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Koyunlarda Campylobacter Taşıyıcılığı ve Serum Antikor Düzeyleri Arasındaki ilişki

Year 2000, Volume: 11 Issue: 1-2, 31 - 46, 01.12.2000


Bu çalışmada . mezbahada kesilen koyunların safra keselerinde Campylobacter türlerinin
ve serumlarında anti-Campylobacter antikarlarının sıklıgı incelendi. Dokuz farklı orijinden gelen
ı80 koyunun % 52.8'inin safra keselerinden Campylobacter'ler izole edildi. İzolasyon oranları,
7-8 aylık koyunlarda% 33.3, 2-3 yaşlı koyunlarda% 59.3 olarak belirlendi. izole edilen 95
Campylobacter suşunun, 66'sı C.jetus subsp.jetus, 22'si C.jejuni ve Tsi C. coli olarak identiliye
Komplement fikzasyon testinde, 180 koyunun% 36.7'sı 1:4'ten 1:32'ye kadar degişen titrelerde
C. jetus subsp. fetus antijenine karşı pozitif reaksiyon verdi. Kuzuların % 22.2'sinde,
erişkin koyunların% 41.5'inde serapozitiflik saptandı. Kuzu serumlarının çogu 1:4 titrede pozitif
bulunurken, pozitif erişkin koyun serumları 1 :4- 1 :32 titreler arasında nisbeten dengeli dagılım
gösterdi. C.jetus subsp. fetus izole edilen koyunların çogu (% 84.4) aynı zamanda serapozitif
bulunurken, C. jejuni/ co li izole edilen koyunların sadece % 17 .2'si seropozitif bulundu. Bu
durum iki Campylobacter grubu arasında düşük düzeyde antijenik ilişki oldugunu gösterdi.
Bu bulgular, Campylobacter'lerin özellikle erişkin koyunların safra keselerinde yaygın oldugunu
ve asemptomatik Campylobacter taşıyıcılıgının önemli düzeyde antikor üretimine neden
olabilecegini gösterdi. Ayrıca, halen kullanılan pozitiflik kriterleri ile komplement fikzasyon
testinin, asemptomatik taşıyıcıları ve abort yapan koyunları ayıramayacagı belirlendi.
Sonuç olarak, abortif Campylobacter infeksiyonlarının teşhisi için kullanılan komplement
fikzasyon testinin pozitiflik kriterleri ve antijen spektrumunun tekrar gözden geçirilmesi gerektigi
kanısına varıldı.


  • ARDA M, BISPING W, AYDIN N, isTANBULLUOÖLU E, AKAY Ö, iZGÜR M, KARAER Z, DiKER S, KIRPAL G (ı987). Atiologische Untersuchungen über den Abort bei Schajen unter Besanderer Berücksichtigung des Nachweises von Brucellen, Campylobacter, Salmonellen, Listerien, Leptospiren und Chlamydien. Berl Münch Tierarztl Whsch, ıoo. 405-408.
  • ARDREY WB, ARMSTRONG P, MEINERSHAGEN WA, FRANK FW (1972). Diagnosis oj ovine vibriosis and enzootic abortion oj ewes by immunojluorosence technique. Am J Vet Res, 33, 2535-2538.
  • BERG RL, JUTILA JW, FIREHAMMER BD (ı971). A revised classification ojVibriojetus. Am J Vet Res, 32, ı ı-22.
  • BISWALL G, RHOADES HE, BARTO PB, MORRILL CC (1953). Observations oj an outbreale oj Vibriosis in Sheep. JAVMA, ı23, 4ı0-4ı4.
  • BOSTWICK JL (ı 982). Comman abortion diseases ojsheep. California Vet, 9, 2ı-23.
  • BRYNER JH, ESTES PC, FOLEY JW, O'BERRY PA (ı97ı). Injectivity oj three Vibrio jetus biotypes for gallbladder and intestines oj cattle, sheep, rabbits, Guinea pigs and mice. Am J Vet Res, 32, 465-4 70.
  • BRYNER JH, O'BERRY PA, ESTES PC, FOLEY JW (ı972). Studies ojVibriosjrom gallbladder oj marlcet sheep and cattle. Am J Vet Res, 33, ı439 - ı444.
  • BURNENS AP, EATON KA, KOROLIK V (1996). Veterinary injections with Campylobacter, Helicobacter and related organisms. Ed. Neweli DG, Campylobacters, Helicobacters and Related Organisms. Plenum Press, New York. p . 277-279.
