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Year 2019, Volume: 44 Issue: 6, 943 - 953, 06.10.2019


Hücreler arası iletişim ya da çoğunluğu algılama olarak
bilinen Quorum Sensing (QS) mekanizması ile gıda kaynaklı patojenler biyofilm,
antibiyotik direnci ve virülans gibi etkileri oluşturarak halk sağlığını tehdit
etmektedir. QS bakteriler, küfler ve mayalar gibi çeşitli mikroorganizmalarda
görülmektedir. QS mekanizmasında hücreler arası iletişimde kullanılan iletişim
molekülü olarak otoindükleyiciler görev almaktadır ve bu moleküllerin
mikroorganizmalara göre çeşitlilik göstermesi QS mekanizmasının kontrolünü
güçleştirmektedir. QS engelleme mekanizması olarak bilinen Quorum Quenching
(QQ) konusunda ise son yıllarda birçok çalışma yapılmaktadır. QQ mekanizması
enzimatik ve kimayasal olarak doğada bulunabilmekte ve bunun yanı sıra bitkisel
gıdaların ekstraktları da QS mekanizması sinyallerine kimyasal olarak
benzediğinden bu amaçla kullanılmakta ve onları inhibe etmektedir. Bu derlemede
halk sağlığı için birçok disiplinde olduğu gibi gıda sektöründe de çok ciddi
tehlikelere sebep olan mikroorganizmalardaki QS mekanizması ve bu mekanizmanın
zararlı etkilerinin önlenmesini konu alan QQ mekanizması ele alınmıştır.


  • Affeldt, K. J., Brodhagen, M., Keller, P. N. 2012. Aspergillus Oxylipin Signaling and Quorum Sensing Pathways Depend on G Protein-Coupled Receptors. Toxin, 4: 695-717.
  • Almasoud, A., Hettiarachchy, N., Rayaprolu, S., Babu, D., Kwon, Y. M., Mauromoustakos, A. (2015). Inhibitory effects of lactic and malic organic acids on autoinducer type 2 (AI-2) quorum sensing of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium. LWT - Food Sci Technol, 66 (2016): 560-564.
  • Anbazhagan, D., Mansor, M., Yan, G. O. S.,Yusof, M. Y. M., Hassan, H., Sekaran, D. S. (2012). Detection of Quorum Sensing Signal Molecules and Identification of an Autoinducer Synthase Gene among Biofilm Forming Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacter spp.. PLos ONE, 7(7): 1-12.
  • Amaral, G. R. S., Campeao, M. E. (2015). Finding diagnostic phenotypic features of Photobacterium in the genome sequences. Antonie Leeuwenhoek, 107: 1351-1358.
  • Arqués, J. L., Rodríguez, E., Langa, S., Landete, J. M., Medina, M. (2015). Antimicrobial Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Dairy Products and Gut: Effect on Pathogens. BioMed Res International,1-9.
  • Bacon, C. W., Hinton, D. M., Mitchell, T. R. (2017). Is Quorum Signaling by Mycotoxins a New Risk-Mitigating Strategy for Bacterial Biocontrol of Fusarium verticillioides and Other Endophytic Fungal Species? J Agric. Food Chem.,  65 (33): 7071–7080.
  • Barrios, A. F. G., Zuo, R., Hashimoto, Y., Yang, L., Bentley, W. E., Wood, T. K. (2006). Autoinducer 2 Controls Biofilm Formation in Escherichia coli through a Novel Motility Quorum-Sensing Regulator (MqsR, B3022). J Bacteriol, 188 (1): 305-316.
  • Barrios, G. F. A., Zuo, R., Hashimoto, Y., Yang, L., Bentley, W. E., Wood, T. K. (2006). Autoinducer 2 Controls Biofilm Formation in Escherichia coli througha Novel Motility Quorum-Sensing Regulator (MqsR, B3022). J Bacteriol, 188 (1): 305-316.
