Research Article
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Year 2021, , 69 - 90, 09.12.2021


The field of sociology of education includes a wide literature on the role and functions of the school in the production of social inequalities in different forms. This article deals with the formation and transformation of social inequalities and the potential of reproduction in different forms through examining the cultural processes and providing case studies on education. The major concepts that play a central role in the article are identification and rationalization as cultural processes and symbolic boundaries. Other additional concepts with which these concepts are related are “stigmatization” and “racialization” under identification, and “standardization” and “evaluation” under rationalization. Cultural processes are positioned as the connection point between inequalities organized at the cognitive level and inequality structures at the macro level. In conclusion, this article frames the critical role of meso-level cultural processes in understanding the production and reproduction of social inequalities at cognitive and macro levels, and invites us to problematize the relationship between cultural processes and the forms of inequalities in education.


  • Ağın, E., Okulun Kurumsal Habitusunda Disiplinci Söylem ve Pratikler, Mülkiye Dergisi, 44(4), 711-746, 2020
  • Apple, M., Education, Markets, and An Audit Culture, Critical Quarterly, 47(1), 11-29, 2005.
  • Bail, C., The Configuration of Symbolic Boundaries Against Immigrants in Europe, American Sociological Review, 73, s. 37-59, 2008. Bean, L., Kaufman, J., Gonzalez, M., Why Doesn't Canada Have an American-style Christian Right? A Comparative Framework for Analyzing the Political Effects of Evangelical Subcultural Identity, The Canadian Journal of Sociology, 33(4), 899-943, 2008
  • Bernstein, B., Class, Codes, and Control: Towards a Theory of Educational Transmission. Routledge, 2003
  • Binder, A., Davis, D. B., Bloom, N., Career Funneling: How Elite Students Learn to Define and Desire ‘‘Prestigious’’ Jobs, Sociology of Education, 89(1) 20–39, 2015.
  • Brubaker, R., Cooper, F., Beyond Identity, Theory and Society, 29, 1–47, 2000.
  • Carruthers, B. G., Espeland, W. N., Accounting for Rationality, Double-Entry Bookkeeping and the Rhetoric of Economic Rationality, American Journal of Sociology, 97, 31–69, 1991.
  • Çelik, Ç., Rethinking Institutional Habitus in Education: A Relational Approach for Studying Its Sources and Impacts, Sociology, 1-17, 2020.
  • Clair, M., Winter, A. S., How Judges Think About Racial Disparities: Situational Decision-Making in The Criminal Justice System, American Society of Criminology, 54(2), 2016.
  • Çelik, Ç., İçduygu, A., Schools and Refugee Children: The case of Syrians in Turkey, International Migration, 2018
  • DiMaggio, P., Classification in Art, American Sociological Review, 54 (4), 440- 455, 1987
  • Edgell, P., Gerteis, J., Hartmann, D., Atheists as “Other”: Moral boundaries and Cultural Membership in American Society, American Sociological Review, 71, 211- 234, 2006.
  • Eliasoph, N., Lichterman, P., Culture in Interaction, American Journal of Sociology, 108(4), 735-794, 2003.
  • Fordham, S., Ogbu, J. U. Black Students School Success: Coping With The “Burden of Acting White”. The Urban Review, 18(3), 1986.
  • Goffman, E., “Selection from Stigma” (Ed. L. J. Davis), The Disability Studies Reader, Routledge, 2006.
  • Goffman, E., Günlük Yaşamda Benliğin Sunumu, Metis Yayıncılık, 1956.
  • Gould, P., Space, Time and Human Being, International Social Science Journal, 1996.
  • Göktürk, D., Ağın, E., Okul Kurumunun Kültürel-Toplumsal Eşitsizlik ve İmtiyazların Yeniden Üretimindeki Rolüne İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme., Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 53(1), 329-354, 2020.
  • Göktürk, D., Epistemic Injustice and Cultural Processes in Education, Kastamonu Education Journal, 29(1), 218-227, 2021. Gregory, A., Fergus, E., Social and Emotional Learning and Equity in School Discipline, The Future of Children, 27(1), 117–136, 2017.
  • Griswold, W., Cultures and Societies in a Changing World, SAGE Publications, 2013.
  • Ingram, N., Working-Class Boys, Educational Success and The Misrecognition of Working-Class Culture, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 30 (4), 421-434, 2009.
  • Ispa-Landa, S., Gender, Race, and Justifications for Group Exclusion: Urban Black Students Bussed to Affluent Suburban Schools, American Sociological Association, 86(3) 218–233, 2013.
  • Ispa-Landa, S., Racial and Gender Inequality and School Discipline: Toward a More Comprehensive View of School Policy, Social Currents, 4(6), 511-517, 2017.
  • Ispa-Landa, S., Persistently Harsh Punishments Amid Efforts to Reform: Using Tools from Social Psychology to Counteract Racial Bias in School Disciplinary Decisions, Educational Researcher, 47(6), 384–390, 2018.
  • Ispa-Landa, S., Cornwell, J., ‘‘Once You Go to A White School, You Kind of Adapt’’: Black Adolescents and The Racial Classification of Schools, Sociology of Education, 88(1) 1–19, 2015
