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Türkiye'deki Koyunların Mavidil Hastalığının Serolojik, Etiyolojik ve Patolojik Durumu Üzerinde Araştırmalar

Year 1988, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 13 - 24, 01.12.1988


Ege bölgesinde değişik odaklardaki hasta koyunlardan alınarak
OPG solusyonu içinde laboratuvara getirilen materyallerin 5
tanesinden kuzu .böbreği hücre kültürlerinde mavidil tip-4 virusu
izole edildi · Bu 5 virus suşu arasında serolojik bir farklılık bulunmadı.
Hastalıklı materyal önce deney koyunlarına verildi. Bu koyunlardan alınan defibrine kan 10 günlük embriyonlu yumurtanın sarı
kesesine 0,2 ml inokule edilip 33,5°C'lik etüve kondu. Üç-beş gün
arasında ölen embriyonlar toplanıp pasaj için kullanıldı. Embriyonlu
yumurtada 8 pasajdan sonra primer kuzu böbreği hücre kültürlerine
ekildi. Hücrelerden OPE meydana geldi. Spesifik antiserumla
yapılan SN testlerinde hücrelerde OPE şekillenmedi. Bu virusların doku kültüründe 12.nci pasajdaki titresi 10-5,25 ile 10-5,50.
TCID/50 ml. arasındaydı.
Teste tabi tutulan 691 adet çeşitli serumun 294 adedinden mavidil
tip-4 antikoru saptandı. Bu oran koyunlarda % 46, sığırlarda .
% 16 ve keçi serumunda da % 44 olarak bulundu.
Mavidili hastalığına yakalanmış 39 koyunda makroskopik ve
mikroskopik lezyonlar belıirlendi. Genellikle en belirgin olanlar yaygın ödem, hiperemi ve kanama; oral bölgede erozyonlar; akciğer
ve lenf düğümlerinde hiperemi ve ödem; iskelet ve kalp kaslannda
kanama idi.


  • Ayoub, H., and Singh, KV. (1970) : identification of Bluetongue in U.A.R. (EGYPT) Bull. Epizoot. Dis. Afr. (18) 123-126.
  • Bowne, J.G. (1973) : Bluetongue on lmportont Disease· in Cattle. J·. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. 163, No 7: ·911-914.
  • Browne; G.J ., and Jochim, M.M. (,1967) Cytopathologic Changes and Development of lnclusion Bodles in Cultured Cells lnfected with Bluetongue Virus. Am. J. Vet. Res .. 28: 1091-1105.
  • Foster, N.M., and Luedke, A.J. (:1968) : Direct Assay for Bluetongue Virus by lntravascular lnoculation of Embryonating Chicken Eggs. Am. J. Vet. · Res.; 19: 3, 749-753.
  • Gerald, L.H., and Daniel, O.T. (1972) : Bluetongue Virus in Pronghorn Antelop. Am. J. Vet. Res., 33: 1013-1016.
  • Griner, L.A., McCrory, B.R., Foster, M., and Mayer, H. (1964) : Bluetongue Associated with Abnormalities in Newborn Lambs. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 145 1013-1019.
  • Hondbook an animal Diseases in the Tropics. (1976) : Brit. Vet. Ass., 5-7 Manshield Street, London, Third Ed.
  • Hübschle, O.J.B . (1980) : Bluetongue Virus Hemagglutination and its inhibition by Specific Sera. Arch. of Virology. 64: 2, 133-140.
  • Jennigs, M., and Boorman, J. (1980) The Susceptibility of the Sandfly Lutzemyia· longipalpis, Diptera, Phlebotomidae to Laboratory lnfectıon with Bluetongue Virus. Arch. of Virology. 64: 2, 127-131.
  • Jochim, M.M., and. Chow, T.L. (1969) : lmmunodiffusion of Biuetongue Virus. Am J. Vet. Res., 30: 1, 33-41.
  • Jochim, MM., Luedke, A..J. and Chow, T.L. (1974) : Bluetongue in Cattle: lmmunogenic and Clinical Responses in Calves inoculated in Utero and After. Birth. Am. J. Vet. Res., 5: 4, 517-522.
  • Jochim, M.M. and Jones, SC. (.1976) : Plaque Neutralization of Bluetongue Virus and Hemorrlhagic Disease Virus in BHK Cells., Am. J. Vet. Res., . 37: 11, 1345-1347.
  • Jubb, K.V.F., and Kennedy, P.C. ('1963) : Pathology of Domestic Animals. Vol: 2, pp: 8-10, Academic Press New York and London.
  • Kemeny, L. and Drehle, LE. (1961) : The Use of Tissue Culture Propagated Bluetongue Virus for Vaccine Preparation., Am. J. Vet. Res., 921-925.
  • Luedke, A.J ., Bowne, J.G. and Jochim, M.M. (1964) : Clinical and Patholonc Features of Bluetongue in Sheep., Am. J. Vet. Res., 25: 2, 963-970.
  • Luedke, A.J., Jones, R.H ., and Jochim. M.M. (-1967) : Transmission of Bluetongue Between Sheep and Cattle -by Culicoides Variipennis., Am. J._ Vet. Res., 28: 123, 457-460.
  • Luedke, A.J., Jochim, M.M. and Jones, R.H. (1969) : Bluetongue in Cattle Viremia. Am. J. Vet. Res., 30: 6, 511-516.
  • Luedke, A.J., Jochim, M.M. Bowne, J.G. and Jones, R.H. (;1970) : Observations on Latent Bluetongue Virus lnfection in Cattle., J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass . 156, 1871-1879.
  • Luedke, A.J., Jochim, M.M. and Jones, R.H. ('1977) : Bluetongue in Cattle: Effects of Culucoides Variipenis-Transmitted Bluetongue Virus on- Pregnant Heifers and Their Calves., Am. J. Vet. Res., 38: 11, 1687-1705.
  • McKercher, D.G., Saito, J.K. and Singh, K.L. (1970) : Seralogic Ewidence of and Etiologic Role for Bluetongue Virus in Hydranencephayl of Calves., J..A. Vet. Med. Ass., 156: 8, 1044-1047.
  • Matcalf, H..E. (1977) : Blueton9ue and Related Disease. Veterinary Services Arthropod-Borne Animal Disease Research Laboratory Denver, Colorado 80225. -
  • Moulton, J .. E. (1961) : Patfology of Bluetongue of sheep in California, J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 138, 493-498.
  • Ozawa, V. (1978) : Personal Communication..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Pamukcu, M. (1968) : Veteriner Patoloji Cilt: 1. pp: 15-19, Sindirim Sistemi Hastalıkları, A.Ü, Vet. Fak. Yay. : 228, Ders ·Kitabı : 130.
  • Parker, J. and Herniman, K.A.J., Gibbs, E.P.J. and Sellers, R.F. (1975) : An Experimental lnactivated Vaccine Against Bluetongue. Vet. Rec.; 29, 284- 287.
  • Sellers, R.F. (1975)_ : Bluetongue in Cyprus. Aust. Vet. J. 51, 198-202......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Smith, H.A. and Jones, T.C. (1968) : Veterinary Pathology, Third ed., pp: 390-393, Lea-Febiger Philadelphia...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Thomas, F.C., Morse, P.M. and Seawright, G.L. (1979) : Conparisons of some Blutongue Virus Isolates by Plaque Neutralization and Relatedlness Tests. Arch. of Virology, 62: 3, 189-199.

