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Yıl 2007 ,
Cilt: 22 Sayı: 4, 0 - , 15.02.2013
Metin Dağdeviren
Personel seçimi organizasyonlar için önemli bir konu olup, karar verme sürecinde kesin olmayan ve belirsizverilerin kullanılmasını gerektirir. Bu çalışmada Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (BAHP) yöntemi ile personelseçimi probleminin çözümüne yönelik bir algoritma önerilmiştir. Önerilen algoritma bir işletmede terfi edecekpersonelin belirlenmesi amacıyla kullanılmış ve aday personeller için öncelik değerleri belirlenmiştir. Adaypersonellerin faktörler temelinde değerlendirilmesinde dilsel değişkenler kullanılmış ve bulanık ağırlıklarındurulaştırılması α-kesme ve iyimserlik indeksi temelinde geliştirilen bir durulaştırma işlemi ile yapılmıştır.
Kaynak, T., İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi,
İ.Ü.İşletme Fakültesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 1998.
Sabuncuoğlu, Z., İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi,
Ezgi Yayınevi, Bursa, 2000.
Erdoğan, İ., İşletmelerde Personel Seçimi ve
Başarı Değerleme Teknikleri, İşletme İktisadı
Enstitüsü Yayınları, İstanbul, 1991.
Özgen, H., Öztürk, A., Yalçın, A., İnsan
Kaynakları Yönetimi, Nobel Kitabevi, Adana,
Bingöl, D., İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Beta
Yayınları, İstanbul, 1998.
Arvey, R.D., Campion, J.E., “The employment
interview: A summary and review of recent
research”, Personel Psychology, 35(1), 281-322,
Gargano, M.L., Marose, R.A., Kleeck, L., “An
application of artificial neural Networks and
genetic algorithms to personnel selection in the
financial industry”, Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence Applications, 257-262, 1991.
Miller, G.M., Feinzig, S.L., “Fuzzy sets and
personnel selection: Discussion and an
application”, Journal of Occupational and
Organizational Psychology, 66(1), 163-169,
Liang, S.L., Wang M.J., “Personnel selection
using fuzzy MCDM algorithm”, European
Journal of Operational Research, 78(2), 22-33,
Karsak, E.E, “Personnel selection using a fuzzy
MCDM approach based on ideal and anti-ideal
solutions”, Multiple Criteria Decision Making
in the New Millenium, Berlin, 425-432, 2001.
Hooper, R.S., Galvin, T.P., Kimler, R.A.,
Liebowitz, J., “Use of an expert system in a
personnel selection process”, Expert Systems
with Applications, 14(1), 425-432, 1998.
Bohanec, M., Urh, B., Rajkovic, V., “Evaluating
options by combined qualitative and quantitative
methods”, Acta Psychologica, 80(2), 67-89,
Timmermans, D., Vlek, C., “Multi-attribute
decision support and copmlexity: An evaluation
and process analysis of aided versus unaided
decision making”, Acta Psychologica, 80(1), 49-
, 1992.
Timmermans, D., Vlek, C., “Effects on decision
quality of supporting multi-attribute evaluation in groups”, Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes, 68(2), 158-170, 1996.
Gardiner, A.R., Armstrong-Wright, D.,
“Employee selection and anti-discrimination law:
Implications for multi-criteria group decision
support”, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision
Analysis, 9(1), 99-109, 2000.
Spyridakos, A., Siskos, Y., Yannacopoulos, D.,
Skouris, A., “Multicriteria job evaluation for
large organisations”, European Journal of
Operational Research, 130(2), 375-387, 2001.
Jessop, A., “Minimally biased weight
determination in personnel selection”, European
Journal of Operational Research, 153(2), 433-
, 2004.
Saaty, T.L., The Analytic Hierarchy Process,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 37-85, 1980.
Dağdeviren, M., “Analitik hiyerarşi prosesi ile
yeni bir analitik iş değerlendirme tekniğinin
geliştirilmesi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi
Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara,
-63, 2002.
