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Yıl 2009 ,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 4, 0 - , 14.02.2013
Remzi Yıldırım
Fatih V. Çelebi
Bu çalışmada daha önce tasarımı yapılmış olup doğrusal olmayan optoelektronik geri beslemeli lazer diyot sistemi için Volterra serisi kullanılarak sistem yaklaşımı uygulanmış ve sıfırıncı derece çözümden foton ( Po ) ve kazanç (g) eşitlikleri elde edilmiştir. Bu eşitliklerden elde edilen eğriler geometrik yaklaşım için kullanılmıştır. Geometrik yaklaşımla kazanç ve foton çoğalması arasındaki ilişki eşik akımına ( Ith ) bağlı olarak muhtemel doğrusal bölgeler bulunmuştur. Kazanç ve foton çoğalması arasındaki olabilecek en büyük ve en küçük açı değerleri bulunmuş ve bu değerlere karşılık gelen Ith oranı, en iyi doğrusal bölge, doğrusal olarak kullanılabilecek en büyük Ith oranı ve doyum noktasının başladığı Ith akım değeri tespit edilmiştir.
Schetzen, M., Yildirim, R. “System theory of the
single-mode laser-diode” Opt. Commun, 219
pp341-350., 2003.
Yildirim, R., Schetzen, M. “Application of the
Single–mode Laser Diode System Theory” Opt.
Commun, 219 pp351-355., 2003.
Aydın, E and Yıldırım, R “Optimizing the
Performance of Single-mode Laser Diode System
Using Genetic Algorithm” Optics and Laser in
Eng.42 July pp41-46., 2004.
Çelebi, F.V., Yıldırım, R., “Distortion System
Theory of The Two Tone Small Signal Input
Laser Diode” J. Fac. Eng. Arch. Gazi Univ. Vol
, No 3, pp373-377., 2005.
Yıldırım, R., “Intermodulation Distortion System
Theory of the Three-Tone Small Signal Input
Laser Diode with Non-Linear Optoelectronic
Feedback” J. Fac. Eng. Arch. Gazi Univ. Vol
, No 2, pp417-430, 2007.
“Intermodulation distortion of the single-mode
laser-diode” Appl Phys B, Lasers and Optics,
Vol. 93, Issue: 4 pp837-847., 2008.
Loiko, N.A. and Samson, A.M., " Posible
Regimes of Generation of a Semiconductor Laser
with a Delayed Optoelectronic Feedback" Optics
Comm. Vol. 93 pp 66- 72 Sept. 1992.
Abarbanel, H.D.I., Kennel,M.B.,Illing,I., Chen,
H., Fand J.M. Liu.," Synchronization and
Communication Using Semiconductor Lasers
with Optoelectronic Feedback" IEEE J.QE.
Vol:37, pp 1301- 1311, Oct. 2001.
Tabatabai,Farbot., and Al-Raweshidy, Hamed S.,
“Feedforward Linearization Technique for
Reducing Nonlinearity in Semiconductor Optical
Amplifier” J. Lightwave Tech., Vol. 25, No. 9,
September 2007.
Lee, Sang-Hoon., Kang, Jeung-Mo., Choi, In-
Hyuk., and Han, Sang-Kook.., “Linearization of
DFB Laser Diode by External Light-Injected
Cross-Gain Modulation for Radio-Over-Fiber
Link”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Let, Vol.18,
No.14, July 15 pp1545, 2006.
Lim Won-ki Sung, Sang-hoon Lee duk-gyu.,
Lim, Hae-jin And Han, Sang-kook., “Feedback
harmonic injection technique for reduction of
Third intermodulation distortion in radio-overfiber
Link” Microwave and Optical Tech.
Letters Vol. 48, No. 10, October doi 10.1002
mop, 2006.
Choi, In-hyuk., Lee, Sang-hoon., Kwon, Hyuk-
Choon., Choi, Young-wan and Han, Sang-kook
“Compensation of Intermodulation distortion of
Laser diode by using Optoelectronically
Predistorted signals” Microwave And Optical
Technology Letters Vol. 48, No. 6, June 2006.
