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Philosophy, Theory and Ideology in the Context of Political Studies

Year 2021, Issue: 73, 7 - 24, 15.07.2021


As an age-old discipline that originated in the ancient Greece roughly 2500 years ago,
studying politics had begun with political philosophy. However, in time political studies
have diversified and so divided into subdisciplines. Although historically the first appearance
of studying politics was political philosophy, today political theory has come to
the fore in the field and rose to a position of considerable rival to it. However, ‘’political
theory’’ has still no well-defined identity. This uncertainty in identity of the discipline of
political theory shows itself in a number of ways in the literature. For one thing, in fact
students of politics occasionally use ‘’political theory’’ and ‘’political philosophy’’ interchangeably.
On the other hand it is not easy to draw a decisive distinction in terms of both
subject-matter and method between political theory and political science as well. In order
to serve hopefully to enlighten the identity of the discipline in this essay the author tries
to distinguish political theory conceptually from ‘’political philosophy’’ on the one hand
and from ‘’political science’’ on the other.


  • Arslan, Ahmet (2012), Felsefeye Giriş (Ankara: Adres Yayınları, 17. b.).
  • • Barry, Norman P. (2018), Modern Siyaset Teorisi, Erdoğan, M. & Şahin, Y. (çev.) (Ankara: Liberte Yayınları).
  • • Berlin, Isaiah (1988), ‘’On the Pursuit of Ideal’’, The New York Review of Books, March 17th.
  • • Berlin, Isaiah (1980), ‘’Does Political Theory Still Exist?’’, Hardy, H. (ed.), Concepts and Categories: Philosophical Essays (Oxford University Press), ss. 143-72.
  • • Birch, Anthony H. (1996), The Concepts and Theories of Modern Democracy (London & New York: Routledge).
  • • Dryzek, J. S. &Honig, B. & Phillips, A. (2008), ‘’Introduction’’, Oxford Handbook of Political Theory (Oxford University Press), ss. 3-41.
  • • Erdoğan, Mustafa (1993), ‘’Siyaset Felsefesi Hakkında’’, Liberal Toplum Liberal Siyaset (Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi), ss. 1-14 (Bu deneme ilk olarak Türkiye Günlüğü dergisinin Bahar 1992 tarihli 18. sayısında yayımlanmıştır).
  • • Forbes, H. Donald (2004), ‘’Positive Political Theory’’, Gaus, G.F. & Kukathas, C. (ed.), Hand- book of PoliticalTheory (Sage Publications), ss. 57-72.
  • • Freeden, Michael (2004), ‘’Ideology, Political Theory and Political Philosophy’’, Gaus, G.F. & Kukathas, C., a. g e., ss. 3-17.
  • • Garner, R. & Ferdinand, P. & Lawson, S. (2016), Introduction to Politics (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed.).
  • • Gaus, Gerald F. (2000), Political Concepts and Political Theories (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press).
  • • Gaus, Gerald F. & Kukathas, Chandran (2004) (ed.), Handbook of PoliticalTheory (Sage Public ations).
  • • Goodin, Robert E. & Pettit, Philip (1996), ‘’Introduction’’, A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy (Blackwell Publishers), ss. 1-4.
  • • Heywood, Andrew (2013), Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, 4th ed.).
  • • Helliwell, Christine & Hindess, Barry. (2008), ‘’Political Theory and SocialTheory’’, Dryzek & Honig & Phillips (ed.), a.g.e., ss. 810-23.
  • • Miller, David (2010), ‘’Political Theory’’, Kuper, A. & Kuper, J. (ed.), The Social Science Encyclopedia (London& New York: Routledge, 3rd ed.), ss. 756-59.
  • • O’Leary, Brendan (2010), ‘’Political Science’’, Kuper, A. & Kuper, J. (ed.), a.g.e., ss. 749-56.
  • • Raphael, D. D. (1990), Problems of Political Philosophy (Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press International, 2nd ed.)
  • • Roskin, M. G. &Cord, R. L. & Medeiros, J. A. & Jones, W. S. (2012), Political Science: An Introd uction (Longman/Pearson, 12th ed.)
  • • Runciman, W. G. (1969), Social Science and Political Theory (Princeton University Press, 2nd ed.).
  • • Runciman, W. G. (1963), Social Science and Political Theory (Princeton University Press).
  • • Smith, George H. (2013), The System of Liberty: Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism (New York: Cambridge University Press).
  • • Strauss, Leo (1969), ‘’What is Political Philosophy?’’, Gould, J. A & Thursb, V. V. (ed.), Contemporary Political Thought (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, IC.)
  • • Sunar, İlkay (1999), Düşün ve Toplum (Ankara: Doruk Yayınları, 3. b.).
  • • Swift, Adam (2014), Political Philosophy (Polity Press, 3rd ed.).
  • • Vincent, Andrew (2004), The Nature of Political Theory (Oxford University Press).
  • • Waldron, Jeremy (2012), ‘’Political Political Theory: An Oxford Inaugural Leture’’, SSRN: or ssrn.2060344.


