Research Article
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Chronic Effect of Jump Rope Exercises on Inspiratory and Expiratory Respiratory Muscle Strength

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 117 - 125, 24.06.2024


The aim of this study was to observe the chronic effect of rope jumping exercise on the respiratory muscles of individuals who were given rope jumping exercise for eight weeks.26 sedentary young men aged 18-20 years participated in this study in which we examined the chronic effect of rope jumping exercises on inspiratory and expiratory respiratory muscle strength. The subjects were divided into 2 groups as control and experimental group. The control group consisted of 13 people and the experimental group consisted of 13 people.The experimental group participating in the study was selected from those who had a history of jumping rope before. A 30-minute exercise program with jump ropes was applied to the group 4 days a week for 8 weeks. The program was planned as 5 minutes warm-up, 20 minutes jumping rope exercise, 5 minutes cooling down. After the 8-week exercise program, respiratory muscle strength was measured with a spiro-meter. The data obtained were analyzed in SPSS 22.0 program. Pre-post test comparison of the respiratory muscle strength values of the experimental and control groups was made. At the end of the respiratory muscle strength study, MIP-MEP-PIP-PEP-PEP values of the experimental group showed a significant difference (p<0.05). As a result of the study, it is thought that rope jumping exercises influence respiratory muscle strength and individuals can have stronger respiratory muscle strength by continuing these exercises for a long time.


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  • Barati A., Safarcherati A., Aghayari A., Azizi F. ve ark. (2013). Evaluation of relationship between trunk muscle endurance and static balance in male students. Asian Journal Of Sports Medicine,; 4(4): 289.
  • Bliss, L. S., & Teeple, P. (2005). Core stability: the centerpiece of any training program. Current sports medicine reports, 4(3), 179–183.
  • Britto RR, Rezende NR, Marinho KC, Torres JL, Perreira VK, Teixeira-Salmela LF. Inspiratory muscular training ın chronic stroke survivors: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2011;(2):184-190
  • Chao-Chien, C. & Yi-Chun, L. (2012). Jumping Rope İntervention on Health Related Physical Fitness in Students With İntellectual İmpairment. The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, 8(1), 56-62.
  • Chen, CC. & Lin, SY. (2011). The İmpact of Rope Jumping Exercise on Physical Fitness of Visually İmpaired Students. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(1), 25-29.
  • Cahperd. (2005). (Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance), Rope Skipping Fitness and Activity Program,
  • Decramer M. (1999). The Respiratory Muscles. In: Fishman AP, ed. Fishman’s Pulmonary Disease and Disorders 3rd International edition. McGraw-Hill,: 63-71s.
  • Fauroux B. (2003). Respiratory muscle testing in children. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews; 4(3): 243-49.
  • Günay M, Yüce İA. (2001). Futbol Antrenmanının Bilimsel Temelleri. 3. Baskı, Ankara, Gazi Kitabevi.; 45-64 Makaruk H. (2013) Acute effects of rope jumping warm-up on power and jumping ability in track and field athletes, Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism, 20:200-204.
  • Miyaguchi K, Sugiura H, Demura S. (2014). Possibility of stretch-shortening cycle movement training using a jump rope, Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2014, 28:700-705
  • Koku, F.E. (2015). The relationship between athletic performance and genetics, Journal of Sports Medicine., 50, 21-30. Orhan, S., Pulur, A., & Gür, E. (2008). İp ve Ağırlık İpi Çalışmalarının Basketbol Becerilerine Etkisi. Özmen, T., Güneş, G.Y., Uçar, I., Doğan, H., Gafuroğlu, T.U. (2017). Effect of respiratory muscle training on pulmonary function and aerobic endurance in soccer players. J sports med phys fitness, 57(5), 507-513. Şahin, G. (2017). Farklı Hızlarda İp Atlama Antrenmanlarının Anaerobik Güce Etkisi. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 75-86. Orhan, S.; Yücel, A. S. & Orhan, E. (2019). İp Atlama Çalışmalarının Hentbolcularda İstirahat Kalp Atımı, Sürat, Çabukluk ve Anaerobik Güç Üzerine Etkileri, Spor Eğitim Dergisi, 3(2): 44-51.

