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Koyunların Viral Pnöymonileri ve Histopatolojik Diagnostik Kriterleri.

Year 1992, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 179 - 200, 01.12.1992


Koyunların solunum sistemi hastalıkları, dünyanın birçok ülkesinde·,
bu hayvan türüne ait ekonomik kayıpların en başta gelen sebebidir.
Pnöymoniler şiddetine göre ölümlere, canlı ağırlık kaybına ve dolayısıyla
düşük karkas kalitesine neden olarak koyunculuk endüstrisine önemli
kayıplar verdirmektedir. Öldürücü pulmoner enfeksiyonlardan ileri gelen
ekonomik kayıplar temel sorun olmakla beraber, öldürücü olmayan olaylarda
tedavi ve koruyucu önlemler için gereken maliyet ile verim kaybından
ileri gelen kayıplar daha da büyük değer taşımaktadır.


  • A.DAIR,B.M., McFERRAN, J.B. (1987) : Differences in fluorescent antibody staining of bovine respiratory syncytial virus-infected cells by evine and bovine sera. Vet. Microbiol., 13: 87-91 .
  • AL-DARRAJI, A.M., CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D., GRAHAM, D.L., KLUGE, J.P., and FRANK G.H. (1982) : Experimental infection of lambs with bovine respiratory syncytial virus and pasleurella haemolytica: Clinical and microbiologic studies. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42(2) : 236-240.
  • AL-DARRAJI , A.M., CUTLIP, R.C., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1982): Experimental infection of lambs with bovine respiratory syncytial virus and Pasleurella haemolytica: lmmunofluorescent and electron microscopic studies. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42(2): 230-235.
  • AL-DARRAJI , A.M., CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D., and GRAHAM, D.L. (1982): Experimental infection of lam bs with bovine respiratory syncytial virus and Pasleurella haemolytica: Pathologic studies. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42(2): 224-229.
  • ALEKSANDROVA, M., DOUMANOVA, L. , CHENCHEV, 1., DIKOVA, T., TODOROV, D. and HRISTOVA, S. (1989) : Pneumonic case in lambs with adenovirus-infection participation. Veter, sb ., 87(7): 36-39.
  • BELAK, S., PALFI, V., PAL YA, V. (1976): Adenevirus infection in lambs 1. Epizootiology of the disease. Zbl. Vet. Med. B., 23: 320-330.
  • BIBERSTEIN, E.L., SHREEVE, B.J., ANGUS, K.W., and THOMPSON, D.A. (1971) : Experimental pneumonia of sheep. Clinical, microbiological and pathological responses to infection with Myxovirus parainfluenza 3 and Pasleurella haemolytica. J. Comp. Path., 81:339-350.
  • Brıtish Veterinary Association, Handbook on animal diseases in the tropics, third ed., 29-31, (1976).
  • BRYSON, D.G., McNULTY, M.S., LOGAN, E.F., and CUSH, P.F. (1983): Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in young calves: Clinica and pathologic findings Am. J. Vet. Res., 44(9): 1648-1655.
  • BRYSON, D.G., EVERMANN, J.F., LIGGITT, H.D., FOREYT, W.J. and BREEZE, R.G. (1988) : Studies on the pathogenesis and interspecies transmission of respiratory syncytial virus isolated from sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res.,49(8): 1424-1430.
  • BURGU, 1. , ÖZTÜRK, F., ve AKÇA, Y. (1984) : Tahirova Devlet Üretme Çiftliği koyunarında viral enfeksiyonlar üzerinde· serolojik araştırmalar. Ü. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 31 (2): 167-179.
  • CROSS, F., SMITH, C.K. , and MOORHEAD, P.D. (1975) : Vertical transmission of progressive pneumonia of sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res., 36: 465-468.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., JACKSON, T.A., LAIND, G.A. (1977) : Prevalance of ovine progressive pneumonia in a sampling of cull sheep from Western and Midwestern United States. Am. J. Vet. Res., 39(12) : 2019-2093.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., JACKSON, T.A., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1978) : Diagnostik features ot Ovine progressive pneumonia. J.A.V.M.A., 173(12): 1578-1579.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., JACKSON, T.A., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1979) : Lesions of ovine progressive pneumonia: lnterstitial pneumonitis and encephalitis Am. J. Vet. Res ., 40(10): 1370-1374.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1979) : Lesions in lambs experimentally infected with Bovin respiratory syncytial virus. Am. J. Vet. Res., 40(10) 1479-1481 .
