Farelerde İvermektinle Zehirlenmelerde Sağaltım Denemeleri
Yıl 1996,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 131 - 136, 01.12.1996
Ali Bilgili
Sezai Kaya
Ender Yarsan
Bu çalışınada 0.8-30 mg/kg arasında değişen miktarlarda farelere verilenivennektinle zehirlennıe hallarinde kafein ve neostigminin klinik olarak antidotal etkisi incelendi. Deri altı yoll<\ kafein 10 mg/kg ve neostigınin 0.025 mg/kgdozlarda uygulandı. Denemeler sonucunda kafeinin daha etkili olduğu sonucuna varıldı.
- ALABAY, M. ( 1982): Veteriner hekiınlikte avennektinler ve bunların etki alanları .
Vet.Hek.Dem.Derg. 42(2):37-42.
- AMDUR,M.AAT ALL (1991): CaserettandDoull'sToxicology. 4tl'Ed. Pergaınon
Press, Ine. New York, USA.
- BENZ. G.W. AND ERNST, J.V. (1981): Anthelmintic efficacy of 22,23-
dihidroavermectin B1 (I vermeeti n) against gastrointestinal nematades in calves. Amer.
J.VetRes. 42:1409-1411.
- CAMPBELL, W. C. AND BLAIR, LS. ( 1978): Efficacy of avennectins against
Drofilaria immilis in dog. J.Helminthol. 52:308-310.
- EAGLESON, J.S. AND ALLERTON, G.R. (1992): Efficacy and safety of
iverınectin applied topically to cattle under field conditions in Australia. Aust. Vet.
69(6): 133-134.
- EGERTON, J.R., AT ALL (1979): Avennectins, newfamily ofpotent anthelmin tic
agents: efficacy oftheB1, component. Antimicrob. Agents. Chemother. 15 :372-378.
- GOODMAN, G. AT ALL (1991): Goodman and Gilman's The Phannacological
Basis ofTherapeutics 8tl'Ed. Pergamon Press, Ine/New York, USA.
- Kll.,GORE, R.L. AT ALL (1983): Response of horses to repeated intraınuscular injections ofivennectin. Vet.Med.Sınall.Aniın. C lin. 78: 1894-1897.
- KURTDEDE, A. VE ARK. (1992) : Köpeklerde deneysel iverınektin
toksikasyonunda picrotoxin kullarunu. Ankara Üniv. Vet.Fak.Derg. 39(1-2):20 1-206.
- KURTDEDE, A VE ARK. (1 990): Köpeklerde deneysel ivennektin toksikasyonu.
Ankara Üniv.\et.Fak.Derg. 37(3):5:9-608.
- LYONS, E. T. AT ALL (1980): Antiparasi tic activity ofivennectin in critical tesıs
inequids. Aıner. J.Vet.Res. 41 :2069-2072.
- MAN GER, B.R ( 1992): Antlıelmintics 413-548. Veterinary Applied Phannacology
and Therapeutics. Fifth Edition In: G.C. Brander, D.M.Pugh, R.J.Bywater and
W.L.Jenkins (Eds). Bailliere Tindall, London.
- MELLIN, T.N. AT ALL (1983): Postsynaptic inhibition ofinvertebrate neuromuscular transmission by avermectin B,._ Neuropharmacology. 22:89-96.
- OSTLIND, D.A. AT All (1979): Insecticidal activity of the antiparasİtic
avermectins. Vet.Rec. 105 :168.
- . PLUMB, D. C. (1991): Veterinary Drug Handbook. Pocket Edition. Pharma Vet
Publishing, USA.
PONG, S.S. AND WANG, C.C (1982): AvennectinB,.ınodulationofgaınınaaminobutyric
acid receptors in rat brain membranes. J.Neurochem. 38:375-379.
- ROBERSON, E.L. (1988): Chemotherapy of parasitic diseases: Introduction
and antinematodal drugs. 877-92 7. In :M. H.Bootlı and L.E.Mc Donald(Eds): In: Veterinary
Phannacology and Therapeutics. 6th Edi tion. Iowa State Universty Press, Ames,
- SEWARD, RL. (1983): Reactions in doggiven ivennectin. J.Amer. Vet. Med.
Assoc. 183:493.