Zadeh, L.A., “Fuzzy sets”, Information and
Control, 8, 338-353, 1965.
Zimmermann, H.J., “Fuzzy Set Theory and its
Application”, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Boston, 35-85, 1990.
Karsak, E.E., Tolga, E., “Fuzzy multi-criteria
decision-making procedure for evaluating
advanced manufacturing system investments”,
International Journal of Production
Economics, 69,49-64,2001.
Kahraman, C., Beşkese, A., Ruan, D.,
“Measuring flexibility of computer integrated
manufacturing systems using fuzzy cash flow
analysis”, Information Sciences, 168,77-
Ding, J.F., Liang, G.S., “Using fuzzy MCDM to
select partners of strategic alliances for liner
shipping”, Information Sciences, 173,197-
Van Laarhoven, P.J.M., Pedrycz, W., “A fuzzy
extension of Saaty’s priority theory”, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, 11,229-241,1983.
Buckley, J.J., “Fuzzy hierarchical analysis”,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems,17,233-247,1985.
Chang, D.Y., “Applications of te extent analysis
method on fuzzy AHP”, European Journal of
Operational Research, 95(2), 649-655, 1996.
Cheng, C.H., “Evaluating naval tactical misilse
systems by fuzzy AHP based on the grade value
of membership function”, European Journal of
Operational Research, 96(2), 343-350, 1997.
Weck, M., Klocke, F., Schell, H., Rüenauver, E.,
“Evaluating alternative production cycles using
the extended fuzzy AHP method”, European
Journal of Operational Research, 100(2), 351-
, 1997.
Kahraman, C., Ulukan, Z., Tolga, E., “A fuzzy
weighted evaluation method using objective and
subjective measures”, Proceedings of the
International ICSC Symposium on
Engineering of Intelligent Systems, 1, 57-63,
Deng, H., “Multicriteria analysis with fuzzy
pairwise comparison”, International Journal of
Approximate Reasoning, 21(3), 215-231, 1999.
Lee, M., Pham, H., Zhang, X., “A methodology
for priority setting with application to software
development process”, European Journal of
Operational Research, 118(2), 375-389, 1999.
Chan, F.T.S., Chan, M.H., Tang, N.K.H.,
“Evaluation methodologies for technology
selection”, Journal of Materials Processing
Technology, 107(1-3), 330-337, 2000a.
Chan, F.T.S., Jiang, B., Tang, N.K.H., “The
development of intelligent decision support tools
to aid the design of flexible manufacturing
systems”, International Journal of Production
Economics, 65(1), 73-84, 2000b.
Kuo, R.J., Chi, S.C., Kao, S.S., “A decision
support system for selecting convenience store
location through integration of fuzzy AHP and
artificial neural network”, Computers in
Industry, 47(2), 199-214, 2002.
Mikhailov, L., Singh, M.G., “Fuzzy analytic
network process and its application to the
development of decision support systems”, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics-Part C: Applications and
Revıews, 33(1), 33-41, 2003.
Mikhailov, L., “A fuzzy approach to deriving
priorities from interval pairwise comparison
judgement”, European Journal of Operational
Research, 159(3), 687-704, 2004.
Mikhailov, L., Tsvetinov, P., “Evaluation of
services using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy
process”, Applied Soft Computing, Article in
pres, 2004.
Prakash, T.N., “Land Suitability Analysis for
Agricultural Crops: A Fuzzy Multicriteria
Decision Making Approach”, MSc Thesis, ITC
Institue, 2003.
Dağdeviren, M., “Performans Değerlendirme
Sürecinin Çok Ölçütlü Karar Verme Yöntemleri
İle Bütünleşik Modellenmesi”, Doktora Tezi,
Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
Ankara, 2005.
Yıl 2007 ,
Cilt: 22 Sayı: 4, 0 - , 15.02.2013
Metin Dağdeviren
Kaynak, T., İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi,
İ.Ü.İşletme Fakültesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 1998.
