olan bu ülke hakkında iktisadi ve siyasi her türlü istihbaratı toplamaktı. Cave’in Mısır’a gönderilişi aslına bakılırsa bir soruşturma ve bilgi toplama misyonuydu. Cave’in maliyeye ilişkin hazırladığı rapor neticesinde Mısır’ın tüm borçları ilk defa gün yüzüne çıkmış oldu. İngiliz Hükümet’i raporu 3 Nisan 1876’da kamuoyuyla paylaşmış ve sadece birkaç gün sonra Hidiv temerrüde düştüğünü ilan etmiştir. Kamuoyunda, büyük devletlerin desteği olmadan Mısır maliyesinin kurtarılamayacağına dair bir kanaat oluşmuş, çıkarlarının tehlikeye girdiğini gören tahvil sahiplerinin baskısıyla büyük devletler Mısır maliyesi üzerinde uluslararası bir idare kurmuşlardır. Bu çalışma, başta İngiliz Ulusal Arşivi’nde Foreign Office kayıtları içerisindeki Confidential Egypt and Sudan, Mr. Cave's Special Mission to Egypt yazışmalarının bulunduğu FO 407/7 kataloğundaki belgeler ışığında hazırlanarak, Cave’in misyonunun Mısır ve Hidiv üzerindeki etkisi ve İngiltere’nin gelecekteki işgaline nasıl bir zemin hazırladığı değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.


  • The National Archives (TNA) Foreign Office (FO)
  • TNA, FO 407/7, No. 1, Inclosure in No. 3, No. 9, No. 10, No. 12, No. 16, No. 20, No. 23, No. 18, No. 26, No. 32, No. 40, No. 36, No. 39, No. 42, Inclosure in No. 32 Statement, No. 31 Confidential, No. 43, No. 49, No. 54, No. 117, Inclosure in No. 76, No. 54, No. 63, No. 52, Inclosure in No. 76, No. 77, No. 82, No. 84, No. 118, No. 66, No. 87, No. 45, No. 79, No. 86, No. 92, No. 96, No. 115, Inclosure in No. 115, Inclosure 2 in No. 115, No. 88, No. 90, No. 91, No. 124, No. 179, No. 180 Confidential, No. 128, No. 162 Confidential, No. 169, No. 171, No. 177, No. 182, No. 185, No. 188, No. 190.
  • İngiliz Parlamento Belgeleri (Blue Books)
  • British Accounts and Papers. Egypt No. 7 (1876), Report By Mr. Cave on the Financial Condition of Egypt, London.
  • British Accounts and Papers. Egypt No. 8 (1876). Correspondence Respecting the Finances of Egypt, London.
  • İngiliz Parlamento Tartışmaları
  • House of Commons Debates
  • HC Deb 13 March 1876 vol 227 c1870
  • HC Deb 16 March 1876 vol 228 c74
  • HC Deb 23 March 1876 vol 228 c480
  • HC Deb 28 March 1876 vol 228 cc699-700
  • HC Deb 31 March 1876 vol 228 c1038.
  • HC Deb 05 August 1876 vol 231 cc630-40
  • HC Deb 05 August 1876 vol 231 cc639-40
  • The Economist
  • The Spectator
  • The Times Newspaper
  • Altundağ, Ş. (1993). İsmail Paşa, MEB İslam Ansiklopedisi, V/II.
  • Atkins, R. A. (1968). British Policy Towards Egypt: 1876 to 1882, (Unpublished Ph. D.), University of California.
  • Atkins, R. A. (1974). The Origins of the Anglo-French Condominium in Egypt, 1875-1876, The Historian, FEBRUARY, Vol. 36, No. 2: 264-282.
  • Blunt, W. S. (1967). Secret History Of The English Occupation Of Egypt, Being a Personal Narrative of Events, Howard Fertig.
  • Bouvier, J. (1960). Les intérêts financiers et la question d'Egypte (1875-1876), Revue Historique, T. 224, Fasc. 1 (1960), 75-104.
