Research Article
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Year 2014, , 9 - 23, 15.01.2014



  • Akcay, H., Tuysuz, C. & Feyzioglu, B. (2003). Bilgisayar destekli fen bilgisi ogretiminin ogrenci basarisina ve tutumuna etkisine bir ornek: mol kavrami ve avogadro sayisi, TOJET, 2(2):57-66.
  • Ayaz Can, H. (2005). Alti sapkali dusunme tekniginin ilkogretim altinci sinif ogrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersindeki akademik basarisina etkisi. (Yayinlanmamis yuksek lisans tezi). Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Firat Universitesi, Elazig, Turkiye.
  • Ayaz Can, H. & Semerci, N. (2007). Alti sapkali dusunme tekniginin (ilkogretim sosyal bilgiler dersinde ogrencilerin akademik basarisina etkisi, Egitim ve Bilim, 32,145,39-52.
  • Berber, F., Akbulut, F., Maden, H., Gezer, M. & Keser, S. (2009). Dusunme ve elestirel dusunme. ozel ogretim yontemleri dersi arastirma projesi raporu. Suleyman Demirel Universitesi Teknik Egitim Fakultesi, Elektronik – Bilgisayar Egitimi Bolumu, Bilgisayar Sistemleri Ogretmenligi, Isparta.
  • Berberoglu, G.& Calikoglu.G.(1992).Turkce bilgisayar tutum olceginin yapi gecerliligi, Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi, 24(2). Ankara Universitesi Yayinlari, Ankara.
  • Bilek E. (2009). Ilkogretim ucuncu sinif hayat bilgisi dersinde dramatizasyon yonteminin ogrencilerin sosyal-duygusal uyumlarina ve akademik basarilarina etkisi. Yayimlan­mamis yuksek lisans tezi, Celal Bayar Universitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Manisa.
  • Bono, De E., (2006). Thinking course, powerful tools to transform your thinking, Harlow, Educational Publishers LLP
  • Bono, De E., (1997). Six Thinking Hats, Amsterdam: Contact
  • Bono, De E., (1992). Teach your children how to think , London; Penguin Books
  • Brooks, J. F. (2010). The effectiveness of constructivist science intructional methods on middle school students’ student achivement and motivation. Walden University.
  • Cuez, T., (2006). Ilkogretim 8. siniflarda fen bilgisi dersinde web tabanli ogretim desteginin ogrenci basarisina etkisi, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Ilkogretim Anabilim Dali Fen Bilgisi Ogretimi, Izmir.
  • Cayirci, C., (2007). Ilkogretim 7. Sinifta web tabanli portfolyo uygulamasi: fen bilgisi ve sosyal bilgiler ornekleri, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu Egitim Bilimleri Anabilim Dali Egitim Programlari ve Ogretim Programi, 134s.
  • Demircioglu, H. & Geban, O. (1996). Fen bilgisi ogretiminde bilgisayar destekli ogretim ve geleneksel problem cozme etkinliklerinin ders basarisi bakimindan karsilastirilmasi. Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 12: 183-185.
  • Dyck, B. (2003). Put on your six thinking hats. Retrieved February 14, 2013 curr / voice102.shtml.
  • Gregory, S., & Masters, Y. (2012). Real thinking with virtual hats: A role- playing activity for pre-service teachers in Second Life. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28 (special issue 3), 420-440.
  • Guven, Z. Z. (2007). Ogrenme stillerine dayali etkinliklerin ogrencilerin dinleme becerisi erisileri, Ingilizce dersine yonelik tutumlari ve ogrenilenlerin kaliciligina etkisi. Yayimlanmamis doktora tezi, Selcuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Konya.
  • Guven, G. & Sulun, Y. (2012). Bilgisayar destekli ogretimin 8.sinif fen ve teknoloji dersindeki akademik basariya ve ogrencilerin derse karsi tutumlarina etkisi, Turk Fen Egitimi Dergisi, 9(1), 68-79.
  • Hancer, A.H. & Yalcin, N.(2007). Fen egitiminde yapilandirmaci yaklasima dayali bilgisayar destekli ogrenmenin bilgisayara yonelik tutuma etkisi, Kastamonu Egitim Dergisi, 15 (2),549-560.
