ADAIR, B.M., Mc FERRAN, J.B. : Dillerence in fluorescent antibody staining of bovine respiratory syncytial virus-infected cells by evine and bovine-sera. Vet. Microbiol., 13 : 87-91 ' 1987.
ADAIR, B.M., Mc FERRAN, J.B. Mc KILLOP, E.R., Mc CULLOUGH, S.J.: Survey for antibodies to respiratory syncytial viruses in two groups of sheep in Northern lreland. Vet. Rec., 115 : 403-406, 1984.
ANDERSON, L.J., HIERHOL2ER, J.C., TSOU, C., HENDR, R.M., FERNIE, B.F. , STONE,V., Mc INTOSH, K. : Antigenic characterization of respiratory syncytial virus strains with monoclonal antiodies. The journal of lnfectious Disease, 151 : 626-633, 1985
ANDERSON, L.J. , HIERHOLZER, J.C. STONE, Y.O. , TSOU, C. FERNIE, B.F. : ldentification of epitopes on respiratory syncytial virus proteins by competetive binding immunoassay. J. Clin . Microbiol., 23 : 475-480, 1986.
BRYSON, D.G., Mc NULTY, M.S. LOGAN, E.F., CUSH, P.F.: Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in young calves : Clinical and pathologic findings, Am. j. Vet. Res., 9 : 1643-1655, 1983.
BRYSON, D.G., CUSH., Mc. NULTY, M.S., PLATTEN, M., ALLAN, G.M. : An immunperoxidase method of detecting respiratory syncytial virus antigens in paraltin sections of pneumonic bovine lung. Am. J. Vet. Res., 49: 1121-1126, 1988.
BURGU, 1. , TOKER, A., AKÇAV, V., ALKAN, F. : A seroepidemiologic study of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) in Turkey. DTV., 2 : 88-89, 1990.
CHONMATREE, T., BESSETIE - HENDERSON, B.J ., HEPLER, R.E., LUCIA, H.L. : Comparison of three rapid diagnostic tectiniques for detection of respiratory syncytial virus from nasal wash specimens. J. Clin . Microbiol., 25 : 746-747, 1987.
CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D. : Lesions in lambs experimentally infected with bovine
respiratory syncytial virus. Am. J. Vet. Res., 40 : 1479-1481, 1979.
11- DOGGETI, J.E., TAYLOR- ROBINSON, D., GALLOP, R.G.C. : A study of an inhibitor in bovine serum active against respiratory syncytial virus. Arch. Ges. Virusforsch., 23 : 126- 137, 1986.
FIELD, E.W., SMITH, M.H. : Cell-mediated immune response in cattle to bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Am. J. Vet. Res., 45: 1641,1643, 1984.
FLORENT, G., De MARNEFFE, C. : Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay used to monitor serum antibodies to bovine respiratory disease viruses. Vet. Microbiol. , 11 : 309-317,1986.
FLORNET, G., De MARNEFFE, C. , BOLLER, E. : Bovine respiratory syncytial virus in Switzerland: a serological study. Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde, 127 : 661-663,1985.
FREYMUTH, F., QUIBRAC, M., PETITJEAN, J.,. AMIEL, M.L., POTHIER, P. , DENIS, A., DUHAMEL, J.F. : Comparison of two new tesıs for rapid diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infections by enzyme-linked immunosorbeni assay nad immuofluorescence techniques. J. Clin. Microbiol., 24 : 1013-1016, 1986.
GILLETTE, .G. : Enzyme-linked immunosorbert assay for serum antibody to bovine respiratoy syncytial virus : Comparison with complement fixation and neutralization tesıs . am. J. Vet. Res., 44 : 2251-2255, 1983.
JACOBS, J.W., EDINGTON, N. : Experimental infection of calves with respiratory syncytialvirus. Res. Vet. Sci. , 18 : 299-306, 1975.
KIMMAN, T.G., ZIMMER, G.M., STRAVER, P.J., De LEEUW, P.W. : Diagnosis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections improved by virus detection in lung lavage samples. Am. J. Vet. Res., 47 : 143-147, 1986.