- KAYA, S. (1994). Spesiyalitelerin kısa taıuını . 41-356. İçinde:Y. Şanlı ve S.Kaya
(1994). Veteriner İlaç Rehberi ve Uygulaınalı Bilgiler El Kitabı. Medisan Yayı nevi, Yayın
No 15, Ankara
Therapeutic Applications In Ivermect In Poisoning Mice
Yıl 1996,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 131 - 136, 01.12.1996
Ali Bilgili
Sezai Kaya
Ender Yarsan
In this study, antidotal effects of caffeine and neostigmine were investigated clinically in mice poisoned with ivermectin usedin doses of0.8 to 30 mg/kg body weight. Caffeine and neostigmine were given subcutaneously at dose level of 10 mg/kg and neostigmine 0.025 mg/kg body weight respectively. It was concluded from the experiments that caffeine was more effective than neostigmine
- ALABAY, M. ( 1982): Veteriner hekiınlikte avennektinler ve bunların etki alanları .
Vet.Hek.Dem.Derg. 42(2):37-42.
- AMDUR,M.AAT ALL (1991): CaserettandDoull'sToxicology. 4tl'Ed. Pergaınon
Press, Ine. New York, USA.
- BENZ. G.W. AND ERNST, J.V. (1981): Anthelmintic efficacy of 22,23-
dihidroavermectin B1 (I vermeeti n) against gastrointestinal nematades in calves. Amer.
J.VetRes. 42:1409-1411.
- CAMPBELL, W. C. AND BLAIR, LS. ( 1978): Efficacy of avennectins against
Drofilaria immilis in dog. J.Helminthol. 52:308-310.
- EAGLESON, J.S. AND ALLERTON, G.R. (1992): Efficacy and safety of
iverınectin applied topically to cattle under field conditions in Australia. Aust. Vet.
69(6): 133-134.
- EGERTON, J.R., AT ALL (1979): Avennectins, newfamily ofpotent anthelmin tic
agents: efficacy oftheB1, component. Antimicrob. Agents. Chemother. 15 :372-378.
- GOODMAN, G. AT ALL (1991): Goodman and Gilman's The Phannacological
Basis ofTherapeutics 8tl'Ed. Pergamon Press, Ine/New York, USA.
- Kll.,GORE, R.L. AT ALL (1983): Response of horses to repeated intraınuscular injections ofivennectin. Vet.Med.Sınall.Aniın. C lin. 78: 1894-1897.
- KURTDEDE, A. VE ARK. (1992) : Köpeklerde deneysel iverınektin
toksikasyonunda picrotoxin kullarunu. Ankara Üniv. Vet.Fak.Derg. 39(1-2):20 1-206.
- KURTDEDE, A VE ARK. (1 990): Köpeklerde deneysel ivennektin toksikasyonu.
Ankara Üniv.\et.Fak.Derg. 37(3):5:9-608.
- LYONS, E. T. AT ALL (1980): Antiparasi tic activity ofivennectin in critical tesıs
inequids. Aıner. J.Vet.Res. 41 :2069-2072.
- MAN GER, B.R ( 1992): Antlıelmintics 413-548. Veterinary Applied Phannacology
and Therapeutics. Fifth Edition In: G.C. Brander, D.M.Pugh, R.J.Bywater and
W.L.Jenkins (Eds). Bailliere Tindall, London.
- MELLIN, T.N. AT ALL (1983): Postsynaptic inhibition ofinvertebrate neuromuscular transmission by avermectin B,._ Neuropharmacology. 22:89-96.
- OSTLIND, D.A. AT All (1979): Insecticidal activity of the antiparasİtic
avermectins. Vet.Rec. 105 :168.
- . PLUMB, D. C. (1991): Veterinary Drug Handbook. Pocket Edition. Pharma Vet
Publishing, USA.
PONG, S.S. AND WANG, C.C (1982): AvennectinB,.ınodulationofgaınınaaminobutyric
acid receptors in rat brain membranes. J.Neurochem. 38:375-379.
- ROBERSON, E.L. (1988): Chemotherapy of parasitic diseases: Introduction
and antinematodal drugs. 877-92 7. In :M. H.Bootlı and L.E.Mc Donald(Eds): In: Veterinary
Phannacology and Therapeutics. 6th Edi tion. Iowa State Universty Press, Ames,
- SEWARD, RL. (1983): Reactions in doggiven ivennectin. J.Amer. Vet. Med.
Assoc. 183:493.
- KAYA, S. (1994). Spesiyalitelerin kısa taıuını . 41-356. İçinde:Y. Şanlı ve S.Kaya
(1994). Veteriner İlaç Rehberi ve Uygulaınalı Bilgiler El Kitabı. Medisan Yayı nevi, Yayın
No 15, Ankara