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Preparation of antigen and antisera to use for epizootiologic searching investigation in some poultry viral diseases

Year 1989, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 35 - 54, 01.12.1989


Against the some viral disease of ·the chickens (Inf. Bronchitis,
Inf. Laryngothacheitis, I. Bursal Disease, CELO and Avian Encephalomyelitis)
We prepared an antigen and an antiserum touse with
A.G.P. tests. We used C.A.M.of the 9 - 10 days old infected from
SPF flock in ordır to prepare I.B., I.L.T. and CELO antigen. For
the antigen. We used brain and gastro-intestinal tracts· of the infected
embryos. Prepared antigen from the· gastro-intestinal tracts,
gave a positive reaction at A.G.P. But we could· not use the brain
suspention in which prepared with the same method for this test
So we decided that the suspention (in the ultracenrifuge) has to
be purified and concentrated. We prepared I.B.D. antigen from the
B. Fabricius of the infected chicks and have vety good results.
The preparation of the immun serum for the other infections
except I.B.D.; no matter which way we use (I. Venonsly ar I. fracheally)
if the antigen is inoculated more than once We observed
that the number of positive animals increased.


  • ADAIR, B. M.; TODD, E. R.; K. BURNS (1986): Comparison of seroiogical tests for detection of Aiıtibod i es to lnfectious Lryngotracheitis virus Zootec nica International. February, 68- 72.
  • BERGER, R. G. (1982) : An in vitro assay forguantifying the virus of Avian Encephalomyelitis. Reprinted form Avian Dlseases, Vol. 26 No. 3( July· September.
  • CALNEK, B. V. W. (1978) : Haemagglutination lnhibition antibodies against . adeno virus (virus 127) in white pekin duck in the United States. Avian Disease Vol. 2 No : 4 ·
  • CAPORALE, ·V. ; RAGGI, L.; SEMPRAMI, G. (1972) : Stundy of the double diffusion test and viral disease of fowls. 1 lnfections laryngotracheitis Atti della Societa ltaliana deli e Scienze Veterinaria, 26, 553- 555 (lt en fr.) lst. Zooprofilattica sperimontale, Teramo, ltaly.
  • CAPORALE, V.; SEMPRONI, G. (1972): Stundy of the double diffusion test and viral diseases of fowlls. ll. lnfections bronchitis -virus; Atti della societe ltaliana de lle scienye Veterinaria', · 26, 555-557 (i st. en fr.) ıst. Zooprofilattica sperimentale, Teramo, ltaly.
  • CENTRAL VETERINARY LABORATORY POULTRY DEPERTEMANT (1979): The Use of agar- gel Diffion Precipitating test for diagnosis of so mc viral diseases. Central Vet. ._ Lab. Poultry Departement Surrey, Veybridgc V. K.
  • CULLEN, B. A.; VEYETH, P. J. T. (1975): Ouantitetion of antibodies to lnfectious bursal Diseases Veterinary Re.cord 97 (16) (En) Cent., Vet. Lab. New. Haw. Weybridge Surrey U. K.
  • ERGÜN, A. (1978): Almanya Seyahat Notları .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • FUOHS. B.; BÖBDECf<ER, G.; BULOW, V. V. (1985) : Comperative· serolo· gical studies on methods for detecting antibodies against imfectious larnygotracheitis virus in chickens. Beriiner und Müchener Tierarzliche Wochensclırift, 98 (8) 261-266 (De, en, 15 ref) Enst. Geflügelkrankheiten, Freie Univ., Koserstr. 21, D -1000 Berlin. 33, German Federal Republic.
  • FUHR, . F.; SiPAHiOGLU, A.; ERGÜN, A.; YALÇIN, S. (1976): Öne li ve Bu· laşıcı Bazı Tavuk Hastalıklarının Teşhisinde ,'Agar-gel pres ipitasyon teşhisi· nin uygulanması.
