Topikal lidokainin bilateral otoplasti sütür alınması klinik modelinde ağrıyı azaltmada etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi
Year 2017,
Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 136 - 139, 01.12.2017
Berna Aksoy
Hasan Mete Aksoy
Bahar Öç
Amaç: Topikal anestezik maddelerin küçük kutanöz cerrahi girişimler öncesi invazif olmayan yöntemle analjezi sağlamada etkili oldukları gösterilmiştir. Sunulan bu pilot gözlemsel çalışmada topikal lidokain uygulamasının bilateral otoplasti modelinde sütürlerin alınması sırasında hasta ağrısını gidermedeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bilateral otoplasti operasyonu yapılan hastaların sütür alınması öncesinde bir kulağa topikal lidokain diğer kulağa saf vazelin uygulanmıştır. Sütür alınması sırasında oluşan ağrıyı karşılaştırmaları istenmiştir.Bulgular: Tüm otoplasti hastaları topikal lidokain uygulamasının saf vazelin ile karşılaştırıldığında sütür alınması sırasında oluşan ağrı hissini azalttığını belirtmişlerdir. Herhangi bir yan etki gelişimi gözlenmemiştir. Sonuç: Erişkin otoplasti sütür alınması modelinin topikal anestezik etkinliğini değerlendirmede etkili bir klinik model olduğu gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca, topikal lidokain pomad kutanöz cerrahi sütür alınması sırasında düşük ağrı eşiği olan hastalarda kullanılmaya uygundur
- Nashan D, Meiss F, Gralow I. Pain: Basics and relevance in dermatology. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 2009;7:704-17.
- Kaweski S. Topical anesthetic creams. Plast Reconst Surg 2008;121:2161-5.
- Tulunay M, Tulunay F.C. Ağrı Değerlendirme Yöntemleri. In Erdine S, ed. Ağrı 1. Baskı. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabev- leri, 2000: 91-110.
- Keyes PD, Tallon JM, Rizos J. Topical anesthesia: current indications, options, and evidence in the repair of uncomp- licated lacerations. Can Fam Physician 1998;44:2152-6.
- Eidelman A, Weiss JM, Enu IK, Lau J, Carr DB. Comparati- ve efficacy and costs of various topical anesthetics for repair of dermal lacerations: a systematic review of randomized, controlled trials. J Clin Anesth 2005;17:106-16.
- Glatt HJ, Putterman AM, Farber MD. Topical proparacaine and suture removal after blepharoplasty. Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108:476.
- Millard PS, Goldstuck ND. No-needle, single-visit adult male circumcision with Unicirc: a multi-centre field trial. PLoS One 2015;30;10:e0121686.
- Musawi AA, Andersson L. Use of topical as only anesthetic for suturing a traumatic facial laceration. Dent Traumatol 2010;26:292-3.
- Vaughan M, Paton EA, Bush A, Pershad J. Does lidoca- ine gel alleviate the pain of bladder catheterization in young children? A randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics 2005;116:917-20.
- Kandirali E, Ulukaradag E, Uysal B, Serin E, Semercioz A, Metin A. Is only perianal anesthesia with lidocaine-priloca- ine cream sufficient to decrease the pain during transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy? A prospective rando- mized study. Urol Int 2009;82:262-5.
- Chung C, Chu M, Paoloni R, O’Brien M-J, Demel T. Com- parison of lignocaine and water-based lubricating gels for female urethral catheterization: A randomized controlled trial. Emerg Med Australas 2007;19:315-9.
- Yentür EA. Evaluatıon of pain patient and pain therapy. Turkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2007;3:9-16.
- Railan D, Alster TS. Use of topical lidocaine for cosmetic dermatologic procedures. J Drugs Dermatol 2007;6:1104-8.
Year 2017,
Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 136 - 139, 01.12.2017
Berna Aksoy
Hasan Mete Aksoy
Bahar Öç
Objective: Topical anesthetic agents have been shown to be effective as noninvasive means of providing analgesia prior to minor cutaneous procedures. In this pilot observational study we investigated the effectiveness of topical lidocaine on relieving patient pain during cutaneous suture removal in a bilateral otoplasty model. Material and Methods: Topical lidocain was applied to one ear and pure vaselin to the other ear of patients who had bilateral otoplasty operations before cutaneous suture removal. They were asked to compare one side with the other with regard to pain associated with suture removal.Results: All of the otoplasty patients reported that topical lidocaine ointment decreased their pain during suture removal in comparison with pure vaseline. There was not any development of side effects. Conclusion: It was observed that adult otoplasty suture removal model is a valuable clinical model for evaluation of effectiveness of topical anesthesics. Moreover, we propose that use of topical lidocaine ointment prior to cutaneous suture removal is appropriate especially for patients with low pain tolerance
- Nashan D, Meiss F, Gralow I. Pain: Basics and relevance in dermatology. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 2009;7:704-17.
- Kaweski S. Topical anesthetic creams. Plast Reconst Surg 2008;121:2161-5.
- Tulunay M, Tulunay F.C. Ağrı Değerlendirme Yöntemleri. In Erdine S, ed. Ağrı 1. Baskı. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabev- leri, 2000: 91-110.
- Keyes PD, Tallon JM, Rizos J. Topical anesthesia: current indications, options, and evidence in the repair of uncomp- licated lacerations. Can Fam Physician 1998;44:2152-6.
- Eidelman A, Weiss JM, Enu IK, Lau J, Carr DB. Comparati- ve efficacy and costs of various topical anesthetics for repair of dermal lacerations: a systematic review of randomized, controlled trials. J Clin Anesth 2005;17:106-16.
- Glatt HJ, Putterman AM, Farber MD. Topical proparacaine and suture removal after blepharoplasty. Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108:476.
- Millard PS, Goldstuck ND. No-needle, single-visit adult male circumcision with Unicirc: a multi-centre field trial. PLoS One 2015;30;10:e0121686.
- Musawi AA, Andersson L. Use of topical as only anesthetic for suturing a traumatic facial laceration. Dent Traumatol 2010;26:292-3.
- Vaughan M, Paton EA, Bush A, Pershad J. Does lidoca- ine gel alleviate the pain of bladder catheterization in young children? A randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics 2005;116:917-20.
- Kandirali E, Ulukaradag E, Uysal B, Serin E, Semercioz A, Metin A. Is only perianal anesthesia with lidocaine-priloca- ine cream sufficient to decrease the pain during transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy? A prospective rando- mized study. Urol Int 2009;82:262-5.
- Chung C, Chu M, Paoloni R, O’Brien M-J, Demel T. Com- parison of lignocaine and water-based lubricating gels for female urethral catheterization: A randomized controlled trial. Emerg Med Australas 2007;19:315-9.
- Yentür EA. Evaluatıon of pain patient and pain therapy. Turkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2007;3:9-16.
- Railan D, Alster TS. Use of topical lidocaine for cosmetic dermatologic procedures. J Drugs Dermatol 2007;6:1104-8.