(Serological, etiological and pathological studies on blutongue disease of sheep in Turkey)

Year 1988, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 13 - 24, 01.12.1988


Bluetongue virus type-4 was ilolated in the lamb kidney tissue culture from 5 of the materials taken in OPG solution from the animals suffering from the disease in the various faco of AEGEAN REGION.
The materials were inoculated into the experimental sheep. The defirinated blood collected from the diseased sheep were inoculated into the yolk sacs of the ten days old embryonated eggs in an amount of 0,2 ml and they were kept in an incubator at 33,5 C.
The embryos which died within 3-5 days were collected and used for passages. They were cultivated into primary lamb kidney tissue culture after eight passages in the embryonated eggs. The OPE was observed. No OPE was observed in the cells in SN test applied by using specific antiserum. The titer of this virus at he twelfth passage in the tissue culture was between 10-5,25 and 10-5,50 TCİD/50 ml.
Bluetongue type-4 antibody was determined in 294 blood sera of 691 various sera subjected to the test. This ratio was found to be 46% for sheep, 16 % for cattle and 44 %for goats.
Gross and microscopic lesions in 39 sheep infected with bluetongue were described. In general, the most consistent were generalized edema, hyperemia and hemorrhage; erosions in the oral region; pulmonary and lymphnode hyperemia and edema; and lymphnode hyperemia and edema; and hemorrhages of skeletal and cardiac muscles.