Iiyama,Koichi., Okamoto, Takuya. and
Takamiya, Saburo., “Linearizing Optical
Frequency Sweep of a Laser Diode by Injection
Current Modulation with a Rectangular-Signal-
Superimposed Triangular Signal for FMCW
Reflectometry” Electronics and
Communications in Japan, Part 2, Vol. 81, No.
, 1998 Translated from Denshi Joho Tsushin
Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol. J81-C-I, No. 2,
February, pp 74-80, 1998.
Hong M.K, Han S.K., “All optical linearization
technique of DFB-LD based on optical injection
locking for RF system “ Microwave And
Opt,cal Technology Letters Vol. 49 Issue: 10
Pages:2403-2406,Oct, 2007.
Hsu,D. Z., Lee,S., Gong, L. P. M., Lin, Y. M. S.
W. Lee, and M. C. Yuang., “High-efficiency
wide-band SOA-based wavelength converters by
using dual-pumped four-wave mixing and an
assist beam” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol.
, No. 8, pp. 1903–1905, Aug. 2004.
Roselli,L., Borgioni,V., Zepparelli, F., Ambrosi,
F., Comez, M.., Faccin, P. and Casini, A.
“Analog laser predistortion for multiservice
radio-over fiber systems” J. Lightwave Tech.,
Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 1211–1223, May 2003.
Kenington,P. B. High-Linearity RF Amplifier
Design, Norwood, MA,Artech House, 2000.
Tanaka, S. Taguchi, N., Kimura, T. and Atsumi,
Y., “A predistortion type equi-path linearizer
designed for radio-on-fiber system” IEEE Trans.
Microw. Theory Tech., Vol.54, No.2, pp 938–
, Feb. 2006.
Çoskun, A. H. and Demir, S., “A mathematical
characterization and analysis of a feedforward
circuit for CDMA applications” IEEE Trans.
Microw.Theory Tech., Vol. 51, No. 3, pp767–
, Mar. 2003.
Lau, K. Y. and Yariv, A., “Intermodulation
distortion in a directly modulated semiconductor
injection laser” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 45,
No.10, pp1034–1036, Nov. 1984.
Jung, H. D. and Han, S. K. “Nonlinear distortion
suppression in directly modulated DFB-LD by
dual-parallel modulation” IEEE
Photon.Technol. Lett., Vol. 14, No. 7, pp 980–
, Jul. 2002.
Jeon, D. H.., Jung,H. D. and Han, S. K.
“Mitigation of dispersion-induced effects using
SOA in analog optical transmission” IEEE Photon.Technol. Lett., Vol. 14, No.8, pp 1166–
, Aug. 2002.
Ismail,T. Liu,C. P., Mitchell, J. E. and Seeds, A.
J. “Interchannel distortion suppression for
broadband wireless over fibre transmission using
feed-forward linearized DFB laser” IEEE Int.
Topical Meeting Microwave Photonics, Vol.
TE-2, pp. 229–232, 2004.
Lidgard, A. and. Olsson, N. A., “Generation and
cancellation of secondorder harmonic distortion
in analog optical systems by interferometric FMAM
conversion” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett.,
Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 519–521, Jul. 1990.
Meng,X. J., Chau, T. and Wu, M. C., “Improved
intrinsic dynamic distortions in directly
modulated semiconductor lasers by optical
injection locking,” IEEE Trans. Microw.
Theory Tech., Vol.47, No. 7, pp 1172–1176, Jul.
Tang, P.K., Ong, L.C., Luo,B., Alphones, A. and
Fujise, M. ”Transmission of multiple wireless
standards over a radio-over-fiber network” IEEE
MTT-S Digest 3, 2051–2054, 2004.
