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Effect of Bromelin, Ficin and Papain Enzymes on some Technological Characteristics of Fresh and Frozen Beef Longissimus Dorsi Muscles (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2006, Volume: 31 Issue: 2, - , 01.04.2006


In this research, the effects of various plant enzymes (bromelin, ficin, papain) on emulsion capacity (EC), emulsion stability (ES), water seperation (WS), oil seperation (OS), cooking loss (CL), water-holding capacity (WHC) of fresh and frozen beef Longissimusdorsi muscles were deterined. Statistical analyses showed that EC of samples were significantly (p<0.01) increased by all of the plant enzymes. In frozen L. dorsi, WS was significantly (p<0.01) by bromelin. WS were increased at statistically significant level (p<0.01) in both fresh and frozen L. dorsi muscles treated by ficin. OS were decreased significantly (p<0.01) with the treatment of bromelin in frozen L. dorsi samples. ES was increased significantly (p<0.01) in bromelin treated fresh and frozen L. dorsi muscles but decreased by the effects of ficin at statisticaly significant level (p<0,01). Bromelin and papain increased CL rates on fresh L. dorsi at statistically significant level (p<0,01), as well as in frozen L. dorsi (p<0.05). WHC was increased by ficin treatment in fresh and frozen L. dorsi muscles at statistically significant level (p<0.01).It can be said that the proteolitic enzymes used in this research different effect on the fresh and frozen L. dorsi muscles.


  • Abdallah NM, Amin AT and Yousset NIKE. 197B. Etfect of some proteolytic enzymes on chemicai, physical and organoleptic characteristics of camel meat. Annoals Agric. Sci.-Mostcnor 9:113-t23. (Abstract).
  • Asiıie iNA, Sorenson TL and Nielsen PM. 2992. Effects of papaln and amicrobiai enzyme on meat proteins and besi tenderness. J. Food Sci. Vol: 67(6). 2138-2142.
  • Bailey ME and Murdock .tr FA. 1991. Indigenous and Exogenous Enzymes oi Meat ln: Food enzymoâogy. Ed. FOX.P.F. Elsevier Sci. Publ. LTD.. Essex.
  • Brooks BA, Klasing KC and Regenstein JM. 1985. Etfects oi antemortem crude papain in chicken muscle. J. Food Sci.Vol: 50. 1370-1375.
  • Caygill JC. t979. Sulphydı'yl plant proteases. Enzyme Microb. Thecnol.Vcl:1 (4), 233-242.
  • Chaplin MF and Booka C. 1990. Enzyme Technology. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
  • DeVitre HA and Cunnignam FE. 1985. Tenderizat'ıon ot spent hen muscle using pepsin, bromelén or ficin atone and in combination with saits. Pouitry Sci. 64114764483.
  • Du Bois MW, Anglemler AF, Montgomery MW and Davidson Wi). 1972. Effect of proteoiys'ıs on the emulsitication characteristics of bovine skeletai muscle. J. Food Sci.. 37:27—28.
  • Düzgüneş 0. Kesici T ve Gürbüz F. 1983. istatistik Metotiarı. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi. Yayın No: 860, 8:218. Ankara.
  • Eskin MNA. 1999. Biochemistry ol Foods. 2nd ed. Academic Press. inc. Caiiicrnia. t 16 ' cım vu,: sı SAY] : 2 MART-MEAN 2mm
  • Feliows P. 2000. Food Processing Technology Principles and Practice. 2 nd ed. Academic Press Inc. California.
  • Feda YH, Basiouny SS, Abdallah MA end Shehats Mt. 1980. Studies on the effect of meat tendetizers on some chemical constituents of cennet and buffalo meets. Mesopotamia J. Agric. 15(1): 93-111 (Abstract).
  • Fox PF, Monssey PA and Muivihiîi DM. 1982. Chemical and enzymatic modification ot food proteins in: “Developments in Food Proteins’ Ed. HUDSON, B.J.F. Applied Sci. Pub]. LTD. Essex.
  • Gerelt S, lkeuchi Y and Suzuki A. 2000. Meet tendertzation by proteolytio enzymes after osmotic dehydtation. Meat Sci. 56:311—818.
  • Gökalp HY, Kaya M. Tülek Y and Zorba Ö. 1993. Et Ürünlerinde Kalite Kontrolü ve Laboratuar Uygulama Kılavuzu. Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Gıda Müh. Böl. Ders Kitabı Serisi No: 89. Erzurum.
  • Hogan JM and Scott JF. 1960. US Patent 2,963,376. inz'Meet Product Manufecture Ed. KAHMAS. E. Noyes Date Corp. Part—< Ridge. New Jersey, U.S.A.
  • Kang CK and Werner WD. 1974. Tenderizatioo ot meat with papaya latex proteeses. J. Food Soi. 39: 812818.
  • Katakaya M and Ockerrnan HW. 2002. NaCl-KZHPO4, bazı bitkisel enzimicr ve yağların sığır etinin emütsiyon ve su tutma kapasitesine etkisi, Gıda, 2'? (1 ): 21—26.
  • Kim KS, Lee SY. Lee KW. Cheong SK and Ksm YZ. 3981. Studies on tenderization oi meat by use ot proteolytic enzyme. l. Study on the properties of proteotytic enzymes. Research Reports of the Rural Development. Livestock and Veterinary. 23:75—87. (Abstract).
  • Kondaiah N. Anjeneyuiu ASR. Ftac UK, Sharma N and Sosht HB. 1985. Effect of sait end phosphate on the quality of buitalo and goat meats. Meet Sci. tö: 183—192.
  • Macrae Ft. Robinson RK and Sadler MJ. 1993. Encyciopeedia of Food Science Food Technotogy and Nutrition. Academic Press LTD. UK.
  • Ockermen HW. 1976. Cluaiity Controt of Post-menem Muscle Tissue. 1st. Ed. Coiombus, Ohio, USA.
  • Pedetsen JM. 1971. Water in :The Science ot Meat and Meat Products. Eds. Price JF, Schweigert BS. W.H. Freeman and Company,. San Francisco. USA.
  • Ramezani Ft, Aminieri M and Faitahi H. 2908. Etfsct oi chemicaily modified soy proteins and ficin-tenderized meat on the quality attributes of sausage. J. Food Chem. and Thoxicclogy 68 (1): 85-88.
  • Schwirnmer S. 1981. Source Book of Food Enzymology. The AVl Pubtishing Company. Inc. Westport, Connecticut. USA.
  • Stefanek JL. Scange JA. Betk KE and Smith GC. 2002. Effects of Enzymes on Beef Tenderness end Patatability Traits. Animal Sci. Hes. Report, The Dept. Of Animal Sci.. Colorado State Univ., Colorado. USA.
  • Wardiaw FB. Skelley GC, Johnson MG and Acton JC. 1973. Changes in meet components during fermentation heat processing and drying of a summer sausage. J. Food Sci. 38:1228.
  • Webb NB, Every FJ. Craig HS, Jones VA and Monroe RJ. 1970. The measurement of emulsifying capacity eiectricai resistance. J. Food Sci.. 35:501—503.
  • Wieland H. 1972. Enzymes in Food Processing and Products. Noyes Data Corporation, New Jersey.
  • Wong BWS. 1995. Food Enzymes Structure and Mechanism. Chapman and Hall. New Yoşk.

