Research Article
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Research on Tokat City Structure in the Context of Urban Resilience

Year 2023, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 22 - 39, 31.12.2023


Considering the rapid urbanization policies seen in many parts of the world and the increasing consequences of climate change, it is seen that cities are exposed to the risk of environmental, social, economic and political disruption and sudden shocks, stress and disasters. In recent years, the concept of resilience has begun to be used by different disciplines in order to find solutions to these problems. Although the term resilience has been used frequently in recent days, it is observed that the lack of a clear definition creates uncertainty in urban policies and academic studies. In order to eliminate these uncertainties, this study aims to present different perspectives by relating them to the sustainability of cities by conducting a comprehensive literature review focusing on the concept of urban resilience. City Resilience Index prepared by the Rockefeller Foundation, obtained as a result of the literature review, was used as a framework study in the article. As a result, targets were determined and indicators were created by creating an Urban Resilience Indicators framework study specifically for the city of Tokat, a medium-sized city chosen as a field study. A road map and program have been proposed to ensure resilience and sustainability in cities. It is aimed that the urban resilience conceptual framework, urban resilience indicators and road map created in this study will contribute positively to the literature and be developed and used in policies to be implemented by central and local governments.


  • AFAD Rapor. (2023). Tokat İl Afet ve Acil Durum Müdürlüğü. Erişim Adresi (01.05.2023):
  • Novotny, V., Ahern, J., & Brown, P. (2010). Water Centric Sustainable Communities: Planning, Retrofitting, and Building the Next Urban Environment. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Arefi, M., Saki, E. & Fanaei, S. (2011). Design for Resilient Cities; Reflections from a Studio. Journal of The Urban Development and Organization, 4 (47-48), 98-111.
  • B´en´e, C., Godfrey Wood, R., Newsham, A., & Davies, M. (2012). Resilience: New Utopia or New Tyranny? Reflection about the Potentials and Limits of the Concept of Resilience in Relation to Vulnerability Reduction Programmes. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies. Working Paper 405.
  • Bengtsson, J., Angelstam, P., Elmqvist, Th., Emanuelsson, U., Folke, C., Ihse, M., Moberg, F., & Nystrom, M. (2003). Reserves, resilience and dynamic landscapes. Ambio, 32(6), 389–396
  • Bosher, L. (2011). Disaster risk reduction and ’built-in’ resilience: towards overarching principles for construction practice. Disasters, 35(1), 1–18. j.0361-3666.2010.01189.x. DOI
  • Bosher, L., Carrillo, P., Dainty, A., Glass, J. & Price, A. (2007). Realising a resilient and sustainable built environment: towards a strategic agenda for the United Kingdom. Disasters, 31(3), 236–255.
  • Büyükozkan, G., Ilıcak, O. & Feyzioglu, O. (2022). A review of urban resilience literature. Sustainable Cities and Society, 77, Article 103579. 10.1016/j.scs.2021.103579
  • Cimellaro, G. P. (2016). Urban Resilience for Emergency Response and Recovery: Fundamental Concepts and Applications. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • City Resilience Index. (2023). City Resilience Index. Erişim Adresi (01.04.2023):
  • Davoudi, S. (2012). Resilience: a bridging concept or a dead end? Planning Theory and Practice, 13(2), 299–333. Davoudi, S., Brooks, E. & Mehmood, A. (2013). Evolutionary resilience and strategies for climate adaptation. Planning Practice and Research, 28(3), 307–322.
  • Deprem. (2023). Haiti Depremi. Erişim Adresi (03.03.2023): Dhar, T. & Khirfan, L. (2016). A multi-scale and multi-dimensional framework for enhancing the resilience of urban form to climate change. Urban Climate, 19(c), 72–91.
  • Folke, C. (2006). Resilience: the emergence of a perspective for social–ecological systems analyses. Global Environmental Change, 16, 253–267.
  • Folke, C., Carpenter, S. R., Walker, B., Scheffer, M., Chapin, T., & Rockstrom, J. (2010). Resilience thinking: Integrating resilience, adaptability and transformability. Ecological Society, 15(4), 20–28.
  • Gölyaka. (2023). Düzce-Gölyaka Depremi. Erişim Adresi (20.05.2023):