Sabuncuoğlu, Z., İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi,
Ezgi Yayınevi, Bursa, 2000.
Erdoğan, İ., İşletmelerde Personel Seçimi ve
Başarı Değerleme Teknikleri, İşletme İktisadı
Enstitüsü Yayınları, İstanbul, 1991.
Özgen, H., Öztürk, A., Yalçın, A., İnsan
Kaynakları Yönetimi, Nobel Kitabevi, Adana,
Bingöl, D., İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Beta
Yayınları, İstanbul, 1998.
Arvey, R.D., Campion, J.E., “The employment
interview: A summary and review of recent
research”, Personel Psychology, 35(1), 281-322,
Gargano, M.L., Marose, R.A., Kleeck, L., “An
application of artificial neural Networks and
genetic algorithms to personnel selection in the
financial industry”, Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence Applications, 257-262, 1991.
Miller, G.M., Feinzig, S.L., “Fuzzy sets and
personnel selection: Discussion and an
application”, Journal of Occupational and
Organizational Psychology, 66(1), 163-169,
Liang, S.L., Wang M.J., “Personnel selection
using fuzzy MCDM algorithm”, European
Journal of Operational Research, 78(2), 22-33,
Karsak, E.E, “Personnel selection using a fuzzy
MCDM approach based on ideal and anti-ideal
solutions”, Multiple Criteria Decision Making
in the New Millenium, Berlin, 425-432, 2001.
Hooper, R.S., Galvin, T.P., Kimler, R.A.,
Liebowitz, J., “Use of an expert system in a
personnel selection process”, Expert Systems
with Applications, 14(1), 425-432, 1998.
Bohanec, M., Urh, B., Rajkovic, V., “Evaluating
options by combined qualitative and quantitative
methods”, Acta Psychologica, 80(2), 67-89,
Timmermans, D., Vlek, C., “Multi-attribute
decision support and copmlexity: An evaluation
and process analysis of aided versus unaided
decision making”, Acta Psychologica, 80(1), 49-
, 1992.
Timmermans, D., Vlek, C., “Effects on decision
quality of supporting multi-attribute evaluation in groups”, Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes, 68(2), 158-170, 1996.
Gardiner, A.R., Armstrong-Wright, D.,
“Employee selection and anti-discrimination law:
Implications for multi-criteria group decision
support”, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision
Analysis, 9(1), 99-109, 2000.
Spyridakos, A., Siskos, Y., Yannacopoulos, D.,
Skouris, A., “Multicriteria job evaluation for
large organisations”, European Journal of
Operational Research, 130(2), 375-387, 2001.
Jessop, A., “Minimally biased weight
determination in personnel selection”, European
Journal of Operational Research, 153(2), 433-
, 2004.
Saaty, T.L., The Analytic Hierarchy Process,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 37-85, 1980.
Dağdeviren, M., “Analitik hiyerarşi prosesi ile
yeni bir analitik iş değerlendirme tekniğinin
geliştirilmesi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi
Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara,
-63, 2002.
Zadeh, L.A., “Fuzzy sets”, Information and
Control, 8, 338-353, 1965.
Zimmermann, H.J., “Fuzzy Set Theory and its
Application”, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Boston, 35-85, 1990.
Karsak, E.E., Tolga, E., “Fuzzy multi-criteria
decision-making procedure for evaluating
advanced manufacturing system investments”,
International Journal of Production
Economics, 69,49-64,2001.
Kahraman, C., Beşkese, A., Ruan, D.,
“Measuring flexibility of computer integrated
manufacturing systems using fuzzy cash flow
analysis”, Information Sciences, 168,77-
Ding, J.F., Liang, G.S., “Using fuzzy MCDM to
select partners of strategic alliances for liner
shipping”, Information Sciences, 173,197-
Van Laarhoven, P.J.M., Pedrycz, W., “A fuzzy
extension of Saaty’s priority theory”, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, 11,229-241,1983.
