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Sığırlarda Kurşunun Sebep Olduğu Zehirlenme

Year 1997, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 22 - 30, 01.12.1997


Bu çalışmada, Eskişehir'deki bir akü fabrikası etrafında otlayan sığırlarda
karşılaşılan üç zehirlenme olayının kurşundan ileri gelip gelmediğinin araştırılması
amaçlandı. Bu sebeple, gerek ölen hayvanlardan alınan mide içeriği, barsak
içeriği, akciğer, dalak, böbrek, karaciğer ve kalp ile gerekse hayvanların yediği
arpa ve saman ömeklerinde kurşun analizi yapıldı. Bunun için ömeklerin organik
madde kısmı magnezyum asetat karşısında kuru külleştirme ile yıkımlandıktan
sonra, kurşun atomik absorpsiyon spektrofotometresiyle ölçüldü. Analiz edilen
tüm ömeklerde 0.78-121.01 ppm arasında kurşun kalıntısı bulundu; bunlarda
belirlenen ortalama kurşun düzeyleri ppm olarak şöyledir : Mide içeriği 16.49,
barsak içeriği 10.99, akciğer 2.10, dalak 2.23, böbrek hilusu 96.82, böbrek
korteksi 43.26, karaciğer 47.29, kalp 1.43, arpa 4.42 ve saman 0.78 .
Elde edilen bulguların değerlendirilmesi ile olayların akut kurşun zehirlenmesi
olduğu sonucuna varıldı.


  • ANON (1983): Çevre Kanunu, 11.8.1983 gün ve 18132 Sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • ANON (1983) : Gayri Sılilli Müesseseler Yönetmeliği. 26. ı o. 1983 gün ve ı 8203 Sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • BAUMAN, V.K., ANDRUSHAİTE, D.E., VALİNİETSE, M. and GAİLİTE, B.E. (1988): Distribution oflead in eggs and tissues ofhens given feed containing lead acetate. Sel's kokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya . 6:84-87.
  • BEYER, W. N. SP ANN. J. W., SİMEO, L. and FRANSN, J. C. (1988): Lead poisoning in six captive avian species. Archiv. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 17:121-130.
  • BİLGİLİ, A., KAYA, S. ve DOGAN, A. (1993) : Sığırların et ve iç organlannda bazı ağır metal kalıntı düzeylerinin araştırılması. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 40(2):292-300.
  • BUCK, W. B. ( 1969): Laboratory tox.icologic tests and their interpretation. J.A.V.M.A. , 155 :1928-1941.
  • BULL, K.R., EVERY, W.J., FREESTONE, P., HALL, J.R. and OS BORA, D. ( 1983) : Alkyl lead pallutian and bird mortalities on the Mersey Estuary, UK, 1979-1981. Environ. Pollut. 31 :239-259.
  • CIBULKA, J., MIHOLOVA, D., RİSO, J., SOVA, Z., MODER, P., JANDUROVA, S., SZAKOV, J. and PYTOUN, J. (1989): Naturallevels of lead, cadmium and mercury in tissues and hair of newbom calves from different areas ofCzechoslovakıa . Sci. ofTotal Environ. 84 : 10ı-112 .
  • DEBERDT, P., DARNİS, L., RAMİSSE, J. and LEPAREUR, F. (1987): Lead poisoning in cattle. Point. Vet. 19:249-252.
  • FALANDYSZ, J. and ZAWADZKİ, Z. (1988) : Outbreak of red lead poisoning in pigs . Medycyna Weterynaryjna. 44:427-429.
  • GROSSKLAUS, D. (1989) : Rüskstande in von Tieren stammenden Lebensmitteln. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin.
  • HATCH, R.C. ( 1988) : Poisons causing ncrvous stimulation or dcpression. In Vetcrinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Booth, N.H. and Mc Donald, L.E. cds) 6 th cd. The Iova Statc Univ. Press. Ames/USA.