  • Harita. (2023). Tokat Kent Yerleşimi. Erişim Adresi (20.05.2023): Henden Şolt, H. B. (2022). Awareness of the people of Fenerbahçe Neighborhood on the urban effects of climate change. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7 (Special Issue), 129-142.
  • Heyelan. (2023). Tokatta Yaşanan Heyelan. Erişim Adresi (14.05.2023):
  • Kabine Ofisi. (2008). National Security Strategy of the United Kingdom: Security in an Interdependent World. London: Cabinet Office.
  • Klein, R. J. T., Nicholls, R. J. & Thomdalla, F. (2003). Resilience to natural hazards: how useful is this concept? Environmental Hazards, 5(1-2), 35–45.
  • Marchese, D., Reynolds, E., Bates, M. E., Morgan, H., Clark, S. S. & Linkov, I. (2018). Resilience and sustainability: similarities and differences in environmental management applications. Sci. Total Environ., 613-614, 1275–1283.
  • Meerow, S., Newell, J. P., & Stults, M. (2016). Defining urban resilience: a review. Landscape and Urban Planning, 147, 38–49. MGM. (2023). Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. Erişim Adresi (12.04.2023):
  • Musacchio, L. & Wu, J. (2002). Cities of resilience: integrating ecology into urban design, planning, policy, and management. In Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America/14th Annual Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration.
  • NAS (The National Academy of Sciences). (2012). Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
  • Newman, P., Beatley, T., & Boyer, H. (2017). Resilient Cities: Overcoming Fossil Fuel Dependence. Washington DC: Island Press.
  • Norris, F. H., Stevens, S. P., Pfefferbaum, B., Wyche, K. F., & Pfefferbaum, R. L. (2008). Community resilience as a metaphor, theory، set of capacities، and strategy for disaster readiness. American Journal of Community Psychology, 41, 127–150.
  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). (2016). Resilient cities. Policy Highlights of the OECD Report. Paris: OECD Publishing. http://www.oecd. org/gov/regional-policy/resilient-cities.htm.
  • OECD. (2016). Resilient cities. Erişim Adresi (18.05.2023):
  • OECD. (2023). Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Erişim Adresi (03.05.2023):
  • Özgür, H. (2005). Türkiye’de orta ölçekli kentsel alanların yönetimi sorunu. Yerel Yönetimler Üzerine Güncel Yazılar-1: Reform, (Ed.), Hüseyin Özgür ve Muhammet Kösecik, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, ss. 471-498.
  • Pearson, L., Newton, P., & Roberts, P. (2014). Resilient Sustainable Cities: A Future. Routledge.
  • Rockefeller Vakfı. (2023). Rockefeller Vakfı. Erişim Adresi (01.04.2023):
  • Saunders, W. S. A. & Becker, J. S. (2015). A discussion of resilience and sustainability: land use planning recovery from the canterbury earthquake sequence, New Zealand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 14, 73–81.
  • Sel. (2023). Bangkok’ da Yaşanan Sel Felaketi. Erişim Adresi (05.03.2023):
  • Sharifi, A. & Yamagata, Y. (2018). Resilient urban form: a conceptual framework. Lecture Notes in Energy, 65.
  • Skerratt, S. (2013). Enhancing the analysis of rural community resilience: evidence from community land ownership. Journal of Rural Studies, 31, 36–46.
  • Sudmeier-Rieux, K. I. (2014). Resilience – an emerging paradigm of danger or of hope?. Disaster Prevention and Management, 23(1), 67–80.
  • The National Academy of Sciences. (2012). Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
  • The Rockefeller Foundation. (2014). City Resilience Index. New York: The Rockefeller Foundation /Arup International Development. https://www.rockefellerfoundation. org/report/city-resilience-index/.
  • Tierney, K. & Bruneau, M. (2007). Conceptualizing and measuring resilience: a key to disaster loss reduction. Transportation Research Board, 14–17. TÜİK. (2023). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Erişim Adresi (04.05.2023):
  • UNISDR. (2005). Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters. Geneva: UNISDR.
  • United Nations (UN), Commission on Sustainable Development. (2002). Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Johannesburg: United Nations.
  • United Nations (UN), Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2019). World Urbanization Prospects, The 2018 Revision. New York: UN DESA. s.10.
  • Wardekker, A. (2021). Contrasting the framing of urban climate resilience. Sustainable Cities and Society, 75, Article 103258.
  • Weichselgartner, J., & Kelman, I. (2015). Geographies of resilience: challenges and opportunities of a descriptive concept. Progress in Human Geography, 39(3), 249–267.