  • CLARK BL, MONSBOURGH MJ (ı974). Serological types ojVibriojetus var. intestinalis causing ovine vibriosis in Southern Australia. Aust Vet J, 50,ı6-ı8.
  • CLARK BL, MONSBOURGH MJ (1979). The prevalence oj Campylobacter jetus in the gallbladder oj sheep. Aust Vet J 55,42- 43.
  • COLLINS DM, LISLE GW (1985). Typing oj Campylobacter jetus jetus isolated from sheep abortion in New Zealand. N Z Vet J, 33: 52-53.
  • CORRY JEL, POST DE, COLIN P, LAISNEY MJ (ı995). Culture mediajor the isolation oj Campylobacters. Int J Food Microbiol, 26, 43-76.
  • DiKER KS (ı985) . Koyun ve sığırlardan izole edilen Campylobacter türlerinin identifılcasyonu üzerinde çalışmalar. Doğa Bil Derg Dı, 9, 232-240.
  • DiKER KS (ı987). Campylobacter türlerinin çeşitli hayvanlardan izolasyonu ve zoonotilc yönlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Mikrobiyol Bült, 21, 268-273.
  • DiKER KS (1997). Campylobacteraceaejamilyası. Ed. Arda M. ve ark.: Özel Mikrobiyoloji. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara, s. 125- 146.
  • DiKER KS, iSTANBULLUOÖLU E (1983). Sağlıklı ve sürgünlü hayvanlardan Campylobacter jetus subsp. jejuni izolasyonu üzerinde çalışmalar. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 30, 28-34.
  • DiKER KS, iSTANBULLUOÖLU E (ı986) . Ovine abortion associated with Campylobacter jejuni. Vet Rec, 118, 307.
  • DiKER KS, YARDlMCI H (ı986) . Campylobacter izolasyon yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması ve nemin lcoloni morfolojisi üzerine etlcisi. Mikrobiyal Bült 20, 115-119.
  • DiKER KS, YARDlMCI H (1989). Isolation and characterization oj Campylobacter species from chiclcens. Doğa Türk Vet Hayv Derg, 13, 257-264.
  • DiKER KS, TÜRÜTOÖLU H (1993). Koyunlarda abortuslara neden olan Campylobacter enjelcsiyonlarına lcarşı aşı geliştirme çalışmaları. TÜBİTAK-VHAG. Proje NO. 893.
  • DiKER KS, SAHAL M, AYDIN N (1988). Ovine abortion associated with Campylobacter coli. Vet Rec ı22 . 87.
  • EMİROVA TS (ı985). Indirect haemagglutination testfor campylobacteriosis in sheep. Trudy. Vses Inst Eksp Vet, 63,46-52.
  • FIREHAMMER BD, HAWKINS WW (1964). The pathogenicity oj vibrio jetus isolatedjrom ovine bile. Comeli Vet, 54 , 308-3ı4.
  • FRANK FW, BAILEY JW, HElTHEeKER D (ı957). Experimental oral transmission oj vibrionic abortion oj sheep. JAVMA, 131.472-473.
  • FRANK FW, WALDHALM DG, MEİNERSHAGEN WA, SCRIVNER LH (1965). Newer knowledge oj ovine vibriosis. JA VMA, 147,1313-ı3ı8 .
  • GARCIA MM, EAGLESOME MD, RIGBY C (ı983). Campylobacters important in veterinary medicine, Vet Bull, 53, 793-8ı8.
  • GROHN K, GENIGEORGIS C (ı985). Adaptation oj ELISA for the detection oj Campylobacter antibodies and its application in seroepidemiological studies in sheep and cattle herds. Acta Vet Scand, 26, 30-48.
  • HANSEN DE, HEDSTROM OR, SONN RJ, SNYDER SP (ı990). Elflcacy oj A vaccine to prevent Clamydia or Campylobacter induced abortions in ewes. JAVMA, ı96, 73ı- 734.
  • HEDSTROM OR, SONN RJ, LASSEN ED, HULTGREN BD, CRISMAN RO, SMITH BB, SNYDER SP (ı987). Pathology oj Campylobacter jejuni abortion in sheep. Vet Pathol. 24. 4ı9-426 .
  • JENSEN R, MİLLER VA, HAMMARLUND MA, GRAHAM VR (1957). Vibrionic abortion in sheep. ·I. transmission and immunity. Am J Vet Res, ı8, 326-329.
