Author Guidelines

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy and Travel Research

(ISSN: 2602-4144)

Author Guidelines

1.     Preparation of the Manuscript

·   Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has not been published elsewhere and that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.

·   This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.  Because of that authors should  submit the Title Page containing the Authors details and Blinded Manuscript with no author details as 2 separate files with the headings:

         ·    Accepted articles will be sent to the authors for layout work before being assigned to the issue, and they will be asked to be arranged in accordance with the journal layout.

Title Page


Authors full name and ORCID code

Corresponding author

Contact information

Short biography

Blinded Manuscript




·        ·   The text of manuscripts should be divided into sections with the headings:




     4- RESULTS



2. Articles must be written in the MS Word Program and there should not be any indent at the beginning of the paragraph. Section titles; first letter must be large, 12 point, bold, and left-justified.


The page structure must be created as follows:


Table 1. Page Structure and Spelling Criteria

Paper Size                                       

A4 Vertical

Top Margin

1,27 cm

Bottom Margin

1,27 cm

Left Margin

1,27 cm

Right Margin

1,27 cm



Font Style


Type Size (Regular Text)


Type Size (Footnote Text)


Type Size (Table-Figure)


Paragraph Spacing

(Before) 6 nk, (After) 0 nk

Line Spacing


3. In the special font used articles, the font used should be sent with the article.

4. Manuscripts should not be included details such as page numbers, headers and footers.

5. Only the initial letters of each word in the headlines of articles should be capital and no other formation should be included.

6. In terms of spelling and punctuation, a common Spelling Guide should be based on beyond exceptions required by the article or topic.

7. All manuscripts must be submitted in accordance with the style of APA 6 Bibliography section should be provided. Intext citation must be created as follows: 

7.1. In-text citations, the author’s last name and the year of publication (and page if necessary) for the source should appear in the text; Mayer (2002)…; Mayer (2002: 182)…; Mayer (2001: 182-186)…

7.2. If citations is at the beginning of statement must be created as follows: According to Allen and Mayer (2000)…; Following Allen (2007)…; Allen and Mayer (2004) argue that…; Kanter, Wings and Accer (2004).

7.3. In accordance with the APA format, when there are 3-5 authors in the cited source, list all surnames the first time you cite in-text; Maslow, Weber, Minsberg, Vroom and Werner (1992, pp. 154-198). Afterwards, cite only the surname of the first author followed by “et al.”: Werner et al. (1992, pp. 154-198).

7.4. When there are six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by “et al.” and the year for the first and subsequent citations: Werner et al. (2005, pp. 154-198). For multiple references, list the citations in alphabetical order and separate them with semicolons. For example: … (Williams, 2000; Yamane, 2004; Robbins et al., 1996; Robbins, Reed and Porter, 2007).

8. References

All references must be submitted in accordance with the style of APA 6 Bibliography section.

8.1. Books

a. Book with an author/editor

Author’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title in italics. City: Publisher.

Editor’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Ed.). (Year). Title. Subtitle in italics. City: Publisher.

b. Book with two, three or more authors/editors

Editor 1’s Surname, First letter of given name.,Editor 2’s Surname, First letter of given name. and Editor 3’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title in italics. City: Publisher.

Author 1’s Surname, First letter of given name., Author 2’s Surname, First letter of given name. and Author 3’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title in italics. City: Publisher.

c. Revised book

Author’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title in italics (X. Edition). City: Publisher.

d. Multi-Volume books

Author’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title in italics. X. volume. City: Publisher.

e. Chapter in edited book

Author’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title. Editor’s First letter of given name. Surname (Ed.), in The book title in italics(pages). City: Publisher.

f. Translated book

Author’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title in italics (First letter of given name. Surname, Trans). City: Publisher.

8.2. Journal Articles

Author’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title. Journal title in italicsvolume(issue), pages. doi:

Author 1’s Surname, First letter of given name., Author 2’s Surname, First letter of given name. and Author 3’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title. Journal title in italics, volume(issue), pages. doi:

All authors are listed. (Year). Title. Journal title in italicsvolume(issue), pages. doi:

8.3. Other Resources

a. Films

Director’s Surname, First letter of given name. (Director). (Year). Title. City: Producer Company.

b. Web

Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title in italics. Retrieved from: Date, URL.

c. Master thesis/Ph.D. thesis

Surname, First letter of given name. (Year). Title in italics. Master thesis/ Ph.D. thesis.University, City.

8.4. Report

Surname, First letter of given name. (Year, Month). Title. Presented at Congress/Symposium/Conference’ title. Institution: City.

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For detailed information about editing bibliography;

Resources used to create the bibliography guide;



Last Update Time: 11/26/24, 10:08:15 PM