  • Horton, W. (2000). Designing web-based training. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Jang, S.J., (2006). The effects of incorporating web-assisted learning with team teaching in seventh-grade science classes. International Journal of Science Education, 28(6), 615-632.
  • Karadag, M., Saritas, S. & Erginer, E. (2009). Using the “six thinking hats” model of learning in a surgical nursing class: sharing the experience and student opinions. Australien Journal of Advanced Nursing. Volume 26 (3): 59-69. Australien Nursing Federation:Kingston.
  • Karamustafaoglu, O., Aydin, M.& Ozmen, H. (2005). Bilgisayar destekli fizik etkinlikle­rinin ogrenci kazanimlarina etkisi: basit harmonik hareket ornegi. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4(4). Article 10.
  • Kaya, H & Boyuk, U. (2011). Ilkogretim II. kademe ogrencilerinin fen ve teknoloji dersine ve fen deneylerine karsi tutumlari. TUBAV Bilim Dergisi, 4 (2), 120-130.
  • Keles, E., (2007). Altinci sinif kuvvet ve hareket unitesine yonelik beyin temelli ogrenmeye dayali web destekli ogretim materyalinin gelistirilmesi ve etkililiginin degerlendirilmesi, Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Ilkogretim Anabilim Dali, Trabzon.
  • Korkmaz, H. (2002). Fen egitiminde proje tabanli ogrenme yonteminin yaratici dusunme, problem cozme ve akademik risk alma duzeylerine etkisi. Yayimlanmamis doktora tezi, Hacettepe Universitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu. Ankara.
  • Labelle, S.(1996). Six Thinking Hats. Retrieved February 14, Charles75/Creative/Techniques/sixhats..htm6k adresinden indirildi.
  • Li, C-S., Lin, Y-F., Nelson, J., & Eckstein, D. (2008). Hats off to problem-solving with couples. The Family Journal, 16(3), 254-257.
  • Lin and Gorrell, (1998). Pre-service teachers’ efficacy beliefs in Taiwan. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 32 (1998), pp. 17–25.
  • Loyd, B.H., & Loyd, D.E. (1985). The reliability and validity of an instrument for the assessment of computer attitudes. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 45, 903-908.
  • Luckevich, D.,(2008). Computer assisted instruction for teaching vocabulary to a child with autism, PhD Thesis., Nova Southeastern University Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences.
  • Meyveci, N., (1997). Bilgisayar destekli fen bilgisi ogretiminin ogrenci basarisina ve ogrencilerin bilgisayar yonelik tutumuna etkisi, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Ankara.
  • Odabasi, F., Coklar, A.N., Kiyici, M., & Akdogan, E.P. (2005). Ilkogretim birinci kademede web uzerinden ders islenebilirligi, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4(4):182-190.
  • Olgun, A., (2006). Bilgisayar destekli fen bilgisi ogretiminin ogrencilerin fen bilgisi tutumlari, bilisustu becerileri ve basarilarina etkisi, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Osmangazi Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Eskisehir.
  • Ozden, Y. (2003). Ogrenme ve ogretme. Ankara: Pegema Yayincilik.
  • Saracaloglu, A. S., Serin, O. & Serin, U., (2001). Ilkogretim okulu ogrencilerinin bilgisayara yonelik tutumlarini etkileyen faktorler, X.Ulusal Egitim Bilimleri Kongresi, 7-9 Haziran 2001, Bolu.
  • Semerci; N. (1999). Ogretmenin gorevi: dusunmeyi gelistirmek. F. U. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9 (1): 209-216.
  • Smith, M., & Cook, K. (2012). Attendance and achievement in problem-based learning: The value of scaffolding. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 6(1), 129-152.
  • Sun, D. H. (1994). Renginizi Taniyin. Istanbul: Aritan Yayinevi
  • Sengul, N. (2006). Yapilandirmacilik kuramina dayali olarak hazirlanan aktif ogretim yontemlerinin akan elektrik konusunda ogrencilerin fen basari ve tutumlarina etkisi. Yuksek Lisans Tezi. Celal Bayar Universitesi.