  • Bowen, J. E. (1887). The Conflict of East and West, G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
  • Crabitès, P. (1933). Ismail The Maligned Khedive, George Routledge and Sons, Ltd.
  • Crouchley, A. E. (1938). The Economic Development of Egypt, Longmans Green and Co.
  • Çetin, A. 2001. İsmâil Paşa, Hidiv, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 23, İstanbul, ss. 117-119.
  • Çınar. T. (2008). Süveyş Kanalı’nın Açılması ve Osmanlı Dış Politikası’ndaki Önemi, (Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Décret d’institution de la caisse de la dette publique d’Egypte... (et 6 autres décrets relatifs au Trésor et à la dette publique) Date de l’édition originale: Paris 1876.
  • Décret d’institution de la caisse de la dette publique d’Egypte... (et 6 autres décrets relatifs au Trésor et à la dette publique) Date de l’édition originale: Paris 1876.
  • Dicey, E. (1902). The Story of The Khedivate, Rivingstons.
  • Driault, E. & Lhéritier, M. (1926). Histoire Diplomatique de la Grèce de 1821 A Nos Jours, Tome IV, Les Presses Universitaires de France.
  • Driault, E. & Lhéritier, M. (1926). Histoire Diplomatique de la Grèce de 1821 A Nos Jours, Tome IV, Les Presses Universitaires de France.
  • Foretek, N. (2023). The Cave Mission of 1876 and Britain’s Imperial Information Strategies, Past & Present, No. XX: 1-36.
  • Ganiage, J. (2015). Les origines du Protectorat français en Tunisie, 1861-1881, Berg Edition.
  • Hallberg, W. C. (1931). The Suez Canal, Columbia Universty Press, New York.
  • Hamza, A. M. (1944). The Public Debt of Egypt, 1854-1876, Government Press.
  • Hicks, G. (2012). Disraeli, Derby and the Suez Canal, 1875: Some Myths Reassessed, History,Vol. 97, No. 2 (326) (April), 182-203.
  • Hunter, A. (2007). Power and Passion in Egypt, A life of Sir Eldon Gorst, 1861-1911, I. B. Tauris&Co Ltd.
  • Hunter, F. R. (1984). Egypt Under the Khedives 1805-1879: From Household Government to Modern Bureaucracy, University of Pittsburgh Press.
  • Hunter, F. R. (1998). Egypt under the successors of Muhammed ‘Ali, The Cambridge History of Egypt Volume 2, Modern Egypt, from 1517 to the end of the twentieth century (pp. 180-197). M. W. Daly (Ed.), Cambridge University Press.
  • Ibrahim, H. A. (1998). The Egyptian empire, 1805-1885, The Cambridge History of Egypt Volume 2, Modern Egypt, from 1517 to the end of the twentieth century, (Ed. M. W. Daly), Cambridge University Press, 98-216.
  • Issawi, C. (Ed), (1966). The Economic History of the Middle East 1800-1914, University of Chicago Press.
  • Klaveren, J. V. & Çev. Asker, A. (2010). Mısır’da rüşvetin gelişimi: Muhammed Ali Paşa’dan Hidiv İsmail’e kadar. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 28, 215-243. Doi Number: 10.1501/OTAM_0000000561.
  • Klaveren, J. V. & Çev. Asker, A. 2010. Mısır’da rüşvetin gelişimi: Muhammed Ali Paşa’dan Hidiv İsmail’e kadar. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 28, pp. 215-243. Doi Number: 10.1501/OTAM_0000000561.
  • Labib, M. (2020). The Unforeseen Path of Debt Imperialism: Local Struggles, Transnational Knowledge, and Colonialism in Egypt, (Eds. Barreyre, N., Delalande) A World of Public Debts. Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. pp. 155-174. Doi Number:
  • Landes, D. S. (1958). Bankers and Pashas: International Finance and Economic Imperialism in Egypt, Heinemann.
