Bu çalışmada Türkiye'nin değişik bölgelerindeki sağlıklı
kovanlardan ve tü.ketime sunulmuş ballardan alınan örneklerde.
Amerikan Yavru Çürüklüğü Hastalığı etkeni olan Paenibacillus larvae'nın
yaygınlığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu amaçla Merkez Veteriner Kontrol
ve Araştırma Enstitüsü Arıtibiyotik Disk Üretim Laboratuvarına
getirtilen 327 bal numunesi incelenmiştir. Materyal öncelikli olarak
nutrient agarda üretilmiş ve oluşturulan vegetatif formlar aynı mediurnun
agarına transfer edilmiştir. Dal1a sonra bal örnekleri dialize
edilerek brain hearth infussion agara ve 6 ,ug/ml nalidixic asit eldenmiş
kanlı agara ekilmiştir. P. larvae için önerilen tüm testler uygulanaralt
sonuca gidilmiştir. Kovanlardan toplanan 297 bal örneğinin
%14.14'ünden, piyasadan satın alınan 30 bal örneğinin de %10'undan
etken izole edilmiştir.
Alippi AM, 1991. A comparison oj laboratory tecniquesjor
the detection oj significant bacteria oj the honey bee, Apis mellifera, in
Argentina. Journal of Apicultural Research, 30 (2): 75-80.
Alippi A M, 1992. Caracterization oj Bacillus larvae White.
the causative agent oj americanjoulbrood oj honey-bees. First record
oj its occurrence in Argentina. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia,
Arda M, 1981. Genel Baleteriyoloji, 2. baskı, A Ü Basımevi.
Bailey L, 1981. Honey Bee Pathology, Academic Press, ISBN
Derakhsifar I, 1995. The appearance oj Americanjoulbrood
spores in Austrian honeys asa diagnostic methodfor the early recognation
oj joulbrood populations. Bienenvater. 116 (ll): 464-469, (Ref:
VETCD 89-97).
Doğanay A, 1993. Arı Hastalılelarıl. Balarısı haleleında genel
bilgi. Türk. Vet. Hele. Dern. Derg .. 5 (2): 29-35.
Faucon, J.P., 1989. Pre'cis de pathologie. Connaitre et traiter
les maladies des abeilles. Cneva, Fnosad, 450.
Hornitzky M A Z and Clark S, 1991. Culture oj Bacillus larvaejrom
bul/c honey samplesjor the detection oj Americanjoulbrood.
Journal of Apicultural Research. 30 (1): 13-16.
Hornitzky MA Z and Karlovskis S, 1989. A culture tecniquejor
the detection oj B. larvae in honeybees. Journal of Apicultural
Research. 28 (2): 118-120.
Hornitzky MA Z and Wilson S C, 1989. A systemjoe the
diagnosis oj the major bacterial brood diseases oj honeybees. Journal
of Apicultural Research. 28( 4): 19 ı - ı 95.
Kabay MJ, ı995. Evaluation oj the culture oh honey to detect
Americanjoulbrood. Australian Veterinarı Journal, 72 ( 1 ): 33-34.
Kaftanoğlu O, Kumova U, Yeninar H ve Özkök D, 1995.
Türkiye'de balarısı hastalıklarının dağılımı, kolaniler üzerindeki etleileri
ve entegre kontrol yöntemlerinin uygulanması. TÜBİTAK. VHAG-
Morse RA and Nowogrodzki R, 1990. Honey Bee Pests
Predators and Diseases. 2nd ed .. Comstock Publishing Associates.
O I E Manuel, Americanjoulbrood. November,1994.
Oldroyd B P, Goodman R D and Hornitzky MA Z, 1989.
The elfect on Americanjoulbrood oj standart oxytetracycline hydrochloride
treatmentsfor the control oj European joulbrood on honeybees
(Apis mellifera). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 40:691-
Shimanuki H and Knox D. 1988. Improved methodfor the
detection oj Bacillus larvae spores in honey. American Bee Journal.
ı28 (5): 353-354.
Tutkun E ve İnci A, ı992. Balarısı Zararlıları ve Tedavi
Yöntemleri. Demircioğlu Matbaacılık., ANKARA.