  • KEISLER DH, BURKE V, COPELIN J, LANE B, STARBUCK M, BEHYMER D (1989). A seralogic survey in ewes treated with one oj tw.o Chlamydia/ Campylobacter vaccines. Smail Rumin Res, 2, 345-358.
  • KENAR B, ERGANİŞ O, KAYA O, GÜLER E (1990). Konya bölgesinde koyunlarda atıklara neden olan Brucella, Campylobacter, Salmonella ve Chlamydia' lann bakteriyo- 44 lojik ve serolajik incelenmesi. Veterinarium, 1.17-19.
  • MARSH H, FIREHAMMER BD (1953). Serological relationships oj twenty three ovine and three bovine strains oj vibrio jetus. Am J Vet Res. 14, 396-398.
  • MARSH H, FIREHAMMER BD, SCRIVNER LH (ı954). The negative role oj the ewe in the transmission oj sheep. Am J Vet Res, 15, 352-355.
  • MEINERSHAGEN WA, FRANK FW, HULET CW, PRICE DA (1969). Immunity in ewes resulting from natural exposure to Vibrio jetus . Am J Vet Res, 30, 203-206.
  • MILLER VA, JENSEN R (1961). Experimental immunization against ovine Vibriosis. I. The use oj live andjormalin killed Vibriojetus vaccines. Am J Vet Res, 22, 43-46.
  • MILLER VA, JENSEN R, GILROY J J ( 1 959). Bacteremia in pregnanat sheep jollowing oral administration oj Vibrio jetus. Am J Vet Res, 20, 677-679.
  • MILLER VA, JENSEN R, OGG JE (1964). Immunization oj sheep against ovine Vibriosis with bacterins containing serotype V in mineral oil. Am J Vet Res, 25, 664-667.
  • MYERS LL, BERG RL, FIREHAMMER BD ( 1 970). Immunoseralogic properties oj antigensjrom Vibriojetus oj ovine origin. Am J Vet Res, 3ı, 1773-1777.
  • ON SLW (1996). Identification methods for Campylobacters, Helicobacters and related organisms. Clin Microbiol Rev, 9, 405- 422.
  • SKIRROW MB (ı994). Diseases due to Campylobacter, Helicobacter and related bacteria. J Comp Pathol, lll, 113-ı49 .
  • SMIBERT RM (ı978). The Oenus Campylobacter. Ann Rev Microbiol, 32, 673- 709.
  • STORZ J, MİNER ML, MARRIOTT ME, OLSON AE (1966). Prevention oj ovine Vibriosis by vaccination: duration oj protective immunity. Am J Vet Res. 27, 110-114.
  • THOMPSON DA, GILMOUR NJL (ı978). The serological response oj sheep to a trivalent Campylobacter (Vibrio)jetus var intestinalis vaccine. Vet Rec ıo2. 530.
  • VANDAMME P, GOOSSENS H (ı992). Taxonomy oj Campylobacter, Areabacter and Helicobacter: A Review. Zbl Bakteriolog, 276, 447-472.
  • VARGA J, MEZES B, FODOR L, HAJTOS I (ı990). Serogroups oj Campylobacter jetus and Campylobacter jejuni isolated in cases oj ovine abortion. J Vet Med 37, ı48- ı52 .
  • WATSON WA, HUNTER D, BELLHOUSE R (1967). Studies on Vibrionic irifection oj sheep and carrion crows. Vet Rec 8ı. 220-226.
  • WIGGINS EL (1955) . The e.ffect ofVibriosis upon subsequent reproduction in range ewes. Am J Vet Res, ı6 , 2ı4-2ı6.
  • WILLIAMS CE, RENSHAW HW, MEINERSHAGEN WA, EVERSON DO, CHAMBERLAIN RK, HALL RF, WALDHALM DG (1976). Ovine Campylobacteriosis: preliminary studies oj the elficacy oj the in vitro serum bactericidal test as an assay for the potency oj Campylobacter (Vibrio)jetus subsp. intestinalis bacterins. Am J Vet Res, 37, 409-4ı5.
  • YARDlMCI H, DiKER KS, AKAN M (1994). Use oj ELISAjor detection .of Campylobacter antibodies in sheep. Turk J Vet Anim Sel. ı8. ı29-ı33.
  • YILMAZ S, KARAMAN Z, GÜLER E, YÜRÜSÜN M (1990). Sığır-koyun ve keçilerin Campylobacter jetus enfeksiyonlannda etken ayrımı ile etken seratiplerinin tespiti. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyal Derg, 6, 2ı-32 .