  • CUTLIP, R.C ., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1982): Experimental induced parainfluenza type 3 virus infection in young lambs: Pathologic response. Am. J. Vet. Res.,43(12):2101- 2107.
  • CUTLIP, RC., and STUART, Y. 51982) : Sheep pulmonary adenomatesis (Jaagsiekte) in the United States. Am. J. Vet. Res. , 43(12) : 2108-2113.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1983) : Experimental infection of lambs with ovine adenevirus isoiate RTS-151 : Lesions. Am. J. Vet. Res., 44(12): 2395-2402.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D., BROGDEN, K.A. , and McCLURKIN, A.W. (1985) : Vasculitis associated with ovine prognessive pneumonia virus infection in sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res.,46(1): 61-64.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1986) : Pulmonary lesions in lambs experimentally infected with Ovine Adenevirus 5 strain RTS-42. Vet. Pathol. , 23: 589-593.
  • DAVIES, D.H, LONG, D.L., MCARTHY, A.R. and HERCEG, M. (1986) : The elfeel of Paraintluenza virus type 3 on the phagocytic cell response of the evine lung to Pasleurella haemolytica. Vet. microbiol., 11 : 125-144.
  • DAWSON, M., VENABLES, C., and JENKINS, C.E. (1985) : Experimental infection of a natural case of sheep pulmonary adenomatesis with maedi-visna virus. Vet. Rec .. 116: 588-589.
  • DAWSON, M. (1987): Pathogenesis of Maedi-Visna. Vet. Rec. 120: 451-454.
  • DOGRU, C. ve ÖZ KOÇ, Ü. ( 1971) : Koyunların Protozoon Hastalıkları, Koyun Hastalıkları PendikVet Kont. ve Araşt. Enst. Yay. 3: 510-513.
  • OUBEY, S.C., KUMAR, M., and SHARMA, S.N. (1987) : Experimental pneumoenteritis in lambs with local isoiate of ovine adenevirus type-1. lnd. Jour. Anim. Sci. 57(8): 787- 792.
  • DUNBAR, M.R. , JESSUP, D.A., EVERMANN, J.F. and FOREYT, W.J. (1985) : Seroprevalence of Respiratory syncytial virus in free-ranging bighorn sheep. J.A.V.M.A. 187(11): 1173-1174.
  • EVERMANN, J.F., LIGGITI, H.D., PARISH , S.M., WARD, A.C.S. and LEAMASTER, B.R. (1985) : Properties of a respiratory syncytial virus isolated from a sheep with rhinitis. Am. J. Vet. Res.,46(4): 947-950.
  • FENNER, F., BACHMANN, P.A., GIBBS, E.P.J., MURPHY, F.A., STUDDERT, M.J. and WHITE , 0 .0 . (1987) : Veterinary Virology. Academic Press., Orlando, Florida.
  • GlRGlN, H., AYDIN, N., YONGUÇ, A.D., AKSOY, E. ve ÇORAK, R. (1987): Ve şimdi koyunların viral Maedi-Visna'sı Türkiye'de. Etlik Vet. Kon ı. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 6(1 ): 9-22.
  • GÜREL, A. (1973) : Fluerosans antikor tekniği ve histopatolojik muayenelerle deneysel olarak koyun çiçeği hastalığının patogenesisinin incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi.
  • HORE, D.E. , STEVENSON, R.G., GILMOUR, N.J.L., VANTSIS, J.T. and THOMPSON, D.A. (1968) : Isolation of parainfluenza virus from the lungs and nasal passages of sheep showing respiratory disease. J. Comp.Path., 78 : 259-265.
  • HORE, D.E., STEVENSON, R.G. (1969) : Respiratory infection of lambs with an ovine strain of Parainfluenza virus type 3. Res. Vet. Sci., 1 O: 342-350.
  • HUNTER, A.R., MUNRO, R. (1983) : The diagnosis, occurrence and distribution of Sheep pulmonary Adenomatesis in Scotland 1975 to 1981, Br. Vet. J., 139(2): 153-164.
  • JONES, G.E., GILMOUR, J.S. (1983) : Atypical pneumonia. In: Martin, W.B., Disease of sheep. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications L TO. 17-23.
