Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 579 - 596, 31.12.2019



  • Alvarez, M. D., & Campo, S. (2014). The influence of political conflicts on country image and intention to visit: A study of Israel's image. Tourism Management, 40, 70-78.Anholt, S. (2003). Brand new justice (1st ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.Anholt, S. (2005). Anholt nation brands index: how does the world see America?. Journal of Advertising Research, 45(3), 296-304.Anholt, S. (2016). Places: Identity, image and reputation. Springer.Olins, W. (2004). “On brand”. London: Thames & Hudson.Balakrishnan, M. (2008). Dubai–A star in the east: A case study in strategic destination branding. Journal of Place management and Development, 1(1), 62-91.Chen, C. A., Lee, H. L., Lee, M. H., & Yang, Y. H. (2011). How to develop Taiwan's tourism nation brand. African Journal of Business Management, 5(16), 6764.D'Astous, A., & Boujbel, L. (2007). Positioning countries on personality dimensions: Scale development and implications for country marketing. Journal Of Business Research, 60(3), 231-239.Davidson, H. (2006). How has place branding developed during the year that place branding has been in publication?. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 2(1), 6-17.De Chernatony, L. (2010). From brand vision to brand evaluation (1st ed.). Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann.Demirbag Kaplan, M., Yurt, O., Guneri, B., & Kurtulus, K. (2010). Branding places: applying brand personality concept to cities. European Journal of Marketing, 44(9/10), 1286-1304.Dinnie, K. (2008). “Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice”. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.Fan, Y. (2006). Branding the nation: What is being branded?. Journal Of Vacation Marketing, 12(1), 5-14.Fetscherin, M. (2010). The determinants and measurement of a country brand: the country brand strength index. International Marketing Review, 27(4), 466- 479.Future Brand (2015). Country Brand Index. Disponible en:, A. A., Piha, L. P., & Avlonitis, G. J. (2011, March). Destination branding": what for? From the notions of tourism and nation branding to an integrated framework. In Berlin International Economics Congress, Berlin, Germany (March 15).Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., & Babin, B. J. (2010). Anderson. RE, 2010. Multivariate Data Analysis. New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall.Hankinson, G. (2004). Relational network brands: Towards a conceptual model of place brands. Journal Of Vacation Marketing, 10(2), 109-121.Harris, F., & de Chernatony, L. (2001). Corporate branding and corporate brand performance. European Journal Of Marketing, 35(3/4), 441-456.Hatch, M., & Schultz, M. (2003). Bringing the corporation into corporate branding. European Journal Of Marketing, 37(7/8), 1041-1064.Hudson, S., & Ritchie, J. (2009). Branding a memorable destination experience. The case of ‘Brand Canada’. International Journal Of Tourism Research, 11(2), 217-228.Iversen, N., & Hem, L. (2008). Provenance associations as core values of place umbrella brands. European Journal Of Marketing, 42(5/6), 603-626.Juarez, L. (2017). Marca-turismo-país: escala de medida de la marca-país como destino turístico en el segmento de turista jóvenes. Universidad Europea de Madrid.Kavaratzis, M. (2005). Place Branding: A Review of Trends and Conceptual Models. The Marketing Review, 5(4), 329-342.Kerr, G. (2006). From destination brand to location brand. Journal of Brand Management, 13 (4-5), 276-283.Kladou, S., A. Giannopoulos, A., & Assiouras, I. (2014). Matching tourism type and destination image perceptions in a country context. Journal Of Place Management And Development, 7(2), 141-152.Loo, T., & Davies, G. (2006). Branding China: The Ultimate Challenge in Reputation Management?. Corporate Reputation Review, 9(3), 198-210.Maheswaran, D., & Chen, C. (2006). Nation Equity: Incidental Emotions in Country-of-Origin Effects. Journal of Consumer Research, 33(3), 370-376.Mahika, C., Bran, F., & ȚIGU, G. (2014). Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index--Regional Empirical Analysis For Romania. Quality-Access to Success, 15.Ng, E. S., & McGinnis Johnson, J. (2015). Millennials: Who are they, how are they different, and why should we care. The multigenerational workforce: Challenges and opportunities for organisations, 121-137.O’Shaughnessy, J., & O’Shaughnessy, N. (2000). Treating the Nation as a Brand: Some Neglected Issues. Journal Of Macromarketing, 20(1), 56-64.Olins, W. (2002). Branding the nation—The historical context. Journal of brand management, 9(4), 241-248.Ozretic-Dosen, D., Previsic, J., Krupka, Z., Skare, V., & Komarac, T. (2018). The role of familiarity in the assessment of Turkey’s country/destination image: going beyond soap operas. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 12(3), 277-291.Papadopoulos, N., & Heslop, L. (2002). Country equity and country branding: Problems and prospects. Journal Of Brand Management, 9(4), 294-314.Pavel, C., & Baltaretu, A. M. (2015). Romania's Tourism Brand-A Controversial Story. Calitatea, 16 (S3), 116.Polishko, G. G. (2015). Nation branding and its stakeholders: analysis of European and Ukrainian approaches. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія: Світове господарство і міжнародні економічні відносини, (23, Вип. 7), 73.Rojas-Méndez, J. (2013a). The nation brand molecule. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 22(7), 462-472. Rojas-Méndez, J., Murphy, S., & Papadopoulos, N. (2013b). The U.S. brand personality: A Sino perspective. Journal Of Business Research, 66(8), 1028- 1034.Rouse, S. M., & Ross, A. D. (2018). The Politics of Millennials: Political Beliefs and Policy Preferences of America's Most Diverse Generation. University of Michigan Press.Shimp, T., Samiee, S., & Madden, T. (1993). Countries and their products: A cognitive structure perspective. Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science, 21(4), 323-330.Stokburger-Sauer, N. (2011). The relevance of visitors’ nation brand embeddedness and personality congruence for nation brand identification, visit intentions and advocacy. Tourism Management, 32(6), 1282-1289.Şentürk, T., & Kartal, B. (2018). Tutum Teorisi Açısından Ülke İmajı, Ürün İmajı ve Tüketici Satın Alma Niyeti. Journal of Management & Economics, 25(3).Trueman, M., Klemm, M., & Giroud, A. (2004). Can a city communicate? Bradford as a corporate brand. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 9(4), 317-330.UNTWO (2016). Global Report on The Power of Youth Travel. WTO & WISE Travel Confederation.UNTWO (2018): Panorama OMT del Turismo Internacional. WTO.

