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Sporda ve Egzersiz Ortamında Doping Kullanımına İlişkin Ahlaktan Uzaklaşma ve Öz Düzenleyici Yeterlik Ölçeklerinin Türk Kültürüne Uyarlanması

Year 2020, Volume: 25 Issue: 3, 255 - 269, 01.07.2020


Bu araştırmanın amacı, Boardley ve arkadaşları (2018) tarafından geliştirilen Doping Ahlaktan Uzaklaşma (DAU), Doping Ahlaktan Uzaklaşma-Kısa Form (DAU-KF) ve Doping Öz Düzenleyici Yeterlik (DÖDY) ölçeklerini Türkçeye çevirmek, sporcu ve egzersiz ortamında faktör yapılarını analiz etmek ve ölçme eşdeğerliklerini test etmektir. Araştırmaya, lisanslı sporcular (Sporcu Grubu, n=251) ve sporcu olmayan ancak düzenli olarak egzersiz salonlarına devam eden (Egzersiz Grubu, n=127) olmak üzere iki farklı grup dahil edilmiştir. Sporcuların haftalık antrenmana devam ettiği gün ortalaması 4,75±1,36 gün, günlük antrenman süre ortalaması ise 123,58±42,92 dakikadır. Sporcu grubunun yaş ortalaması 23,40±5,26, spor yaşı 9,86±5,57 yıldır. Egzersiz grubunun haftalık salona devam ettiği gün ortalaması 3,92±1,26 gün, günlük egzersiz süresi 92,75±40,92 dakikadır. Egzersiz grubunun yaş ortalaması 29,31±7,89 olarak bulunmuştur. Ölçeklerin çevirisi için Beaton ve ark. (2000) tarafından önerilen basamaklar takip edilmiştir. Ölçeklerin faktör yapısı ve ölçme eşdeğerliği IBM AMOS™ programında Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Ölçeklerin faktör yapısı, egzersiz ve sporcu grupları birlikte ve ayrı ayrı olmak üzere analiz edilmiştir. DFA sonuçları, her iki durum için iyi düzeyde uyum indeksleri ortaya koymuştur. Sonuç olarak, DAU, DAU-KF ve DÖDY ölçeklerinin hem Türk sporcular hem de spor yapmayıp düzenli olarak egzersiz salonlarına devam eden bireylerin doping kullanımına ilişkin ahlaktan uzaklaşma ve öz düzenleyici yeterlik inançlarını ölçebilecek araçlar olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social Foundations of Thought and Action. NJ: Englewood Cliffs: NJ.
  • Bandura, A. (1991). Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Thought and Action. In W.M. Kurtines & J. 8 L. Gewirtz (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Behavior and Development: Theory, research, and 9 applications (Vol. 1, pp. 71-129). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Bandura, A. (2016). Moral Disengagement: How People Do Harm and Live With Themselves. Worth Publishers.
  • Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V., & Pastorelli, C. (1996). Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement in The Exercise of Moral Agency. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71(2), 364.
  • Beaton, D. E., Bombardier, C., Guillemin, F., & Ferraz, M. B. (2000). Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. Spine, 25(24), 3186-3191.
  • Boardley, I. D., & Grix, J. (2014). Doping in Bodybuilders: A qualitative Investigation of Facilitative Psychosocial Processes. Qualitative Research In Sport, Exercise and Health, 6(3), 422-439.
  • Boardley, I. D., & Kavussanu, M. (2011). Moral Disengagement in Sport. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4(2), 93-108.
  • Boardley, I. D., Grix, J., & Harkin, J. (2015). Doping in Team and Individual Sports: A Qualitative Investigation of Moral Disengagement and Associated Processes. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7(5), 698-717.
  • Boardley, I. D., Smith, A. L., Mills, J., Grix, J., Wynne, C., & Wilkins, L. (2018). Development of Moral Disengagement and Self-Regulatory Efficacy Assessments Relevant to Doping in Sport and Exercise. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 36, 57-70.
  • Brown, T. A. (2015). Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research. Guilford Publications.
  • Byrne, B. M., & Watkins, D. (2003). The Issue Of Measurement Invariance Revisited. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 34(2), 155-175.
  • Chen, F. E. (2007). Sensitivity of Goodness of Fit Indexes to Lack of Measurement Invariance. Structural Equation Modeling, 14(3), 464–504.
  • Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B. (2002). Evaluating goodness-of-Fit Indexes For Testing Measurement Invariance. Structural Equation Modeling, 9(2), 233-255.