  • Barriuso, J., Hogan, D. A., Keshavarz, T., Martinez, M. J. (2018). Role of Quorum Sensing and Chemical Communication in Fungal Biotechnology and Pathogenesis. FEMS Microbiol Rev, 42(5): 627-638.
  • Bhardwaj, A. K., Vinothkumar, K., Rajpara, N. (2013). Bacterial Quorum Sensing Inhibitors: Attractive Alternatives for Control of Infectious Pathogens Showing Multiple Drug Resistance. Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discov, 8(1): 68-83.
  • Blana, V., Georgomanou, A., Giaouris, E. (2017). Assessment of The Effect of A Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Culture Supernatant on The Single-Cell Lag Time Of Foodborne Pathogens. Food Control, 80: 83-91.
  • Bosgelmez-Tinaz, G. (2013). Disruption of Bacterial cell-to-cell Communication (Quorum Sensing): A Promising Novel Way to Combat Bacteria-Mediated Diseases. MÜSBED, 3(3):159-163.
  • Chen, H., Fink, G. R. 2006. Feedback control of morphogenesis in fungi by aromatic alcohols. Genes Dev, 20(9): 1150–1161.
  • Chen, F., Gao, Y., Chen, X., Yu, Z., Li, X. (2013). Quorum Quenching Enzymes and Their Application in Degrading Signal Molecules to Block Quorum Sensing-Dependent Infection. Int J Mol Sci, 14:17477-17500.
  • Deep, A., Chaudhary, U., Gupta, V. (2011). Quorum sensing and Bacterial Pathogenicity: From Molecules to Disease. J Lab Phys, 3(1): 4-11.
  • Dong, Y., Wang, L., Zhang, L. (2007). Identification of Quorum-Quenching N-Acyl Homoserine Lactonases from Bacillus Species. Appl Environ Microbiol, 68(4): 1754–1759.
  • Dong, Y., Wang, L., Zhang, L. (2007). Quorum-quenching Microbial Infections: Mechanisms and Implication. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B., 362: 1201–1211.
  • Duanis-Assaf, D., Steinberg, D., Chai, Y., Shemesh, M. (2016). The Lux S Based Quorum Sensing Governs Lactose Induced Biofilm Formation by Bacillus subtilis. Microbiol. 6:151.
  • Duarter, A., Luis, A., Oleastro, M., Domingues, F. C. (2016). Antioxidant Properties of coriander essential oil and linalool and the irpotential to control Campylobacter spp.. Food Control, 61 (2016): 115-122.
  • Eberhard, A., Burlingame, A. L., Eberhard, C., Kenyon, G. L., Nealson, K. H., Oppenheimer, N. J. (1981). Structural Identification of Autoinducer of Photobacterium Fischeri Luciferase. Biochem, 20(9):2444-2449.
  • Erzinger, G. S., Schmoeller, F., Pinto, L. H., Ame´rico1, L., Hemmersbach, R., Hauslage, J., H ¨ader, D. (2018). Bioluminescence Systems in Environmental Biosensors. Bioassays, 241–262.
  • Fuqua, W. C., Wınans, S. C., Greenberg, E. P. (1994). Quorum Sensing in Bacteria: the LuxR-LuxI Family of Cell Density-Responsive Transcriptional Regulators. . J Bacteriol, 176(2): 269-275.
  • Grandclement, C., Tannieres, M., Morera, S., Dessaux, Y., Faure, D. (2016). Quorum Quenching: Role in Nature and Applied Developments. FEMS Microbiol Rev, 40: 86–116.
  • Habyarimana, F., Sabag-Daigle, A., Ahmer, B. M. M. (2014). The SdiA-Regulated Gene srgE Encodes a Type III Secreted Effector. J Bacteriol, 196(12): 2301-2312.
  • Hawver, L. A., Jung, S. A., Ng, W. (2016). Specificity and Complexity in Bacterial Quorum-sensing Systems. FEMS Microbiol Rev, 40(5): 738-752.