  • GAYDZINSKI, P.; McDONALD·, J. W.; McMARTIN, D. A. (1977): The agar-gel precipitin response to the H 120 and H 52 vaccines of lnfections bronehitis virus. Av ian pathology -6 -(2) 143- 148 (En, de, Fr, 8 ref) Vet; Lab. Eskgrone, lasswade, Midlothian, U. K
  • GOUGH, R. E.; ALEX,A.NDER, D. J. (1977) : Comperisan of seroiogica! test . the messsurement of. the primary immun response to avi an infectious ·brenchitis virus vaccimis. Veterinary microbiology 2 (4j 289-301 (En, 17 ref) central Vet. Lab. New. Haw Weybridge S~rrey KT, 15 3N8 V.K.
  • GULLON, J. C.; A. Vallec, and L. RENAULT (1966) : La technique de precipatation en milieu. Ann. lnst. Past. 103. 921-924.
  • GIRSHICK, T.; CRARY, C. K.; J. R. (1932) : Preparation of an agar-gel precipitating antigen for avian encephalomyclitis and its Use in ewaluatiııg the antibody Status of poultry. Avian· Disease, · 26 (4) 798-804. (En, 15 ref) Spafas, lnc.,Storrs. Connecticut, 06, 268 U.S.A.
  • HIROSA, M.; HIRAI, V. O. (1976): Predipitating antibcidy agajnst I.B.D.V. in · yolk and serum of chickens. Research Stilietin ·.of The Faculty Agriculture, Gifu University. No. 39, 165-170 (En, za. 11 ref) Rep. Vet. Microbiol., Fac Agric. Gifu. Univ., Japan. '
  • IDE, P. R.; SCHULTLE- NERDHOLT, J. A.; DEVIT, W. F.:. SMITH, J. D. (1978) : Broiler Breeder vaccinition againts infectius· ubrsal disease and persistence maternal antibody in progency. Canadion Veterinary Journal 19 (5) 123- 127 (En, Fr, 14 ref) Anim. , Pat~ .• Div., Hth. Anim. PO. BOX 1410, Sackville New Brunwjck,EOA 300 (1 de) Çanada.
  • IKEDA, S. (1977) : lmmunodiffusion test ih avian enc'ephalomyelitis. ı. Standardization of procedure and detection of antigen in i nfected chi.ckens and embryos. ll Detectlon of preclpitating antibody In infected chlckens in comparison with neutralizin antibody. National Institute of Amirnal Health Ouarterly, Japan 17 (3) 81-94 (En. 26, ref) Tahoku Branch Lab. Nat. Enst.: Anim. Elth. Shickinoke • machi, Kamikitogun, Aomori-ken, O, 39-25, Japan~
  • LEY, D. U.; STORM, N.; ·BICKFORD, A. A.; YAMAMOTO, R. (1979): An lnfections bursal disease virus autbreak in 14 and 15 week old chickens. Avian Disease, 23 (1) 235 • 240 (Em, 7 ref) Dep. Epidemol. Prev., Med. Univ., Davis, California 9, 5, 616, U.S.A.
  • LISOWKA, K.; LISOWKI, K. (1978) : Gel preclpitatlng test in the diagnosis of avian infe.ctious bursitis. Medcyno Veterinaryjna, 34 (12) 727-728. (PI, en, ru. 8 ref) ul. E. Raczynskiego, 72, 60 • 465, · Poznan, ~o ll and.
  • LUKERT, P. D.; DAVIS, R. B. (1971) : An-antlgen used in the agar-gel precipitin reaction to detect avian encephalomyelltis virus antibodies. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia 30601. . ·
  • Lohr, J. R. (1976) : lnfectious Bronchitls Agar-gel prencipitin test Research NOTE.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • MACDONALD, J. W.; RANDALL, C. J.; · McMARTIN, D. A.; DAGLESS, M.D. (1981) : lmmunity followig vaccination with the H 120 strain of infectlous bronchitis virus via the drinking water. Avi an pathology 10 (3) 295-301. (En, de, Fr, 16 ref) Maff Vet. Lab. Eskgr.ove, Lasswade, Midlothian, U. K.