Taze ve Dondurulmuş Sığır Longissimus dorsi Kaslarının bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bromelin, Ficin ve Papain Enzimlerinin Etkisi

Year 2006, Volume: 31 Issue: 2, - , 01.04.2006


Bu araştırmada, çeşitli bitkisel enzimlerle (bromelin, ficin, papain) muamele işleminin, taze ve dondurularak muhafaza edilmiş sığır L. dorsi kaslarının emülsiyon kapasitesi (EK), emülsiyondan ayrılan su oranı (EAS), emülsiyondan ayrılan yağ oranı (EAY), emülsiyon stabilite oranı (ESO), pişirme kaybı (PK) ve su tutma kapasitesi (STK) üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen istatistiki analiz sonuçlarına göre, her üç enzim de emülsiyon kapasitesini önemli (P&lt;0.01) ölçüde arttırmıştır. Dondurulan L. dorsi örneklerinde; bromelinEAS oranını istatistiki olarak önemli (p&lt;0.01) düzeyde arttırmıştır. Ficin uygulaması, taze ve dondurulmuş L. dorsi örneklerinin EAY oranını istatistiki olarak önemli (p&lt;0.01) derecede arttırmıştır. Bromelin uygulaması taze ve dondurulan L. dorsi örneklerinin ESO'nıistatistiki olarak önemli (p&lt;0.01) ölçüde arttırırken, ficin uygulaması önemli (p&lt;0.01) ölçüde azaltmıştır. Bromelin ve papain, pişirme kaybını taze L. dorsi kaslarında istatistiki olarak çok önemli (p&lt;0.01) düzeyde, dondurulmuş örneklerde ise önemli (p&lt;0.05) düzeyde arttırmışlardır. Ficin uygulamasının taze ve dondurulan L. dorsi örneklerinin, STK'niistatistiki olarak önemli (p&lt;0.01) oranda yükselttiği tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bitkisel proteolitik enzimlerin taze ve dondurulmuş L. dorsi kaslarının teknolojik özelliklerini farklı düzeylerde değiştirdiği söylenebilir.