  • Corrion, K., Long, T., Smith, A. L., & d’Arripe-Longueville, F. (2009). “It’s Not My Fault; It’s Not Serious”: Athlete Accounts of Moral Disengagement in Competitive Sport. The Sport Psychologist, 23(3), 388-404.
  • Davis, L.L. (1992). Instrument Review: Getting The Most From Your Panel of Experts. Applied Nursing Research, 5, 194–197
  • Fabrigar, L. R., Wegener, D. T., MacCallum, R. C., & Strahan, E. J. (1999). Evaluating The Use of Exploratory Factor Analysis in Psychological Research. Psychological Methods, 4(3), 272-299.
  • Hair Jr, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2010). SEM: An Introduction. Multivariate Data Analysis: A Global Perspective, 5(6), 629-686.
  • Hodge, K., Hargreaves, E. A., Gerrard, D., & Lonsdale, C. (2013). Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Doping Attitudes in Sport: Motivation and Moral Disengagement. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 35(4), 419-432.
  • Hu, L.T., & Bentler, P. (1998). Cutoff Criteria For Fit Indexes in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria Versus New Alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6(1), 1–55.
  • Hurley, A. E., Scandura, T. A., Schriesheim, C. A., Brannick, M. T., Seers, A., Vandenberg, R. J., et al. (1997). Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Guidelines, Issues, and Alternatives. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18(6), 667-683.
  • Iacobucci, D. (2010). Structural Equations Modeling: Fit Indices, Sample Size, and Advanced Topics. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(1), 90-98.
  • Jones, B. D., Woodman, T., Barlow, M., & Roberts, R. (2017). The Darker Side of Personality: Narcissism Predicts Moral Disengagement and Antisocial Behavior in Sport. The Sport Psychologist, 31(2), 109-116.
  • Kavussanu, M., & Spray, C. M. (2006). Contextual Influences on Moral Functioning of Male Youth Footballers. The Sport Psychologist, 20(1), 1-23.
  • Kavussanu, M., Roberts, G. C., & Ntoumanis, N. (2002). Contextual Influences on Moral Functioning of College Basketball Players. The Sport Psychologist, 16(4), 347-367.
  • Kline, R. B. (2015). Principles and Practice Of Structural Equation Modeling (4th ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Lynn, M. R. (1986). Determination and Quantification of Content Validity. Nursing Research, 35(6), 382-385.
  • Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2006). The Content Validity Index: Are You Sure You Know What's Being Reported? Critique and Recommendations. Research in Nursing & Health, 29(5), 489-497.
  • Rae, G. (2006). Correcting Coefficient Alpha for Correlated Errors: Is αK a Lower Bound to Reliability? Applied Psychological Measurement January, 30(1), 56-59.
  • Salzberger, T., Sinkovics, R. R. & Schlgelmich, B. B. (1999). Data Equivalence in Cross-Cultural Research: A Comparison of Classical Test Theory and Latent Trait Theory Based Approaches. Australasian Marketing Journal, 7(2), 23-38.
  • Shields, D. L., Funk, C. D., & Bredemeier, B. L. (2015). Predictors of Moral Disengagement in Sport. Journal of Sort and Exercise Psychology, 37(6), 646-658.
  • Thurber, S., & Bonynge, M. (2011). SEM-based composite reliability estimates of the Crisis Acuity Rating Scale with children and adolescents. Archives of Assessment Psychology, 1(1), 1-9
  • Traclet, A., Romand, P., Moret, O., & Kavussanu, M. (2011). Antisocial Behavior in Soccer: A Qualitative Study of Moral Disengagement. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 9(2), 143-155.
  • Vandenberg, R.J. & Lance, C.E. (2000). A Review and Synthesis of The Measurement Invariance Literature: Suggestions, Practices, and Recommendations for Organizational Research. Organizational Research Methods, 3(1), 4-70.
  • Waltz, C. F., & Bausell, B. R. (1981). Nursing Research: Design Statistics and Computer Analysis. Davis FA
  • Yang, Y., & Green, S.B. (2011). Coefficient Alpha: A Reliability Coefficient for the 21st century? Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29(4) 377-392.