Kentsel Dirençlilik Bağlamında Tokat Kent Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2023, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 22 - 39, 31.12.2023


Dünyanın pek çok yerinde görülen hızlı kentleşme politikaları ve iklim değişikliğinin artan sonuçları dikkate alındığında kentlerin çevresel, sosyal, ekonomik, politik bozulma riski ve ani şok, stres ve afetlere maruz kaldığı görülmektedir. Son yıllarda bu sorunlara çözüm bulmak adına dirençlilik kavramı farklı disiplinler tarafından kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Dirençlilik kavramının son günlerde sıklıkla kullanılmasına rağmen net bir tanımının olmamasının, kentlerle ilgili politikalarda ve akademik çalışmalarda belirsizlik oluşturduğu gözlemlenmektedir. Bu belirsizlikleri ortadan kaldırmak adına, bu çalışmada, kentsel dirençlilik kavramı üzerine odaklanan kapsamlı bir literatür taraması yapılarak inceleme yapılarak farklı bakış açılarının kentlerin sürdürülebilirliği ile ilişkilendirilerek ortaya sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda elde edilen Rockefeller Vakfı tarafından hazırlanan City Resilience Index makalede çerçeve çalışma olarak kullanılmıştır. Sonuçta, alan çalışması olarak seçilen orta ölçekli bir kent olan Tokat kenti özelinde Kent Dirençlilik Göstergeleri çerçeve çalışması oluşturularak hedefler belirlenmiş ve göstergeler oluşturulmuştur. Kentlerde dirençliliğin ve sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanması için yol haritası ve programı önerilmiştir. Bu çalışmada oluşturulan kentsel dirençlilik kavramsal çerçevesinin, kent dirençlilik göstergelerinin ve yol haritasının literatüre olumlu katkı sağlaması, merkezi ve yerel yönetimler tarafından uygulanacak politikalarda geliştirilerek kullanılması hedeflenmiştir.