  • Relan A and Gillani B. J. (1997). Web-based instruction and the traditional classroom: Similarities and differences. In Khan, B. (Ed.), Web-based instruction (pp. 25–37). New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications.
  • Tas, E., Kose, S. ve Cepni, S., (2006). The effects of computer-assisted instruction material on understanding photosynthesis subject, International Journal of Environmental and Science Education,1 (2),163-171.
  • Yenice, N. (2003). Bilgisayar destekli fen bilgisi ogretiminin ogrencilerin fen ve bil­gisayara yonelik tutumlarina etkisi. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2(4), 79-85.

Effect of Web Assisted Education Supported by Six Thinking Hats on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science and Technology Classes

Year 2014, , 9 - 23, 15.01.2014


Advances in computer technologies and adoption of related methods and techniques in education have developed parallel to each other. This study focuses on the need to utilize more than one teaching method and technique in education rather than focusing on a single teaching method. By using the pre-test post-test and control group semi-experimental research model, this study examined the effects of the web-assisted education method supported by six thinking hats technique on student achievement, on students’ attitudes towards science and their attitudes towards the use of computers in science classes. The working group of the study was composed of 7th graders in a state secondary school in the 2013-2014 academic year. A working group consists of two randomly selected classes assigned as the experimental and control groups. The working group comprised of 50 students with 25 experimental and 25 control group students. Paired samples t-test, independent samples t-test and ANOVA techniques were used in analyzing the data collected via data collection tools to compare the experimental and control groups. The results showed that web-assisted education materials prepared with the use of the six thinking hats technique increased student attitudes towards science and computers. Students’ attitudes towards computers were similar based on the variables of owning a computer and gender. Paternal education levels had no significant effects on student attitudes towards computers and their academic achievement.


  • Akcay, H., Tuysuz, C. & Feyzioglu, B. (2003). Bilgisayar destekli fen bilgisi ogretiminin ogrenci basarisina ve tutumuna etkisine bir ornek: mol kavrami ve avogadro sayisi, TOJET, 2(2):57-66.
  • Ayaz Can, H. (2005). Alti sapkali dusunme tekniginin ilkogretim altinci sinif ogrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersindeki akademik basarisina etkisi. (Yayinlanmamis yuksek lisans tezi). Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Firat Universitesi, Elazig, Turkiye.
  • Ayaz Can, H. & Semerci, N. (2007). Alti sapkali dusunme tekniginin (ilkogretim sosyal bilgiler dersinde ogrencilerin akademik basarisina etkisi, Egitim ve Bilim, 32,145,39-52.
  • Berber, F., Akbulut, F., Maden, H., Gezer, M. & Keser, S. (2009). Dusunme ve elestirel dusunme. ozel ogretim yontemleri dersi arastirma projesi raporu. Suleyman Demirel Universitesi Teknik Egitim Fakultesi, Elektronik – Bilgisayar Egitimi Bolumu, Bilgisayar Sistemleri Ogretmenligi, Isparta.
  • Berberoglu, G.& Calikoglu.G.(1992).Turkce bilgisayar tutum olceginin yapi gecerliligi, Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi, 24(2). Ankara Universitesi Yayinlari, Ankara.
  • Bilek E. (2009). Ilkogretim ucuncu sinif hayat bilgisi dersinde dramatizasyon yonteminin ogrencilerin sosyal-duygusal uyumlarina ve akademik basarilarina etkisi. Yayimlan­mamis yuksek lisans tezi, Celal Bayar Universitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Manisa.
  • Bono, De E., (2006). Thinking course, powerful tools to transform your thinking, Harlow, Educational Publishers LLP
  • Bono, De E., (1997). Six Thinking Hats, Amsterdam: Contact
  • Bono, De E., (1992). Teach your children how to think , London; Penguin Books
  • Brooks, J. F. (2010). The effectiveness of constructivist science intructional methods on middle school students’ student achivement and motivation. Walden University.
  • Cuez, T., (2006). Ilkogretim 8. siniflarda fen bilgisi dersinde web tabanli ogretim desteginin ogrenci basarisina etkisi, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Ilkogretim Anabilim Dali Fen Bilgisi Ogretimi, Izmir.