  • Mansfield, P. (1971). The British in Egypt, Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
  • Marlowe, J. (1970). Cromer in Egypt, Elek Books.
  • Marlowe, J. A. (1965). History of Modern Egypt and Anglo-Egyptian Relations 1800-1956, (Second Edition) United State of America, Archon Books.
  • McCoan, J. C. (1877). Egypt As It Is, Henry Holt and Company.
  • McCoan, J. C. (1898). Egypt, Peter Fenelon Collier.
  • Meszaros, P. F. (1973). The Corporation of Foreign Bondholders and British Diplomacy in Egypt 1876 to 1882, the Efforts of an Interest Group in Policy-Making, (Unpublished Phd thesis) Loyola University.
  • Milner, A. (1893). England in Egypt, Edward Arnold.
  • Russell, W. H. (1878)., The Prince of Walles’ Tour: A Diary in India; The Visits of His Royal Hıgness to the Courts of Greece, Egypt, Spain, and Portugal, Rivers & Co.
  • Smith, R. B. (1987) Documents and Debates The Scramble for Africa, Macmillan.
  • Stephen, L. (1887). Dictionary of National Biography, Macmillan and Co.
  • The Earl of Cromer, (1916). Modern Egypt, Volume I, The Macmillan Company.
  • Traill, H. D. (1897). Lord Cromer, Bliss, Sands and Co.
  • Tunçer, A. C. (2015). Soverign Debt and International Financial Control: The Middle East and the Balkans, 1870–1914, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Turton. E. R. (1970). Kirk and the Egyptian Invasion of East Africa in 1875: A Reassessment, The Journal of African History, Volume 11, Issue 03, July: 355 – 370.
  • Wallace, D. M. (1883). Egypt and The Egyptian Question, Macmillan and Co.

Stephen Cave’s Special Mission in Egypt According to British Documents: The Bankruptcy of Egyptian Finance

Year 2024, Issue: 19, 150 - 173, 31.05.2024


In November 1875, Khedive Ismail Pasha requested two experts from Britain in order to organise the Egyptian finances in a western style. Britain took this request as an opportunity to increase its influence in Egypt and strengthen its future position. Britain first sent a special mission headed by Stephan Cave to Egypt to select the requested officials and to determine their duties and powers. However, Cave’s primary purpose was not to meet with the Khedive in the selection of officials, but to gather all kinds of economic and political intelligence about this country, which was very important for England. Cave’s mission to Egypt was in fact an investigation and information gathering mission. As a result of Cave’s report on Egypt’s finances, all of Egypt’s debts came to light for the first time. The British government made the report public on 3 April 1876 and only a few days later the Khedive declared default. The public opinion became convinced that the Egyptian finances could not be saved without the support of the great powers, and under the pressure of the bondholders who saw that their interests were jeopardised, the great powers established an international administration over the Egyptian finances. This study has been prepared in the light of the documents in the FO 407/7 catalogue, which contains Confidential Egypt and Sudan, Mr. Cave's Special Mission to Egypt correspondence in the Foreign Office records in the British National Archives, in order to evaluate the impact of Cave’s mission on Egypt and the Khedive and how it prepared the ground for Britain’s future occupation.


  • The National Archives (TNA) Foreign Office (FO)
  • TNA, FO 407/7, No. 1, Inclosure in No. 3, No. 9, No. 10, No. 12, No. 16, No. 20, No. 23, No. 18, No. 26, No. 32, No. 40, No. 36, No. 39, No. 42, Inclosure in No. 32 Statement, No. 31 Confidential, No. 43, No. 49, No. 54, No. 117, Inclosure in No. 76, No. 54, No. 63, No. 52, Inclosure in No. 76, No. 77, No. 82, No. 84, No. 118, No. 66, No. 87, No. 45, No. 79, No. 86, No. 92, No. 96, No. 115, Inclosure in No. 115, Inclosure 2 in No. 115, No. 88, No. 90, No. 91, No. 124, No. 179, No. 180 Confidential, No. 128, No. 162 Confidential, No. 169, No. 171, No. 177, No. 182, No. 185, No. 188, No. 190.