  • AFAD Rapor. (2023). Tokat İl Afet ve Acil Durum Müdürlüğü. Erişim Adresi (01.05.2023):
  • Novotny, V., Ahern, J., & Brown, P. (2010). Water Centric Sustainable Communities: Planning, Retrofitting, and Building the Next Urban Environment. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Arefi, M., Saki, E. & Fanaei, S. (2011). Design for Resilient Cities; Reflections from a Studio. Journal of The Urban Development and Organization, 4 (47-48), 98-111.
  • B´en´e, C., Godfrey Wood, R., Newsham, A., & Davies, M. (2012). Resilience: New Utopia or New Tyranny? Reflection about the Potentials and Limits of the Concept of Resilience in Relation to Vulnerability Reduction Programmes. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies. Working Paper 405.
  • Bengtsson, J., Angelstam, P., Elmqvist, Th., Emanuelsson, U., Folke, C., Ihse, M., Moberg, F., & Nystrom, M. (2003). Reserves, resilience and dynamic landscapes. Ambio, 32(6), 389–396
  • Bosher, L. (2011). Disaster risk reduction and ’built-in’ resilience: towards overarching principles for construction practice. Disasters, 35(1), 1–18. j.0361-3666.2010.01189.x. DOI
  • Bosher, L., Carrillo, P., Dainty, A., Glass, J. & Price, A. (2007). Realising a resilient and sustainable built environment: towards a strategic agenda for the United Kingdom. Disasters, 31(3), 236–255.
  • Büyükozkan, G., Ilıcak, O. & Feyzioglu, O. (2022). A review of urban resilience literature. Sustainable Cities and Society, 77, Article 103579. 10.1016/j.scs.2021.103579
  • Cimellaro, G. P. (2016). Urban Resilience for Emergency Response and Recovery: Fundamental Concepts and Applications. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • City Resilience Index. (2023). City Resilience Index. Erişim Adresi (01.04.2023):
  • Davoudi, S. (2012). Resilience: a bridging concept or a dead end? Planning Theory and Practice, 13(2), 299–333. Davoudi, S., Brooks, E. & Mehmood, A. (2013). Evolutionary resilience and strategies for climate adaptation. Planning Practice and Research, 28(3), 307–322.
  • Deprem. (2023). Haiti Depremi. Erişim Adresi (03.03.2023): Dhar, T. & Khirfan, L. (2016). A multi-scale and multi-dimensional framework for enhancing the resilience of urban form to climate change. Urban Climate, 19(c), 72–91.
  • Folke, C. (2006). Resilience: the emergence of a perspective for social–ecological systems analyses. Global Environmental Change, 16, 253–267.
  • Folke, C., Carpenter, S. R., Walker, B., Scheffer, M., Chapin, T., & Rockstrom, J. (2010). Resilience thinking: Integrating resilience, adaptability and transformability. Ecological Society, 15(4), 20–28.
  • Gölyaka. (2023). Düzce-Gölyaka Depremi. Erişim Adresi (20.05.2023):
  • Harita. (2023). Tokat Kent Yerleşimi. Erişim Adresi (20.05.2023): Henden Şolt, H. B. (2022). Awareness of the people of Fenerbahçe Neighborhood on the urban effects of climate change. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7 (Special Issue), 129-142.
  • Heyelan. (2023). Tokatta Yaşanan Heyelan. Erişim Adresi (14.05.2023):
  • Kabine Ofisi. (2008). National Security Strategy of the United Kingdom: Security in an Interdependent World. London: Cabinet Office.
  • Klein, R. J. T., Nicholls, R. J. & Thomdalla, F. (2003). Resilience to natural hazards: how useful is this concept? Environmental Hazards, 5(1-2), 35–45.
  • Marchese, D., Reynolds, E., Bates, M. E., Morgan, H., Clark, S. S. & Linkov, I. (2018). Resilience and sustainability: similarities and differences in environmental management applications. Sci. Total Environ., 613-614, 1275–1283.
  • Meerow, S., Newell, J. P., & Stults, M. (2016). Defining urban resilience: a review. Landscape and Urban Planning, 147, 38–49. MGM. (2023). Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. Erişim Adresi (12.04.2023):
  • Musacchio, L. & Wu, J. (2002). Cities of resilience: integrating ecology into urban design, planning, policy, and management. In Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America/14th Annual Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration.
  • NAS (The National Academy of Sciences). (2012). Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
  • Newman, P., Beatley, T., & Boyer, H. (2017). Resilient Cities: Overcoming Fossil Fuel Dependence. Washington DC: Island Press.
  • Norris, F. H., Stevens, S. P., Pfefferbaum, B., Wyche, K. F., & Pfefferbaum, R. L. (2008). Community resilience as a metaphor, theory، set of capacities، and strategy for disaster readiness. American Journal of Community Psychology, 41, 127–150.
  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). (2016). Resilient cities. Policy Highlights of the OECD Report. Paris: OECD Publishing. http://www.oecd. org/gov/regional-policy/resilient-cities.htm.
  • OECD. (2016). Resilient cities. Erişim Adresi (18.05.2023):
  • OECD. (2023). Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Erişim Adresi (03.05.2023):
  • Özgür, H. (2005). Türkiye’de orta ölçekli kentsel alanların yönetimi sorunu. Yerel Yönetimler Üzerine Güncel Yazılar-1: Reform, (Ed.), Hüseyin Özgür ve Muhammet Kösecik, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, ss. 471-498.
  • Pearson, L., Newton, P., & Roberts, P. (2014). Resilient Sustainable Cities: A Future. Routledge.
  • Rockefeller Vakfı. (2023). Rockefeller Vakfı. Erişim Adresi (01.04.2023):
  • Saunders, W. S. A. & Becker, J. S. (2015). A discussion of resilience and sustainability: land use planning recovery from the canterbury earthquake sequence, New Zealand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 14, 73–81.
  • Sel. (2023). Bangkok’ da Yaşanan Sel Felaketi. Erişim Adresi (05.03.2023):
  • Sharifi, A. & Yamagata, Y. (2018). Resilient urban form: a conceptual framework. Lecture Notes in Energy, 65.
  • Skerratt, S. (2013). Enhancing the analysis of rural community resilience: evidence from community land ownership. Journal of Rural Studies, 31, 36–46.
  • Sudmeier-Rieux, K. I. (2014). Resilience – an emerging paradigm of danger or of hope?. Disaster Prevention and Management, 23(1), 67–80.
  • The National Academy of Sciences. (2012). Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
  • The Rockefeller Foundation. (2014). City Resilience Index. New York: The Rockefeller Foundation /Arup International Development. https://www.rockefellerfoundation. org/report/city-resilience-index/.
  • Tierney, K. & Bruneau, M. (2007). Conceptualizing and measuring resilience: a key to disaster loss reduction. Transportation Research Board, 14–17. TÜİK. (2023). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Erişim Adresi (04.05.2023):
  • UNISDR. (2005). Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters. Geneva: UNISDR.
  • United Nations (UN), Commission on Sustainable Development. (2002). Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Johannesburg: United Nations.
  • United Nations (UN), Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2019). World Urbanization Prospects, The 2018 Revision. New York: UN DESA. s.10.
  • Wardekker, A. (2021). Contrasting the framing of urban climate resilience. Sustainable Cities and Society, 75, Article 103258.
  • Weichselgartner, J., & Kelman, I. (2015). Geographies of resilience: challenges and opportunities of a descriptive concept. Progress in Human Geography, 39(3), 249–267.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Information Security Management
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Nihal Zengin