Drivers to Build A Powerful Country Tourism Brand: An Empirical Study On Millenials Segment

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 579 - 596, 31.12.2019


There is a wide academic literature that deals
with the term Country Brand, but nevertheless, it has not been sufficiently
studied the country as a powerful tourism brand. The importance of the tourism
industry for many countries is indisputable, which leads to generating a brand
identity of a specific tourist destination: the country. The present study is
conducted among 465 millenials placed at Spain which are a very interesting
segment due to their principal motivations are travelling and also are the near
future decisions makers (Ng & McGinnis, 2015). The empirical research has
been conducted in Spain and it will be replicated in Turkish soon. The goal of
this work is to find out the main drivers that allow build a powerful tourism country
brand in the millennial segment.

The stadistical analysis is conducted with Principal Components Factor Analysis
Method (SPSS vs22), that permit to discover the main underlying drivers. 11 main underlying factors, than explain more than 65%
of the total explained variance, are found with a good adjustment. This factors
represents the main drivers to build a strong tourism brand country. Although the univariate analysis carried out
concludes that a key factor when evaluating a country like a tourism destination
is security and safety, the factorial analysis reveals that the underlying
driver that explains the greater percentage of the variance (16.65%) is the economic
strength of the country, among others factors.
The main limitation of this
study is that it is based on a sample of millenials placed in Spain, we can
apply this study to other segments of population in other countries.

Discover the main factors in the evaluation of
millennials about a country as a tourist destination allow to detect the most
important drivers that determine the decision to travel to a country on the
millennial segment and, therefore, can help to build a powerful tourism brand
The main originality of this work is to develop
the concept of country-brand as a tourist destination and apply it to the
millennial segment.