  • Abdallah NM, Amin AT and Yousset NIKE. 197B. Etfect of some proteolytic enzymes on chemicai, physical and organoleptic characteristics of camel meat. Annoals Agric. Sci.-Mostcnor 9:113-t23. (Abstract).
  • Asiıie iNA, Sorenson TL and Nielsen PM. 2992. Effects of papaln and amicrobiai enzyme on meat proteins and besi tenderness. J. Food Sci. Vol: 67(6). 2138-2142.
  • Bailey ME and Murdock .tr FA. 1991. Indigenous and Exogenous Enzymes oi Meat ln: Food enzymoâogy. Ed. FOX.P.F. Elsevier Sci. Publ. LTD.. Essex.
  • Brooks BA, Klasing KC and Regenstein JM. 1985. Etfects oi antemortem crude papain in chicken muscle. J. Food Sci.Vol: 50. 1370-1375.
  • Caygill JC. t979. Sulphydı'yl plant proteases. Enzyme Microb. Thecnol.Vcl:1 (4), 233-242.
  • Chaplin MF and Booka C. 1990. Enzyme Technology. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
  • DeVitre HA and Cunnignam FE. 1985. Tenderizat'ıon ot spent hen muscle using pepsin, bromelén or ficin atone and in combination with saits. Pouitry Sci. 64114764483.
  • Du Bois MW, Anglemler AF, Montgomery MW and Davidson Wi). 1972. Effect of proteoiys'ıs on the emulsitication characteristics of bovine skeletai muscle. J. Food Sci.. 37:27—28.
  • Düzgüneş 0. Kesici T ve Gürbüz F. 1983. istatistik Metotiarı. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi. Yayın No: 860, 8:218. Ankara.
  • Eskin MNA. 1999. Biochemistry ol Foods. 2nd ed. Academic Press. inc. Caiiicrnia. t 16 ' cım vu,: sı SAY] : 2 MART-MEAN 2mm
  • Feliows P. 2000. Food Processing Technology Principles and Practice. 2 nd ed. Academic Press Inc. California.
  • Feda YH, Basiouny SS, Abdallah MA end Shehats Mt. 1980. Studies on the effect of meat tendetizers on some chemical constituents of cennet and buffalo meets. Mesopotamia J. Agric. 15(1): 93-111 (Abstract).
  • Fox PF, Monssey PA and Muivihiîi DM. 1982. Chemical and enzymatic modification ot food proteins in: “Developments in Food Proteins’ Ed. HUDSON, B.J.F. Applied Sci. Pub]. LTD. Essex.
  • Gerelt S, lkeuchi Y and Suzuki A. 2000. Meet tendertzation by proteolytio enzymes after osmotic dehydtation. Meat Sci. 56:311—818.
  • Gökalp HY, Kaya M. Tülek Y and Zorba Ö. 1993. Et Ürünlerinde Kalite Kontrolü ve Laboratuar Uygulama Kılavuzu. Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Gıda Müh. Böl. Ders Kitabı Serisi No: 89. Erzurum.
  • Hogan JM and Scott JF. 1960. US Patent 2,963,376. inz'Meet Product Manufecture Ed. KAHMAS. E. Noyes Date Corp. Part—< Ridge. New Jersey, U.S.A.
  • Kang CK and Werner WD. 1974. Tenderizatioo ot meat with papaya latex proteeses. J. Food Soi. 39: 812818.
  • Katakaya M and Ockerrnan HW. 2002. NaCl-KZHPO4, bazı bitkisel enzimicr ve yağların sığır etinin emütsiyon ve su tutma kapasitesine etkisi, Gıda, 2'? (1 ): 21—26.
  • Kim KS, Lee SY. Lee KW. Cheong SK and Ksm YZ. 3981. Studies on tenderization oi meat by use ot proteolytic enzyme. l. Study on the properties of proteotytic enzymes. Research Reports of the Rural Development. Livestock and Veterinary. 23:75—87. (Abstract).
  • Kondaiah N. Anjeneyuiu ASR. Ftac UK, Sharma N and Sosht HB. 1985. Effect of sait end phosphate on the quality of buitalo and goat meats. Meet Sci. tö: 183—192.
  • Macrae Ft. Robinson RK and Sadler MJ. 1993. Encyciopeedia of Food Science Food Technotogy and Nutrition. Academic Press LTD. UK.
  • Ockermen HW. 1976. Cluaiity Controt of Post-menem Muscle Tissue. 1st. Ed. Coiombus, Ohio, USA.
  • Pedetsen JM. 1971. Water in :The Science ot Meat and Meat Products. Eds. Price JF, Schweigert BS. W.H. Freeman and Company,. San Francisco. USA.
  • Ramezani Ft, Aminieri M and Faitahi H. 2908. Etfsct oi chemicaily modified soy proteins and ficin-tenderized meat on the quality attributes of sausage. J. Food Chem. and Thoxicclogy 68 (1): 85-88.
  • Schwirnmer S. 1981. Source Book of Food Enzymology. The AVl Pubtishing Company. Inc. Westport, Connecticut. USA.
  • Stefanek JL. Scange JA. Betk KE and Smith GC. 2002. Effects of Enzymes on Beef Tenderness end Patatability Traits. Animal Sci. Hes. Report, The Dept. Of Animal Sci.. Colorado State Univ., Colorado. USA.
  • Wardiaw FB. Skelley GC, Johnson MG and Acton JC. 1973. Changes in meet components during fermentation heat processing and drying of a summer sausage. J. Food Sci. 38:1228.
  • Webb NB, Every FJ. Craig HS, Jones VA and Monroe RJ. 1970. The measurement of emulsifying capacity eiectricai resistance. J. Food Sci.. 35:501—503.
  • Wieland H. 1972. Enzymes in Food Processing and Products. Noyes Data Corporation, New Jersey.
  • Wong BWS. 1995. Food Enzymes Structure and Mechanism. Chapman and Hall. New Yoşk.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Recep Palamutoğlu