Buckley, J.J., “Fuzzy hierarchical analysis”,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems,17,233-247,1985.
Chang, D.Y., “Applications of te extent analysis
method on fuzzy AHP”, European Journal of
Operational Research, 95(2), 649-655, 1996.
Cheng, C.H., “Evaluating naval tactical misilse
systems by fuzzy AHP based on the grade value
of membership function”, European Journal of
Operational Research, 96(2), 343-350, 1997.
Weck, M., Klocke, F., Schell, H., Rüenauver, E.,
“Evaluating alternative production cycles using
the extended fuzzy AHP method”, European
Journal of Operational Research, 100(2), 351-
, 1997.
Kahraman, C., Ulukan, Z., Tolga, E., “A fuzzy
weighted evaluation method using objective and
subjective measures”, Proceedings of the
International ICSC Symposium on
Engineering of Intelligent Systems, 1, 57-63,
Deng, H., “Multicriteria analysis with fuzzy
pairwise comparison”, International Journal of
Approximate Reasoning, 21(3), 215-231, 1999.
Lee, M., Pham, H., Zhang, X., “A methodology
for priority setting with application to software
development process”, European Journal of
Operational Research, 118(2), 375-389, 1999.
Chan, F.T.S., Chan, M.H., Tang, N.K.H.,
“Evaluation methodologies for technology
selection”, Journal of Materials Processing
Technology, 107(1-3), 330-337, 2000a.
Chan, F.T.S., Jiang, B., Tang, N.K.H., “The
development of intelligent decision support tools
to aid the design of flexible manufacturing
systems”, International Journal of Production
Economics, 65(1), 73-84, 2000b.
Kuo, R.J., Chi, S.C., Kao, S.S., “A decision
support system for selecting convenience store
location through integration of fuzzy AHP and
artificial neural network”, Computers in
Industry, 47(2), 199-214, 2002.
Mikhailov, L., Singh, M.G., “Fuzzy analytic
network process and its application to the
development of decision support systems”, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics-Part C: Applications and
Revıews, 33(1), 33-41, 2003.
Mikhailov, L., “A fuzzy approach to deriving
priorities from interval pairwise comparison
judgement”, European Journal of Operational
Research, 159(3), 687-704, 2004.
Mikhailov, L., Tsvetinov, P., “Evaluation of
services using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy
process”, Applied Soft Computing, Article in
pres, 2004.
Prakash, T.N., “Land Suitability Analysis for
Agricultural Crops: A Fuzzy Multicriteria
Decision Making Approach”, MSc Thesis, ITC
Institue, 2003.
Dağdeviren, M., “Performans Değerlendirme
Sürecinin Çok Ölçütlü Karar Verme Yöntemleri
İle Bütünleşik Modellenmesi”, Doktora Tezi,
Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
Ankara, 2005.
Tüm Kaynakçayı Göster
Daha Az Kaynakça Göster
Toplam 157 adet kaynakça vardır.
Kaynak Göster
Dağdeviren, M. (2013). BULANIK ANALİTİK HİYERARŞİ PROSESİ İLE PERSONEL SEÇİMİ VE BİR UYGULAMA. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(4).
Dağdeviren, Metin. “BULANIK ANALİTİK HİYERARŞİ PROSESİ İLE PERSONEL SEÇİMİ VE BİR UYGULAMA”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 22, sy. 4 (Mart 2013).
Dağdeviren M (01 Mart 2013) BULANIK ANALİTİK HİYERARŞİ PROSESİ İLE PERSONEL SEÇİMİ VE BİR UYGULAMA. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 22 4
Dağdeviren, Metin. “BULANIK ANALİTİK HİYERARŞİ PROSESİ İLE PERSONEL SEÇİMİ VE BİR UYGULAMA”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 22/4 (Mart 2013).
Dağdeviren, Metin. “BULANIK ANALİTİK HİYERARŞİ PROSESİ İLE PERSONEL SEÇİMİ VE BİR UYGULAMA”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 22, sy. 4, 2013.