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Year 2011, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 195 - 202, 01.12.2011


Bu çalışmanın amacı buzağılara süt ile birlikte verilen çinko (Zn) ve metiyoninin (Met) canlı performansa ve bazı kan parametrelerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmada her grupta 20 adet olmak üzere toplam 80 adet yeni doğmuş Holstein buzağı (erkek dişi karışık) kullanılmıştır. Buzağılara doğduktan sonra 3 gün kolostrum verilmiştir. 3. günden sonra buzağıların canlı ağırlıkları alınarak sütten kesilinceye kadar (8 hafta) sırasıyla sadece süt, 30 mg/kg Zn, %1 Met, ve 30 mg/kg Zn+ %1 Met ilaveli süt tüketmeleri sağlanmıştır. Gruplardaki buzağı canlı ağırlıkları uygulamalardan etkilenmemiştir (P≥0.151). Genel olarak canlı performans (cidago yüksekliği, kalça ölçüsü, göğüs ölçüsü) sütlerine Zn ve Met’in kombine halinde katıldığı buzağı gruplarında daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P≥0.005). Buzağı grupları arasında kan parametreleri bakımından serum Cu konsantrasyonu hariç anlamlı farklar bulunamamıştır (P≥0.063). Sütlerine Zn ve Zn+Met kombinasyonu katılan buzağı gruplarının serum Zn düzeyleri diğer gruplara (kontrol ve Met) oranla bir miktar yükselmiş ancak bu istatistiki manada anlamlı olmamıştır (P=0.934). Çalışma sonuçlarına göre yeni doğan buzağıların sütlerine çinko ve metiyoninin, sırasıyla 30 mg/kg ve %1 düzeyinde kombine şekilde ilave edilmelerinin büyüme için uygun olacağı söylenebilir


  • McBean LD, Mahloudji M, Reinhold JG, Hal- sted JA. Correlation of zinc concentrations in human plasma and hair. Am J Clin Nutr 1971; 24:506-509.
  • Linder MC. Nutrition and metabolism of the trace elements. In: Linder MC (ed), Nutri- tional Biochemistry and Metabolism with Clinical Applications. Elsevier, New York 1991; pp 215-276.
  • Pond, WC, Church DC, Pond KR. Zinc in Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding. (Fourth ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York 1995; pp 190-193. 4. Ensminger ME, Oldfield JE, Heinemann WW. Feeds and Nutrition. The Ensminger Publish- ing Company, USA 1990; pp 89-120.
  • Ergün A, Tuncer SD, Çolpan I, Yalçın S, Yıldız G, Küçükersan MK, Küçükersan S, Şehu A. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. Özkan Matbacılık. Ankara. 2001.
  • Coşkun B, Şeker E, İnal F. Hayvan Besleme Ders Notları. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın Ünitesi Konya 1997.
  • Heinrichs J, Lammers B. Monitoring dairy heifer growth. PennState Publications No: 5M498PS. Collage of Agricultural Sciences 1998. 8. AOAC. Official Methods of Analysis. Associa- tion of Agricultural Chemists. Virginia, USA 1990.
  • SAS Institute. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC 1996.
  • Snedeker SM, Greger JL. Metabolism of zinc, copper and iron as affected by dietary pro- tein, cysteine and histidine. J Nutr 1983; 11:644-652.
  • Chen G, Zhao L, Bao S, Cong T. Effects of different proteins on the metabolism of Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn in rats. Bio Trace Elem Res 2006; 113:165-175.
  • NRC. Nutrient Requirement of Dairy Cattle. National Research Council. Seventh Revised Edition. National Academy Press Washington, D.C. 2001.
  • Ainslie SJ, Fox DG, Perry TC, Ketchen DC, Barry MC. Predicting amino acid adequacy of diets fed to Holstein steers. J Anim Sci 1993; 71:1312-1319.
  • Salama AA, Caja G, Albanell E, Such X, Casals R, Plaixats J. Effects of dietary sup- plements of zinc-methionine on milk produc- tion, udder health and zinc metabolism in dairy goats. J Dairy Res 2003; 70:9-17.
  • McCall KA, Huang C, Fierke CA. Function and mechanism of zinc metalloenzymes. J Nutr 2000; 130:1437S-1446S.
  • Yang BS, Ishii H, Satoh A, Kato N. Supplemental dietary cystine elevates kidney metallothionein in rats by a mechanism involving altered zinc metabolism. J Nutr 1995; 125:1167-1174.
  • Kincaid RL, Chew BP, Cronrath JD. Zinc oxide and amino acids as sources of dietary zinc for calves: effects on uptake and immunity. J Dairy Sci 1997; 80:1381-1388.
  • Spears JW, Harvey RW, Brown TT Jr. Effects of zinc methionine and zinc oxide on perform- ance, blood characteristics, and antibody titer response to viral vaccination in stressed feeder calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1991; 199:1731-1733.
  • Jenkins KJ, Hidiroglou M. Tolerance of the preruminant calf for excess manganese or zinc in milk replacer. J Dairy Sci 1991; 7:1047-1053.
  • Agricultural Research Council. The Nutrient Requirements of Ruminant Livestock. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, England 1980.
  • Tandon SK, Surendra S, Prasad S, Mathur N. Influence of Llysine and zinc administration during exposure to lead or lead and ethanol in rats. Biol Trace Elem Res 1997; 57:51-58.
  • Bakhiet AO, El-Adam S. An estimation of Citrullus coloncynthis toxicity for chicks. Vet Hum Toxicol 1995; 37:356-358 .
  • Faye B, Ratovanahary M, Chacornac JP, Soubre P. Metabolic profiles and risks of diseases in camels in temperate conditions. Comp Biochem Physiol 1995; 112:67-73.
  • Szymanska JA, Swietlica EA, Piotrowski JK. Protective effect of zinc in the hepatotoxicity of bromobenzene and acetominophen. Toxicol 1991; 66:81-91.
  • El-Ziddeh M, Ide K, Yoshimatsu T, MatsuiS, Furuichi M. Effects of Ca or trace elements from semi-purified diet on growth and feed utilization of yellow croaker, Nibea albiflora. J Fac Agricul Kyushu Univ Fukuoka 1995; 54:811-833.

