Writing Rules

General issues

  • Manuscripts should be written in one of the following languages English, French, German and Italian.
  • The title, abstract and keywords should not contain non-Latin characters, but the transliteration of the corresponding words.
  • It should contain at least an English abstract of 250-300 words. A Turkish abstract will also be required before publication with the translations of the new inscriptions, if any are published, this can be prepared by Turkish editors if the author cannot write one, it can be longer and more detailed if desired.
  • 5-7 keywords should be provided.
  • The files to be sent should be in Microsoft Word format (2007 or later versions).
  • A Unicode font with multilingual support should be selected for the text.
  • The body of the text should be set at 11 pt and footnotes at 9.5 pt.
  • For Greek texts, a polytonic Unicode font should be used.
  • There should be no manual hyphenation in the text, except for special occasions as may be required in some languages such as Greek.
  • Artwork submitted in digital format must be a minimum of 300 dpi. Artwork must also be uploaded or sent in JPEG or TIFF format. For other or special cases, the author(s) should contact the editors.
  • Filenames of figures should include the correct figure number (e.g. Fig. 1 ...).
  • Captions and sources of photographs and other figures must be given.
  • Do not use abbreviations such as f. or ff. for “following page(s)”; include full page numbers separated by a hyphen (-) without spaces before or after.
  • The following should not be used in the manuscript: ad loc., ibid, idem, loc. cit., op. cit., passim, Use full citations.
  • Where cross-references are necessary, use “above” and “below” instead of “supra” and “infra”.
  • With the exception of words generally accepted and used in Western languages, Greek words should be written in Greek and not in italics; Latin words should be written in italics.
  • When other scholars are mentioned in the main text, they should be quoted first by their full first name. In the following only the surname should be used.
  • Units of measurement should be in the metric system and should be abbreviated in the text without a period as follows: g, kg, km, m, cm, mm.
  • A n. is used when referring to a single footnote, while nn. is used when referring to more than one footnote. Footnote numbers given in the text should always be placed outside the punctuation mark unless they refer to a specific word, term or phrase within a sentence.
  • When a slash ( / ) is used, there is a space before and after it.
  • Arabic numerals are always used to indicate the volume and issue numbers of periodicals in the bibliography, separated by a slash (/) with no space before or after.
  • When referring to a publication, the spelling rules of the language of the publication (such as capitalization, accent, small letters and phonemes) should be respected.
  • Authors' names should always be given in Latin characters.
  • Whether in the bibliography or in the text, the accepted spelling of a city in the language of the submission is used.
  • When giving the places of publication of a work (if it is published in more than one place), the places should be separated by a slash (/), with no space before or after.
  • If there are sources with the same author and year in the manuscript, each item should be distinguished by adding a, b, c, etc. to the year of both in the body of the text and in the footnote (e.g. [author] 2008a, 15-19; 2008b, 25-26).


Authors are obliged to apply the following rules only after their submissions are accepted for publication.

Basic reference guides:
  • Modern / secondary sources: see below
  • Ancient Literary Texts:
  • Journal abbreviations:
  • Epigraphic Corpora:
  • Papyri:
  • When referring to ancient sources, there should be no comma after the abbreviation of the author, but the abbreviation of the work should be in italics. Ancient literary sources should not be listed in the bibliography (see above for the abbreviations to be used) unless there is a question about the edition(s) or a philological discussion of the edition(s).
    • Exp.: Arr. an. 1.24.5 (for Arrianos, anabasis 1.24.5); CTh 2.1.3 (for Codex Theodosianus 2.1.3)
  • When referring to epigraphic corpora and papyri, abbreviations should be written in italics. Volume numbers should be given in Roman numerals; fascicules (if available and necessary) should be given in Arabic numerals after an unspaced slash "/"; the inscription number should be given in Arabic numerals, with no punctuation between vol/fasc. and inscription number, only a space. No corpus should be given in the bibliography unless it is not included in the bibliographic lists above (see above for the abbreviations to be used).
    • Exp.: TAM II2/2; MAMA IV 154; P.Cair.Zen. III 59309.
Examples of References and Citations

Journal article

  • Corcoran, S. 2000. “A Fragment of a Tetrarchic Constitution from Crete.” ZPE 133: 251-255.
    • Corcoran 2000, 253-254.
  • Baker, P. & Thériault, G. 2023. “Liste de contributeurs à des célébrations villageoises dans les eschatiai montagneuses de Xanthos à la basse époque hellénistique.” Chiron 53: 169-236.
    • Baker & Thériault 2023, 172-174.
  • Nigdelis, P. & Anagnostoudis, P. 2017. “New Honorific Inscriptions from Amphipolis.” GRBS 57/2: 295-324.
    • Nigdelis & Anagnostoudis 2017, 320.