  • MACDONALD, J. W.; •DAGLESS, M.D.; McMARTIN, LA.; RANÖALL, C.J.; PATIISON, M.; EARLY, J. L.; AUBREY, S. (1982): Field observations on serological respanses to vaccine · Strains of. infectlons bronchitis virus administered by coarse spray and via the drinking Vater. 1 f (4) 537 · 546. (En. de. fr. 10 ref) Maff, Vet. Lab. Ekskrove, lassvade Hidlolhiari Scotland, U. K.
  • MACDONALD, J. W.; RANDALL, C. J.; Mc MARTIN D. A.; DAGLESS, M. D. (1983): lmmunity fallawing ino culation of the 'H 120 and H 52 vaccine strains of · 'ı. Bronchitis virus into the crop of the darnestle fowl. Avian Pathology 12 (3) 379 • 388 (En .. de. fr. 25 ref) Mafa Vet. Lab.; Eksgrove lasswade, Mldlothian, U. K
  • MATSUMOTO, M.: MURPHY M. (1977 (1977): Use of polyethyleme gleycol and fluocarbon for The Purification of Avian-encephalomyclits Virus. Avian, Disese, 21 (2) 300 - .309 (En. 18 ref) Sch: Vet., Med., State Univ., Corvallis. Oregan, 97331, u.s.A.
  • Mc.FERRAN, J. B.; CLARKE,. J. P.; CONNOR, T. J. (1972) : Serological Clasfication of Avian .;Adenorviruses. Archiv_ fur .die Gasamte Virusfor schung 39 No; 1/3> 132- 139 ·[En)Vet. Res. Lab. Stormont Belfast. N. treland
  • Mc FERRAN J. B. HELEN, M. Ronley; Me NULDY; M. S: and LINDA J. Montgomery (1977) : Serological Studies an flocks showing depressed egg Production Avian patholgy " 6; 405 - 413
  • MONTREAL; . G; BAUER, H. J.; :WIEGMAN, J. · (1985): Comparison of the enzyme-liked .. immunosorbent assay (ELISA) , · H. l. test and agar gel precipitatiort tesf for detection of: avian· infections·. bronchitis virus. Avian Pathology 14 (3) 421 - 434.
  • NICHOLAS, R. A. J.; WOOD, G. W.; DENISE, H. Thornton . (1983) : Comparison of Techniques for· the detection of avian lnfectious bronchitis virus as a contaminat of Vaccines. Journal of bilogical standardization.
  • NICHOLAS,R.A.J.: WOOD, G.W.; HOPKINS, G.L.; THORNTON, D.H.(1986): Detection of avian encephalomyclitis virus. Research Veterinary Sciences,40, 199-122.
  • ONUNKWO,O. (1975): An outbreak of infectius bursal disease (IBD) of chickens in Nigeria. Vet. Recad. 97 (22) 433 (En) Fed. Vet. Res. Lab. Vem. Viafos Nigeria.
  • SCHMIDT, U. (1967): Erfahrungen mit der prazipitationsreaktion im Hinblick auf ihfe verwendung für die praktische Diagnose bei der infektion des Huhnes mit dem Virus der infektiösen Laryngotracheitis und der infektiösen Bronchitis sowie mit Celo-Virus , Aus dem Friedrich- locffler-Institus İnsel Riems der Deutschen Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenshaften zu Berlin.
  • SCHMIDT; V. (1969) Die herstellung von prazipitieren den seren zum Nach. weis des Virus der İ. B. der I.L.T. und der Hühnerpocken sowevon avaieren Adenovirus (CELO). Eingegangen om 6, Januar.
  • BOZKURT, Seher (1983 : lnfiltere seyahat notları (The gel diffision presipitin test , for I,B.V. and A.G.P. test on SPF flock sera).
  • SiPAHiOGLU; A.; ·GlRGlN, H.; ERGÜN, A,; YALÇIN, S. (1976): Tavukların marek ve lencosis hastalıklarının araştırılması ve Marek hastalığına karşı etkin bir aşı hazırlama. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Enstitüsü, Cilt 4, Say• 11 - 12.