  • Cayirci, C., (2007). Ilkogretim 7. Sinifta web tabanli portfolyo uygulamasi: fen bilgisi ve sosyal bilgiler ornekleri, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu Egitim Bilimleri Anabilim Dali Egitim Programlari ve Ogretim Programi, 134s.
  • Demircioglu, H. & Geban, O. (1996). Fen bilgisi ogretiminde bilgisayar destekli ogretim ve geleneksel problem cozme etkinliklerinin ders basarisi bakimindan karsilastirilmasi. Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 12: 183-185.
  • Dyck, B. (2003). Put on your six thinking hats. Retrieved February 14, 2013 curr / voice102.shtml.
  • Gregory, S., & Masters, Y. (2012). Real thinking with virtual hats: A role- playing activity for pre-service teachers in Second Life. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28 (special issue 3), 420-440.
  • Guven, Z. Z. (2007). Ogrenme stillerine dayali etkinliklerin ogrencilerin dinleme becerisi erisileri, Ingilizce dersine yonelik tutumlari ve ogrenilenlerin kaliciligina etkisi. Yayimlanmamis doktora tezi, Selcuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Konya.
  • Guven, G. & Sulun, Y. (2012). Bilgisayar destekli ogretimin 8.sinif fen ve teknoloji dersindeki akademik basariya ve ogrencilerin derse karsi tutumlarina etkisi, Turk Fen Egitimi Dergisi, 9(1), 68-79.
  • Hancer, A.H. & Yalcin, N.(2007). Fen egitiminde yapilandirmaci yaklasima dayali bilgisayar destekli ogrenmenin bilgisayara yonelik tutuma etkisi, Kastamonu Egitim Dergisi, 15 (2),549-560.
  • Horton, W. (2000). Designing web-based training. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Jang, S.J., (2006). The effects of incorporating web-assisted learning with team teaching in seventh-grade science classes. International Journal of Science Education, 28(6), 615-632.
  • Karadag, M., Saritas, S. & Erginer, E. (2009). Using the “six thinking hats” model of learning in a surgical nursing class: sharing the experience and student opinions. Australien Journal of Advanced Nursing. Volume 26 (3): 59-69. Australien Nursing Federation:Kingston.
  • Karamustafaoglu, O., Aydin, M.& Ozmen, H. (2005). Bilgisayar destekli fizik etkinlikle­rinin ogrenci kazanimlarina etkisi: basit harmonik hareket ornegi. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4(4). Article 10.
  • Kaya, H & Boyuk, U. (2011). Ilkogretim II. kademe ogrencilerinin fen ve teknoloji dersine ve fen deneylerine karsi tutumlari. TUBAV Bilim Dergisi, 4 (2), 120-130.
  • Keles, E., (2007). Altinci sinif kuvvet ve hareket unitesine yonelik beyin temelli ogrenmeye dayali web destekli ogretim materyalinin gelistirilmesi ve etkililiginin degerlendirilmesi, Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Ilkogretim Anabilim Dali, Trabzon.
  • Korkmaz, H. (2002). Fen egitiminde proje tabanli ogrenme yonteminin yaratici dusunme, problem cozme ve akademik risk alma duzeylerine etkisi. Yayimlanmamis doktora tezi, Hacettepe Universitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu. Ankara.
  • Labelle, S.(1996). Six Thinking Hats. Retrieved February 14, Charles75/Creative/Techniques/sixhats..htm6k adresinden indirildi.
  • Li, C-S., Lin, Y-F., Nelson, J., & Eckstein, D. (2008). Hats off to problem-solving with couples. The Family Journal, 16(3), 254-257.
  • Lin and Gorrell, (1998). Pre-service teachers’ efficacy beliefs in Taiwan. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 32 (1998), pp. 17–25.
  • Loyd, B.H., & Loyd, D.E. (1985). The reliability and validity of an instrument for the assessment of computer attitudes. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 45, 903-908.
  • Luckevich, D.,(2008). Computer assisted instruction for teaching vocabulary to a child with autism, PhD Thesis., Nova Southeastern University Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences.
  • Meyveci, N., (1997). Bilgisayar destekli fen bilgisi ogretiminin ogrenci basarisina ve ogrencilerin bilgisayar yonelik tutumuna etkisi, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Ankara.