Zeybek H, ı 99 ı . Arı Hastalıkları ve Zararlıları. TKİB Hayvan
Hastalıkları Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Yayınları. Ankara.
Isolation or Paenibacillus larvae from the honey samples taken from the beehives and honey introduced for consumption
This study was performed for the detection of the prevalence
of Paenibacillus larvae the causative agent of American Foulbrood
Disease in the specimens collected from honey submitted to
human consumption and also from healtl1y hieves in the various regions
of Turkey.
For this purpose. totally 327 honey specimens brought to The
Antibiotic Disc Production Laboratory of the Central Veterinary Control
and Research Institute were examined.
The material were propagated initially in the nutrient agar and
the vegetative forms were transferred to the broth of the same medium.
Then. the honey specimens were dialized and cultivated in the
brain hearth infussion agar and cultıvated in to the blood agar containing
6 mg/ml nalidixic acid. All the tests suggested for P. larvae
were performed for obtaining the results. The agents were isolated
from ı 4. ı 4 % of the 297 ho ney specimens that were collected from hieves
and ı o% of the 30 honey specimens brought from the market.
Alippi AM, 1991. A comparison oj laboratory tecniquesjor
the detection oj significant bacteria oj the honey bee, Apis mellifera, in
Argentina. Journal of Apicultural Research, 30 (2): 75-80.
Alippi A M, 1992. Caracterization oj Bacillus larvae White.
the causative agent oj americanjoulbrood oj honey-bees. First record
oj its occurrence in Argentina. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia,
Arda M, 1981. Genel Baleteriyoloji, 2. baskı, A Ü Basımevi.
Bailey L, 1981. Honey Bee Pathology, Academic Press, ISBN
Derakhsifar I, 1995. The appearance oj Americanjoulbrood
spores in Austrian honeys asa diagnostic methodfor the early recognation
oj joulbrood populations. Bienenvater. 116 (ll): 464-469, (Ref:
VETCD 89-97).
Doğanay A, 1993. Arı Hastalılelarıl. Balarısı haleleında genel
bilgi. Türk. Vet. Hele. Dern. Derg .. 5 (2): 29-35.
Faucon, J.P., 1989. Pre'cis de pathologie. Connaitre et traiter
les maladies des abeilles. Cneva, Fnosad, 450.
Hornitzky M A Z and Clark S, 1991. Culture oj Bacillus larvaejrom
bul/c honey samplesjor the detection oj Americanjoulbrood.
Journal of Apicultural Research. 30 (1): 13-16.
Hornitzky MA Z and Karlovskis S, 1989. A culture tecniquejor
the detection oj B. larvae in honeybees. Journal of Apicultural
Research. 28 (2): 118-120.
Hornitzky MA Z and Wilson S C, 1989. A systemjoe the
diagnosis oj the major bacterial brood diseases oj honeybees. Journal
of Apicultural Research. 28( 4): 19 ı - ı 95.
Kabay MJ, ı995. Evaluation oj the culture oh honey to detect
Americanjoulbrood. Australian Veterinarı Journal, 72 ( 1 ): 33-34.
Kaftanoğlu O, Kumova U, Yeninar H ve Özkök D, 1995.
Türkiye'de balarısı hastalıklarının dağılımı, kolaniler üzerindeki etleileri
ve entegre kontrol yöntemlerinin uygulanması. TÜBİTAK. VHAG-
Morse RA and Nowogrodzki R, 1990. Honey Bee Pests
Predators and Diseases. 2nd ed .. Comstock Publishing Associates.
O I E Manuel, Americanjoulbrood. November,1994.
Oldroyd B P, Goodman R D and Hornitzky MA Z, 1989.
The elfect on Americanjoulbrood oj standart oxytetracycline hydrochloride
treatmentsfor the control oj European joulbrood on honeybees
(Apis mellifera). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 40:691-
Shimanuki H and Knox D. 1988. Improved methodfor the
detection oj Bacillus larvae spores in honey. American Bee Journal.
ı28 (5): 353-354.
Tutkun E ve İnci A, ı992. Balarısı Zararlıları ve Tedavi
Yöntemleri. Demircioğlu Matbaacılık., ANKARA.
Zeybek H, ı 99 ı . Arı Hastalıkları ve Zararlıları. TKİB Hayvan
Hastalıkları Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Yayınları. Ankara.