  • JUBB, K.V.F., KENNEDY, P.C. and PALMAR, N. (1985) : Pathology of domestic animals. Academik Press, Orlando. Third edition. Vol. 2. p. 485-487, 475-476.
  • LAIRMORE, M.D., ROSADIO, R.H., and DeMARTINI, J.C. (1986) : Ovine lentivirus lymhoid lnterstital pneumonia. Rapid induction in neonatal lambs. Am. Jour. Pathol., 125(1): 173-181.
  • LEHMKUHL, H.D., and CUTLIP, R.C. (1979) : Experimentally induced Respiratory Syncytial viral infection in lambs. Am. J. Vet. Res., 40(4): 512-514.
  • LEHMKUHL, H.D., and CUTLIP , R.C. (1979): Experimental Respiratory syncytial virus infection in leeder-age lambs. Anı. J. Vet. Res. 40(12): 1729-1730.
  • LEHMKUHL, H.D., and CUTLIP, R.C . (1982) : Characterization of Parainfluenza type 3 virus isolated from the lurig of a lam b with pneumonia. Am. J. Vet. Res., "43(4) : 626-628.
  • LEHMKUHL, H.D., and CUTLIP, R.C. (1984) : Experimerıtal infection lambs with ovine adevirus isoiate RTS-151: Clinical, microbiological and serelogic responses. Am. J. Vet. Res., 45(2): 260-262.
  • LEHMKUHL, H.D., and CUTLIP, R.C. (1984) : Characterization of two serotypes of adenovirus isolated from sheep in the Central United States. Am. J. Vet. Res. , 45(3) : 562- 566.
  • LEHMKUHL. H.D., CONTRERAS, J.A., CUTLIP, R.C. and BROGDEN, K.A. (1989) : Clinical and microbiologic findings in lambs inoculated with Past.haemolytica alter infection with ovine adenevirus type 6. Am. J. Vet. Res .. 50(5): 671-675.
  • LIEBERMANN, VON H. (1987) : Die Pest des kleinen Wiederkauer (Übersichtsreferat) Vet. Med., 42: 269-272.
  • MALONE, F.E., Mc CULLOUGH, S.J., McLOUGHLIN, M.F., BALL, H.J., O'HAGAN, J and NEILL, S.D. (1988) : lnfectious agents in respiratory disease of housed fattening lambs in Northern lreland. Vet. Rec., 27: 203-207.
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  • OLIVER, R.E., GORHAM, J.R., PERRYMAN, L.E. and SPENCER, G.R. (1981): Ovine progressive pneumonia: Experimental intrahoracic, intracerebral and intraarticular infections Am. J. Vet. Res., 42(9) : 1560-1564.
  • OLIVER, R.E. GORHAM, J.R., PARISH, S.F., HADLOW, W.J. and NARAYAN, O. (1981): Ovine progressive pneumonia: Pathologic and virologic studies on the naturally occurring disease. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42(9): 1554-1559.
  • PALFI, V., VETESI, F., BELAK, S. and PAPP, L. (1982): Adenevirus infection in lambs, lll. Studies on chronic infection Zbl. Vet. Med. B. 29: 231-241.
  • PAL YA, V., BELAK, SB, and PALFI, V. (1977): Adenavirus infection in lambs. ll. Experimental infection lambs. Zbl. Vet. med. B, 24 : 429-441 .
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  • PARKS, J.B. POST, G., THORNE, T. and NASH, P. (1972): Parainfluenza 3 virus infection in Rocky Mountain Bighorn sheep. J.A.V.M.A. 161(6): 669-671 .
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  • ROSADIO, R.H. LAIRMORE, M.D., RUSSELL, H.l. and DeMARTINI, J.C. (1988) : Retrovirus associated evine pulmonary carcinoma (Sheep Pulmonary Adenomatosis) and lymphoid interstitial pneumonia. 1. Lesion development and age susceptibiliy. Vet. Pathcl., 25: 475-483.
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«Ovine viral pneumonia and their histopathological diagnostic criteria»

Year 1992, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 179 - 200, 01.12.1992



  • A.DAIR,B.M., McFERRAN, J.B. (1987) : Differences in fluorescent antibody staining of bovine respiratory syncytial virus-infected cells by evine and bovine sera. Vet. Microbiol., 13: 87-91 .
