Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 6/28/24

Year: 2024

Fenerbahçe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Journal of Social Sciences (FBUJOSS) yılda iki kez, Haziran, Aralık aylarında online olarak yayımlanan hakemli bir dergidir.

Fenerbahçe University Journal of Social Sciences (FBU-JOSS) is a double blind peer-reviewed journal published online twice a year in June and December.
Within the scope of the journal, original research articles, theoretical articles, and book reviews are evaluated in both English and Turkish in the fields of Political Science and International Relations, Business Administration, Banking, Finance, Economics, Communication, Psychology, literature and other fields of social sciences.

The language of the articles submitted for publication can be Turkish or English. Manuscripts should be between 5000- 10000 words including abstract, figure and table texts, footnotes and references.
In addition, the entire article text must conform to the format stated below:
• The article text should be in "MS Word" format A4 (vertical), in a single column, and page margins should be 2.5 cm. The text should be written justified, with Arial font style and 10 pt.
Line spacing should be 1.5 in the main text, 1 in summary, endnotes and references sections.
• Automatic 6 pt. spaces before and after paragraph must be added.
• No indentation should be made at the beginning of paragraph lines.
• The article title, all headings and subheadings should be bold.
• Starting with the title and abstract, all pages should be numbered consecutively.
• For reviews, the entire text should contain line numbers, starting from the title and abstract page, and continue where it left off at the end of the previous page.
• Additionally, no special arrangement should be made.

*Title, Abstract and Keywords (English)
The article title describing the purpose, scope and main results of the research; an abstract between 150-200 words; 3-5 keywords under the abstract should be provided. References, figures, table numbers and footnotes should not be given in the abstract.
*Main Text
All headings in the main text (such as introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion) are consecutively (in the form of 1., 2., 3., …) and hierarchically (1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2, etc.). should be numbered. This numbering should also be used for internal cross-reference. Each heading should appear on a separate line, with one blank line before it.
Direct citations in the text should not exceed a certain rate of the whole text. APA Style (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/citations/quotations) should be used for in-text citations.
Quotations less than 40 words should be shown in quotation marks by referring the source. Double quotes are not used for more than 40 words block quotations. Block excerpt is started 1 cm from the left as a paragraph and written in 9 pt. Reference is given at the end of the quote. The sections omitted in the original text in quotations are indicated with three dots, and the author's own views are indicated in square brackets.
* In-text reference
APA Style (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/citations) should be used for in-text references.
As Foucault (1991) argued…
Foucault states that… (1991, p.40).
It appears as general history… (Foucault, 1991, p. 22).
Tables should be numbered according to their order in the text. Tables will be formed formally similar to the example given in Table 1, as required by their own content. The table number will be left justified at the top, bold and next to the table name. Notes section will be written in smaller font size at the bottom of the table.
Referring the tables in the text should be made in the form of (Table 1), if it is mentioned in the sentence, it should be written in bold.

Notes: Explanations of the table should be written in this section. (8 pt.)
Figures (pictures, drawings, plans, maps, graphics, photographs, etc.) should be numbered according to their order in the text. The figures will be similar to the example given in Figure 1. The figure number will be left justified, bold at the bottom, and the figure name will be written next to it. References should be given same as the in-text reference representation.
In-text referring to the figures should be made in the form of (Figure 1), if it is included in the sentence, it should be written in bold.

*Other in-text notations
Symbols, abbreviations and definitions should conform to the international system of units (SI). If there are units other than these, their equivalents should be given in SI.
Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses after the first occurrence in the text. It should be ensured that abbreviations are consistent throughout the article.
Equations, typesetting, and notation marks should be preferred in mathematical notation. Equation numbers should be numbered consecutively in parentheses on the right.
*References / Endnotes
The citations are used to give additional information to the discussion in the text and to make side expansions. References in the text should be kept minimum. References are marked with numbers in square brackets at the end of the relevant sentence in the text according to their order, as [1], [2], [3].
Citations are placed, and references are listed at the end of the text in accordance with the order specified in the text. The references list should be numbered as 1., 2., 3. without square brackets at the end of the text. References that cited in the manuscript are shown same as in-text references.
*Reference list
The reference list should be provided at the end of the text. Every reference cited in the text should be included in the reference list. Similarly, every reference mentioned in the reference list should be in the text. References should be listed alphabetically by the authors' names and in chronological order for each author.
"APA Style" reference formatting should be used for reference list and in-text citation displays. More detailed information on "APA 6th Edition" reference formatting, some of which are given below, is available at https://apastyle.apa.org.
Surname, N. (2015). Book Title. City of Publication: Publisher.
Journal Article:
Surname, N., & Surname, N. N. (2012). Article Title. Journal Name, 12(4), 187–195.
Conference Paper:
Surname, N., & Surname, N. N. (2014). Conference Paper Title. Conference Name, City of
Surname, N. (2016). Thesis Title (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Institution, City.
Web Site:
The BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk).
Surname, N. (2013). Document Name [Format]. Retrieved from: http://URL Access Date:
*Visual Documentation
All tables and figures (pictures, drawings, plans, maps, graphics, photographs, etc.) should be placed in the text of the article (in MS Word file) with their explanations in low resolution.
All these visuals should be sent separately, numbered as "S01" for figures and "T01" for tables, in print quality, 300dpi resolution with at least 10 cm short edge, according to the order of use in the text.
Drawings and tables should be legible in case of a zoom out. Drawings and tables should be sent in "pdf" or "tiff" / "jpeg" format, suitable for printing and readable when it is reduced, if they are in Word format or produced via other programs.

All authors who submit articles for review and publication approve and agree to abide by the following ethical rules:
• Published papers as an article or in any other format (book, book chapter, printed conference paper, etc.), accepted papers for publication or the papers under review are not accepted for evaluation.
• For the manuscripts having more than one author, the articles that are not approved by each author are not accepted.
• For the manuscripts requiring 'Ethics Committee Approval', the approval document must be submitted with the application.
• The similarity (plagiarism) rate of the submitted articles must be lower than 20%. (Similarity report can be obtained from turnitin.com, plagiarism.net, or ithenticate.com, etc.)
• In case of a revision requirement, the author(s) are requested to complete it within a mount, and to deliver the revised manuscript to the editorial board.
• Only one article of an author can be published in the same issue.
• The responsibility of the published articles belongs to the author(s).
• For all materials used in the article of the author(s), permissions must be obtained from the related publication or copyright owner(s). The author(s) are responsible for getting the necessary permission.
• Editorial Board may change the content and style of the article with the author(s)’ permission.
• Accepted and published articles cannot be republished without the permission of the publisher.
• Articles are published as open access free of charge at the submission, evaluation, acceptance and publication stages. 

Free of charge