Bu çalışmanın amacı, pirinç ununa farklı oranlarda keçiboynuzu unu ve ginseng tozu ilave edilerekmikrodalga ile glutensiz ve fonksiyonel kek üretilmesidir. Bu amaçla farklı kek formülasyonları mikrodalgafırında farklı koşullarda (üç farklı güçte (yüksek, orta, düşük) ve üç farklı sürede (2.45dk; 3dk; 3.15dk))pişirilerek fiziksel özellikleri incelenmiştir. Ek olarak ginseng ve keçiboynuzu unu ilavesinin son ürünkalitesi üzerine etkisi incelenmiş ve elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda kek yapımında pirinç unu ilebirlikte keçiboynuzu ununun kullanılabilirliği test edilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmada mikrodalga ile pişirilenpirinç keklerinin formülasyonunun ve işlem koşullarının optimizasyonu hedeflenmiştir. Bunun içinyanıt yüzey yöntemi (RSM) kullanılmıştır. Optimum nokta mikrodalga gücü için 400 W, pişirme süresiiçin 3.15 dakika, ginseng konsantrasyonu için %1.1869 ve keçiboynuzu unu konsantrasyonu için%35.051 olarak bulunmuştur. Kontrol örnekleri ile optimum koşullarda ve optimum formülasyonlamikrodalgada pişirilen kekler karşılaştırıldığında optimum örneklerin kütle kaybı, yükseklik vegözeneklilik değerlerinin daha yüksek, renk farkı değerlerinin daha düşük olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır
Ellis HJ, Deward D, Pollock EL, Gonzales-Cinca N, Engel W, Wieser H. 2006. The toxicity recombinant HMW glutenin sub-units of wheat patients with celiac disease. In Stern M (ed), Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity, 35-40 pp. 2. Arendt EK, Morrissey A, Moore MM, Dal Bello F. 2008. Gluten-free Breads. Arendt EK, Dal Bello F (eds), Gluten-free cereal products and beverages, Oxford, Academic, UK, 289-321 pp.
Mendoza N. 2005. Celiac disease and overview of the diagnosis, treatment and management. Br Nutr Bull. 30, 231-236.
Demirkesen I, Sumnu G, Sahin S. 2013. Quality of gluten-free bread formulations baked in different ovens. Food Bioprocess Tech. 6, 746-753.
Huebner FR, Bietz JA, Webb BD, Juliano BO. 1990. Rice cultivar identification by high- performance liquid chromatography of the endosperm proteins. Cereal Chem. 67, 129-135.
Dakia PA, Wathelet B, Paquot M. 2007. Isolation and chemical evaluation of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) seed germ. Food Chem. 102, 1368-1374. 7. Feillet P, Roulland TM. 1998. Caroubin: a gluten-like protein isolate from carob bean germ. Cereal Chem. 75, 488-492.
Marcone MF, Kakuda Y, Yada RY. 1998. Salt-soluble seed globulins of various dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants-Isolation/purification and characterization. Food Chem. 62 (1), 27-47.
Maza MP, Zamora R, Alaiz M, Hidalgo FJ, Millan F, Vioque E. 1989. Carob bean germ seed (Ceratonia siliqua): study of the oil and proteins. J Sci Food Agric. 46, 495-502.
Wang Y, Belton PS, Bridon H, Garanger E, Wellner N, Parker ML, Grant A, Feillet P, Noel TR. 2001. Physicochemical studies of caroubin: a gluten-like protein. J Agric Food Chem. 49, 3414-3419. 11. Bengoechea C, Puppo MC, Romero A, Cordobes F, Guerrero A. 2008. Linear and non-linear viscoelasticity of emulsions containing carob protein as emulsifier. J Food Eng. 87, 124-135.
Minarro B, Albanell E, Aguilar N, Guamis B, Capellas M. 2012. Effect of legume flours on baking characteristics of gluten-free bread. J Cereal Sci. 56, 476-481.
Lu SC. 1986. Chinese system of food cures prevention and remedies. Sterling, New York, 120 p.
Okuda H, Yoshida R. 1980. Studies on the effects of ginseng components on diabetes mellitus. Proceedings of the 3rd International Ginseng Symposium. 8-10 September, Seoul, Korea: Korea Ginseng Research Institute, 53-57 pp.
Muwalla MM, Abuirmeileh NM. 1990. Supression of avian hepatic cholesterogenesis by dieatary gingseng. J Nutr Biochem. 1: 518-521.