  • AL-DARRAJI, A.M., CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D., GRAHAM, D.L., KLUGE, J.P., and FRANK G.H. (1982) : Experimental infection of lambs with bovine respiratory syncytial virus and pasleurella haemolytica: Clinical and microbiologic studies. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42(2) : 236-240.
  • AL-DARRAJI , A.M., CUTLIP, R.C., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1982): Experimental infection of lambs with bovine respiratory syncytial virus and Pasleurella haemolytica: lmmunofluorescent and electron microscopic studies. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42(2): 230-235.
  • AL-DARRAJI , A.M., CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D., and GRAHAM, D.L. (1982): Experimental infection of lam bs with bovine respiratory syncytial virus and Pasleurella haemolytica: Pathologic studies. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42(2): 224-229.
  • ALEKSANDROVA, M., DOUMANOVA, L. , CHENCHEV, 1., DIKOVA, T., TODOROV, D. and HRISTOVA, S. (1989) : Pneumonic case in lambs with adenovirus-infection participation. Veter, sb ., 87(7): 36-39.
  • BELAK, S., PALFI, V., PAL YA, V. (1976): Adenevirus infection in lambs 1. Epizootiology of the disease. Zbl. Vet. Med. B., 23: 320-330.
  • BIBERSTEIN, E.L., SHREEVE, B.J., ANGUS, K.W., and THOMPSON, D.A. (1971) : Experimental pneumonia of sheep. Clinical, microbiological and pathological responses to infection with Myxovirus parainfluenza 3 and Pasleurella haemolytica. J. Comp. Path., 81:339-350.
  • Brıtish Veterinary Association, Handbook on animal diseases in the tropics, third ed., 29-31, (1976).
  • BRYSON, D.G., McNULTY, M.S., LOGAN, E.F., and CUSH, P.F. (1983): Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in young calves: Clinica and pathologic findings Am. J. Vet. Res., 44(9): 1648-1655.
  • BRYSON, D.G., EVERMANN, J.F., LIGGITT, H.D., FOREYT, W.J. and BREEZE, R.G. (1988) : Studies on the pathogenesis and interspecies transmission of respiratory syncytial virus isolated from sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res.,49(8): 1424-1430.
  • BURGU, 1. , ÖZTÜRK, F., ve AKÇA, Y. (1984) : Tahirova Devlet Üretme Çiftliği koyunarında viral enfeksiyonlar üzerinde· serolojik araştırmalar. Ü. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 31 (2): 167-179.
  • CROSS, F., SMITH, C.K. , and MOORHEAD, P.D. (1975) : Vertical transmission of progressive pneumonia of sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res., 36: 465-468.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., JACKSON, T.A., LAIND, G.A. (1977) : Prevalance of ovine progressive pneumonia in a sampling of cull sheep from Western and Midwestern United States. Am. J. Vet. Res., 39(12) : 2019-2093.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., JACKSON, T.A., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1978) : Diagnostik features ot Ovine progressive pneumonia. J.A.V.M.A., 173(12): 1578-1579.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., JACKSON, T.A., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1979) : Lesions of ovine progressive pneumonia: lnterstitial pneumonitis and encephalitis Am. J. Vet. Res ., 40(10): 1370-1374.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1979) : Lesions in lambs experimentally infected with Bovin respiratory syncytial virus. Am. J. Vet. Res., 40(10) 1479-1481 .
  • CUTLIP, R.C ., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1982): Experimental induced parainfluenza type 3 virus infection in young lambs: Pathologic response. Am. J. Vet. Res.,43(12):2101- 2107.
  • CUTLIP, RC., and STUART, Y. 51982) : Sheep pulmonary adenomatesis (Jaagsiekte) in the United States. Am. J. Vet. Res. , 43(12) : 2108-2113.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1983) : Experimental infection of lambs with ovine adenevirus isoiate RTS-151 : Lesions. Am. J. Vet. Res., 44(12): 2395-2402.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D., BROGDEN, K.A. , and McCLURKIN, A.W. (1985) : Vasculitis associated with ovine prognessive pneumonia virus infection in sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res.,46(1): 61-64.
  • CUTLIP, R.C., and LEHMKUHL, H.D. (1986) : Pulmonary lesions in lambs experimentally infected with Ovine Adenevirus 5 strain RTS-42. Vet. Pathol. , 23: 589-593.