Chronic Effect of Jump Rope Exercises on Inspiratory and Expiratory Muscle Strength

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 117 - 125, 24.06.2024


Bu çalışmamızda amaç, sekiz hafta boyunca ip atlama egzersizi yaptırılan bireylerin solunum kaslarındaki kronik etkiyi görmektir.İp atlama egzersizlerinin inspiratuar ve ekspiratuar solunum kas kuvvetine kronik etkisini incelediğimiz bu çalışmaya;18-20 yaşında olan 26 genç erkek katıldı.Kontrol grubu 13 deney grubu ise 13 kişiden oluştu.Deney grubunu daha önce ip atlamış olanlardan seçildi.Grub 8 hafta boyunca haftada 4 gün atlama ipleriyle ile 30 dakikalık egzersiz süresi (5dakika ısınma+20 çalışma+5 dakika soğuma) halinde İp Atlama egzersizi programı uygulanmıştır. 8 haftalık egzersiz programımızdan sonra gönüllülere spiro-metre ile ölçüm yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 22.0 programında analiz edilmiştir. Deney ve kontrol grubunun solunum kas kuvveti değerlerinin ön-son test karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Deney grubunun solunum kas kuvveti çalışmanın sonunda MIP-MEP-PIP-PEP değerleri anlamlı bir farklılık göstermiştir.


  • Al-Bilbeisi F. ve Dennis Mccool F. (2000). Diaphragm recruitment during nonrespiratory activities. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine,; 162(2): 456-59.
  • Barati A., Safarcherati A., Aghayari A., Azizi F. ve ark. (2013). Evaluation of relationship between trunk muscle endurance and static balance in male students. Asian Journal Of Sports Medicine,; 4(4): 289.
  • Bliss, L. S., & Teeple, P. (2005). Core stability: the centerpiece of any training program. Current sports medicine reports, 4(3), 179–183.
  • Britto RR, Rezende NR, Marinho KC, Torres JL, Perreira VK, Teixeira-Salmela LF. Inspiratory muscular training ın chronic stroke survivors: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2011;(2):184-190
  • Chao-Chien, C. & Yi-Chun, L. (2012). Jumping Rope İntervention on Health Related Physical Fitness in Students With İntellectual İmpairment. The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, 8(1), 56-62.
  • Chen, CC. & Lin, SY. (2011). The İmpact of Rope Jumping Exercise on Physical Fitness of Visually İmpaired Students. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(1), 25-29.
  • Cahperd. (2005). (Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance), Rope Skipping Fitness and Activity Program,
  • Decramer M. (1999). The Respiratory Muscles. In: Fishman AP, ed. Fishman’s Pulmonary Disease and Disorders 3rd International edition. McGraw-Hill,: 63-71s.
  • Fauroux B. (2003). Respiratory muscle testing in children. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews; 4(3): 243-49.
  • Günay M, Yüce İA. (2001). Futbol Antrenmanının Bilimsel Temelleri. 3. Baskı, Ankara, Gazi Kitabevi.; 45-64 Makaruk H. (2013) Acute effects of rope jumping warm-up on power and jumping ability in track and field athletes, Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism, 20:200-204.
  • Miyaguchi K, Sugiura H, Demura S. (2014). Possibility of stretch-shortening cycle movement training using a jump rope, Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2014, 28:700-705
  • Koku, F.E. (2015). The relationship between athletic performance and genetics, Journal of Sports Medicine., 50, 21-30. Orhan, S., Pulur, A., & Gür, E. (2008). İp ve Ağırlık İpi Çalışmalarının Basketbol Becerilerine Etkisi. Özmen, T., Güneş, G.Y., Uçar, I., Doğan, H., Gafuroğlu, T.U. (2017). Effect of respiratory muscle training on pulmonary function and aerobic endurance in soccer players. J sports med phys fitness, 57(5), 507-513. Şahin, G. (2017). Farklı Hızlarda İp Atlama Antrenmanlarının Anaerobik Güce Etkisi. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 75-86. Orhan, S.; Yücel, A. S. & Orhan, E. (2019). İp Atlama Çalışmalarının Hentbolcularda İstirahat Kalp Atımı, Sürat, Çabukluk ve Anaerobik Güç Üzerine Etkileri, Spor Eğitim Dergisi, 3(2): 44-51.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Exercise Physiology
Journal Section Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri

Yavuz Bozoğlu 0009-0006-6517-2868

Publication Date June 24, 2024
Submission Date April 30, 2024
Acceptance Date June 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Bozoğlu, Y. (2024). Chronic Effect of Jump Rope Exercises on Inspiratory and Expiratory Muscle Strength. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1), 117-125.

ISSN: 2536-5339

Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi


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