  • Kotzee, B., Martin, C., Who Should Go to University? Justice in University Admissions, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 47(4), 2013.
  • Lamont, M., Pendergrass, P., Pachucki, P., Symbolic Boundaries, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Science, 23(2), 15341–15347, 2001.
  • Lamont, M., Towards a Comparative Sociology of Valuation and Evaluation, Annual Reviews of Sociology, 38, 201-221, 2012.
  • Lamont, M., Adler, L., Park, B. Y., Xiang, X. Bridging Cultural Sociology and Cognitive Psychology in Three Contemporary Research Programmes, Nature Human Behavior, 2017.
  • Lamont, M., Beljean, S., Clair, M., What is Missing? Cultural Processes and Causal Pathways to Inequality, Socio-Economic Review, 1-36, 2014.
  • Lareau, A., Invisible Inequality: Social Class and Childrearing In Black Families and White Families, American Sociological Review, 67(5), 747-776, 2002.
  • Link, B. G. Phelan, J. C., Conceptualizing Stigma, Annual Review of Sociology, 27, 363- 385, 2001.
  • Massey, D.S., Categorically Unequal: The American Stratification System, The Russell Sage Foundation, 2007.
  • Mitchell, O., A Meta-Analysis of Race and Sentencing Research: Explaining the Inconsistencies, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 21, 439–66, 2005.
  • Murji, K., Solomos, J., Introduction: Racialization in Theory and Practice, Open Research Online, 1-27,2005.
  • Owen, J. M., McDonald, D. E., Creating an Evaluation Culture in International Development Cooperation Agencies, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 2(2), 41–53, 1999.
  • Özkazanç, A., Sayılan, F., Akşit, E. E., Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Mesleki Eğitim: Mesleki Teknik Lise Kız Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Fe Dergi, 10(2), 150-164, 2018.
  • Pager, D., The Use of Field Experiments for Studies of Employment Discrimination: Contributions, Critiques, and Directions for The Future, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 609(1), 2007.
  • Pager, D., Karafin, D., Bayesian Bigot? Statistical Discrimination, Stereotypes, and Employer Decision Making, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 621(1), 2009.
  • Pager D., Shepherd, H., The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination In Employment, Housing, Credit, and Consumer Markets, The Annual Review of Sociology, 34, 2008.
  • Pescosolido, B. A., Martin, J. K., The Stigma Complex, Annual Review of Sociology, 41(22), 22-30, 2015.
  • Popham, W. J., Uses and Misuses of Standardized Tests, NASSP Bulletin, 85(622), 24–31, 2001.
  • Quillian, L., Heath, A, Pager, D., Midtbøen, A. H., Fleischmann, F., Hexel, O., Do Some Countries Discriminate More than Others? Evidence from 97 Field Experiments of Racial Discrimination in Hiring, Sociological Science, 6, 467-496, 2019.
  • Quillian, L., Pager, D., Black Neighbors, Higher Crime? The Role of Racial Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime, American Journal of Sociology, 107 (3), 717-767, 2001.
  • Sewell, W. H., Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation, University of Chicago Press: Chicago and London, 2005.
  • Small, M. L., Harding, D. J., Lamont, M., Reconsidering Culture and Poverty, Annuals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 629, 6-27, 2010.
  • Son Hing, L. S., Responses to Stigmatization: The Moderating Roles of Primary and Secondary Appraisals, Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 9(1), 2012.
  • Steele, C.M., Aronson, J., Stereotype Threat and The Intellectual Test Performance of African Americans, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69(5), 797-811, 1995.
  • Swidler, A., Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies, American Sociological Association, 51(2), 273-286, 1986.
  • Tavory, I., Of Yarmulkes and Categories: Delegating Boundaries and The Phenomenology of Interactional Expectation, Theory and Society, 39,49–68. 2010.
  • Timmermans, S., Epstein, S., A World of Standards But Not A Standard World: Towards A Sociology of Standards and Standardization, Annual Reviews of Sociology, 36, 69-89, 2010.
  • Tilly, C., Durable Inequality, University of California Press, 1998.
  • Tilly, C., Identities, Boundaries and Social Ties, Routledge, 2005.
  • Williams, D. R., Neighbors, H. W., Jackson, J. S., Racial/Ethnic Discrimination and Health: Findings from Community Studies, American Journal of Public Health, 98(1), 2008.
  • Vaisey, S., Lizardo, O., Can Cultural Worldviews Infuence Network Composition?, Social Forces, 88(4) 1595–1618, 2010.
  • Vaisey, S., Valentino, L., Culture and Choice: Toward Integrating Cultural Sociology with The Judgment and Decision-Making Sciences, Poetics, 68, 131-143, 2018.
  • Vincent, C. G., Tobin, T. J., The Relationship Between Implementation of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) And Disciplinary Exclusion of Students from Various Ethnic Backgrounds with And Without Disabilities, Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 19(4), 217–232, 2010.
  • Yukich, G., Boundary Work in Inclusive Religious Groups: Constructing Identity at the New York Catholic Worker, Sociology of Religion, 71(2), 172-196, 2010.