  • Hegde, M., Englert, D. L., Schrock, S., Cohn, W. B., Vogt, C., Wood, T. K., Manson, M. D., Jayaraman, A. (2011). Chemotaxis to the Quorum-Sensing Signal AI-2 Requires the Tsr Chemoreceptor and the Periplasmic LsrB AI-2-Binding Protein. J Bacteriol, 193 (3): 768–773.
  • Hornby, J. M., Jensen, E. C., Lisec, A. D., Tasto, J. J., Jahnke, B., Shoemaker, R., Dussault, P., Nickerson, K. W. 2001. Quorum Sensing in the Dimorphic Fungus Candida albicans Is Mediated by Farnesol. Appl Environ Microbiol, 67(7): 2982-2992.
  • Johensen, P., Jespersen, L. (2017). Impact of Quorum sensing on the Quality of Fermented Foods. Curr Opin Food Sci, 13:16-25.
  • Johnson, J. G., Wang, B., Debelouchina, G. T., Novick, R. P., Muir, T. W. (2015). Increasing AIP Macrocycle Size Reveals Key Features of agr Activation in Staphylococcus aureus. ChemBioChem, 16:1093–1100.
  • Kalia, V. C. (2013). Quorum Sensing Inhibitors: An Overview. Biotechnol Adv, 31: 224–245.
  • Karaboz, İ., Sukatar, A., (2004). Bakterilerde Sosyal Davranışlar (Bakterilerde İletişim Mekanizmaları). Orlab On-Line Mikrobiyol Derg, 2(5): 23-32.
  • Kendal, M. M., Sperandio, V. (2014). Cell-to-cell signaling in E. coli and Salmonella. EcoSal Plus., 6(1): 1-22.
  • Kong, F. D., Zhou, L. M., Ma, Q. Y., Huang, S. Z., Wang, P., Dai, H. F., Zhao, Y. X. (2017). Metabolites with Gram-negative Bacteria Quorum Sensing Inhibitory Activity From The Marine Animal Endogenic Fungus Penicillium sp. SCS-KFD08. Arch Pharm Res, 40(1): 25-31.
  • Kruppa, M. 2008. Quorum sensing and Candida albicans. Mycoses, 52: 1-10.
  • Kumar, J. S., Umesha, S., Prasa, K. S., Niranjana, P. (2016). Detection of Quorum Sensing Molecules and Biofilm Formation in Ralstonia Solanacearum. Curr Microbiol, 72: 297–305.
  • Litrenta, J., Oetgen, M. (2017). Hafnia alvei: A New Pathogen in Open Fractures. Trauma Case Rep, 8: 41–45.
  • Luciardi, M. C., Blazquez, M. A., Cartagena, E., Bardon, A., Arena, M. A. (2016). Mandarin Essential Oils İnhibit Quorum Sensing and Virulence Factors of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 68: 373-380.
  • Nguyen,Y. Nguyen, N. X., Rogers, J. L., Liao, J., MacMillan, J. B., Jiang, Y., Sperandio, V. (2015). Structural and Mechanistic Roles of Novel Chemical Ligands on the SdiA Quorum-Sensing Transcription Regulator. M Biol, 6(2): 1-10.
  • Okutsu, N., Morohosi, T., Xie, X., Kato, N., Ikeda, T. (2016). Characterization of N-Acylhomoserine Lactones Produced by Bacteria Isolated from Industrial Cooling Water Systems. Sensors, 16 (44): 1-9.
  • O’Toole, G. A. (2016). Classic Spotlight: Quorum Sensing and the Multicellular Life of Unicellular Organisms. J Bacteriol, 198(1): 601.
  • Padder, S. A., Prasad, R., Shah, A. H. (2018). Quorum sensing: A Less Known Mode of Communication Among Fungi. Microbiol Res, 210: 51-58.
  • Pereira, C. S., Regt, A. K., Brito, P. H., Miller, S. T., Xavier, K. B. (2009). Identification of Functional LsrB-Like Autoinducer-2 Receptors. J Bacteriol, 191(22): 6975–6987.