Kaku T, Miyata T, Uruno T, Sake I, Kinosbita A. 1975. Chemicopharmacological studies on saponins of Panax Ginseng. CA Meyer II. Pharmacologicalpart. Arzneimittel-forschung. 25: 539-547.
Kang HJ, Kim SH, Kum JS, Lim JK. 2010. Efect of ginseng powder on quality characteristics of instant rice cake (baekseolgi). J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr. 39 (3), 435-442.
Thostenson ET, Chou TW. 1999. Microwave processing: Fundamentals and applications. Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf. 30, 1055-1071.
Venkatesh MS, Raghavan GSV. 2004. An overview of microwave processing and dielectric properties of agri-food materials. Biosyst Eng. 88 (1), 1-18.
Zhang M, Tang J, Mujumdar AS, Wang S. 2006. Trends in mivrowave-related drying of fruids and vegetables. Trends Food Sci Technol. 17: 524-534.
Vadivambal R, Jayas DS. 2007. Changes in quality of microwave-treated agricultural products. Biosyst Eng. 98, 1-16.
Decareau RV, Peterson R. 1986. Microwave processing and engineering. Chichester. UK: Ellis Horwood.
Sumnu G. 2001. A review on microwave baking of foods. Int J Food Sci Technol. 36, 117-127.
Buffler C. 1993. Microwave Cooking and Processing: Engineering Fundamentals for the Food Scientist. New York, USA: Avi Book. 6-7, 150-151 pp.
Lahlali R, Massart S, Serrhini MN, Jijakli MH. 2008. A Box-Behnken design for predicting the combined effects of relative humidity and temperature on antagonistic yeast population density at the surface of apples. Int J Food Microbiol. 122 (1-2), 100-108.
Ferraira SLC, Burns RE, Ferreira HS, Matos GD, David JM, Brandao GC, Silva EGP, Portugal LA, Reis PS, Souza AS, Santos WNL. 2007. Box- Behnken design: An alternative for the optimization of analytical methods. Anal Chim Acta. 597(2), 179-186.
Keskin SÖ. 2003. Effects of different ovens and enzymes on quality parameters of bread. M.Sc., Department of Food Engineering, METU, Ankara, 28 p.
Megahey EK, McMinn WAM, Magee TRA. 2005. Experimental study of microwave baking of madeira cake batter. Food Bioprod Process. 83(4), 277-287.
Şakıyan Demirkol Ö. 2007. Investigation of physical properties of different cake formulations during baking with microwave and infrared- microwave combination. PhD., Department of Food Engineering, METU, Ankara, 47 p.
Demirekler P. 2004. Optimization of microwave -halogen lamp baking of bread. M.Sc., Department of Food Engineering, METU, Ankara, 31 p.
Datta AK. 1990. Heat and mass transfer in the microwave processing of food. Chem Eng Progr. 47-53.
Icoz D, Sumnu G, Sahin S. 2004. Color and texture development during microwave and conventional baking of breads. Int J Food Prop. 7: 2, 201-213.
Popov-Raljic JV, Mastilovic JS, Lalicic-Petronijevic JG, Kevresan ZS, Demin MA. 2013. Sensory and color properties of dietary cookies with different fiber sources during 180 days of storage. Hem Ind. 67, (1), 123–134.
Sakıyan Demirkol O, Sumnu G, Sahin S, Meda V. 2007. Investigation of dielectric properties of different cake formulations during microwave and infrared–microwave combination baking. J Food Sci. 72, (4), 205-213.
Tsatsaragkou K, Yiannopoulos S, Kontogiorgi A, Poulli E, Krokida M, Mandala I. 2012. Mathematical approach of structural and textural properties of gluten free bread enriched with carob flour. J Cereal Sci. 56: 603-609.
Pflaum T, Selmair PL, Horlacher P, Koehler P. 2013. Isolation and baking performance of ginsenosides from Panax ginseng. Eur Food Res Technol. 236: 89-100.