  • Alvarez, M. D., & Campo, S. (2014). The influence of political conflicts on country image and intention to visit: A study of Israel's image. Tourism Management, 40, 70-78.Anholt, S. (2003). Brand new justice (1st ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.Anholt, S. (2005). Anholt nation brands index: how does the world see America?. Journal of Advertising Research, 45(3), 296-304.Anholt, S. (2016). Places: Identity, image and reputation. Springer.Olins, W. (2004). “On brand”. London: Thames & Hudson.Balakrishnan, M. (2008). Dubai–A star in the east: A case study in strategic destination branding. Journal of Place management and Development, 1(1), 62-91.Chen, C. A., Lee, H. L., Lee, M. H., & Yang, Y. H. (2011). How to develop Taiwan's tourism nation brand. African Journal of Business Management, 5(16), 6764.D'Astous, A., & Boujbel, L. (2007). Positioning countries on personality dimensions: Scale development and implications for country marketing. Journal Of Business Research, 60(3), 231-239.Davidson, H. (2006). How has place branding developed during the year that place branding has been in publication?. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 2(1), 6-17.De Chernatony, L. (2010). From brand vision to brand evaluation (1st ed.). Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann.Demirbag Kaplan, M., Yurt, O., Guneri, B., & Kurtulus, K. (2010). Branding places: applying brand personality concept to cities. European Journal of Marketing, 44(9/10), 1286-1304.Dinnie, K. (2008). “Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice”. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.Fan, Y. (2006). Branding the nation: What is being branded?. Journal Of Vacation Marketing, 12(1), 5-14.Fetscherin, M. (2010). The determinants and measurement of a country brand: the country brand strength index. International Marketing Review, 27(4), 466- 479.Future Brand (2015). Country Brand Index. Disponible en:, A. A., Piha, L. P., & Avlonitis, G. J. (2011, March). Destination branding": what for? From the notions of tourism and nation branding to an integrated framework. In Berlin International Economics Congress, Berlin, Germany (March 15).Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., & Babin, B. J. (2010). Anderson. RE, 2010. Multivariate Data Analysis. New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall.Hankinson, G. (2004). Relational network brands: Towards a conceptual model of place brands. Journal Of Vacation Marketing, 10(2), 109-121.Harris, F., & de Chernatony, L. (2001). Corporate branding and corporate brand performance. European Journal Of Marketing, 35(3/4), 441-456.Hatch, M., & Schultz, M. (2003). Bringing the corporation into corporate branding. European Journal Of Marketing, 37(7/8), 1041-1064.Hudson, S., & Ritchie, J. (2009). Branding a memorable destination experience. The case of ‘Brand Canada’. International Journal Of Tourism Research, 11(2), 217-228.Iversen, N., & Hem, L. (2008). Provenance associations as core values of place umbrella brands. European Journal Of Marketing, 42(5/6), 603-626.Juarez, L. (2017). Marca-turismo-país: escala de medida de la marca-país como destino turístico en el segmento de turista jóvenes. Universidad Europea de Madrid.Kavaratzis, M. (2005). Place Branding: A Review of Trends and Conceptual Models. The Marketing Review, 5(4), 329-342.Kerr, G. (2006). From destination brand to location brand. Journal of Brand Management, 13 (4-5), 276-283.Kladou, S., A. Giannopoulos, A., & Assiouras, I. (2014). Matching tourism type and destination image perceptions in a country context. Journal Of Place Management And Development, 7(2), 141-152.Loo, T., & Davies, G. (2006). Branding China: The Ultimate Challenge in Reputation Management?. Corporate Reputation Review, 9(3), 198-210.Maheswaran, D., & Chen, C. (2006). Nation Equity: Incidental Emotions in Country-of-Origin Effects. Journal of Consumer Research, 33(3), 370-376.Mahika, C., Bran, F., & ȚIGU, G. (2014). Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index--Regional Empirical Analysis For Romania. Quality-Access to Success, 15.Ng, E. S., & McGinnis Johnson, J. (2015). Millennials: Who are they, how are they different, and why should we care. The multigenerational workforce: Challenges and opportunities for organisations, 121-137.O’Shaughnessy, J., & O’Shaughnessy, N. (2000). Treating the Nation as a Brand: Some Neglected Issues. Journal Of Macromarketing, 20(1), 56-64.Olins, W. (2002). Branding the nation—The historical context. Journal of brand management, 9(4), 241-248.Ozretic-Dosen, D., Previsic, J., Krupka, Z., Skare, V., & Komarac, T. (2018). The role of familiarity in the assessment of Turkey’s country/destination image: going beyond soap operas. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 12(3), 277-291.Papadopoulos, N., & Heslop, L. (2002). Country equity and country branding: Problems and prospects. Journal Of Brand Management, 9(4), 294-314.Pavel, C., & Baltaretu, A. M. (2015). Romania's Tourism Brand-A Controversial Story. Calitatea, 16 (S3), 116.Polishko, G. G. (2015). Nation branding and its stakeholders: analysis of European and Ukrainian approaches. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія: Світове господарство і міжнародні економічні відносини, (23, Вип. 7), 73.Rojas-Méndez, J. (2013a). The nation brand molecule. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 22(7), 462-472. Rojas-Méndez, J., Murphy, S., & Papadopoulos, N. (2013b). The U.S. brand personality: A Sino perspective. Journal Of Business Research, 66(8), 1028- 1034.Rouse, S. M., & Ross, A. D. (2018). The Politics of Millennials: Political Beliefs and Policy Preferences of America's Most Diverse Generation. University of Michigan Press.Shimp, T., Samiee, S., & Madden, T. (1993). Countries and their products: A cognitive structure perspective. Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science, 21(4), 323-330.Stokburger-Sauer, N. (2011). The relevance of visitors’ nation brand embeddedness and personality congruence for nation brand identification, visit intentions and advocacy. Tourism Management, 32(6), 1282-1289.Şentürk, T., & Kartal, B. (2018). Tutum Teorisi Açısından Ülke İmajı, Ürün İmajı ve Tüketici Satın Alma Niyeti. Journal of Management & Economics, 25(3).Trueman, M., Klemm, M., & Giroud, A. (2004). Can a city communicate? Bradford as a corporate brand. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 9(4), 317-330.UNTWO (2016). Global Report on The Power of Youth Travel. WTO & WISE Travel Confederation.UNTWO (2018): Panorama OMT del Turismo Internacional. WTO.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Laura Juárez This is me 0000-0001-8358-7983

Abdullah Uslu 0000-0002-3660-7096

Maria-francisca Blasco This is me 0000-0002-6660-3571

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Submission Date June 11, 2019
Acceptance Date December 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 4


APA Juárez, L., Uslu, A., & Blasco, M.-f. (2019). Drivers to Build A Powerful Country Tourism Brand: An Empirical Study On Millenials Segment. Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy And Travel Research, 3(4), 579-596.