  • Pereira,C. S., Thompson, J. A., Xavier, K. B. (2012). AI-2-mediated Signalling in Bacteria. FEMS Microbiol Rev., 37: 156–181.
  • Raina, S., Odell, M., Keshavarz, T. 2010. Quorum sensing as a method for improving 643 sclerotiorin production in Penicillium sclerotiorum. J. Biotechnol, 148: 91-98.
  • Rajasree, K., Fasim, A., Gopal, B. (2016). Conformational Features of The Staphylococcus aureus AgrA-promoter Interactions Rationalize Quorum-sensing triggered gene expression. Biochem Biophy Rep, 6 :124–134.
  • Rampioni, G., Leoni, L., Williams, P. (2014). The Art of Antibacterial Warfare: Deception Through Interference with Quorum Sensing-Mediated Communication. Bioorg Chem, 55:60-68.
  • Ray, V. A., Visick, K. L. (2012). LuxU Connects Quorum Sensing to Biofilm Formation in Vibrio fischeri. Mol Microbiol, 86(4), 954–970.
  • Rizzello, C. G., Filannino, P., Cagno, R., Calasso, M., Gobbetti, M. (2014). Quorum-Sensing Regulation of Constitutive Plantaricin by Lactobacillus plantarum Strains under a Model System for Vegetables and Fruits. Appl Environ Microbiol, 80(2): 777-787.
  • Roux, A., Todd, D. A., Velazquez, J. V., Cech, N. B., Sonenshein, A. L. (2014). CodY Mediated Regulation of the Staphylococcus aureus Agr System Integrates Nutritional and Population Density Signals. J Bacteriol, 196(6):1184-1196.
  • Rutherfor, S. T. and Bassler, B. L. (2012). Bacterial Quorum Sensing: Its Role in Virulence and Possibilities for Its Control. Cold Spring Harbor Perspect Med, (2): 1-25.
  • Sarfraz, S., Sahi, S. T., Rehman, A., Rajput, N. A., Alam, M. W., Hameed, A., Riaz, K. (2018). Antagonistic Potential of Bacillus spp. Associated with Potato Rhizosphere for Controlling Pectobacterium Based Infections in Potato. Uluslar arası Tarım, Çevre ve Sağlık Kongresi, 26-28 Ekim, Aydın, Türkiye.
  • Schmidt, R., Etalo, D. W., Jager, V., Gerards, S., Zweers, H., Boer, W., Garbeva, P. 2016. Microbial Small Talk: Volatiles in Fungal–Bacterial Interactions. Front Microbiol, 6 (1495): 1-12.
  • Skandamis, P. N., Nychas, G. E. (2012). Quorum Sensing in the Context of Food Microbiology. Appl Environ Microbiol, 78(16): 5473-5482.
  • Song, X., Qiu, H., Xiao, X., Cheng, Y., Li, W., Sheng, G., Li, X., Yu, H. (2014). Determination of autoinducer-2 in biological samples byhigh-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescencedetection using pre-column derivatization. J Chromatogr A, 1361: 162–168.
  • Tang, K., Zhang, X. (2014). Quorum Quenching Agents: Resources for Antivirulence Therapy. Mar Drugs, 12: 3245-3282.
  • Traber, K. E., Lee, E., Benson, S., Corrigan, R., Cantera, M., Shopsin, B., Novick, R. P. (2008). Agr Function in Clinical Staphylococcus aureus Isolates. Microbiol, 154: 2265–2274.
  • Truchado, P., Larrosa, M., Castro-Ibanez, I., Allende, A. (2015). Plant food extracts and phytochemicals: Their role as Quorum Sensing Inhibitors. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 43: 189-204.
  • Vasquez, J. K., Tal-Gan, Y., Cornilescu, G., Tyler, K. A., Blackwel, H. E. (2017). Simplified AIP-II Peptidomimetics Are Potent Inhibitors of Staphylococcus aureus AgrC Quorum Sensing Receptors. ChemBioChem, 18(4): 413-423.