  • İngiliz Parlamento Belgeleri (Blue Books)
  • British Accounts and Papers. Egypt No. 7 (1876), Report By Mr. Cave on the Financial Condition of Egypt, London.
  • British Accounts and Papers. Egypt No. 8 (1876). Correspondence Respecting the Finances of Egypt, London.
  • İngiliz Parlamento Tartışmaları
  • House of Commons Debates
  • HC Deb 13 March 1876 vol 227 c1870
  • HC Deb 16 March 1876 vol 228 c74
  • HC Deb 23 March 1876 vol 228 c480
  • HC Deb 28 March 1876 vol 228 cc699-700
  • HC Deb 31 March 1876 vol 228 c1038.
  • HC Deb 05 August 1876 vol 231 cc630-40
  • HC Deb 05 August 1876 vol 231 cc639-40
  • The Economist
  • The Spectator
  • The Times Newspaper
  • Altundağ, Ş. (1993). İsmail Paşa, MEB İslam Ansiklopedisi, V/II.
  • Atkins, R. A. (1968). British Policy Towards Egypt: 1876 to 1882, (Unpublished Ph. D.), University of California.
  • Atkins, R. A. (1974). The Origins of the Anglo-French Condominium in Egypt, 1875-1876, The Historian, FEBRUARY, Vol. 36, No. 2: 264-282.
  • Blunt, W. S. (1967). Secret History Of The English Occupation Of Egypt, Being a Personal Narrative of Events, Howard Fertig.
  • Bouvier, J. (1960). Les intérêts financiers et la question d'Egypte (1875-1876), Revue Historique, T. 224, Fasc. 1 (1960), 75-104.
  • Bowen, J. E. (1887). The Conflict of East and West, G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
  • Crabitès, P. (1933). Ismail The Maligned Khedive, George Routledge and Sons, Ltd.
  • Crouchley, A. E. (1938). The Economic Development of Egypt, Longmans Green and Co.
  • Çetin, A. 2001. İsmâil Paşa, Hidiv, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 23, İstanbul, ss. 117-119.
  • Çınar. T. (2008). Süveyş Kanalı’nın Açılması ve Osmanlı Dış Politikası’ndaki Önemi, (Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Décret d’institution de la caisse de la dette publique d’Egypte... (et 6 autres décrets relatifs au Trésor et à la dette publique) Date de l’édition originale: Paris 1876.
  • Décret d’institution de la caisse de la dette publique d’Egypte... (et 6 autres décrets relatifs au Trésor et à la dette publique) Date de l’édition originale: Paris 1876.
  • Dicey, E. (1902). The Story of The Khedivate, Rivingstons.
  • Driault, E. & Lhéritier, M. (1926). Histoire Diplomatique de la Grèce de 1821 A Nos Jours, Tome IV, Les Presses Universitaires de France.
  • Driault, E. & Lhéritier, M. (1926). Histoire Diplomatique de la Grèce de 1821 A Nos Jours, Tome IV, Les Presses Universitaires de France.
  • Foretek, N. (2023). The Cave Mission of 1876 and Britain’s Imperial Information Strategies, Past & Present, No. XX: 1-36.
  • Ganiage, J. (2015). Les origines du Protectorat français en Tunisie, 1861-1881, Berg Edition.
  • Hallberg, W. C. (1931). The Suez Canal, Columbia Universty Press, New York.
  • Hamza, A. M. (1944). The Public Debt of Egypt, 1854-1876, Government Press.
  • Hicks, G. (2012). Disraeli, Derby and the Suez Canal, 1875: Some Myths Reassessed, History,Vol. 97, No. 2 (326) (April), 182-203.
  • Hunter, A. (2007). Power and Passion in Egypt, A life of Sir Eldon Gorst, 1861-1911, I. B. Tauris&Co Ltd.