Lee,S.H., Kang,S.H., Won,J.M., Kwon,Y.Y., H.C
and Han, S.K., “Linearization of RF optical
source by using light-injected gain modulation”
Int Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics
TP-37 265–268. 2005.
Aitchison, C.S., Mbabele, C.S., Moazzam,,.
Budimir, M., M.R.D. and F, Ali, ”Improvement
of third-order intermodulation product of RF and
microwave amplifiers by injection” IEEE Trans
Microwave Theory Tech 49, pp1148–1154.
Fan, C.W, and Cheng,K-K.M. “Theoretical and
experimental study of amplifier linearization
based on harmonic and baseband signal
injectiontechnique” IEEE Trans. Microwave
Theory Tech. 50, pp1801–1806,2002.
Yıldırım, R., “Selection of Frequency
Components For Symmetric And Asymmetric
Communication Systems ” J. Fac. Eng. Arch.
Gazi Univ. Vol 23, No 2, pp 329-341, 2008
Hassine, L. et al., “Volterra Functional Series
Expansions for Semiconductor Lasers Under
Modulation” IEEE J.QE, Vol 30, No 4, pp. 918-
, April 1994.
Schetzen, M., The Volterra and Wiener
Theories of Nonlinear Systems, R.E. Krieger
Publishing Co., reprint edition with additional
material, Malabar, Fla., 1989.
Petermann, K., Laser Diode Modulation and
Noise, Kluwer Academic Pub.Boston,1988
Yariv, A., Optical Electronics in Modern
Communications, Fifth Ed. Oxford Uni.Press.
New York 1997.
Agrawal, G.P. and N.K. Dutta, N.K., Long-
Wavelength Semiconductor Lasers, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1986.
Agrawal,G.P. and Dutta,N.K., Semiconductor
Lasers, Second Ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
York, 1993.
Yıl 2009 ,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 4, 0 - , 14.02.2013
Remzi Yıldırım
Fatih V. Çelebi
Schetzen, M., Yildirim, R. “System theory of the
single-mode laser-diode” Opt. Commun, 219
pp341-350., 2003.
Yildirim, R., Schetzen, M. “Application of the
Single–mode Laser Diode System Theory” Opt.
Commun, 219 pp351-355., 2003.
Aydın, E and Yıldırım, R “Optimizing the
Performance of Single-mode Laser Diode System
Using Genetic Algorithm” Optics and Laser in
Eng.42 July pp41-46., 2004.
Çelebi, F.V., Yıldırım, R., “Distortion System
Theory of The Two Tone Small Signal Input
Laser Diode” J. Fac. Eng. Arch. Gazi Univ. Vol
, No 3, pp373-377., 2005.
Yıldırım, R., “Intermodulation Distortion System
Theory of the Three-Tone Small Signal Input
Laser Diode with Non-Linear Optoelectronic
Feedback” J. Fac. Eng. Arch. Gazi Univ. Vol
, No 2, pp417-430, 2007.
“Intermodulation distortion of the single-mode
laser-diode” Appl Phys B, Lasers and Optics,
Vol. 93, Issue: 4 pp837-847., 2008.
Loiko, N.A. and Samson, A.M., " Posible
Regimes of Generation of a Semiconductor Laser
with a Delayed Optoelectronic Feedback" Optics
Comm. Vol. 93 pp 66- 72 Sept. 1992.
Abarbanel, H.D.I., Kennel,M.B.,Illing,I., Chen,
H., Fand J.M. Liu.," Synchronization and
Communication Using Semiconductor Lasers
with Optoelectronic Feedback" IEEE J.QE.
Vol:37, pp 1301- 1311, Oct. 2001.
Tabatabai,Farbot., and Al-Raweshidy, Hamed S.,
“Feedforward Linearization Technique for
Reducing Nonlinearity in Semiconductor Optical
Amplifier” J. Lightwave Tech., Vol. 25, No. 9,
September 2007.