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  • Wang, B., Zhao, A., Novick, R., Muir, T. W. (2014). Activation and Inhibition of the Receptor Histidine Kinase AgrC Occurs Through Opposite Helical Transduction Motions. Mol Cell., 53(6): 929–940.
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Year 2019, Volume: 44 Issue: 6, 943 - 953, 06.10.2019


Quorum sensing (QS), is cell to cell comunication,
threatens on public health to make effects by means of biofilm, antibiotic
resistance and virulence. QS observed in bacteria, molds and yeasts.
Autoinducers are most important communication molecules in QS. And the
diversity of these molecules according to microorganisms makes the control of
the QS mechanism difficult. In recent years, there is a lot of work about
Quorum Quenching (QQ) which is known as blocking mechanism of the QS. The QQ
mechanism exists both enzymatically and chemically in nature and the extracts
of plant-origin food has ability inhibited autoinducers owing to the fact that
they are chemically similar to autoinducers. In this review, the QS mechanism
in microorganisms that cause serious hazards in the food sector as well as in
many disciplines for public health and the QQ mechanism intended to prevent the
harmful effects of QS are discussed.


  • Affeldt, K. J., Brodhagen, M., Keller, P. N. 2012. Aspergillus Oxylipin Signaling and Quorum Sensing Pathways Depend on G Protein-Coupled Receptors. Toxin, 4: 695-717.
  • Almasoud, A., Hettiarachchy, N., Rayaprolu, S., Babu, D., Kwon, Y. M., Mauromoustakos, A. (2015). Inhibitory effects of lactic and malic organic acids on autoinducer type 2 (AI-2) quorum sensing of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium. LWT - Food Sci Technol, 66 (2016): 560-564.
  • Anbazhagan, D., Mansor, M., Yan, G. O. S.,Yusof, M. Y. M., Hassan, H., Sekaran, D. S. (2012). Detection of Quorum Sensing Signal Molecules and Identification of an Autoinducer Synthase Gene among Biofilm Forming Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacter spp.. PLos ONE, 7(7): 1-12.
  • Amaral, G. R. S., Campeao, M. E. (2015). Finding diagnostic phenotypic features of Photobacterium in the genome sequences. Antonie Leeuwenhoek, 107: 1351-1358.
  • Arqués, J. L., Rodríguez, E., Langa, S., Landete, J. M., Medina, M. (2015). Antimicrobial Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Dairy Products and Gut: Effect on Pathogens. BioMed Res International,1-9.
  • Bacon, C. W., Hinton, D. M., Mitchell, T. R. (2017). Is Quorum Signaling by Mycotoxins a New Risk-Mitigating Strategy for Bacterial Biocontrol of Fusarium verticillioides and Other Endophytic Fungal Species? J Agric. Food Chem.,  65 (33): 7071–7080.
  • Barrios, A. F. G., Zuo, R., Hashimoto, Y., Yang, L., Bentley, W. E., Wood, T. K. (2006). Autoinducer 2 Controls Biofilm Formation in Escherichia coli through a Novel Motility Quorum-Sensing Regulator (MqsR, B3022). J Bacteriol, 188 (1): 305-316.
  • Barrios, G. F. A., Zuo, R., Hashimoto, Y., Yang, L., Bentley, W. E., Wood, T. K. (2006). Autoinducer 2 Controls Biofilm Formation in Escherichia coli througha Novel Motility Quorum-Sensing Regulator (MqsR, B3022). J Bacteriol, 188 (1): 305-316.
  • Barriuso, J., Hogan, D. A., Keshavarz, T., Martinez, M. J. (2018). Role of Quorum Sensing and Chemical Communication in Fungal Biotechnology and Pathogenesis. FEMS Microbiol Rev, 42(5): 627-638.
  • Bhardwaj, A. K., Vinothkumar, K., Rajpara, N. (2013). Bacterial Quorum Sensing Inhibitors: Attractive Alternatives for Control of Infectious Pathogens Showing Multiple Drug Resistance. Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discov, 8(1): 68-83.