Year 2021, Issue: 73, 7 - 24, 15.07.2021


Eski Yunan dönemine kadar geri giden siyaset incelemelerinin yaklaşık 2500 yıllık tarihi
siyaset felefesi ile başlamıştır. Ancak siyaset incelemeleri zamanla çeşitlenmiş ve değişik
alt disiplinlere ayrılmıştır. Siyaset araştırmaları tarihsel olarak siyaset felsefesiyle başlamış
olsa da günümüzde gitgide öne çıkan siyaset teorisi disiplini siyaset felsefesinin
hatırı sayılır bir rakibi konumuna yükselmiştir. Yine de ‘’siyaset teorisi’’nin henüz iyi
tanımlanmış bir kimliği yoktur. Bu disiplinin kimliği konusundaki belirsizlik siyaset incelemeleriyle
ilgili literatürde çeşitli biçimlerde kendisini göstermektedir. Nitekim ilgili
literatürde zaman zaman siyaset teorisi ile siyaset felsefesinin birbirinin yerine kullanıldığına
tanık olunmaktadır. Öte yandan, siyaset teorisi ile siyaset bilimi arasında da kesin
bir ayrım yapmak her zaman kolay değildir. Bu makale siyaset teorisinin bir yandan ‘’siyaset
felsefesi’’nden, öbür yandan ‘’siyaset bilimi’’nden ayırt edimesini mümkün kılacak
şekilde bu disiplinin kimliğini belirlemeye yönelik bir denemedir.


  • Arslan, Ahmet (2012), Felsefeye Giriş (Ankara: Adres Yayınları, 17. b.).
  • • Barry, Norman P. (2018), Modern Siyaset Teorisi, Erdoğan, M. & Şahin, Y. (çev.) (Ankara: Liberte Yayınları).
  • • Berlin, Isaiah (1988), ‘’On the Pursuit of Ideal’’, The New York Review of Books, March 17th.
  • • Berlin, Isaiah (1980), ‘’Does Political Theory Still Exist?’’, Hardy, H. (ed.), Concepts and Categories: Philosophical Essays (Oxford University Press), ss. 143-72.
  • • Birch, Anthony H. (1996), The Concepts and Theories of Modern Democracy (London & New York: Routledge).
  • • Dryzek, J. S. &Honig, B. & Phillips, A. (2008), ‘’Introduction’’, Oxford Handbook of Political Theory (Oxford University Press), ss. 3-41.
  • • Erdoğan, Mustafa (1993), ‘’Siyaset Felsefesi Hakkında’’, Liberal Toplum Liberal Siyaset (Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi), ss. 1-14 (Bu deneme ilk olarak Türkiye Günlüğü dergisinin Bahar 1992 tarihli 18. sayısında yayımlanmıştır).
  • • Forbes, H. Donald (2004), ‘’Positive Political Theory’’, Gaus, G.F. & Kukathas, C. (ed.), Hand- book of PoliticalTheory (Sage Publications), ss. 57-72.
  • • Freeden, Michael (2004), ‘’Ideology, Political Theory and Political Philosophy’’, Gaus, G.F. & Kukathas, C., a. g e., ss. 3-17.
  • • Garner, R. & Ferdinand, P. & Lawson, S. (2016), Introduction to Politics (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed.).
  • • Gaus, Gerald F. (2000), Political Concepts and Political Theories (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press).
  • • Gaus, Gerald F. & Kukathas, Chandran (2004) (ed.), Handbook of PoliticalTheory (Sage Public ations).
  • • Goodin, Robert E. & Pettit, Philip (1996), ‘’Introduction’’, A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy (Blackwell Publishers), ss. 1-4.
  • • Heywood, Andrew (2013), Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, 4th ed.).
  • • Helliwell, Christine & Hindess, Barry. (2008), ‘’Political Theory and SocialTheory’’, Dryzek & Honig & Phillips (ed.), a.g.e., ss. 810-23.
  • • Miller, David (2010), ‘’Political Theory’’, Kuper, A. & Kuper, J. (ed.), The Social Science Encyclopedia (London& New York: Routledge, 3rd ed.), ss. 756-59.
  • • O’Leary, Brendan (2010), ‘’Political Science’’, Kuper, A. & Kuper, J. (ed.), a.g.e., ss. 749-56.
  • • Raphael, D. D. (1990), Problems of Political Philosophy (Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press International, 2nd ed.)
  • • Roskin, M. G. &Cord, R. L. & Medeiros, J. A. & Jones, W. S. (2012), Political Science: An Introd uction (Longman/Pearson, 12th ed.)
  • • Runciman, W. G. (1969), Social Science and Political Theory (Princeton University Press, 2nd ed.).
  • • Runciman, W. G. (1963), Social Science and Political Theory (Princeton University Press).
  • • Smith, George H. (2013), The System of Liberty: Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism (New York: Cambridge University Press).
  • • Strauss, Leo (1969), ‘’What is Political Philosophy?’’, Gould, J. A & Thursb, V. V. (ed.), Contemporary Political Thought (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, IC.)
  • • Sunar, İlkay (1999), Düşün ve Toplum (Ankara: Doruk Yayınları, 3. b.).
  • • Swift, Adam (2014), Political Philosophy (Polity Press, 3rd ed.).
  • • Vincent, Andrew (2004), The Nature of Political Theory (Oxford University Press).
  • • Waldron, Jeremy (2012), ‘’Political Political Theory: An Oxford Inaugural Leture’’, SSRN: or ssrn.2060344.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Philosophy
Journal Section Research Article

Mustafa Erdoğan This is me

Publication Date July 15, 2021
Submission Date April 18, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 73