  • Odabasi, F., Coklar, A.N., Kiyici, M., & Akdogan, E.P. (2005). Ilkogretim birinci kademede web uzerinden ders islenebilirligi, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4(4):182-190.
  • Olgun, A., (2006). Bilgisayar destekli fen bilgisi ogretiminin ogrencilerin fen bilgisi tutumlari, bilisustu becerileri ve basarilarina etkisi, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Osmangazi Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Eskisehir.
  • Ozden, Y. (2003). Ogrenme ve ogretme. Ankara: Pegema Yayincilik.
  • Saracaloglu, A. S., Serin, O. & Serin, U., (2001). Ilkogretim okulu ogrencilerinin bilgisayara yonelik tutumlarini etkileyen faktorler, X.Ulusal Egitim Bilimleri Kongresi, 7-9 Haziran 2001, Bolu.
  • Semerci; N. (1999). Ogretmenin gorevi: dusunmeyi gelistirmek. F. U. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9 (1): 209-216.
  • Smith, M., & Cook, K. (2012). Attendance and achievement in problem-based learning: The value of scaffolding. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 6(1), 129-152.
  • Sun, D. H. (1994). Renginizi Taniyin. Istanbul: Aritan Yayinevi
  • Sengul, N. (2006). Yapilandirmacilik kuramina dayali olarak hazirlanan aktif ogretim yontemlerinin akan elektrik konusunda ogrencilerin fen basari ve tutumlarina etkisi. Yuksek Lisans Tezi. Celal Bayar Universitesi.
  • Relan A and Gillani B. J. (1997). Web-based instruction and the traditional classroom: Similarities and differences. In Khan, B. (Ed.), Web-based instruction (pp. 25–37). New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications.
  • Tas, E., Kose, S. ve Cepni, S., (2006). The effects of computer-assisted instruction material on understanding photosynthesis subject, International Journal of Environmental and Science Education,1 (2),163-171.
  • Yenice, N. (2003). Bilgisayar destekli fen bilgisi ogretiminin ogrencilerin fen ve bil­gisayara yonelik tutumlarina etkisi. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2(4), 79-85.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Other ID JA38DN66CF
Journal Section Research Article

Orhan Ercan

Kadir Bilen This is me

Publication Date January 15, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Ercan, O., & Bilen, K. (2014). Effect of Web Assisted Education Supported by Six Thinking Hats on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science and Technology Classes. European Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 9-23.
AMA Ercan O, Bilen K. Effect of Web Assisted Education Supported by Six Thinking Hats on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science and Technology Classes. eujer. January 2014;3(1):9-23. doi:10.12973/eu-jer.3.1.9
Chicago Ercan, Orhan, and Kadir Bilen. “Effect of Web Assisted Education Supported by Six Thinking Hats on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science and Technology Classes”. European Journal of Educational Research 3, no. 1 (January 2014): 9-23.
EndNote Ercan O, Bilen K (January 1, 2014) Effect of Web Assisted Education Supported by Six Thinking Hats on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science and Technology Classes. European Journal of Educational Research 3 1 9–23.
IEEE O. Ercan and K. Bilen, “Effect of Web Assisted Education Supported by Six Thinking Hats on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science and Technology Classes”, eujer, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 9–23, 2014, doi: 10.12973/eu-jer.3.1.9.
ISNAD Ercan, Orhan - Bilen, Kadir. “Effect of Web Assisted Education Supported by Six Thinking Hats on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science and Technology Classes”. European Journal of Educational Research 3/1 (January 2014), 9-23.
JAMA Ercan O, Bilen K. Effect of Web Assisted Education Supported by Six Thinking Hats on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science and Technology Classes. eujer. 2014;3:9–23.
MLA Ercan, Orhan and Kadir Bilen. “Effect of Web Assisted Education Supported by Six Thinking Hats on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science and Technology Classes”. European Journal of Educational Research, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014, pp. 9-23, doi:10.12973/eu-jer.3.1.9.
Vancouver Ercan O, Bilen K. Effect of Web Assisted Education Supported by Six Thinking Hats on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science and Technology Classes. eujer. 2014;3(1):9-23.