Lee, Sang-Hoon., Kang, Jeung-Mo., Choi, In-
Hyuk., and Han, Sang-Kook.., “Linearization of
DFB Laser Diode by External Light-Injected
Cross-Gain Modulation for Radio-Over-Fiber
Link”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Let, Vol.18,
No.14, July 15 pp1545, 2006.
Lim Won-ki Sung, Sang-hoon Lee duk-gyu.,
Lim, Hae-jin And Han, Sang-kook., “Feedback
harmonic injection technique for reduction of
Third intermodulation distortion in radio-overfiber
Link” Microwave and Optical Tech.
Letters Vol. 48, No. 10, October doi 10.1002
mop, 2006.
Choi, In-hyuk., Lee, Sang-hoon., Kwon, Hyuk-
Choon., Choi, Young-wan and Han, Sang-kook
“Compensation of Intermodulation distortion of
Laser diode by using Optoelectronically
Predistorted signals” Microwave And Optical
Technology Letters Vol. 48, No. 6, June 2006.
Iiyama,Koichi., Okamoto, Takuya. and
Takamiya, Saburo., “Linearizing Optical
Frequency Sweep of a Laser Diode by Injection
Current Modulation with a Rectangular-Signal-
Superimposed Triangular Signal for FMCW
Reflectometry” Electronics and
Communications in Japan, Part 2, Vol. 81, No.
, 1998 Translated from Denshi Joho Tsushin
Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol. J81-C-I, No. 2,
February, pp 74-80, 1998.
Hong M.K, Han S.K., “All optical linearization
technique of DFB-LD based on optical injection
locking for RF system “ Microwave And
Opt,cal Technology Letters Vol. 49 Issue: 10
Pages:2403-2406,Oct, 2007.
Hsu,D. Z., Lee,S., Gong, L. P. M., Lin, Y. M. S.
W. Lee, and M. C. Yuang., “High-efficiency
wide-band SOA-based wavelength converters by
using dual-pumped four-wave mixing and an
assist beam” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol.
, No. 8, pp. 1903–1905, Aug. 2004.
Roselli,L., Borgioni,V., Zepparelli, F., Ambrosi,
F., Comez, M.., Faccin, P. and Casini, A.
“Analog laser predistortion for multiservice
radio-over fiber systems” J. Lightwave Tech.,
Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 1211–1223, May 2003.
Kenington,P. B. High-Linearity RF Amplifier
Design, Norwood, MA,Artech House, 2000.
Tanaka, S. Taguchi, N., Kimura, T. and Atsumi,
Y., “A predistortion type equi-path linearizer
designed for radio-on-fiber system” IEEE Trans.
Microw. Theory Tech., Vol.54, No.2, pp 938–
, Feb. 2006.
Çoskun, A. H. and Demir, S., “A mathematical
characterization and analysis of a feedforward
circuit for CDMA applications” IEEE Trans.
Microw.Theory Tech., Vol. 51, No. 3, pp767–
, Mar. 2003.
Lau, K. Y. and Yariv, A., “Intermodulation
distortion in a directly modulated semiconductor
injection laser” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 45,
No.10, pp1034–1036, Nov. 1984.
Jung, H. D. and Han, S. K. “Nonlinear distortion
suppression in directly modulated DFB-LD by
dual-parallel modulation” IEEE
Photon.Technol. Lett., Vol. 14, No. 7, pp 980–
, Jul. 2002.
Jeon, D. H.., Jung,H. D. and Han, S. K.
“Mitigation of dispersion-induced effects using
SOA in analog optical transmission” IEEE Photon.Technol. Lett., Vol. 14, No.8, pp 1166–
, Aug. 2002.
Ismail,T. Liu,C. P., Mitchell, J. E. and Seeds, A.
J. “Interchannel distortion suppression for
broadband wireless over fibre transmission using
feed-forward linearized DFB laser” IEEE Int.
Topical Meeting Microwave Photonics, Vol.
TE-2, pp. 229–232, 2004.