KIMMAN, T.G., WESTENBRINK, F., SCHREUDER, E.C., STRAVER, P.J. : Local and systemic antibody response to bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection and reinfection in calves with and without maternal antibodies. J. Clin Microbiol., 25 : 1097,1106, 1987.
B.E.C. : lsotype-specific ELISA for the detection of antibodies to bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Res. Vet. Sci., 43 : 180-187, 1987.
KIMMAN, T.G., STRAVER, P.J., ZIMMER, G.M. : Pathoganesis of naturally acquired bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection in calves : Morphologic and serelogic findings. Am. J. Vet. Res., 50: 684-693, 1989.
KIMMAN, T.G., WESTENBRINKF, F., STRAVER, P.J. : Priming for local and systemic antibody memory respanses to bovine respiratory syncytical virus: Elfeel of amount of virus, virus replication, route of adminisration and ma ternal antibedies. Veterinary lmmunology and lmmunopathology, 22 : 145-160, 1989.
KIMMAN, T.G., WESTENBRINK, F. : lmmunitiy to human and bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Arch. Viral., 112 : 1-25, 1990.
Le BLANC, P.H., BAKER, J.C., GRAY, P.G., ROBINSON , N.E., DERKSEN, F.J. : Effects of bovine respiratory syncytial virus on airway function in neonatal calves. Am. J. Vet. Res., 52 : 1401-1406, 1991 .
MARTIN, H.T. : Indirect haemagglutination test for the detection and assay of antibody to bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Vet. Rec., 113: 290-293, 1983.
Mc CULLOUGH, S.J., ADAIR, B.M., Mc KILLOP, E.R. : A survey of serum antibodies to respiratory viruses in cattle in Northern lreland. lrish Veterinray Journal, 41 : 342-344, 1987.
Mc NULTY, M.S., BRYSON, D.G., ALLAN, G.M. : Experimental respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in young calves : Microbiologic and immunofluorescent findings. Am. J. Vet. Res., 44 : 1656-1659, 1983.
MEURMAN, O., RUUSKANEN, O ., SARKKINEN, H., HANNINEN, P. , HALONEN, P., lmmunoglobulin class-specific antibody response in respiratory syncytial virus infection measured by enzyme immunoassay. Journal of Medical Virology. , 14 : 67-72, 1984.
POTGIETER, L.N.D., ALDRDIGE, P.L. : Use of indirect fluorescent antibody test in the detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus antibodies in bovine serunı. Am. J. Vet. Res., 38 : 1341-1343, 1977.
PULAT, H. : Koyunlarda respiratory syncytial virus izolasyonu ve Seroepidemiyolojisi. A.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. Ankara, 1992.
SHARMA, R., WOLDEHIWET, Z. : Reinfection of lambs with bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Res. Vet. Sci., 52 : 72-77, 1992.
SMITH, M.H., FREY, M.L. DIERKS, R.E. : lsolation, characterization and pathogenicity studies of a bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Are. Viral., 47 : 237-247, 1975.
STEWART, R.S., GERSHWIN, L.J. : Role of lgE in the pathogenesis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in sequential infections in vaccinated and nonvaccinated calves. Am. J. Vet. Res. 50 : 349-355, 1989.
THOMAS, L.H., STATT, E.J., JEBBET, J., HAMILTON, S. : The growth of respiratory syncytial virus in organ cultures of bovine foetal trachea. Arch. Viral., 52 : 251-258, 1976.
THOMSON, J.R., NETTLETON, P.F. , GREIG, A. , BARR, J. : A bovine respiratory virus vaccination trial. Vet. Rec., 1 : 450-453, 1986.
TRUDEL, M., NADON, F., SIMARD, C., BELAGER, F., ALAIN, R., SEGUIN, C., LUSSIER, G. : Comparison of caprine, human and bovine sırains of respiratory syncytial virus. Arch. Viral., 107: 141 ,149, 1989.
Van NIEUWSTADT, A.P., VERHOEFF, J. : Serology for diagnosis and epizootiological studies of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections. Res. Vet. Sci., 35 : 153,159, 1983.