  • YILMAZ S, ÜSTÜNAKIN Y (1976). Koyunlarda Vibriofetüs 'ten ileri gelen sıkıtlara karşı bir aşı geliştirme çalışmaları. Etlik Vet Bakteriyol EnstDerg. 4, 39-58.

The Relationship Between Campylobacter Colonization And Serum Antibody Levels in Sheep

Year 2000, Volume: 11 Issue: 1-2, 31 - 46, 01.12.2000


In this study, the prevaience of Campylobacter spp. in the gallbladder and anti-Campylobacter
antibodies in the sera of slaughtered sheep were investigated. Campylobacters were isolated
from 52.8 % of gallbladders of ı8o sheep from nine different origins. Isolation rates were
determined as 33.3 % in 7-8 months old sheep. and 59.3 % in 2-3 years old ones. Out of 95
Campylobacter strains isolated, 66 were identified as C. jetus subsp. jetus. 22 as C. jejuni and
7 as C. coli. In complement fıxatlon test, 36.7% of sera from ı80 sheep gave positlve reactlons against
C.jetus subsp.jetus antigen. Seropositlvity was detected in 22.2% of lambs, and 4ı.5% of older
sheep. The most of the sera from lambs were found positive at ı:4 tlter, whereas the positive
sera from mature sheep showed a relatlvely homogenous distribution with titers from 1:4
to 1:32. The most (84.8 %) of sheep from which C.jetus subsp.jetus was isolated were also found
as seropositlve. Only 17.2% of sheep from which C.jejuni/coli was isolated, were found as
seropositlve, indicating the low level of antlgenic relationship between these two groups of
These findings showed that campylobacters were common in the gallbladder of sheep, particularly
in older ones and asymptomatic carriage of campylobacters could cause antibody production
in a considerable level. It was also determined that complement fıxation test with currently
used criteria was inadequate to differentlate the asymptomatically infected and aborted
It was concluded that the diagnostic criteria and antigen spectrum of complement fıxation
test to detect abortlve Campylobacter infection should be reevaluated.


  • ARDA M, BISPING W, AYDIN N, isTANBULLUOÖLU E, AKAY Ö, iZGÜR M, KARAER Z, DiKER S, KIRPAL G (ı987). Atiologische Untersuchungen über den Abort bei Schajen unter Besanderer Berücksichtigung des Nachweises von Brucellen, Campylobacter, Salmonellen, Listerien, Leptospiren und Chlamydien. Berl Münch Tierarztl Whsch, ıoo. 405-408.
  • ARDREY WB, ARMSTRONG P, MEINERSHAGEN WA, FRANK FW (1972). Diagnosis oj ovine vibriosis and enzootic abortion oj ewes by immunojluorosence technique. Am J Vet Res, 33, 2535-2538.
  • BERG RL, JUTILA JW, FIREHAMMER BD (ı971). A revised classification ojVibriojetus. Am J Vet Res, 32, ı ı-22.
  • BISWALL G, RHOADES HE, BARTO PB, MORRILL CC (1953). Observations oj an outbreale oj Vibriosis in Sheep. JAVMA, ı23, 4ı0-4ı4.
  • BOSTWICK JL (ı 982). Comman abortion diseases ojsheep. California Vet, 9, 2ı-23.
  • BRYNER JH, ESTES PC, FOLEY JW, O'BERRY PA (ı97ı). Injectivity oj three Vibrio jetus biotypes for gallbladder and intestines oj cattle, sheep, rabbits, Guinea pigs and mice. Am J Vet Res, 32, 465-4 70.
  • BRYNER JH, O'BERRY PA, ESTES PC, FOLEY JW (ı972). Studies ojVibriosjrom gallbladder oj marlcet sheep and cattle. Am J Vet Res, 33, ı439 - ı444.
  • BURNENS AP, EATON KA, KOROLIK V (1996). Veterinary injections with Campylobacter, Helicobacter and related organisms. Ed. Neweli DG, Campylobacters, Helicobacters and Related Organisms. Plenum Press, New York. p . 277-279.
  • CLARK BL, MONSBOURGH MJ (ı974). Serological types ojVibriojetus var. intestinalis causing ovine vibriosis in Southern Australia. Aust Vet J, 50,ı6-ı8.
  • CLARK BL, MONSBOURGH MJ (1979). The prevalence oj Campylobacter jetus in the gallbladder oj sheep. Aust Vet J 55,42- 43.
  • COLLINS DM, LISLE GW (1985). Typing oj Campylobacter jetus jetus isolated from sheep abortion in New Zealand. N Z Vet J, 33: 52-53.