  • HONGVE, D., SKOPHEİM, O.K., HİNDAR, A. and ABRAHAMSEN, H. (ı 980) : Effects of heavy mctals in combination with NTA, humic acid and suspended sediment on natural phytoplankton photosynthesis. Bul!. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 25 :594-600.
  • JORHEM, L., SLORACH, S., SUNDSTRÖM, B., OHLIN, B. (1991): Lcad, cadınium , arsenic and mercury in meat, liver and kidı1ey ofS,:vedish pigs and cattle in 1984-1988. Food Additives and Contam. 8(2):20 1-212.
  • KAYA, S., ŞAHAL, M. ve YAVUZ, H. (199ı): Evcil güvercinlerde kurşun zehirlenmesi. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 38(3):347-351.
  • KAYA, S. ve YAVUZ, H. (1991): Sığırlarda akut kurşun zehirlenmesi. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 36(3):745-749.
  • KRAMER, H.L., STEINER, J.W. and VALLELY, P.J. (1983): Trace element concentrations in the liver, kidney, and muscle of Queensland cattle. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 30:588-594.
  • KWATRA, M.S., GlLL, B.S., SİNGH, R. and SİNGH, M. (ı 986): Lead toxicosis in buffaloes and cattle in Punjab. Indian J. Anim. Sci . 56(4):412- 413.
  • LAVE, L.B. and UPTON, A.C. (1987): Toxic chemicals, health, and the environment. pp. ı ı-12 Jolm Hopkins Univ. Press, USA.
  • MAC DONALD, J.W., RANDALL, C.J., ROSS, H.M., MOON, G.M. and RUTHVEN, A. D. ( 1983): Lead poisoning in captive birds ofprey. Vet. Rec., 131:65-66.
  • MAROVA, M., ZAJİCEK, D., RAVELKA, J. and KALOUS, F. ( 1982): Metal concents of hair organs and muscle of deer (cervus, copreolus and Dama) and mouflan (Ovis orientalis) in unpolluted areas and areas subjected to industrial pollution, particularly Icad and arsenic. Sbornic Vedeckych Praci Untredniho Statniho Veterinarniho Ustovu . 12:101-115.
  • MELHAUD, G. and MEHENNAOUİ, S. (1988): Indicators oflead, zinc and cadmium exposure in cattle : I. Results in polluted area. Vet. Hum. Toxicol., 30(6):513-5 ı 7.
  • MUSSMANN, H. C. ( 1975) : Drug and chemical residues in domestic animals. Federation Proceedings. 34:197-201.
  • MUTLUER, B., ERSEN, S., BERKER, A. (1989): Ankara çevresinde yetiştirilen kasaplık hayvanların karaciğer ve böbreklerindeki kurşun kontaminasyon düzeyleri üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 36(3):596- 603 .
  • PARADA, R., GONZALES, S. and BERQQUIST, E. (1987) : Industrial pollution with copper and other heavy metals in a beef cattle ranch. Vet. Hum. Toxicol., 29(2):122-126.
  • POTTHAST, K. (1993) : Residues in meat and meat products . Fleischwirtsh. 73(4):432-434.
  • PROTASOWICKI, M. (1992) : Heavy ınetals content in the selected food . 3 rd World Congress F oodbome infections and intoxications, 16-19 J u ne 1992 Berlin. Vol II pp.l310-1312.
  • REILLY, W. K. (1984) : Environmental contaminants in state of the environment. an Assesment at Mid-Decd. pp.43-46. A report from the conservation foundation, Washington D.C., USA.
  • RICE, D.A., Mc LAUGHLIN, M.F., BLANCHFLOWER, W.J. and THOMSON, T.R. ( 1987) : Chronic Iead poisoning in steers eating silage contarninated with lead short-diagnostic criteria. Bul!. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 39:622-629.
  • RUITER, A. (1985) : Contaminants in meat and meat products in developments in meat science. 3. Ed. Ralson Lawrie. pp. 185-220. Elsevier Appl. Sci. Publishers, London.
  • SCHAOFSMA, A.E.W. (1985) : Zierhohrer. In Gabrisch, K. und. Zwart, P. (Hrsg): Krankherten der Heimtere. I. Aufl. Schlutersche Veragsanstuld und Druckerei .