  • DAVIES, D.H, LONG, D.L., MCARTHY, A.R. and HERCEG, M. (1986) : The elfeel of Paraintluenza virus type 3 on the phagocytic cell response of the evine lung to Pasleurella haemolytica. Vet. microbiol., 11 : 125-144.
  • DAWSON, M., VENABLES, C., and JENKINS, C.E. (1985) : Experimental infection of a natural case of sheep pulmonary adenomatesis with maedi-visna virus. Vet. Rec .. 116: 588-589.
  • DAWSON, M. (1987): Pathogenesis of Maedi-Visna. Vet. Rec. 120: 451-454.
  • DOGRU, C. ve ÖZ KOÇ, Ü. ( 1971) : Koyunların Protozoon Hastalıkları, Koyun Hastalıkları PendikVet Kont. ve Araşt. Enst. Yay. 3: 510-513.
  • OUBEY, S.C., KUMAR, M., and SHARMA, S.N. (1987) : Experimental pneumoenteritis in lambs with local isoiate of ovine adenevirus type-1. lnd. Jour. Anim. Sci. 57(8): 787- 792.
  • DUNBAR, M.R. , JESSUP, D.A., EVERMANN, J.F. and FOREYT, W.J. (1985) : Seroprevalence of Respiratory syncytial virus in free-ranging bighorn sheep. J.A.V.M.A. 187(11): 1173-1174.
  • EVERMANN, J.F., LIGGITI, H.D., PARISH , S.M., WARD, A.C.S. and LEAMASTER, B.R. (1985) : Properties of a respiratory syncytial virus isolated from a sheep with rhinitis. Am. J. Vet. Res.,46(4): 947-950.
  • FENNER, F., BACHMANN, P.A., GIBBS, E.P.J., MURPHY, F.A., STUDDERT, M.J. and WHITE , 0 .0 . (1987) : Veterinary Virology. Academic Press., Orlando, Florida.
  • GlRGlN, H., AYDIN, N., YONGUÇ, A.D., AKSOY, E. ve ÇORAK, R. (1987): Ve şimdi koyunların viral Maedi-Visna'sı Türkiye'de. Etlik Vet. Kon ı. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 6(1 ): 9-22.
  • GÜREL, A. (1973) : Fluerosans antikor tekniği ve histopatolojik muayenelerle deneysel olarak koyun çiçeği hastalığının patogenesisinin incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi.
  • HORE, D.E. , STEVENSON, R.G., GILMOUR, N.J.L., VANTSIS, J.T. and THOMPSON, D.A. (1968) : Isolation of parainfluenza virus from the lungs and nasal passages of sheep showing respiratory disease. J. Comp.Path., 78 : 259-265.
  • HORE, D.E., STEVENSON, R.G. (1969) : Respiratory infection of lambs with an ovine strain of Parainfluenza virus type 3. Res. Vet. Sci., 1 O: 342-350.
  • HUNTER, A.R., MUNRO, R. (1983) : The diagnosis, occurrence and distribution of Sheep pulmonary Adenomatesis in Scotland 1975 to 1981, Br. Vet. J., 139(2): 153-164.
  • JONES, G.E., GILMOUR, J.S. (1983) : Atypical pneumonia. In: Martin, W.B., Disease of sheep. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications L TO. 17-23.
  • JUBB, K.V.F., KENNEDY, P.C. and PALMAR, N. (1985) : Pathology of domestic animals. Academik Press, Orlando. Third edition. Vol. 2. p. 485-487, 475-476.
  • LAIRMORE, M.D., ROSADIO, R.H., and DeMARTINI, J.C. (1986) : Ovine lentivirus lymhoid lnterstital pneumonia. Rapid induction in neonatal lambs. Am. Jour. Pathol., 125(1): 173-181.
  • LEHMKUHL, H.D., and CUTLIP, R.C. (1979) : Experimentally induced Respiratory Syncytial viral infection in lambs. Am. J. Vet. Res., 40(4): 512-514.
  • LEHMKUHL, H.D., and CUTLIP , R.C. (1979): Experimental Respiratory syncytial virus infection in leeder-age lambs. Anı. J. Vet. Res. 40(12): 1729-1730.
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There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Öznur Yazıcıoğlu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1992
Submission Date December 1, 1992
Published in Issue Year 1992 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Yazıcıoğlu, Ö. (1992). Koyunların Viral Pnöymonileri ve Histopatolojik Diagnostik Kriterleri. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 7(2), 179-200.