The Adaptation of Moral Disengagement Scale and Self-Regulatory Efficacy Scale Related to Doping in Sport and Exercise Environments into Turkish Culture

Year 2020, Volume: 25 Issue: 3, 255 - 269, 01.07.2020


The aim of this study was to translate Doping Moral Disengagement Scale (DMDS), Doping Moral Disengagement Scale-Short Form (DMDS-SF), and Doping Self-Regulatory Efficacy Scale (DSRES), developed by Boardley et al. (2018), to analyze their factor structure in two groups including exercisers and athletes, and to test the measurement invariances between genders and groups. Two separate groups were recruited including athletes (Athlete Group, n=251), and non-athletes doing regular exercises in fitness centers (Exercise Group, n=127). The mean score of the training day per week was 4,75±1,36 day, the training duration per day was 123,58±42,92 minutes. The age mean of athletes was 23,40±5,26 while their experience was 9,86±5,57 year. The age means of exercise group was 29,31±7,89. The stages suggested by Beaton et al. (2000) was followed for the translation process. The factor structure and measurement invariance were analyzed by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis in IBM AMOS ™. The factor structures of the scales were analyzed for exercisers and athletes both separately and together. In two cases, CFA results provided good fit indices. Consequently, DMDS, DMDS-SF, and DSRES were the measurements that could assess doping moral disengagement and self-regulatory efficacy beliefs of both Turkish athletes and exercisers regularly carrying on fitness centers.