  • Blana, V., Georgomanou, A., Giaouris, E. (2017). Assessment of The Effect of A Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Culture Supernatant on The Single-Cell Lag Time Of Foodborne Pathogens. Food Control, 80: 83-91.
  • Bosgelmez-Tinaz, G. (2013). Disruption of Bacterial cell-to-cell Communication (Quorum Sensing): A Promising Novel Way to Combat Bacteria-Mediated Diseases. MÜSBED, 3(3):159-163.
  • Chen, H., Fink, G. R. 2006. Feedback control of morphogenesis in fungi by aromatic alcohols. Genes Dev, 20(9): 1150–1161.
  • Chen, F., Gao, Y., Chen, X., Yu, Z., Li, X. (2013). Quorum Quenching Enzymes and Their Application in Degrading Signal Molecules to Block Quorum Sensing-Dependent Infection. Int J Mol Sci, 14:17477-17500.
  • Deep, A., Chaudhary, U., Gupta, V. (2011). Quorum sensing and Bacterial Pathogenicity: From Molecules to Disease. J Lab Phys, 3(1): 4-11.
  • Dong, Y., Wang, L., Zhang, L. (2007). Identification of Quorum-Quenching N-Acyl Homoserine Lactonases from Bacillus Species. Appl Environ Microbiol, 68(4): 1754–1759.
  • Dong, Y., Wang, L., Zhang, L. (2007). Quorum-quenching Microbial Infections: Mechanisms and Implication. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B., 362: 1201–1211.
  • Duanis-Assaf, D., Steinberg, D., Chai, Y., Shemesh, M. (2016). The Lux S Based Quorum Sensing Governs Lactose Induced Biofilm Formation by Bacillus subtilis. Microbiol. 6:151.
  • Duarter, A., Luis, A., Oleastro, M., Domingues, F. C. (2016). Antioxidant Properties of coriander essential oil and linalool and the irpotential to control Campylobacter spp.. Food Control, 61 (2016): 115-122.
  • Eberhard, A., Burlingame, A. L., Eberhard, C., Kenyon, G. L., Nealson, K. H., Oppenheimer, N. J. (1981). Structural Identification of Autoinducer of Photobacterium Fischeri Luciferase. Biochem, 20(9):2444-2449.
  • Erzinger, G. S., Schmoeller, F., Pinto, L. H., Ame´rico1, L., Hemmersbach, R., Hauslage, J., H ¨ader, D. (2018). Bioluminescence Systems in Environmental Biosensors. Bioassays, 241–262.
  • Fuqua, W. C., Wınans, S. C., Greenberg, E. P. (1994). Quorum Sensing in Bacteria: the LuxR-LuxI Family of Cell Density-Responsive Transcriptional Regulators. . J Bacteriol, 176(2): 269-275.
  • Grandclement, C., Tannieres, M., Morera, S., Dessaux, Y., Faure, D. (2016). Quorum Quenching: Role in Nature and Applied Developments. FEMS Microbiol Rev, 40: 86–116.
  • Habyarimana, F., Sabag-Daigle, A., Ahmer, B. M. M. (2014). The SdiA-Regulated Gene srgE Encodes a Type III Secreted Effector. J Bacteriol, 196(12): 2301-2312.
  • Hawver, L. A., Jung, S. A., Ng, W. (2016). Specificity and Complexity in Bacterial Quorum-sensing Systems. FEMS Microbiol Rev, 40(5): 738-752.
  • Hegde, M., Englert, D. L., Schrock, S., Cohn, W. B., Vogt, C., Wood, T. K., Manson, M. D., Jayaraman, A. (2011). Chemotaxis to the Quorum-Sensing Signal AI-2 Requires the Tsr Chemoreceptor and the Periplasmic LsrB AI-2-Binding Protein. J Bacteriol, 193 (3): 768–773.