Year 2021, , 69 - 90, 09.12.2021


Okul kurumunun toplumsal eşitsizliklerin üretiminde farklı formlarda rol ve işlevler üstlendiğine yönelik eğitim sosyolojisi alanı geniş bir literatür içermektedir. Bu makale toplumsal eşitsizliklerin oluşumu, dönüşümü ve farklı formlarda kendini yeniden üretme potansiyelini kültürel süreçler üzerinden ele almakta ve eğitim alanından araştırmalara başvurarak incelemektedir. Kültürel süreçlere yönelik metinde merkezi rol üstlenen temel kavramlar özdeşleşme (identification) ve rasyonalizasyon (rationalization) ile sembolik sınırlardır (symbolic boundaries). Bu kavramların ilişkili olduğu diğer ek kavramlar ise özdeşleşme altında “damgalama” ve “ırksallaştırma” ile rasyonalizasyon altında “standardizasyon” ve “değerlendirme” dir. Kültürel süreçler bilişsel düzeyde örgütlenen eşitsizlikler ile makro düzeydeki eşitsizlik yapıları arasındaki bağlantı noktası olarak konumlandırılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak bu makale, toplumsal eşitsizliklerin bilişsel (cognitive) ve makro düzlemlerde üretim ve yeniden üretiminin anlamlandırılmasında orta (meso-level) düzeyde kültürel süreçlerin belirleyici olduğunu çerçevelemekte ve eğitim alanında var olan eşitsizliklerin kültürel süreçler ile ilişkisini tartışmaya açmaktadır.