VERHOEFF, J., Van NIEUWSTADT, A.P.: BRS virus, Pı-3 virus and BHV-1 infections of young stock on self-contained dairy farms: Epidemiological and elinical findings. Vet. Rec., 114 : 288-293, 1984.
WAGNER, D.K., NELON, D.L., WALSH, E.E., REIMER, C.B., HENDERSON, F.W.,MURPHY, B.R. : Differential immunoglobulin G subelass antibody tilers to respiratory syncytial virus F and G glycoproteins in adults. J. Clin. Microbiol., 25: 748-750, 1987.
WALSH, E.E., HRUSKA, J. : Monoelenal antibodies to respiratory syncytial virus proteins:ldentification of the fusion protein. Journal of Virology, 47: 171-177, 1983.
WELLEMANS, G. : Bovine respiratory syncytial virus. In: DINTER, Z., MOREIN, B. : Virus lnfections di Ruminantes. Elsevier Science Publishers Company Ine. Amsterdam,Netherland, 1990.
WESTENBRINK, F., KIMMAN, T.G. : lmmunglobulin M-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbeniassay for seradiagnosis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus nfections. Am. J. Vet. Res., 48: 1132,1137, 1987.
Comparison of a newly developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with complement fixation and neutralisation tesıs for serology of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections. Res. Vet. Sci., 38 : 334-340, 1985.
WESTENBRINK, F., KIMMAN, T.G., BRINKHOF, M.A. : Analysis of the antibody respanse to bovine respiratory syncytial virus proteins in calves. J. Gen. Virol., 70: 591-601,
The Detection of Antibodies to Respiratory Syncytial Virus In The Blood Sera of Cattle Slaughtered in The Abbotoir of Ankara.
The antibodies to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) were investigated
by ELISA Test in the 376 blood sera of the cattle slaughtered in Ankara
Abbotoir of Meat and Fish Company (E.B.K.).
254 of the 376 serum samples (67,5 %) were determined to be positive.
The mathematical values (optical density) that were given by the serum
samples were determined to be 79 of them "+" positive (31, 1 %), 83 of
them "++" positive (32,6 %), 44 of them "+++" positive (17,3 %), 31 of them "++++" positive (12,2 %), 17 of them "+++++" positive (6,7 %) when these values were applied to the classification tables proposed by the manufacturer company.
ADAIR, B.M., Mc FERRAN, J.B. : Dillerence in fluorescent antibody staining of bovine respiratory syncytial virus-infected cells by evine and bovine-sera. Vet. Microbiol., 13 : 87-91 ' 1987.
ADAIR, B.M., Mc FERRAN, J.B. Mc KILLOP, E.R., Mc CULLOUGH, S.J.: Survey for antibodies to respiratory syncytial viruses in two groups of sheep in Northern lreland. Vet. Rec., 115 : 403-406, 1984.
ANDERSON, L.J., HIERHOL2ER, J.C., TSOU, C., HENDR, R.M., FERNIE, B.F. , STONE,V., Mc INTOSH, K. : Antigenic characterization of respiratory syncytial virus strains with monoclonal antiodies. The journal of lnfectious Disease, 151 : 626-633, 1985
ANDERSON, L.J. , HIERHOLZER, J.C. STONE, Y.O. , TSOU, C. FERNIE, B.F. : ldentification of epitopes on respiratory syncytial virus proteins by competetive binding immunoassay. J. Clin . Microbiol., 23 : 475-480, 1986.
BRYSON, D.G., Mc NULTY, M.S. LOGAN, E.F., CUSH, P.F.: Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in young calves : Clinical and pathologic findings, Am. j. Vet. Res., 9 : 1643-1655, 1983.
BRYSON, D.G., CUSH., Mc. NULTY, M.S., PLATTEN, M., ALLAN, G.M. : An immunperoxidase method of detecting respiratory syncytial virus antigens in paraltin sections of pneumonic bovine lung. Am. J. Vet. Res., 49: 1121-1126, 1988.