Effects of Zinc and Methionine on Live Performance of Calves Consuming Milk

Year 2011, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 195 - 202, 01.12.2011


The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of zinc (Zn) and methionine (Met) on live performance and some blood parameters of calves consuming milk. A total of 80 Holstein calves (male and female mixed) were fed colostrums on first 3 days after delivery and assigned into 4 groups 20 per group, namely control (no supplement, only milk), milk plus 30 mg/kg Zn, milk plus 1% Met, and milk plus 30 mg/kg Zn and 1% Met until weaning (8 weeks). Body weight changes were similar between groups (P≥0.151). Live performance in general (wither height, hearth girth, hip width) improved better in calves supplemented with a combination of Zn and Met (P≥0.005). Except Cu concentrations, blood parameters remained similar among treatments (P≥0.063). Statistically insignificant as it was (P=0.934), zinc inclusion in Zn and Zn+Met group caused an increase in serum Zn concentrations. Therefore, it is recommended that new born calves should be supplemented with Zn at 30 mg/kg with Met at 1% for a better growth performance


  • McBean LD, Mahloudji M, Reinhold JG, Hal- sted JA. Correlation of zinc concentrations in human plasma and hair. Am J Clin Nutr 1971; 24:506-509.
  • Linder MC. Nutrition and metabolism of the trace elements. In: Linder MC (ed), Nutri- tional Biochemistry and Metabolism with Clinical Applications. Elsevier, New York 1991; pp 215-276.
  • Pond, WC, Church DC, Pond KR. Zinc in Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding. (Fourth ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York 1995; pp 190-193. 4. Ensminger ME, Oldfield JE, Heinemann WW. Feeds and Nutrition. The Ensminger Publish- ing Company, USA 1990; pp 89-120.
  • Ergün A, Tuncer SD, Çolpan I, Yalçın S, Yıldız G, Küçükersan MK, Küçükersan S, Şehu A. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. Özkan Matbacılık. Ankara. 2001.
  • Coşkun B, Şeker E, İnal F. Hayvan Besleme Ders Notları. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın Ünitesi Konya 1997.
  • Heinrichs J, Lammers B. Monitoring dairy heifer growth. PennState Publications No: 5M498PS. Collage of Agricultural Sciences 1998. 8. AOAC. Official Methods of Analysis. Associa- tion of Agricultural Chemists. Virginia, USA 1990.
  • SAS Institute. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC 1996.
  • Snedeker SM, Greger JL. Metabolism of zinc, copper and iron as affected by dietary pro- tein, cysteine and histidine. J Nutr 1983; 11:644-652.
  • Chen G, Zhao L, Bao S, Cong T. Effects of different proteins on the metabolism of Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn in rats. Bio Trace Elem Res 2006; 113:165-175.
  • NRC. Nutrient Requirement of Dairy Cattle. National Research Council. Seventh Revised Edition. National Academy Press Washington, D.C. 2001.
  • Ainslie SJ, Fox DG, Perry TC, Ketchen DC, Barry MC. Predicting amino acid adequacy of diets fed to Holstein steers. J Anim Sci 1993; 71:1312-1319.
  • Salama AA, Caja G, Albanell E, Such X, Casals R, Plaixats J. Effects of dietary sup- plements of zinc-methionine on milk produc- tion, udder health and zinc metabolism in dairy goats. J Dairy Res 2003; 70:9-17.