  • SHARMA, K. SHARMA, S. N.; SAMBYAL, D. S.; BAX, K. K. (1983) : . Precipitating antibodies aganist avian adeno and infections bronchitis· viruses In poultry lndian Journal of.Aminal Sciences, 53 (12) 1357- 1358 (En. 6 ref) Coll. Vet. Sci.; Punjab. Agric. Univ.; Ludhiana, Runjab 1411004, lndia.
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Tavukların Bazı Viral Hastalıklarının Epizootiyolojik Taramasında Kullanılmak Üzere Antigen ve Antiserum Hazırlanması

Year 1989, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 35 - 54, 01.12.1989


Tavukların bazı viral hastalıklarına (I. Bronşit, I. Laringotraheit, I. Bursal Hastalığı ( CELO ve Avian Ansafalomiyelit)karşı A.G.P. testinde kullanılmak üzere antigen ve antiserum hazırlandı. I.B., I.L.T., I.B.D, ve CELO anigenlerinin hazırlanmasında SPF nitelikli 9-10 günlük enfekte embriyolarını korio-allentoik membranlarından yararlanıldı. A. Ensafalomiyelit antigeninde ise enfekte embriyonların beyin ve gastro intestinal sismetinden yararlanıldı. Gastro-interstinal sistemden hazırlanan antigen çok iyi sonuç verdi. Fakat aynı yöntemle hazırlanan beyin süspansiyonu bu test için kullanılamadı ve süspansiyonun ultra santrifüjde purifiye ve konsantre edilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varıldı. Gumboro antigeni ise enfekte piliçlerin B. Fabricius'dan hazırlandı ve çok iyi sonuç alındı.
Immun serum hazırlanmasında ise I.B.D. hariç, diğer enfeksiyonlarda hangi yolla olursa olsun (I. Venoz ve I. Tracheal) antigen , birden fazla inokule edildiğinde presipitin antikor taşıyan pozitif hayvan sayısının arttığı gözlendi.


  • ADAIR, B. M.; TODD, E. R.; K. BURNS (1986): Comparison of seroiogical tests for detection of Aiıtibod i es to lnfectious Lryngotracheitis virus Zootec nica International. February, 68- 72.
  • BERGER, R. G. (1982) : An in vitro assay forguantifying the virus of Avian Encephalomyelitis. Reprinted form Avian Dlseases, Vol. 26 No. 3( July· September.
  • CALNEK, B. V. W. (1978) : Haemagglutination lnhibition antibodies against . adeno virus (virus 127) in white pekin duck in the United States. Avian Disease Vol. 2 No : 4 ·
  • CAPORALE, ·V. ; RAGGI, L.; SEMPRAMI, G. (1972) : Stundy of the double diffusion test and viral disease of fowls. 1 lnfections laryngotracheitis Atti della Societa ltaliana deli e Scienze Veterinaria, 26, 553- 555 (lt en fr.) lst. Zooprofilattica sperimontale, Teramo, ltaly.
  • CAPORALE, V.; SEMPRONI, G. (1972): Stundy of the double diffusion test and viral diseases of fowlls. ll. lnfections bronchitis -virus; Atti della societe ltaliana de lle scienye Veterinaria', · 26, 555-557 (i st. en fr.) ıst. Zooprofilattica sperimentale, Teramo, ltaly.
  • CENTRAL VETERINARY LABORATORY POULTRY DEPERTEMANT (1979): The Use of agar- gel Diffion Precipitating test for diagnosis of so mc viral diseases. Central Vet. ._ Lab. Poultry Departement Surrey, Veybridgc V. K.
  • CULLEN, B. A.; VEYETH, P. J. T. (1975): Ouantitetion of antibodies to lnfectious bursal Diseases Veterinary Re.cord 97 (16) (En) Cent., Vet. Lab. New. Haw. Weybridge Surrey U. K.
  • ERGÜN, A. (1978): Almanya Seyahat Notları .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • FUOHS. B.; BÖBDECf<ER, G.; BULOW, V. V. (1985) : Comperative· serolo· gical studies on methods for detecting antibodies against imfectious larnygotracheitis virus in chickens. Beriiner und Müchener Tierarzliche Wochensclırift, 98 (8) 261-266 (De, en, 15 ref) Enst. Geflügelkrankheiten, Freie Univ., Koserstr. 21, D -1000 Berlin. 33, German Federal Republic.