  • Hunter, F. R. (1984). Egypt Under the Khedives 1805-1879: From Household Government to Modern Bureaucracy, University of Pittsburgh Press.
  • Hunter, F. R. (1998). Egypt under the successors of Muhammed ‘Ali, The Cambridge History of Egypt Volume 2, Modern Egypt, from 1517 to the end of the twentieth century (pp. 180-197). M. W. Daly (Ed.), Cambridge University Press.
  • Ibrahim, H. A. (1998). The Egyptian empire, 1805-1885, The Cambridge History of Egypt Volume 2, Modern Egypt, from 1517 to the end of the twentieth century, (Ed. M. W. Daly), Cambridge University Press, 98-216.
  • Issawi, C. (Ed), (1966). The Economic History of the Middle East 1800-1914, University of Chicago Press.
  • Klaveren, J. V. & Çev. Asker, A. (2010). Mısır’da rüşvetin gelişimi: Muhammed Ali Paşa’dan Hidiv İsmail’e kadar. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 28, 215-243. Doi Number: 10.1501/OTAM_0000000561.
  • Klaveren, J. V. & Çev. Asker, A. 2010. Mısır’da rüşvetin gelişimi: Muhammed Ali Paşa’dan Hidiv İsmail’e kadar. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 28, pp. 215-243. Doi Number: 10.1501/OTAM_0000000561.
  • Labib, M. (2020). The Unforeseen Path of Debt Imperialism: Local Struggles, Transnational Knowledge, and Colonialism in Egypt, (Eds. Barreyre, N., Delalande) A World of Public Debts. Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. pp. 155-174. Doi Number:
  • Landes, D. S. (1958). Bankers and Pashas: International Finance and Economic Imperialism in Egypt, Heinemann.
  • Mansfield, P. (1971). The British in Egypt, Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
  • Marlowe, J. (1970). Cromer in Egypt, Elek Books.
  • Marlowe, J. A. (1965). History of Modern Egypt and Anglo-Egyptian Relations 1800-1956, (Second Edition) United State of America, Archon Books.
  • McCoan, J. C. (1877). Egypt As It Is, Henry Holt and Company.
  • McCoan, J. C. (1898). Egypt, Peter Fenelon Collier.
  • Meszaros, P. F. (1973). The Corporation of Foreign Bondholders and British Diplomacy in Egypt 1876 to 1882, the Efforts of an Interest Group in Policy-Making, (Unpublished Phd thesis) Loyola University.
  • Milner, A. (1893). England in Egypt, Edward Arnold.
  • Russell, W. H. (1878)., The Prince of Walles’ Tour: A Diary in India; The Visits of His Royal Hıgness to the Courts of Greece, Egypt, Spain, and Portugal, Rivers & Co.
  • Smith, R. B. (1987) Documents and Debates The Scramble for Africa, Macmillan.
  • Stephen, L. (1887). Dictionary of National Biography, Macmillan and Co.
  • The Earl of Cromer, (1916). Modern Egypt, Volume I, The Macmillan Company.
  • Traill, H. D. (1897). Lord Cromer, Bliss, Sands and Co.
  • Tunçer, A. C. (2015). Soverign Debt and International Financial Control: The Middle East and the Balkans, 1870–1914, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Turton. E. R. (1970). Kirk and the Egyptian Invasion of East Africa in 1875: A Reassessment, The Journal of African History, Volume 11, Issue 03, July: 355 – 370.
  • Wallace, D. M. (1883). Egypt and The Egyptian Question, Macmillan and Co.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Late Modern Ottoman History
Journal Section Research Article

Serdar Bay 0000-0001-8484-8866

Early Pub Date May 29, 2024
Publication Date May 31, 2024
Submission Date February 5, 2024
Acceptance Date May 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 19


APA Bay, S. (2024). İngiliz Belgelerine Göre Stephen Cave’in Mısır Özel Misyonu: Mısır Maliyesinin İflası. Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(19), 150-173.