Year 2016,
Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 91 - 98, 01.04.2016
In this study, it was aimed to produce microwave baked functional gluten-free cakes by adding carobflour and ginseng powder to the rice flour in different concentrations. For this purpose, the physicalproperties of different cake formulations which were baked in microwave oven at different microwavepowers (low, middle and high) and during different baking times (2.45 min; 3min; 3.15 min) wereinvestigated. Moreover, the effect of ginseng powder and carob flour addition interms of cake qualitywas also examined and the posibility of combining carob flour with rice flour was evaluated. In thisstudy, it was also aimed to optimize the cake formulation and baking conditions by using ResponseSurface Methodology (RSM). The optimum point was determined as 400 W for microwave power, 3.15min for baking time, 1.1869 % for ginseng concentration and 35.051 % for carob flour concentration.When the quality values of control and optimum point were compared, it can be concluded that theweight loss, height and porosity values of optimum samples were higher, while the color differencevalues were lower
Ellis HJ, Deward D, Pollock EL, Gonzales-Cinca N, Engel W, Wieser H. 2006. The toxicity recombinant HMW glutenin sub-units of wheat patients with celiac disease. In Stern M (ed), Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity, 35-40 pp. 2. Arendt EK, Morrissey A, Moore MM, Dal Bello F. 2008. Gluten-free Breads. Arendt EK, Dal Bello F (eds), Gluten-free cereal products and beverages, Oxford, Academic, UK, 289-321 pp.
Mendoza N. 2005. Celiac disease and overview of the diagnosis, treatment and management. Br Nutr Bull. 30, 231-236.
Demirkesen I, Sumnu G, Sahin S. 2013. Quality of gluten-free bread formulations baked in different ovens. Food Bioprocess Tech. 6, 746-753.
Huebner FR, Bietz JA, Webb BD, Juliano BO. 1990. Rice cultivar identification by high- performance liquid chromatography of the endosperm proteins. Cereal Chem. 67, 129-135.
Dakia PA, Wathelet B, Paquot M. 2007. Isolation and chemical evaluation of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) seed germ. Food Chem. 102, 1368-1374. 7. Feillet P, Roulland TM. 1998. Caroubin: a gluten-like protein isolate from carob bean germ. Cereal Chem. 75, 488-492.
Marcone MF, Kakuda Y, Yada RY. 1998. Salt-soluble seed globulins of various dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants-Isolation/purification and characterization. Food Chem. 62 (1), 27-47.
Maza MP, Zamora R, Alaiz M, Hidalgo FJ, Millan F, Vioque E. 1989. Carob bean germ seed (Ceratonia siliqua): study of the oil and proteins. J Sci Food Agric. 46, 495-502.
Wang Y, Belton PS, Bridon H, Garanger E, Wellner N, Parker ML, Grant A, Feillet P, Noel TR. 2001. Physicochemical studies of caroubin: a gluten-like protein. J Agric Food Chem. 49, 3414-3419. 11. Bengoechea C, Puppo MC, Romero A, Cordobes F, Guerrero A. 2008. Linear and non-linear viscoelasticity of emulsions containing carob protein as emulsifier. J Food Eng. 87, 124-135.
Minarro B, Albanell E, Aguilar N, Guamis B, Capellas M. 2012. Effect of legume flours on baking characteristics of gluten-free bread. J Cereal Sci. 56, 476-481.
Lu SC. 1986. Chinese system of food cures prevention and remedies. Sterling, New York, 120 p.
Okuda H, Yoshida R. 1980. Studies on the effects of ginseng components on diabetes mellitus. Proceedings of the 3rd International Ginseng Symposium. 8-10 September, Seoul, Korea: Korea Ginseng Research Institute, 53-57 pp.
Muwalla MM, Abuirmeileh NM. 1990. Supression of avian hepatic cholesterogenesis by dieatary gingseng. J Nutr Biochem. 1: 518-521.
Kaku T, Miyata T, Uruno T, Sake I, Kinosbita A. 1975. Chemicopharmacological studies on saponins of Panax Ginseng. CA Meyer II. Pharmacologicalpart. Arzneimittel-forschung. 25: 539-547.
Kang HJ, Kim SH, Kum JS, Lim JK. 2010. Efect of ginseng powder on quality characteristics of instant rice cake (baekseolgi). J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr. 39 (3), 435-442.
Thostenson ET, Chou TW. 1999. Microwave processing: Fundamentals and applications. Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf. 30, 1055-1071.
Venkatesh MS, Raghavan GSV. 2004. An overview of microwave processing and dielectric properties of agri-food materials. Biosyst Eng. 88 (1), 1-18.
Zhang M, Tang J, Mujumdar AS, Wang S. 2006. Trends in mivrowave-related drying of fruids and vegetables. Trends Food Sci Technol. 17: 524-534.