  • FUHR, . F.; SiPAHiOGLU, A.; ERGÜN, A.; YALÇIN, S. (1976): Öne li ve Bu· laşıcı Bazı Tavuk Hastalıklarının Teşhisinde ,'Agar-gel pres ipitasyon teşhisi· nin uygulanması.
  • GAYDZINSKI, P.; McDONALD·, J. W.; McMARTIN, D. A. (1977): The agar-gel precipitin response to the H 120 and H 52 vaccines of lnfections bronehitis virus. Av ian pathology -6 -(2) 143- 148 (En, de, Fr, 8 ref) Vet; Lab. Eskgrone, lasswade, Midlothian, U. K
  • GOUGH, R. E.; ALEX,A.NDER, D. J. (1977) : Comperisan of seroiogica! test . the messsurement of. the primary immun response to avi an infectious ·brenchitis virus vaccimis. Veterinary microbiology 2 (4j 289-301 (En, 17 ref) central Vet. Lab. New. Haw Weybridge S~rrey KT, 15 3N8 V.K.
  • GULLON, J. C.; A. Vallec, and L. RENAULT (1966) : La technique de precipatation en milieu. Ann. lnst. Past. 103. 921-924.
  • GIRSHICK, T.; CRARY, C. K.; J. R. (1932) : Preparation of an agar-gel precipitating antigen for avian encephalomyclitis and its Use in ewaluatiııg the antibody Status of poultry. Avian· Disease, · 26 (4) 798-804. (En, 15 ref) Spafas, lnc.,Storrs. Connecticut, 06, 268 U.S.A.
  • HIROSA, M.; HIRAI, V. O. (1976): Predipitating antibcidy agajnst I.B.D.V. in · yolk and serum of chickens. Research Stilietin ·.of The Faculty Agriculture, Gifu University. No. 39, 165-170 (En, za. 11 ref) Rep. Vet. Microbiol., Fac Agric. Gifu. Univ., Japan. '
  • IDE, P. R.; SCHULTLE- NERDHOLT, J. A.; DEVIT, W. F.:. SMITH, J. D. (1978) : Broiler Breeder vaccinition againts infectius· ubrsal disease and persistence maternal antibody in progency. Canadion Veterinary Journal 19 (5) 123- 127 (En, Fr, 14 ref) Anim. , Pat~ .• Div., Hth. Anim. PO. BOX 1410, Sackville New Brunwjck,EOA 300 (1 de) Çanada.
  • IKEDA, S. (1977) : lmmunodiffusion test ih avian enc'ephalomyelitis. ı. Standardization of procedure and detection of antigen in i nfected chi.ckens and embryos. ll Detectlon of preclpitating antibody In infected chlckens in comparison with neutralizin antibody. National Institute of Amirnal Health Ouarterly, Japan 17 (3) 81-94 (En. 26, ref) Tahoku Branch Lab. Nat. Enst.: Anim. Elth. Shickinoke • machi, Kamikitogun, Aomori-ken, O, 39-25, Japan~
  • LEY, D. U.; STORM, N.; ·BICKFORD, A. A.; YAMAMOTO, R. (1979): An lnfections bursal disease virus autbreak in 14 and 15 week old chickens. Avian Disease, 23 (1) 235 • 240 (Em, 7 ref) Dep. Epidemol. Prev., Med. Univ., Davis, California 9, 5, 616, U.S.A.
  • LISOWKA, K.; LISOWKI, K. (1978) : Gel preclpitatlng test in the diagnosis of avian infe.ctious bursitis. Medcyno Veterinaryjna, 34 (12) 727-728. (PI, en, ru. 8 ref) ul. E. Raczynskiego, 72, 60 • 465, · Poznan, ~o ll and.