  • McCall KA, Huang C, Fierke CA. Function and mechanism of zinc metalloenzymes. J Nutr 2000; 130:1437S-1446S.
  • Yang BS, Ishii H, Satoh A, Kato N. Supplemental dietary cystine elevates kidney metallothionein in rats by a mechanism involving altered zinc metabolism. J Nutr 1995; 125:1167-1174.
  • Kincaid RL, Chew BP, Cronrath JD. Zinc oxide and amino acids as sources of dietary zinc for calves: effects on uptake and immunity. J Dairy Sci 1997; 80:1381-1388.
  • Spears JW, Harvey RW, Brown TT Jr. Effects of zinc methionine and zinc oxide on perform- ance, blood characteristics, and antibody titer response to viral vaccination in stressed feeder calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1991; 199:1731-1733.
  • Jenkins KJ, Hidiroglou M. Tolerance of the preruminant calf for excess manganese or zinc in milk replacer. J Dairy Sci 1991; 7:1047-1053.
  • Agricultural Research Council. The Nutrient Requirements of Ruminant Livestock. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, England 1980.
  • Tandon SK, Surendra S, Prasad S, Mathur N. Influence of Llysine and zinc administration during exposure to lead or lead and ethanol in rats. Biol Trace Elem Res 1997; 57:51-58.
  • Bakhiet AO, El-Adam S. An estimation of Citrullus coloncynthis toxicity for chicks. Vet Hum Toxicol 1995; 37:356-358 .
  • Faye B, Ratovanahary M, Chacornac JP, Soubre P. Metabolic profiles and risks of diseases in camels in temperate conditions. Comp Biochem Physiol 1995; 112:67-73.
  • Szymanska JA, Swietlica EA, Piotrowski JK. Protective effect of zinc in the hepatotoxicity of bromobenzene and acetominophen. Toxicol 1991; 66:81-91.
  • El-Ziddeh M, Ide K, Yoshimatsu T, MatsuiS, Furuichi M. Effects of Ca or trace elements from semi-purified diet on growth and feed utilization of yellow croaker, Nibea albiflora. J Fac Agricul Kyushu Univ Fukuoka 1995; 54:811-833.
There are 23 citations in total.


Other ID JA87MN45DN
Journal Section Research Article

İsmail Ülger This is me

Osman Küçük This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Submission Date December 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 20 Issue: 3


APA Ülger, İ., & Küçük, O. (2011). ÇİNKO VE METİYONİNİN BUZAĞILARDA PERFORMANS ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 20(3), 195-202.
Chicago Ülger, İsmail, and Osman Küçük. “ÇİNKO VE METİYONİNİN BUZAĞILARDA PERFORMANS ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 20, no. 3 (December 2011): 195-202.
EndNote Ülger İ, Küçük O (December 1, 2011) ÇİNKO VE METİYONİNİN BUZAĞILARDA PERFORMANS ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 20 3 195–202.
IEEE İ. Ülger and O. Küçük, “ÇİNKO VE METİYONİNİN BUZAĞILARDA PERFORMANS ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ”, JHS, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 195–202, 2011.
ISNAD Ülger, İsmail - Küçük, Osman. “ÇİNKO VE METİYONİNİN BUZAĞILARDA PERFORMANS ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 20/3 (December 2011), 195-202.
MLA Ülger, İsmail and Osman Küçük. “ÇİNKO VE METİYONİNİN BUZAĞILARDA PERFORMANS ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 3, 2011, pp. 195-02.