Vadivambal R, Jayas DS. 2007. Changes in quality of microwave-treated agricultural products. Biosyst Eng. 98, 1-16.
Decareau RV, Peterson R. 1986. Microwave processing and engineering. Chichester. UK: Ellis Horwood.
Sumnu G. 2001. A review on microwave baking of foods. Int J Food Sci Technol. 36, 117-127.
Buffler C. 1993. Microwave Cooking and Processing: Engineering Fundamentals for the Food Scientist. New York, USA: Avi Book. 6-7, 150-151 pp.
Lahlali R, Massart S, Serrhini MN, Jijakli MH. 2008. A Box-Behnken design for predicting the combined effects of relative humidity and temperature on antagonistic yeast population density at the surface of apples. Int J Food Microbiol. 122 (1-2), 100-108.
Ferraira SLC, Burns RE, Ferreira HS, Matos GD, David JM, Brandao GC, Silva EGP, Portugal LA, Reis PS, Souza AS, Santos WNL. 2007. Box- Behnken design: An alternative for the optimization of analytical methods. Anal Chim Acta. 597(2), 179-186.
Keskin SÖ. 2003. Effects of different ovens and enzymes on quality parameters of bread. M.Sc., Department of Food Engineering, METU, Ankara, 28 p.
Megahey EK, McMinn WAM, Magee TRA. 2005. Experimental study of microwave baking of madeira cake batter. Food Bioprod Process. 83(4), 277-287.
Şakıyan Demirkol Ö. 2007. Investigation of physical properties of different cake formulations during baking with microwave and infrared- microwave combination. PhD., Department of Food Engineering, METU, Ankara, 47 p.
Demirekler P. 2004. Optimization of microwave -halogen lamp baking of bread. M.Sc., Department of Food Engineering, METU, Ankara, 31 p.
Datta AK. 1990. Heat and mass transfer in the microwave processing of food. Chem Eng Progr. 47-53.
Icoz D, Sumnu G, Sahin S. 2004. Color and texture development during microwave and conventional baking of breads. Int J Food Prop. 7: 2, 201-213.
Popov-Raljic JV, Mastilovic JS, Lalicic-Petronijevic JG, Kevresan ZS, Demin MA. 2013. Sensory and color properties of dietary cookies with different fiber sources during 180 days of storage. Hem Ind. 67, (1), 123–134.
Sakıyan Demirkol O, Sumnu G, Sahin S, Meda V. 2007. Investigation of dielectric properties of different cake formulations during microwave and infrared–microwave combination baking. J Food Sci. 72, (4), 205-213.
Tsatsaragkou K, Yiannopoulos S, Kontogiorgi A, Poulli E, Krokida M, Mandala I. 2012. Mathematical approach of structural and textural properties of gluten free bread enriched with carob flour. J Cereal Sci. 56: 603-609.
Pflaum T, Selmair PL, Horlacher P, Koehler P. 2013. Isolation and baking performance of ginsenosides from Panax ginseng. Eur Food Res Technol. 236: 89-100.
Alifakı, Yaşar Özlem, and Özge Şakıyan Demirkol. “MİKRODALGA Ile PİŞİRİLEN PİRİNÇ KEKİNİN FORMÜLASYONU Ve İŞLEM KOŞULLARININ OPTİMİZASYONU”. Gıda 41, no. 2 (April 2016): 91-98.
Y. Ö. Alifakı and Ö. Ş. Demirkol, “MİKRODALGA ile PİŞİRİLEN PİRİNÇ KEKİNİN FORMÜLASYONU ve İŞLEM KOŞULLARININ OPTİMİZASYONU”, The Journal of Food, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 91–98, 2016.
Alifakı, Yaşar Özlem - Demirkol, Özge Şakıyan. “MİKRODALGA Ile PİŞİRİLEN PİRİNÇ KEKİNİN FORMÜLASYONU Ve İŞLEM KOŞULLARININ OPTİMİZASYONU”. Gıda 41/2 (April 2016), 91-98.
Alifakı, Yaşar Özlem and Özge Şakıyan Demirkol. “MİKRODALGA Ile PİŞİRİLEN PİRİNÇ KEKİNİN FORMÜLASYONU Ve İŞLEM KOŞULLARININ OPTİMİZASYONU”. Gıda, vol. 41, no. 2, 2016, pp. 91-98.