BURGU, 1. , TOKER, A., AKÇAV, V., ALKAN, F. : A seroepidemiologic study of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) in Turkey. DTV., 2 : 88-89, 1990.
CHONMATREE, T., BESSETIE - HENDERSON, B.J ., HEPLER, R.E., LUCIA, H.L. : Comparison of three rapid diagnostic tectiniques for detection of respiratory syncytial virus from nasal wash specimens. J. Clin . Microbiol., 25 : 746-747, 1987.
CUTLIP, R.C., LEHMKUHL, H.D. : Lesions in lambs experimentally infected with bovine
respiratory syncytial virus. Am. J. Vet. Res., 40 : 1479-1481, 1979.
11- DOGGETI, J.E., TAYLOR- ROBINSON, D., GALLOP, R.G.C. : A study of an inhibitor in bovine serum active against respiratory syncytial virus. Arch. Ges. Virusforsch., 23 : 126- 137, 1986.
FIELD, E.W., SMITH, M.H. : Cell-mediated immune response in cattle to bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Am. J. Vet. Res., 45: 1641,1643, 1984.
FLORENT, G., De MARNEFFE, C. : Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay used to monitor serum antibodies to bovine respiratory disease viruses. Vet. Microbiol. , 11 : 309-317,1986.
FLORNET, G., De MARNEFFE, C. , BOLLER, E. : Bovine respiratory syncytial virus in Switzerland: a serological study. Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde, 127 : 661-663,1985.
FREYMUTH, F., QUIBRAC, M., PETITJEAN, J.,. AMIEL, M.L., POTHIER, P. , DENIS, A., DUHAMEL, J.F. : Comparison of two new tesıs for rapid diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infections by enzyme-linked immunosorbeni assay nad immuofluorescence techniques. J. Clin. Microbiol., 24 : 1013-1016, 1986.
GILLETTE, .G. : Enzyme-linked immunosorbert assay for serum antibody to bovine respiratoy syncytial virus : Comparison with complement fixation and neutralization tesıs . am. J. Vet. Res., 44 : 2251-2255, 1983.
JACOBS, J.W., EDINGTON, N. : Experimental infection of calves with respiratory syncytialvirus. Res. Vet. Sci. , 18 : 299-306, 1975.
KIMMAN, T.G., ZIMMER, G.M., STRAVER, P.J., De LEEUW, P.W. : Diagnosis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections improved by virus detection in lung lavage samples. Am. J. Vet. Res., 47 : 143-147, 1986.
KIMMAN, T.G., WESTENBRINK, F., SCHREUDER, E.C., STRAVER, P.J. : Local and systemic antibody response to bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection and reinfection in calves with and without maternal antibodies. J. Clin Microbiol., 25 : 1097,1106, 1987.
B.E.C. : lsotype-specific ELISA for the detection of antibodies to bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Res. Vet. Sci., 43 : 180-187, 1987.
KIMMAN, T.G., STRAVER, P.J., ZIMMER, G.M. : Pathoganesis of naturally acquired bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection in calves : Morphologic and serelogic findings. Am. J. Vet. Res., 50: 684-693, 1989.
KIMMAN, T.G., WESTENBRINKF, F., STRAVER, P.J. : Priming for local and systemic antibody memory respanses to bovine respiratory syncytical virus: Elfeel of amount of virus, virus replication, route of adminisration and ma ternal antibedies. Veterinary lmmunology and lmmunopathology, 22 : 145-160, 1989.
KIMMAN, T.G., WESTENBRINK, F. : lmmunitiy to human and bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Arch. Viral., 112 : 1-25, 1990.
Le BLANC, P.H., BAKER, J.C., GRAY, P.G., ROBINSON , N.E., DERKSEN, F.J. : Effects of bovine respiratory syncytial virus on airway function in neonatal calves. Am. J. Vet. Res., 52 : 1401-1406, 1991 .
MARTIN, H.T. : Indirect haemagglutination test for the detection and assay of antibody to bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Vet. Rec., 113: 290-293, 1983.
