Experimental Analysis of Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Moving Customer Vehicle Routing Problem
Yıl 2021,
, 459 - 476, 01.12.2020
Ukbe Usame Uçar
Selçuk Kürşat İşleyen
Hadi Gökçen
Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles are defense systems
based on artificial intelligence which is intensively used by many countries to
provide national security on military operations. By means of these systems,
moving or non-moving threat factors in the operation field could be destroyed
under harsh and challenging geographical conditions without requiring a pilot
with the help of a control center. In fleet operations, the necessity of
destroying moving targets successfully under constraints of the endurance,
munition capacity, time window and fuel cost of unmanned combat aerial vehicles
brings out the moving customer-vehicle routing problem. In this study,
Heterogeneous Fleet-Moving Customer Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
under constraint of vehicle capacity (endurance) has been aimed to be solved
considering the minimum operation time and cost. In order to solve the problem,
heuristic algorithms (ÇARA, RASA) were
developed and metaheuristic algorithms (Genetic Algorithm, NSGA-II and
Simulated Annealing) were used. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms
was tested on 30 different experimental sets with the number of pursuers
ranging from 5-10 and the number of targets ranging from 10-35. Taguchi method
was used to determine the appropriate parameter set for the algorithms. As a
result of the analysis, it has been found that Genetic Algorithm produces much
better results than other algorithms.
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Hareketli müşterili araç rotalama problemi için Meta-Sezgisel algoritmaların deneysel analizi
Yıl 2021,
, 459 - 476, 01.12.2020
Ukbe Usame Uçar
Selçuk Kürşat İşleyen
Hadi Gökçen
Silahlı İnsansız Hava Araçları, birçok ülkenin
ulusal güvenliğini sağlamak adına askeri operasyonlarda yoğun bir şekilde
kullandıkları yapay zekâya dayalı savunma sistemleridir. Bu sistemler sayesinde
operasyon alanındaki hareketli ve hareketsiz hedefler, zorlu coğrafik koşullar
altında pilot kullanılmaksızın kumanda merkezi yardımıyla imha edilebilmektedir.
İnsansız hava aracı filosu tarafından, seyir süresi, mühimmat kapasitesi, yakıt
maliyeti ve zaman penceresi kısıtlamaları dikkate alınarak sistemdeki hareketli
hedeflerin başarılı bir şekilde imha edilmesi gereksinimi, Hareketli Müşterili
Araç Rotalama Problemini ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Heterojen
Filolu-Zaman Pencereli-Kapasite Kısıtlı Hareketli Müşterili Araç Rotalama
Problemi, minimum görev süresi ve görev maliyeti amaçları doğrultusunda
çözülmesi amaçlanmıştır. Problemin çözümü için sezgisel algoritmalar(ÇARA, RASA) geliştirilmiş ve metasezgisel algoritmalar
(Genetik Algoritma, NSGA-II ve Tavlama Benzetimi Algoritması) kullanılmıştır. Önerilen
algoritmaların etkinliği vurucu sayısının 5-10, hedef sayısının 10-35 arasında
değiştiği 30 farklı deney seti üzerinde test edilmiştir. Algoritmalar için
uygun parametre setinin belirlenmesinde Taguchi yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Analiz
sonucunda Genetik Algoritmanın diğer algoritmalara kıyasla daha başarılı
sonuçlar ürettiği tespit edilmiştir.
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- [16]. Karakaya, M. En Az Sayıda İnsansız Hava Aracı Kullanarak Sabit Hedeflerin Gözetlenmesinin Planlanması. https://docplayer.biz.tr/4654060-En-az-sayida-insansiz-hava-araci-kullanarak-sabit-hedeflerin-gozetlenmesinin-planlanmasi.html Erişim tarihi Ağustos 9, 2019.
- [17]. Innocenti, M., Pollini, L., Turra, D., A fuzzy approach to the guidance of unmanned air vehicles tracking moving targets. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 16(6), 1125-1137, 2008.
- [18]. Morris, S., Frew, E. W., Jones, H., Cooperative tracking of moving targets by teams of autonomous unmanned air vehicles, MLB CO MOUNTAIN VIEW CA, 2005.
- [19]. Ramirez-Atencia, C., Bello-Orgaz, G., R-Moreno, M. D., Camacho, D., Solving complex multi-UAV mission planning problems using multi-objective genetic algorithms, Soft Computing, 21(17), 4883-4900, 2017.
- [20]. Savuran, H., & Karakaya, M., Efficient route planning for an unmanned air vehicle deployed on a moving carrier, Soft Computing, 20(7), 2905-2920, 2016.
- [21]. Shima, T., Schumacher, C., Assignment of Cooperating UAVs to Simultaneous Tasks using Genetic Algorithms, In AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit (p. 5829), (2005, August)..
- [22]. Kim, J., Morrison, J. R., On the concerted design and scheduling of multiple resources for persistent UAV operations, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 74(1-2), 479-498, 2014.
- [23]. Helvig, C. S., Robins, G., & Zelikovsky, A., Moving-target TSP and related problems, In European Symposium on Algorithms (pp. 453-464), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (1998, August).
- [24]. Fügenschuh, A., Knapp, M., Rothe, H., The multiple traveling salesmen problem with moving targets. Helmut-Schmidt-Univ., Professur für Angewandte Mathematik, 2014.
- [25]. Stieber, A., Fügenschuh, A., Epp, M., Knapp, M., & Rothe, H., The multiple traveling salesmen problem with moving targets, Optimization Letters, 9(8), 1569-1583, 2015.
- [26]. Stieber, A., Fügenschuh, A., Variants in Modeling Time Aspects for the Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem with Moving Targets, 2016.
- [27]. Jiang, Q., Sarker, R., Abbass, H., Tracking moving targets and the non-stationary traveling salesman problem, Complexity International, 11(2005), 171-179, 2005.
- [28]. Jindal, P., Kumar, A., Multiple Target Intercepting Traveling Salesman Problem, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2(2), 327-331, 2011.
- [29]. Englot, B., Sahai, T., Cohen, I., Efficient Tracking and Pursuit of Moving Targets by Heuristic Solution of the Traveling Salesman Problem, In Decision and Control (CDC), 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on (pp. 3433-3438). IEEE, December, 2013.
- [30]. Jindal, P., Kumar, A., Kumar, S., Dynamic version of Traveling Salesman Problem, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975–8887), 19(1), 2011.
- [31]. Khosravi, M., Aghdam, A. G., Cooperative Receding Horizon Control for Multi-Target İnterception in Uncertain Environments, In Decision and Control (CDC), 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on (pp. 4497-4502). IEEE, December, 2014.
- [32]. Zhou, A., Kang, L., Yan, Z. Solving Dynamic TSP with Evolutionary Approach in Real Time, In Evolutionary Computation, 2003. CEC'03. The 2003 Congress on (Vol. 2, pp. 951-957). IEEE, December, 2013.
- [33]. Choubey, N. S., Moving Target Travelling Salesman Problem using genetic algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications, 70(2), 2013.
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- [35]. Agharkar, P., Bullo, F., Vehicle routing algorithms to intercept escaping targets. In American Control Conference (ACC), 2014 (pp. 952-957). IEEE, June, 2014.
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