Ruşen Yamaçlı

Early Pub Date December 28, 2023
Publication Date December 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


APA Zengin, N., & Yamaçlı, R. (2023). Kentsel Dirençlilik Bağlamında Tokat Kent Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi, 12(3), 22-39.
AMA Zengin N, Yamaçlı R. Kentsel Dirençlilik Bağlamında Tokat Kent Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma. GBAD. December 2023;12(3):22-39.
Chicago Zengin, Nihal, and Ruşen Yamaçlı. “Kentsel Dirençlilik Bağlamında Tokat Kent Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi 12, no. 3 (December 2023): 22-39.
EndNote Zengin N, Yamaçlı R (December 1, 2023) Kentsel Dirençlilik Bağlamında Tokat Kent Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi 12 3 22–39.
IEEE N. Zengin and R. Yamaçlı, “Kentsel Dirençlilik Bağlamında Tokat Kent Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, GBAD, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 22–39, 2023.
ISNAD Zengin, Nihal - Yamaçlı, Ruşen. “Kentsel Dirençlilik Bağlamında Tokat Kent Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi 12/3 (December 2023), 22-39.
JAMA Zengin N, Yamaçlı R. Kentsel Dirençlilik Bağlamında Tokat Kent Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma. GBAD. 2023;12:22–39.
MLA Zengin, Nihal and Ruşen Yamaçlı. “Kentsel Dirençlilik Bağlamında Tokat Kent Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 3, 2023, pp. 22-39.
Vancouver Zengin N, Yamaçlı R. Kentsel Dirençlilik Bağlamında Tokat Kent Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma. GBAD. 2023;12(3):22-39.