  • Ağın, E., Okulun Kurumsal Habitusunda Disiplinci Söylem ve Pratikler, Mülkiye Dergisi, 44(4), 711-746, 2020
  • Apple, M., Education, Markets, and An Audit Culture, Critical Quarterly, 47(1), 11-29, 2005.
  • Bail, C., The Configuration of Symbolic Boundaries Against Immigrants in Europe, American Sociological Review, 73, s. 37-59, 2008. Bean, L., Kaufman, J., Gonzalez, M., Why Doesn't Canada Have an American-style Christian Right? A Comparative Framework for Analyzing the Political Effects of Evangelical Subcultural Identity, The Canadian Journal of Sociology, 33(4), 899-943, 2008
  • Bernstein, B., Class, Codes, and Control: Towards a Theory of Educational Transmission. Routledge, 2003
  • Binder, A., Davis, D. B., Bloom, N., Career Funneling: How Elite Students Learn to Define and Desire ‘‘Prestigious’’ Jobs, Sociology of Education, 89(1) 20–39, 2015.
  • Brubaker, R., Cooper, F., Beyond Identity, Theory and Society, 29, 1–47, 2000.
  • Carruthers, B. G., Espeland, W. N., Accounting for Rationality, Double-Entry Bookkeeping and the Rhetoric of Economic Rationality, American Journal of Sociology, 97, 31–69, 1991.
  • Çelik, Ç., Rethinking Institutional Habitus in Education: A Relational Approach for Studying Its Sources and Impacts, Sociology, 1-17, 2020.
  • Clair, M., Winter, A. S., How Judges Think About Racial Disparities: Situational Decision-Making in The Criminal Justice System, American Society of Criminology, 54(2), 2016.
  • Çelik, Ç., İçduygu, A., Schools and Refugee Children: The case of Syrians in Turkey, International Migration, 2018
  • DiMaggio, P., Classification in Art, American Sociological Review, 54 (4), 440- 455, 1987
  • Edgell, P., Gerteis, J., Hartmann, D., Atheists as “Other”: Moral boundaries and Cultural Membership in American Society, American Sociological Review, 71, 211- 234, 2006.
  • Eliasoph, N., Lichterman, P., Culture in Interaction, American Journal of Sociology, 108(4), 735-794, 2003.
  • Fordham, S., Ogbu, J. U. Black Students School Success: Coping With The “Burden of Acting White”. The Urban Review, 18(3), 1986.
  • Goffman, E., “Selection from Stigma” (Ed. L. J. Davis), The Disability Studies Reader, Routledge, 2006.
  • Goffman, E., Günlük Yaşamda Benliğin Sunumu, Metis Yayıncılık, 1956.
  • Gould, P., Space, Time and Human Being, International Social Science Journal, 1996.
  • Göktürk, D., Ağın, E., Okul Kurumunun Kültürel-Toplumsal Eşitsizlik ve İmtiyazların Yeniden Üretimindeki Rolüne İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme., Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 53(1), 329-354, 2020.
  • Göktürk, D., Epistemic Injustice and Cultural Processes in Education, Kastamonu Education Journal, 29(1), 218-227, 2021. Gregory, A., Fergus, E., Social and Emotional Learning and Equity in School Discipline, The Future of Children, 27(1), 117–136, 2017.
  • Griswold, W., Cultures and Societies in a Changing World, SAGE Publications, 2013.
  • Ingram, N., Working-Class Boys, Educational Success and The Misrecognition of Working-Class Culture, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 30 (4), 421-434, 2009.
  • Ispa-Landa, S., Gender, Race, and Justifications for Group Exclusion: Urban Black Students Bussed to Affluent Suburban Schools, American Sociological Association, 86(3) 218–233, 2013.
  • Ispa-Landa, S., Racial and Gender Inequality and School Discipline: Toward a More Comprehensive View of School Policy, Social Currents, 4(6), 511-517, 2017.
  • Ispa-Landa, S., Persistently Harsh Punishments Amid Efforts to Reform: Using Tools from Social Psychology to Counteract Racial Bias in School Disciplinary Decisions, Educational Researcher, 47(6), 384–390, 2018.
  • Ispa-Landa, S., Cornwell, J., ‘‘Once You Go to A White School, You Kind of Adapt’’: Black Adolescents and The Racial Classification of Schools, Sociology of Education, 88(1) 1–19, 2015
  • Kotzee, B., Martin, C., Who Should Go to University? Justice in University Admissions, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 47(4), 2013.
  • Lamont, M., Pendergrass, P., Pachucki, P., Symbolic Boundaries, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Science, 23(2), 15341–15347, 2001.
  • Lamont, M., Towards a Comparative Sociology of Valuation and Evaluation, Annual Reviews of Sociology, 38, 201-221, 2012.
  • Lamont, M., Adler, L., Park, B. Y., Xiang, X. Bridging Cultural Sociology and Cognitive Psychology in Three Contemporary Research Programmes, Nature Human Behavior, 2017.
  • Lamont, M., Beljean, S., Clair, M., What is Missing? Cultural Processes and Causal Pathways to Inequality, Socio-Economic Review, 1-36, 2014.
  • Lareau, A., Invisible Inequality: Social Class and Childrearing In Black Families and White Families, American Sociological Review, 67(5), 747-776, 2002.