Mc CULLOUGH, S.J., ADAIR, B.M., Mc KILLOP, E.R. : A survey of serum antibodies to respiratory viruses in cattle in Northern lreland. lrish Veterinray Journal, 41 : 342-344, 1987.
Mc NULTY, M.S., BRYSON, D.G., ALLAN, G.M. : Experimental respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in young calves : Microbiologic and immunofluorescent findings. Am. J. Vet. Res., 44 : 1656-1659, 1983.
MEURMAN, O., RUUSKANEN, O ., SARKKINEN, H., HANNINEN, P. , HALONEN, P., lmmunoglobulin class-specific antibody response in respiratory syncytial virus infection measured by enzyme immunoassay. Journal of Medical Virology. , 14 : 67-72, 1984.
POTGIETER, L.N.D., ALDRDIGE, P.L. : Use of indirect fluorescent antibody test in the detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus antibodies in bovine serunı. Am. J. Vet. Res., 38 : 1341-1343, 1977.
PULAT, H. : Koyunlarda respiratory syncytial virus izolasyonu ve Seroepidemiyolojisi. A.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. Ankara, 1992.
SHARMA, R., WOLDEHIWET, Z. : Reinfection of lambs with bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Res. Vet. Sci., 52 : 72-77, 1992.
SMITH, M.H., FREY, M.L. DIERKS, R.E. : lsolation, characterization and pathogenicity studies of a bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Are. Viral., 47 : 237-247, 1975.
STEWART, R.S., GERSHWIN, L.J. : Role of lgE in the pathogenesis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in sequential infections in vaccinated and nonvaccinated calves. Am. J. Vet. Res. 50 : 349-355, 1989.
THOMAS, L.H., STATT, E.J., JEBBET, J., HAMILTON, S. : The growth of respiratory syncytial virus in organ cultures of bovine foetal trachea. Arch. Viral., 52 : 251-258, 1976.
THOMSON, J.R., NETTLETON, P.F. , GREIG, A. , BARR, J. : A bovine respiratory virus vaccination trial. Vet. Rec., 1 : 450-453, 1986.
TRUDEL, M., NADON, F., SIMARD, C., BELAGER, F., ALAIN, R., SEGUIN, C., LUSSIER, G. : Comparison of caprine, human and bovine sırains of respiratory syncytial virus. Arch. Viral., 107: 141 ,149, 1989.
Van NIEUWSTADT, A.P., VERHOEFF, J. : Serology for diagnosis and epizootiological studies of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections. Res. Vet. Sci., 35 : 153,159, 1983.
VERHOEFF, J., Van NIEUWSTADT, A.P.: BRS virus, Pı-3 virus and BHV-1 infections of young stock on self-contained dairy farms: Epidemiological and elinical findings. Vet. Rec., 114 : 288-293, 1984.
WAGNER, D.K., NELON, D.L., WALSH, E.E., REIMER, C.B., HENDERSON, F.W.,MURPHY, B.R. : Differential immunoglobulin G subelass antibody tilers to respiratory syncytial virus F and G glycoproteins in adults. J. Clin. Microbiol., 25: 748-750, 1987.
WALSH, E.E., HRUSKA, J. : Monoelenal antibodies to respiratory syncytial virus proteins:ldentification of the fusion protein. Journal of Virology, 47: 171-177, 1983.
WELLEMANS, G. : Bovine respiratory syncytial virus. In: DINTER, Z., MOREIN, B. : Virus lnfections di Ruminantes. Elsevier Science Publishers Company Ine. Amsterdam,Netherland, 1990.
WESTENBRINK, F., KIMMAN, T.G. : lmmunglobulin M-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbeniassay for seradiagnosis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus nfections. Am. J. Vet. Res., 48: 1132,1137, 1987.
Comparison of a newly developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with complement fixation and neutralisation tesıs for serology of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections. Res. Vet. Sci., 38 : 334-340, 1985.
WESTENBRINK, F., KIMMAN, T.G., BRINKHOF, M.A. : Analysis of the antibody respanse to bovine respiratory syncytial virus proteins in calves. J. Gen. Virol., 70: 591-601,