Mustafa Karakaya This is me

Cemalettin Sarıçoban This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 31 Issue: 2


APA Palamutoğlu, R. ., Karakaya, M. ., & Sarıçoban, C. . (2006). Taze ve Dondurulmuş Sığır Longissimus dorsi Kaslarının bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bromelin, Ficin ve Papain Enzimlerinin Etkisi. Gıda, 31(2).
AMA Palamutoğlu R, Karakaya M, Sarıçoban C. Taze ve Dondurulmuş Sığır Longissimus dorsi Kaslarının bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bromelin, Ficin ve Papain Enzimlerinin Etkisi. The Journal of Food. April 2006;31(2).
Chicago Palamutoğlu, Recep, Mustafa Karakaya, and Cemalettin Sarıçoban. “Taze Ve Dondurulmuş Sığır Longissimus Dorsi Kaslarının Bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bromelin, Ficin Ve Papain Enzimlerinin Etkisi”. Gıda 31, no. 2 (April 2006).
EndNote Palamutoğlu R, Karakaya M, Sarıçoban C (April 1, 2006) Taze ve Dondurulmuş Sığır Longissimus dorsi Kaslarının bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bromelin, Ficin ve Papain Enzimlerinin Etkisi. Gıda 31 2
IEEE R. . Palamutoğlu, M. . Karakaya, and C. . Sarıçoban, “Taze ve Dondurulmuş Sığır Longissimus dorsi Kaslarının bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bromelin, Ficin ve Papain Enzimlerinin Etkisi”, The Journal of Food, vol. 31, no. 2, 2006.
ISNAD Palamutoğlu, Recep et al. “Taze Ve Dondurulmuş Sığır Longissimus Dorsi Kaslarının Bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bromelin, Ficin Ve Papain Enzimlerinin Etkisi”. Gıda 31/2 (April 2006).
JAMA Palamutoğlu R, Karakaya M, Sarıçoban C. Taze ve Dondurulmuş Sığır Longissimus dorsi Kaslarının bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bromelin, Ficin ve Papain Enzimlerinin Etkisi. The Journal of Food. 2006;31.
MLA Palamutoğlu, Recep et al. “Taze Ve Dondurulmuş Sığır Longissimus Dorsi Kaslarının Bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bromelin, Ficin Ve Papain Enzimlerinin Etkisi”. Gıda, vol. 31, no. 2, 2006.
Vancouver Palamutoğlu R, Karakaya M, Sarıçoban C. Taze ve Dondurulmuş Sığır Longissimus dorsi Kaslarının bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bromelin, Ficin ve Papain Enzimlerinin Etkisi. The Journal of Food. 2006;31(2).


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