Lidgard, A. and. Olsson, N. A., “Generation and
cancellation of secondorder harmonic distortion
in analog optical systems by interferometric FMAM
conversion” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett.,
Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 519–521, Jul. 1990.
Meng,X. J., Chau, T. and Wu, M. C., “Improved
intrinsic dynamic distortions in directly
modulated semiconductor lasers by optical
injection locking,” IEEE Trans. Microw.
Theory Tech., Vol.47, No. 7, pp 1172–1176, Jul.
Tang, P.K., Ong, L.C., Luo,B., Alphones, A. and
Fujise, M. ”Transmission of multiple wireless
standards over a radio-over-fiber network” IEEE
MTT-S Digest 3, 2051–2054, 2004.
Lee,S.H., Kang,S.H., Won,J.M., Kwon,Y.Y., H.C
and Han, S.K., “Linearization of RF optical
source by using light-injected gain modulation”
Int Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics
TP-37 265–268. 2005.
Aitchison, C.S., Mbabele, C.S., Moazzam,,.
Budimir, M., M.R.D. and F, Ali, ”Improvement
of third-order intermodulation product of RF and
microwave amplifiers by injection” IEEE Trans
Microwave Theory Tech 49, pp1148–1154.
Fan, C.W, and Cheng,K-K.M. “Theoretical and
experimental study of amplifier linearization
based on harmonic and baseband signal
injectiontechnique” IEEE Trans. Microwave
Theory Tech. 50, pp1801–1806,2002.
Yıldırım, R., “Selection of Frequency
Components For Symmetric And Asymmetric
Communication Systems ” J. Fac. Eng. Arch.
Gazi Univ. Vol 23, No 2, pp 329-341, 2008
Hassine, L. et al., “Volterra Functional Series
Expansions for Semiconductor Lasers Under
Modulation” IEEE J.QE, Vol 30, No 4, pp. 918-
, April 1994.
Schetzen, M., The Volterra and Wiener
Theories of Nonlinear Systems, R.E. Krieger
Publishing Co., reprint edition with additional
material, Malabar, Fla., 1989.
Petermann, K., Laser Diode Modulation and
Noise, Kluwer Academic Pub.Boston,1988
Yariv, A., Optical Electronics in Modern
Communications, Fifth Ed. Oxford Uni.Press.
New York 1997.
Agrawal, G.P. and N.K. Dutta, N.K., Long-
Wavelength Semiconductor Lasers, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1986.
Agrawal,G.P. and Dutta,N.K., Semiconductor
Lasers, Second Ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
York, 1993.
Tüm Kaynakçayı Göster
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Toplam 167 adet kaynakça vardır.
Kaynak Göster
Yıldırım, R., & Çelebi, F. V. (2013). GEOMETRİK YAKLAŞIMLA KAZANÇ VE FOTON ÇOĞALMASININ ARASINDAKİ AÇININ HESAPLANMASI. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(4).
Yıldırım, Remzi, ve Fatih V. Çelebi. “GEOMETRİK YAKLAŞIMLA KAZANÇ VE FOTON ÇOĞALMASININ ARASINDAKİ AÇININ HESAPLANMASI”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 24, sy. 4 (Mart 2013).
Yıldırım R, Çelebi FV (01 Mart 2013) GEOMETRİK YAKLAŞIMLA KAZANÇ VE FOTON ÇOĞALMASININ ARASINDAKİ AÇININ HESAPLANMASI. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 24 4
Yıldırım, Remzi - Çelebi, Fatih V. “GEOMETRİK YAKLAŞIMLA KAZANÇ VE FOTON ÇOĞALMASININ ARASINDAKİ AÇININ HESAPLANMASI”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 24/4 (Mart 2013).
Yıldırım, Remzi ve Fatih V. Çelebi. “GEOMETRİK YAKLAŞIMLA KAZANÇ VE FOTON ÇOĞALMASININ ARASINDAKİ AÇININ HESAPLANMASI”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 24, sy. 4, 2013.