  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social Foundations of Thought and Action. NJ: Englewood Cliffs: NJ.
  • Bandura, A. (1991). Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Thought and Action. In W.M. Kurtines & J. 8 L. Gewirtz (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Behavior and Development: Theory, research, and 9 applications (Vol. 1, pp. 71-129). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Bandura, A. (2016). Moral Disengagement: How People Do Harm and Live With Themselves. Worth Publishers.
  • Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V., & Pastorelli, C. (1996). Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement in The Exercise of Moral Agency. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71(2), 364.
  • Beaton, D. E., Bombardier, C., Guillemin, F., & Ferraz, M. B. (2000). Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. Spine, 25(24), 3186-3191.
  • Boardley, I. D., & Grix, J. (2014). Doping in Bodybuilders: A qualitative Investigation of Facilitative Psychosocial Processes. Qualitative Research In Sport, Exercise and Health, 6(3), 422-439.
  • Boardley, I. D., & Kavussanu, M. (2011). Moral Disengagement in Sport. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4(2), 93-108.
  • Boardley, I. D., Grix, J., & Harkin, J. (2015). Doping in Team and Individual Sports: A Qualitative Investigation of Moral Disengagement and Associated Processes. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7(5), 698-717.
  • Boardley, I. D., Smith, A. L., Mills, J., Grix, J., Wynne, C., & Wilkins, L. (2018). Development of Moral Disengagement and Self-Regulatory Efficacy Assessments Relevant to Doping in Sport and Exercise. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 36, 57-70.
  • Brown, T. A. (2015). Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research. Guilford Publications.
  • Byrne, B. M., & Watkins, D. (2003). The Issue Of Measurement Invariance Revisited. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 34(2), 155-175.
  • Chen, F. E. (2007). Sensitivity of Goodness of Fit Indexes to Lack of Measurement Invariance. Structural Equation Modeling, 14(3), 464–504.
  • Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B. (2002). Evaluating goodness-of-Fit Indexes For Testing Measurement Invariance. Structural Equation Modeling, 9(2), 233-255.
  • Corrion, K., Long, T., Smith, A. L., & d’Arripe-Longueville, F. (2009). “It’s Not My Fault; It’s Not Serious”: Athlete Accounts of Moral Disengagement in Competitive Sport. The Sport Psychologist, 23(3), 388-404.
  • Davis, L.L. (1992). Instrument Review: Getting The Most From Your Panel of Experts. Applied Nursing Research, 5, 194–197
  • Fabrigar, L. R., Wegener, D. T., MacCallum, R. C., & Strahan, E. J. (1999). Evaluating The Use of Exploratory Factor Analysis in Psychological Research. Psychological Methods, 4(3), 272-299.
  • Hair Jr, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2010). SEM: An Introduction. Multivariate Data Analysis: A Global Perspective, 5(6), 629-686.
  • Hodge, K., Hargreaves, E. A., Gerrard, D., & Lonsdale, C. (2013). Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Doping Attitudes in Sport: Motivation and Moral Disengagement. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 35(4), 419-432.
  • Hu, L.T., & Bentler, P. (1998). Cutoff Criteria For Fit Indexes in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria Versus New Alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6(1), 1–55.
  • Hurley, A. E., Scandura, T. A., Schriesheim, C. A., Brannick, M. T., Seers, A., Vandenberg, R. J., et al. (1997). Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Guidelines, Issues, and Alternatives. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18(6), 667-683.
  • Iacobucci, D. (2010). Structural Equations Modeling: Fit Indices, Sample Size, and Advanced Topics. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(1), 90-98.
  • Jones, B. D., Woodman, T., Barlow, M., & Roberts, R. (2017). The Darker Side of Personality: Narcissism Predicts Moral Disengagement and Antisocial Behavior in Sport. The Sport Psychologist, 31(2), 109-116.
  • Kavussanu, M., & Spray, C. M. (2006). Contextual Influences on Moral Functioning of Male Youth Footballers. The Sport Psychologist, 20(1), 1-23.
  • Kavussanu, M., Roberts, G. C., & Ntoumanis, N. (2002). Contextual Influences on Moral Functioning of College Basketball Players. The Sport Psychologist, 16(4), 347-367.
  • Kline, R. B. (2015). Principles and Practice Of Structural Equation Modeling (4th ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Lynn, M. R. (1986). Determination and Quantification of Content Validity. Nursing Research, 35(6), 382-385.
  • Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2006). The Content Validity Index: Are You Sure You Know What's Being Reported? Critique and Recommendations. Research in Nursing & Health, 29(5), 489-497.
  • Rae, G. (2006). Correcting Coefficient Alpha for Correlated Errors: Is αK a Lower Bound to Reliability? Applied Psychological Measurement January, 30(1), 56-59.
  • Salzberger, T., Sinkovics, R. R. & Schlgelmich, B. B. (1999). Data Equivalence in Cross-Cultural Research: A Comparison of Classical Test Theory and Latent Trait Theory Based Approaches. Australasian Marketing Journal, 7(2), 23-38.
  • Shields, D. L., Funk, C. D., & Bredemeier, B. L. (2015). Predictors of Moral Disengagement in Sport. Journal of Sort and Exercise Psychology, 37(6), 646-658.
  • Thurber, S., & Bonynge, M. (2011). SEM-based composite reliability estimates of the Crisis Acuity Rating Scale with children and adolescents. Archives of Assessment Psychology, 1(1), 1-9
  • Traclet, A., Romand, P., Moret, O., & Kavussanu, M. (2011). Antisocial Behavior in Soccer: A Qualitative Study of Moral Disengagement. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 9(2), 143-155.
  • Vandenberg, R.J. & Lance, C.E. (2000). A Review and Synthesis of The Measurement Invariance Literature: Suggestions, Practices, and Recommendations for Organizational Research. Organizational Research Methods, 3(1), 4-70.
  • Waltz, C. F., & Bausell, B. R. (1981). Nursing Research: Design Statistics and Computer Analysis. Davis FA
  • Yang, Y., & Green, S.B. (2011). Coefficient Alpha: A Reliability Coefficient for the 21st century? Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29(4) 377-392.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Articles

Ender Şenel

Mevlüt Yıldız

İbrahim Yıldıran 0000-0003-1618-3780

Publication Date July 1, 2020
Submission Date May 19, 2020
Acceptance Date June 19, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 25 Issue: 3


APA Şenel, E., Yıldız, M., & Yıldıran, İ. (2020). Sporda ve Egzersiz Ortamında Doping Kullanımına İlişkin Ahlaktan Uzaklaşma ve Öz Düzenleyici Yeterlik Ölçeklerinin Türk Kültürüne Uyarlanması. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 25(3), 255-269.

Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal published quarterly.