  • LUKERT, P. D.; DAVIS, R. B. (1971) : An-antlgen used in the agar-gel precipitin reaction to detect avian encephalomyelltis virus antibodies. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia 30601. . ·
  • Lohr, J. R. (1976) : lnfectious Bronchitls Agar-gel prencipitin test Research NOTE.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • MACDONALD, J. W.; RANDALL, C. J.; · McMARTIN, D. A.; DAGLESS, M.D. (1981) : lmmunity followig vaccination with the H 120 strain of infectlous bronchitis virus via the drinking water. Avi an pathology 10 (3) 295-301. (En, de, Fr, 16 ref) Maff Vet. Lab. Eskgr.ove, Lasswade, Midlothian, U. K.
  • MACDONALD, J. W.; •DAGLESS, M.D.; McMARTIN, LA.; RANÖALL, C.J.; PATIISON, M.; EARLY, J. L.; AUBREY, S. (1982): Field observations on serological respanses to vaccine · Strains of. infectlons bronchitis virus administered by coarse spray and via the drinking Vater. 1 f (4) 537 · 546. (En. de. fr. 10 ref) Maff, Vet. Lab. Ekskrove, lassvade Hidlolhiari Scotland, U. K.
  • MACDONALD, J. W.; RANDALL, C. J.; Mc MARTIN D. A.; DAGLESS, M. D. (1983): lmmunity fallawing ino culation of the 'H 120 and H 52 vaccine strains of · 'ı. Bronchitis virus into the crop of the darnestle fowl. Avian Pathology 12 (3) 379 • 388 (En .. de. fr. 25 ref) Mafa Vet. Lab.; Eksgrove lasswade, Mldlothian, U. K
  • MATSUMOTO, M.: MURPHY M. (1977 (1977): Use of polyethyleme gleycol and fluocarbon for The Purification of Avian-encephalomyclits Virus. Avian, Disese, 21 (2) 300 - .309 (En. 18 ref) Sch: Vet., Med., State Univ., Corvallis. Oregan, 97331, u.s.A.
  • Mc.FERRAN, J. B.; CLARKE,. J. P.; CONNOR, T. J. (1972) : Serological Clasfication of Avian .;Adenorviruses. Archiv_ fur .die Gasamte Virusfor schung 39 No; 1/3> 132- 139 ·[En)Vet. Res. Lab. Stormont Belfast. N. treland
  • Mc FERRAN J. B. HELEN, M. Ronley; Me NULDY; M. S: and LINDA J. Montgomery (1977) : Serological Studies an flocks showing depressed egg Production Avian patholgy " 6; 405 - 413
  • MONTREAL; . G; BAUER, H. J.; :WIEGMAN, J. · (1985): Comparison of the enzyme-liked .. immunosorbent assay (ELISA) , · H. l. test and agar gel precipitatiort tesf for detection of: avian· infections·. bronchitis virus. Avian Pathology 14 (3) 421 - 434.
  • NICHOLAS, R. A. J.; WOOD, G. W.; DENISE, H. Thornton . (1983) : Comparison of Techniques for· the detection of avian lnfectious bronchitis virus as a contaminat of Vaccines. Journal of bilogical standardization.
  • NICHOLAS,R.A.J.: WOOD, G.W.; HOPKINS, G.L.; THORNTON, D.H.(1986): Detection of avian encephalomyclitis virus. Research Veterinary Sciences,40, 199-122.
  • ONUNKWO,O. (1975): An outbreak of infectius bursal disease (IBD) of chickens in Nigeria. Vet. Recad. 97 (22) 433 (En) Fed. Vet. Res. Lab. Vem. Viafos Nigeria.
  • SCHMIDT, U. (1967): Erfahrungen mit der prazipitationsreaktion im Hinblick auf ihfe verwendung für die praktische Diagnose bei der infektion des Huhnes mit dem Virus der infektiösen Laryngotracheitis und der infektiösen Bronchitis sowie mit Celo-Virus , Aus dem Friedrich- locffler-Institus İnsel Riems der Deutschen Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenshaften zu Berlin.
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There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Aysel Ergün This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1989
Submission Date December 1, 1989
Published in Issue Year 1989 Volume: 6 Issue: 4


APA Ergün, A. (1989). Tavukların Bazı Viral Hastalıklarının Epizootiyolojik Taramasında Kullanılmak Üzere Antigen ve Antiserum Hazırlanması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(4), 35-54.