  • Link, B. G. Phelan, J. C., Conceptualizing Stigma, Annual Review of Sociology, 27, 363- 385, 2001.
  • Massey, D.S., Categorically Unequal: The American Stratification System, The Russell Sage Foundation, 2007.
  • Mitchell, O., A Meta-Analysis of Race and Sentencing Research: Explaining the Inconsistencies, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 21, 439–66, 2005.
  • Murji, K., Solomos, J., Introduction: Racialization in Theory and Practice, Open Research Online, 1-27,2005.
  • Owen, J. M., McDonald, D. E., Creating an Evaluation Culture in International Development Cooperation Agencies, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 2(2), 41–53, 1999.
  • Özkazanç, A., Sayılan, F., Akşit, E. E., Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Mesleki Eğitim: Mesleki Teknik Lise Kız Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Fe Dergi, 10(2), 150-164, 2018.
  • Pager, D., The Use of Field Experiments for Studies of Employment Discrimination: Contributions, Critiques, and Directions for The Future, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 609(1), 2007.
  • Pager, D., Karafin, D., Bayesian Bigot? Statistical Discrimination, Stereotypes, and Employer Decision Making, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 621(1), 2009.
  • Pager D., Shepherd, H., The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination In Employment, Housing, Credit, and Consumer Markets, The Annual Review of Sociology, 34, 2008.
  • Pescosolido, B. A., Martin, J. K., The Stigma Complex, Annual Review of Sociology, 41(22), 22-30, 2015.
  • Popham, W. J., Uses and Misuses of Standardized Tests, NASSP Bulletin, 85(622), 24–31, 2001.
  • Quillian, L., Heath, A, Pager, D., Midtbøen, A. H., Fleischmann, F., Hexel, O., Do Some Countries Discriminate More than Others? Evidence from 97 Field Experiments of Racial Discrimination in Hiring, Sociological Science, 6, 467-496, 2019.
  • Quillian, L., Pager, D., Black Neighbors, Higher Crime? The Role of Racial Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime, American Journal of Sociology, 107 (3), 717-767, 2001.
  • Sewell, W. H., Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation, University of Chicago Press: Chicago and London, 2005.
  • Small, M. L., Harding, D. J., Lamont, M., Reconsidering Culture and Poverty, Annuals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 629, 6-27, 2010.
  • Son Hing, L. S., Responses to Stigmatization: The Moderating Roles of Primary and Secondary Appraisals, Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 9(1), 2012.
  • Steele, C.M., Aronson, J., Stereotype Threat and The Intellectual Test Performance of African Americans, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69(5), 797-811, 1995.
  • Swidler, A., Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies, American Sociological Association, 51(2), 273-286, 1986.
  • Tavory, I., Of Yarmulkes and Categories: Delegating Boundaries and The Phenomenology of Interactional Expectation, Theory and Society, 39,49–68. 2010.
  • Timmermans, S., Epstein, S., A World of Standards But Not A Standard World: Towards A Sociology of Standards and Standardization, Annual Reviews of Sociology, 36, 69-89, 2010.
  • Tilly, C., Durable Inequality, University of California Press, 1998.
  • Tilly, C., Identities, Boundaries and Social Ties, Routledge, 2005.
  • Williams, D. R., Neighbors, H. W., Jackson, J. S., Racial/Ethnic Discrimination and Health: Findings from Community Studies, American Journal of Public Health, 98(1), 2008.
  • Vaisey, S., Lizardo, O., Can Cultural Worldviews Infuence Network Composition?, Social Forces, 88(4) 1595–1618, 2010.
  • Vaisey, S., Valentino, L., Culture and Choice: Toward Integrating Cultural Sociology with The Judgment and Decision-Making Sciences, Poetics, 68, 131-143, 2018.
  • Vincent, C. G., Tobin, T. J., The Relationship Between Implementation of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) And Disciplinary Exclusion of Students from Various Ethnic Backgrounds with And Without Disabilities, Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 19(4), 217–232, 2010.
  • Yukich, G., Boundary Work in Inclusive Religious Groups: Constructing Identity at the New York Catholic Worker, Sociology of Religion, 71(2), 172-196, 2010.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Duygun Göktürk 0000-0003-0184-6326

Dilara Özel 0000-0003-1250-599X

Publication Date December 9, 2021
Submission Date June 2, 2021
Acceptance Date November 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


Chicago Göktürk, Duygun, and Dilara Özel. “KÜLTÜREL SÜREÇLERİN EĞİTİM VE TOPLUMSAL ALANDAKİ EŞİTSİZLİKLERİN ÜRETİMİNE ETKİSİ”. FLSF Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 32 (December 2021): 69-90.

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