  • SETIA, M.S., SINGH, R., SRIVASTAVA, A.K., MILLER, I.R., SODHI, S.P.S.and RATTAN, P.J.S. (1986) : Lead toxicosis in cross bred calves. Current Science. 55:288-291.
  • SHARMA, R.P. and STREET, J.C. ( 1980) : Public health aspects of toxic heavy metalsin animal feeds. J.A.V.M.A. , 177:149-153 .
  • SİNELL, H.J. (1985) : Einführung in die lebensmittelhygiene. 2. Auflage, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin. pp. 6 I -65 .
  • SUALP, K., ÇAKMAK, A. ve YILMAZ, M. (1994): Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Eskişehir İl Tan m Müdürlüğü Rapo nı. pp: 1-7. Eskişehir.
  • STAHR, H. M. (I 977) : Analytical toxicology methods manuel. pp: 39-46. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, IO\va.
  • STOKINGER, H.E. (1981) : Lead. In. Patty's industrial hygiene and toxicology. 3 rd ed. pp: l687-1728. Clayton, G.D. and clayton, F.E. ed. 1981. Jolm Wiley and Sons. Ine. New York.
  • ŞANLI, Y. ve KAYA, S. (1992): VeterinerKlinik Toksikoloji . Medisan Yayınları Yayın No:5, Ankara. Sayfa: 103-11 O.
  • VAN der VEEN, N.G. and VREMAN, K. (1986) : Transfer of cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic from feed into various organs and tissues offattening laınbs . Netherlands Joumal of Aricultural Science. 34:145-153.
  • ZANTOPOULOS, N., PAPADOPOULOU, H.T., EPIVATIANOS, P., NATHANAEL, B. and FIDANI, V.M. (1990) : Lead concentrations in consuınable beeftissues. J. Environ. Sci Health. A 25 (5):487-494.
  • ZMUDZKI, J., BRATTON, G.R., WOMAC, C. and ROWE, L.D. (1985): Low dose lead effects in calves feda whole milk diet. BuJI. Environ. Contaın. Toxicol., 35 :612-619.

Acute poisoning case caused by lead, in cows

Year 1997, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 22 - 30, 01.12.1997


The purpose of this study was to find out three poisoning cases at grazing
cattle if the causal was lead or not around a battery repairing factory in Eskişehir.
For this reason, the samples was obtained (died cattle alsa barley and straw
samples eaten by cattle) and analyzed the level of the lead. Following the organic
content of the samples had been ashed by magnesium asetate and then lead was
measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
All of the analyzed samples were found to contain the lead residues ranging
from 0.78 ppm to 121.01 ppm. Average levels of lead in the samples were as
ppm as follows; stomach content 16.49, intestine content 10.99, lung 2.10, spleen
2.23, renal hilus 96.82, renal cortex 43 .26, liver 47.29, heart 1.43, barley 4.42
and straw 0.78 .
It was concluded from the interpretation of the analysis results that those
events in cattle was an acute lead poisoning.


  • ANON (1983): Çevre Kanunu, 11.8.1983 gün ve 18132 Sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • ANON (1983) : Gayri Sılilli Müesseseler Yönetmeliği. 26. ı o. 1983 gün ve ı 8203 Sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • BAUMAN, V.K., ANDRUSHAİTE, D.E., VALİNİETSE, M. and GAİLİTE, B.E. (1988): Distribution oflead in eggs and tissues ofhens given feed containing lead acetate. Sel's kokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya . 6:84-87.
  • BEYER, W. N. SP ANN. J. W., SİMEO, L. and FRANSN, J. C. (1988): Lead poisoning in six captive avian species. Archiv. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 17:121-130.
  • BİLGİLİ, A., KAYA, S. ve DOGAN, A. (1993) : Sığırların et ve iç organlannda bazı ağır metal kalıntı düzeylerinin araştırılması. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 40(2):292-300.