  • CORRY JEL, POST DE, COLIN P, LAISNEY MJ (ı995). Culture mediajor the isolation oj Campylobacters. Int J Food Microbiol, 26, 43-76.
  • DiKER KS (ı985) . Koyun ve sığırlardan izole edilen Campylobacter türlerinin identifılcasyonu üzerinde çalışmalar. Doğa Bil Derg Dı, 9, 232-240.
  • DiKER KS (ı987). Campylobacter türlerinin çeşitli hayvanlardan izolasyonu ve zoonotilc yönlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Mikrobiyol Bült, 21, 268-273.
  • DiKER KS (1997). Campylobacteraceaejamilyası. Ed. Arda M. ve ark.: Özel Mikrobiyoloji. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara, s. 125- 146.
  • DiKER KS, iSTANBULLUOÖLU E (1983). Sağlıklı ve sürgünlü hayvanlardan Campylobacter jetus subsp. jejuni izolasyonu üzerinde çalışmalar. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 30, 28-34.
  • DiKER KS, iSTANBULLUOÖLU E (ı986) . Ovine abortion associated with Campylobacter jejuni. Vet Rec, 118, 307.
  • DiKER KS, YARDlMCI H (ı986) . Campylobacter izolasyon yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması ve nemin lcoloni morfolojisi üzerine etlcisi. Mikrobiyal Bült 20, 115-119.
  • DiKER KS, YARDlMCI H (1989). Isolation and characterization oj Campylobacter species from chiclcens. Doğa Türk Vet Hayv Derg, 13, 257-264.
  • DiKER KS, TÜRÜTOÖLU H (1993). Koyunlarda abortuslara neden olan Campylobacter enjelcsiyonlarına lcarşı aşı geliştirme çalışmaları. TÜBİTAK-VHAG. Proje NO. 893.
  • DiKER KS, SAHAL M, AYDIN N (1988). Ovine abortion associated with Campylobacter coli. Vet Rec ı22 . 87.
  • EMİROVA TS (ı985). Indirect haemagglutination testfor campylobacteriosis in sheep. Trudy. Vses Inst Eksp Vet, 63,46-52.
  • FIREHAMMER BD, HAWKINS WW (1964). The pathogenicity oj vibrio jetus isolatedjrom ovine bile. Comeli Vet, 54 , 308-3ı4.
  • FRANK FW, BAILEY JW, HElTHEeKER D (ı957). Experimental oral transmission oj vibrionic abortion oj sheep. JAVMA, 131.472-473.
  • FRANK FW, WALDHALM DG, MEİNERSHAGEN WA, SCRIVNER LH (1965). Newer knowledge oj ovine vibriosis. JA VMA, 147,1313-ı3ı8 .
  • GARCIA MM, EAGLESOME MD, RIGBY C (ı983). Campylobacters important in veterinary medicine, Vet Bull, 53, 793-8ı8.
  • GROHN K, GENIGEORGIS C (ı985). Adaptation oj ELISA for the detection oj Campylobacter antibodies and its application in seroepidemiological studies in sheep and cattle herds. Acta Vet Scand, 26, 30-48.
  • HANSEN DE, HEDSTROM OR, SONN RJ, SNYDER SP (ı990). Elflcacy oj A vaccine to prevent Clamydia or Campylobacter induced abortions in ewes. JAVMA, ı96, 73ı- 734.
  • HEDSTROM OR, SONN RJ, LASSEN ED, HULTGREN BD, CRISMAN RO, SMITH BB, SNYDER SP (ı987). Pathology oj Campylobacter jejuni abortion in sheep. Vet Pathol. 24. 4ı9-426 .
  • JENSEN R, MİLLER VA, HAMMARLUND MA, GRAHAM VR (1957). Vibrionic abortion in sheep. ·I. transmission and immunity. Am J Vet Res, ı8, 326-329.
  • KEISLER DH, BURKE V, COPELIN J, LANE B, STARBUCK M, BEHYMER D (1989). A seralogic survey in ewes treated with one oj tw.o Chlamydia/ Campylobacter vaccines. Smail Rumin Res, 2, 345-358.
  • KENAR B, ERGANİŞ O, KAYA O, GÜLER E (1990). Konya bölgesinde koyunlarda atıklara neden olan Brucella, Campylobacter, Salmonella ve Chlamydia' lann bakteriyo- 44 lojik ve serolajik incelenmesi. Veterinarium, 1.17-19.