  • Ayoub, H., and Singh, KV. (1970) : identification of Bluetongue in U.A.R. (EGYPT) Bull. Epizoot. Dis. Afr. (18) 123-126.
  • Bowne, J.G. (1973) : Bluetongue on lmportont Disease· in Cattle. J·. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. 163, No 7: ·911-914.
  • Browne; G.J ., and Jochim, M.M. (,1967) Cytopathologic Changes and Development of lnclusion Bodles in Cultured Cells lnfected with Bluetongue Virus. Am. J. Vet. Res .. 28: 1091-1105.
  • Foster, N.M., and Luedke, A.J. (:1968) : Direct Assay for Bluetongue Virus by lntravascular lnoculation of Embryonating Chicken Eggs. Am. J. Vet. · Res.; 19: 3, 749-753.
  • Gerald, L.H., and Daniel, O.T. (1972) : Bluetongue Virus in Pronghorn Antelop. Am. J. Vet. Res., 33: 1013-1016.
  • Griner, L.A., McCrory, B.R., Foster, M., and Mayer, H. (1964) : Bluetongue Associated with Abnormalities in Newborn Lambs. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 145 1013-1019.
  • Hondbook an animal Diseases in the Tropics. (1976) : Brit. Vet. Ass., 5-7 Manshield Street, London, Third Ed.
  • Hübschle, O.J.B . (1980) : Bluetongue Virus Hemagglutination and its inhibition by Specific Sera. Arch. of Virology. 64: 2, 133-140.
  • Jennigs, M., and Boorman, J. (1980) The Susceptibility of the Sandfly Lutzemyia· longipalpis, Diptera, Phlebotomidae to Laboratory lnfectıon with Bluetongue Virus. Arch. of Virology. 64: 2, 127-131.
  • Jochim, M.M., and. Chow, T.L. (1969) : lmmunodiffusion of Biuetongue Virus. Am J. Vet. Res., 30: 1, 33-41.
  • Jochim, MM., Luedke, A..J. and Chow, T.L. (1974) : Bluetongue in Cattle: lmmunogenic and Clinical Responses in Calves inoculated in Utero and After. Birth. Am. J. Vet. Res., 5: 4, 517-522.
  • Jochim, M.M. and Jones, SC. (.1976) : Plaque Neutralization of Bluetongue Virus and Hemorrlhagic Disease Virus in BHK Cells., Am. J. Vet. Res., . 37: 11, 1345-1347.
  • Jubb, K.V.F., and Kennedy, P.C. ('1963) : Pathology of Domestic Animals. Vol: 2, pp: 8-10, Academic Press New York and London.
  • Kemeny, L. and Drehle, LE. (1961) : The Use of Tissue Culture Propagated Bluetongue Virus for Vaccine Preparation., Am. J. Vet. Res., 921-925.
  • Luedke, A.J ., Bowne, J.G. and Jochim, M.M. (1964) : Clinical and Patholonc Features of Bluetongue in Sheep., Am. J. Vet. Res., 25: 2, 963-970.
  • Luedke, A.J., Jones, R.H ., and Jochim. M.M. (-1967) : Transmission of Bluetongue Between Sheep and Cattle -by Culicoides Variipennis., Am. J._ Vet. Res., 28: 123, 457-460.
  • Luedke, A.J., Jochim, M.M. and Jones, R.H. (1969) : Bluetongue in Cattle Viremia. Am. J. Vet. Res., 30: 6, 511-516.
  • Luedke, A.J., Jochim, M.M. Bowne, J.G. and Jones, R.H. (;1970) : Observations on Latent Bluetongue Virus lnfection in Cattle., J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass . 156, 1871-1879.
  • Luedke, A.J., Jochim, M.M. and Jones, R.H. ('1977) : Bluetongue in Cattle: Effects of Culucoides Variipenis-Transmitted Bluetongue Virus on- Pregnant Heifers and Their Calves., Am. J. Vet. Res., 38: 11, 1687-1705.
  • McKercher, D.G., Saito, J.K. and Singh, K.L. (1970) : Seralogic Ewidence of and Etiologic Role for Bluetongue Virus in Hydranencephayl of Calves., J..A. Vet. Med. Ass., 156: 8, 1044-1047.
  • Matcalf, H..E. (1977) : Blueton9ue and Related Disease. Veterinary Services Arthropod-Borne Animal Disease Research Laboratory Denver, Colorado 80225. -
  • Moulton, J .. E. (1961) : Patfology of Bluetongue of sheep in California, J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 138, 493-498.
  • Ozawa, V. (1978) : Personal Communication..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Pamukcu, M. (1968) : Veteriner Patoloji Cilt: 1. pp: 15-19, Sindirim Sistemi Hastalıkları, A.Ü, Vet. Fak. Yay. : 228, Ders ·Kitabı : 130.
  • Parker, J. and Herniman, K.A.J., Gibbs, E.P.J. and Sellers, R.F. (1975) : An Experimental lnactivated Vaccine Against Bluetongue. Vet. Rec.; 29, 284- 287.
  • Sellers, R.F. (1975)_ : Bluetongue in Cyprus. Aust. Vet. J. 51, 198-202......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Smith, H.A. and Jones, T.C. (1968) : Veterinary Pathology, Third ed., pp: 390-393, Lea-Febiger Philadelphia...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Thomas, F.C., Morse, P.M. and Seawright, G.L. (1979) : Conparisons of some Blutongue Virus Isolates by Plaque Neutralization and Relatedlness Tests. Arch. of Virology, 62: 3, 189-199.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Hamdi Girgin This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1988
Submission Date December 1, 1988
Published in Issue Year 1988 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Girgin, H. (1988). Türkiye’deki Koyunların Mavidil Hastalığının Serolojik, Etiyolojik ve Patolojik Durumu Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(3), 13-24.