Chapter or article in an edited book

  • Kileci, Ş. & Tüner-Önen, N. 2024. “Restoration Works in Kibyra during the Claudian Period: New Inscriptions, tà sebastà érga of the Lycian Governor Quintus Veranius and New Inscriptions Concerning His Family”, in: F. Onur & C. Schuler (edd.), New Research on Greek Epigraphy in Lycia. Proceedings of the Symposium at Antalya, Turkey, 28-30 March 2022, Istanbul: Koç University Press, 123-141.
    • Kileci & Tüner-Önen 2024, 136-139.
  • Milner, N. P. 2007. “A Hellenistic Treaty from Boubon”, in: C. Schuler (ed.), Griechische Epigraphik in Lykien: Eine Zwischenbilanz. Akten des int. Kolloquiums München, 24.-26. Februar 2005. DAAW 354; ETAM 25. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 157-164.
    • Milner 2007, 160.

Book with One Author

  • Şahin, S. 2014. Stadiasmus Patarensis. Itinera Romana Provinciae Lyciae. Lykia Eyaleti Roma Yolları. Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
    • Şahin 2014, 127.

Book with Two or More Authors

  • Abbott, F. F. & Johnson, A. C. 1926. Municipal Administration in the Roman Empire. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    • Abbott & Johnson 1926, 52.
  • Kienast, D., Eck, W. & Heil, M. 2017. Römische Kaisertabelle. Grundzüge einer römischen Kaiserchronologie. 6th ed. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
    • Kienast et al. 2017, 82.

Book in a series

  • Blömer, M., & Facella, M. 2022. Dülük Baba Tepesi II. Inscriptions and Sculptures from the Sanctuary of Jupiter Dolichenus. Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen XII. AMS 101. Bonn: R. Habelt.
    • Blömer & Facella 2022, 56.

Book in more than one edition

  • Habicht, C. 1970. Gottmenschentum und griechische Städte. 2nd ed. Munich: C.H. Beck.
    • Habicht 1970, 27.

Book in more than one volume (citing the work as a whole)

  • Hellenkemper, H. & Hild, F. 2004. Lykien und Pamphylien. TIB 8, 3 Vols. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
    • Hellenkemper & Hild 2004, 2:155.

Book in more than one volume (citing a particular volume)

  • Bonnard, A. 1959. La Civilisation grecque. Vol. 2, D’Antigone à Socrate. Lausanne: La Guilde du Livre.
    • Bonnard 1959, 267.

Book Review

  • Sitz, A. 2019. Review: K. Bolle, C. Machado & C. Witschel (edd.), The Epigraphic Cultures of Late Antiquity (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2017), JRS 109: 425-427.
    • Sitz 2019, 426.

These and dissertation

  • Avcu, F. 2020. Eskiçağ’da Yerleşim Statüleri ve Teritoryumları: Stadiasmus Patarensis ve Lykia Örneği. Ph.D. diss., Akdeniz University.
    • Avcu 2020, 50-56.
  • Tüzün, B. 2021. Phrygia’nın Latince ve Latince-Yunanca Çift Dilli Yazıt Kataloğu. Master’s thesis, Akdeniz University.
    • Tüzün 2021, 130-141.

Postal Address:

Research Centre for Mediterranean Languages and Cultures
GEPHYRA Editorial Office
Akdeniz University, Faculty of Letters
Dept. of Ancient Languages and Cultures
Campus 07058 ANTALYA - TÜRKİYE

E-mail: gephyra.adkam@gmail.com

Last Update Time: 6/18/24, 8:19:03 PM