  • MARSH H, FIREHAMMER BD (1953). Serological relationships oj twenty three ovine and three bovine strains oj vibrio jetus. Am J Vet Res. 14, 396-398.
  • MARSH H, FIREHAMMER BD, SCRIVNER LH (ı954). The negative role oj the ewe in the transmission oj sheep. Am J Vet Res, 15, 352-355.
  • MEINERSHAGEN WA, FRANK FW, HULET CW, PRICE DA (1969). Immunity in ewes resulting from natural exposure to Vibrio jetus . Am J Vet Res, 30, 203-206.
  • MILLER VA, JENSEN R (1961). Experimental immunization against ovine Vibriosis. I. The use oj live andjormalin killed Vibriojetus vaccines. Am J Vet Res, 22, 43-46.
  • MILLER VA, JENSEN R, GILROY J J ( 1 959). Bacteremia in pregnanat sheep jollowing oral administration oj Vibrio jetus. Am J Vet Res, 20, 677-679.
  • MILLER VA, JENSEN R, OGG JE (1964). Immunization oj sheep against ovine Vibriosis with bacterins containing serotype V in mineral oil. Am J Vet Res, 25, 664-667.
  • MYERS LL, BERG RL, FIREHAMMER BD ( 1 970). Immunoseralogic properties oj antigensjrom Vibriojetus oj ovine origin. Am J Vet Res, 3ı, 1773-1777.
  • ON SLW (1996). Identification methods for Campylobacters, Helicobacters and related organisms. Clin Microbiol Rev, 9, 405- 422.
  • SKIRROW MB (ı994). Diseases due to Campylobacter, Helicobacter and related bacteria. J Comp Pathol, lll, 113-ı49 .
  • SMIBERT RM (ı978). The Oenus Campylobacter. Ann Rev Microbiol, 32, 673- 709.
  • STORZ J, MİNER ML, MARRIOTT ME, OLSON AE (1966). Prevention oj ovine Vibriosis by vaccination: duration oj protective immunity. Am J Vet Res. 27, 110-114.
  • THOMPSON DA, GILMOUR NJL (ı978). The serological response oj sheep to a trivalent Campylobacter (Vibrio)jetus var intestinalis vaccine. Vet Rec ıo2. 530.
  • VANDAMME P, GOOSSENS H (ı992). Taxonomy oj Campylobacter, Areabacter and Helicobacter: A Review. Zbl Bakteriolog, 276, 447-472.
  • VARGA J, MEZES B, FODOR L, HAJTOS I (ı990). Serogroups oj Campylobacter jetus and Campylobacter jejuni isolated in cases oj ovine abortion. J Vet Med 37, ı48- ı52 .
  • WATSON WA, HUNTER D, BELLHOUSE R (1967). Studies on Vibrionic irifection oj sheep and carrion crows. Vet Rec 8ı. 220-226.
  • WIGGINS EL (1955) . The e.ffect ofVibriosis upon subsequent reproduction in range ewes. Am J Vet Res, ı6 , 2ı4-2ı6.
  • WILLIAMS CE, RENSHAW HW, MEINERSHAGEN WA, EVERSON DO, CHAMBERLAIN RK, HALL RF, WALDHALM DG (1976). Ovine Campylobacteriosis: preliminary studies oj the elficacy oj the in vitro serum bactericidal test as an assay for the potency oj Campylobacter (Vibrio)jetus subsp. intestinalis bacterins. Am J Vet Res, 37, 409-4ı5.
  • YARDlMCI H, DiKER KS, AKAN M (1994). Use oj ELISAjor detection .of Campylobacter antibodies in sheep. Turk J Vet Anim Sel. ı8. ı29-ı33.
  • YILMAZ S, KARAMAN Z, GÜLER E, YÜRÜSÜN M (1990). Sığır-koyun ve keçilerin Campylobacter jetus enfeksiyonlannda etken ayrımı ile etken seratiplerinin tespiti. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyal Derg, 6, 2ı-32 .
  • YILMAZ S, ÜSTÜNAKIN Y (1976). Koyunlarda Vibriofetüs 'ten ileri gelen sıkıtlara karşı bir aşı geliştirme çalışmaları. Etlik Vet Bakteriyol EnstDerg. 4, 39-58.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Nahit Yazıcıoğlu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2000
Submission Date December 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000 Volume: 11 Issue: 1-2


APA Yazıcıoğlu, N. (2000). Koyunlarda Campylobacter Taşıyıcılığı ve Serum Antikor Düzeyleri Arasındaki ilişki. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 11(1-2), 31-46.