  • BUCK, W. B. ( 1969): Laboratory tox.icologic tests and their interpretation. J.A.V.M.A. , 155 :1928-1941.
  • BULL, K.R., EVERY, W.J., FREESTONE, P., HALL, J.R. and OS BORA, D. ( 1983) : Alkyl lead pallutian and bird mortalities on the Mersey Estuary, UK, 1979-1981. Environ. Pollut. 31 :239-259.
  • CIBULKA, J., MIHOLOVA, D., RİSO, J., SOVA, Z., MODER, P., JANDUROVA, S., SZAKOV, J. and PYTOUN, J. (1989): Naturallevels of lead, cadmium and mercury in tissues and hair of newbom calves from different areas ofCzechoslovakıa . Sci. ofTotal Environ. 84 : 10ı-112 .
  • DEBERDT, P., DARNİS, L., RAMİSSE, J. and LEPAREUR, F. (1987): Lead poisoning in cattle. Point. Vet. 19:249-252.
  • FALANDYSZ, J. and ZAWADZKİ, Z. (1988) : Outbreak of red lead poisoning in pigs . Medycyna Weterynaryjna. 44:427-429.
  • GROSSKLAUS, D. (1989) : Rüskstande in von Tieren stammenden Lebensmitteln. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin.
  • HATCH, R.C. ( 1988) : Poisons causing ncrvous stimulation or dcpression. In Vetcrinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Booth, N.H. and Mc Donald, L.E. cds) 6 th cd. The Iova Statc Univ. Press. Ames/USA.
  • HONGVE, D., SKOPHEİM, O.K., HİNDAR, A. and ABRAHAMSEN, H. (ı 980) : Effects of heavy mctals in combination with NTA, humic acid and suspended sediment on natural phytoplankton photosynthesis. Bul!. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 25 :594-600.
  • JORHEM, L., SLORACH, S., SUNDSTRÖM, B., OHLIN, B. (1991): Lcad, cadınium , arsenic and mercury in meat, liver and kidı1ey ofS,:vedish pigs and cattle in 1984-1988. Food Additives and Contam. 8(2):20 1-212.
  • KAYA, S., ŞAHAL, M. ve YAVUZ, H. (199ı): Evcil güvercinlerde kurşun zehirlenmesi. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 38(3):347-351.
  • KAYA, S. ve YAVUZ, H. (1991): Sığırlarda akut kurşun zehirlenmesi. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 36(3):745-749.
  • KRAMER, H.L., STEINER, J.W. and VALLELY, P.J. (1983): Trace element concentrations in the liver, kidney, and muscle of Queensland cattle. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 30:588-594.
  • KWATRA, M.S., GlLL, B.S., SİNGH, R. and SİNGH, M. (ı 986): Lead toxicosis in buffaloes and cattle in Punjab. Indian J. Anim. Sci . 56(4):412- 413.
  • LAVE, L.B. and UPTON, A.C. (1987): Toxic chemicals, health, and the environment. pp. ı ı-12 Jolm Hopkins Univ. Press, USA.
  • MAC DONALD, J.W., RANDALL, C.J., ROSS, H.M., MOON, G.M. and RUTHVEN, A. D. ( 1983): Lead poisoning in captive birds ofprey. Vet. Rec., 131:65-66.
  • MAROVA, M., ZAJİCEK, D., RAVELKA, J. and KALOUS, F. ( 1982): Metal concents of hair organs and muscle of deer (cervus, copreolus and Dama) and mouflan (Ovis orientalis) in unpolluted areas and areas subjected to industrial pollution, particularly Icad and arsenic. Sbornic Vedeckych Praci Untredniho Statniho Veterinarniho Ustovu . 12:101-115.
  • MELHAUD, G. and MEHENNAOUİ, S. (1988): Indicators oflead, zinc and cadmium exposure in cattle : I. Results in polluted area. Vet. Hum. Toxicol., 30(6):513-5 ı 7.
  • MUSSMANN, H. C. ( 1975) : Drug and chemical residues in domestic animals. Federation Proceedings. 34:197-201.