  • Hornby, J. M., Jensen, E. C., Lisec, A. D., Tasto, J. J., Jahnke, B., Shoemaker, R., Dussault, P., Nickerson, K. W. 2001. Quorum Sensing in the Dimorphic Fungus Candida albicans Is Mediated by Farnesol. Appl Environ Microbiol, 67(7): 2982-2992.
  • Johensen, P., Jespersen, L. (2017). Impact of Quorum sensing on the Quality of Fermented Foods. Curr Opin Food Sci, 13:16-25.
  • Johnson, J. G., Wang, B., Debelouchina, G. T., Novick, R. P., Muir, T. W. (2015). Increasing AIP Macrocycle Size Reveals Key Features of agr Activation in Staphylococcus aureus. ChemBioChem, 16:1093–1100.
  • Kalia, V. C. (2013). Quorum Sensing Inhibitors: An Overview. Biotechnol Adv, 31: 224–245.
  • Karaboz, İ., Sukatar, A., (2004). Bakterilerde Sosyal Davranışlar (Bakterilerde İletişim Mekanizmaları). Orlab On-Line Mikrobiyol Derg, 2(5): 23-32.
  • Kendal, M. M., Sperandio, V. (2014). Cell-to-cell signaling in E. coli and Salmonella. EcoSal Plus., 6(1): 1-22.
  • Kong, F. D., Zhou, L. M., Ma, Q. Y., Huang, S. Z., Wang, P., Dai, H. F., Zhao, Y. X. (2017). Metabolites with Gram-negative Bacteria Quorum Sensing Inhibitory Activity From The Marine Animal Endogenic Fungus Penicillium sp. SCS-KFD08. Arch Pharm Res, 40(1): 25-31.
  • Kruppa, M. 2008. Quorum sensing and Candida albicans. Mycoses, 52: 1-10.
  • Kumar, J. S., Umesha, S., Prasa, K. S., Niranjana, P. (2016). Detection of Quorum Sensing Molecules and Biofilm Formation in Ralstonia Solanacearum. Curr Microbiol, 72: 297–305.
  • Litrenta, J., Oetgen, M. (2017). Hafnia alvei: A New Pathogen in Open Fractures. Trauma Case Rep, 8: 41–45.
  • Luciardi, M. C., Blazquez, M. A., Cartagena, E., Bardon, A., Arena, M. A. (2016). Mandarin Essential Oils İnhibit Quorum Sensing and Virulence Factors of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 68: 373-380.
  • Nguyen,Y. Nguyen, N. X., Rogers, J. L., Liao, J., MacMillan, J. B., Jiang, Y., Sperandio, V. (2015). Structural and Mechanistic Roles of Novel Chemical Ligands on the SdiA Quorum-Sensing Transcription Regulator. M Biol, 6(2): 1-10.
  • Okutsu, N., Morohosi, T., Xie, X., Kato, N., Ikeda, T. (2016). Characterization of N-Acylhomoserine Lactones Produced by Bacteria Isolated from Industrial Cooling Water Systems. Sensors, 16 (44): 1-9.
  • O’Toole, G. A. (2016). Classic Spotlight: Quorum Sensing and the Multicellular Life of Unicellular Organisms. J Bacteriol, 198(1): 601.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Prof. Dr. İşıl Var

Çağrı Çelik

Publication Date October 6, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 44 Issue: 6


IEEE P. D. İ. Var and Ç. Çelik, “MİKROORGANİZMALARDA ÇOĞUNLUĞU ALGILAMA VE ÇOĞUNLUĞU ALGILAMA MEKANİZMASININ ENGELLENMESİ”, The Journal of Food, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 943–953, 2019, doi: 10.15237/gida.GD19016.
MLA Var, Prof. Dr. İşıl and Çağrı Çelik. “MİKROORGANİZMALARDA ÇOĞUNLUĞU ALGILAMA VE ÇOĞUNLUĞU ALGILAMA MEKANİZMASININ ENGELLENMESİ”. Gıda, vol. 44, no. 6, 2019, pp. 943-5, doi:10.15237/gida.GD19016.


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