  • MUTLUER, B., ERSEN, S., BERKER, A. (1989): Ankara çevresinde yetiştirilen kasaplık hayvanların karaciğer ve böbreklerindeki kurşun kontaminasyon düzeyleri üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 36(3):596- 603 .
  • PARADA, R., GONZALES, S. and BERQQUIST, E. (1987) : Industrial pollution with copper and other heavy metals in a beef cattle ranch. Vet. Hum. Toxicol., 29(2):122-126.
  • POTTHAST, K. (1993) : Residues in meat and meat products . Fleischwirtsh. 73(4):432-434.
  • PROTASOWICKI, M. (1992) : Heavy ınetals content in the selected food . 3 rd World Congress F oodbome infections and intoxications, 16-19 J u ne 1992 Berlin. Vol II pp.l310-1312.
  • REILLY, W. K. (1984) : Environmental contaminants in state of the environment. an Assesment at Mid-Decd. pp.43-46. A report from the conservation foundation, Washington D.C., USA.
  • RICE, D.A., Mc LAUGHLIN, M.F., BLANCHFLOWER, W.J. and THOMSON, T.R. ( 1987) : Chronic Iead poisoning in steers eating silage contarninated with lead short-diagnostic criteria. Bul!. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 39:622-629.
  • RUITER, A. (1985) : Contaminants in meat and meat products in developments in meat science. 3. Ed. Ralson Lawrie. pp. 185-220. Elsevier Appl. Sci. Publishers, London.
  • SCHAOFSMA, A.E.W. (1985) : Zierhohrer. In Gabrisch, K. und. Zwart, P. (Hrsg): Krankherten der Heimtere. I. Aufl. Schlutersche Veragsanstuld und Druckerei .
  • SETIA, M.S., SINGH, R., SRIVASTAVA, A.K., MILLER, I.R., SODHI, S.P.S.and RATTAN, P.J.S. (1986) : Lead toxicosis in cross bred calves. Current Science. 55:288-291.
  • SHARMA, R.P. and STREET, J.C. ( 1980) : Public health aspects of toxic heavy metalsin animal feeds. J.A.V.M.A. , 177:149-153 .
  • SİNELL, H.J. (1985) : Einführung in die lebensmittelhygiene. 2. Auflage, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin. pp. 6 I -65 .
  • SUALP, K., ÇAKMAK, A. ve YILMAZ, M. (1994): Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Eskişehir İl Tan m Müdürlüğü Rapo nı. pp: 1-7. Eskişehir.
  • STAHR, H. M. (I 977) : Analytical toxicology methods manuel. pp: 39-46. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, IO\va.
  • STOKINGER, H.E. (1981) : Lead. In. Patty's industrial hygiene and toxicology. 3 rd ed. pp: l687-1728. Clayton, G.D. and clayton, F.E. ed. 1981. Jolm Wiley and Sons. Ine. New York.
  • ŞANLI, Y. ve KAYA, S. (1992): VeterinerKlinik Toksikoloji . Medisan Yayınları Yayın No:5, Ankara. Sayfa: 103-11 O.
  • VAN der VEEN, N.G. and VREMAN, K. (1986) : Transfer of cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic from feed into various organs and tissues offattening laınbs . Netherlands Joumal of Aricultural Science. 34:145-153.
  • ZANTOPOULOS, N., PAPADOPOULOU, H.T., EPIVATIANOS, P., NATHANAEL, B. and FIDANI, V.M. (1990) : Lead concentrations in consuınable beeftissues. J. Environ. Sci Health. A 25 (5):487-494.
  • ZMUDZKI, J., BRATTON, G.R., WOMAC, C. and ROWE, L.D. (1985): Low dose lead effects in calves feda whole milk diet. BuJI. Environ. Contaın. Toxicol., 35 :612-619.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Ali Bilgi This is me

Yusuf Şanlı This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1997
Submission Date December 1, 1997
Published in Issue Year 1997 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Bilgi, A., & Şanlı, Y. (1997). Sığırlarda Kurşunun Sebep Olduğu Zehirlenme. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 9(1), 22-30.
