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Bebek Mamalarında bazı Vitamin Değişimlerinin Kapiler Elektroforez ile İncelenmesi (İngilizce)

Year 2011, Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 1 - 8, 01.02.2011


Bu çalışma, bebek mamalarının paketin açıldığı birinci ve onbeşinci günlerdeki d-pantotenat ve niasinin değişiminin yeni bir kapiler elektroforetik yöntemle zamana bağımlı olarak değişimini tanıtmaktadır. Se­kiz numunede D-pantotenat miktarı Türk Standartlarının belirlediği değerlerden yüksek bulunmuş, dokuz numunede bulunmamıştır. Yedi numunede niasine rastlanmamıştır. On beşinci günde tüm numunelerde vitamin kayıbı gözlenmiştir.


  • Anon 1997. US Food and Drug administration (FDA). Overview of infant formulas. USA: Center for Food Safe ty and Applied Nutrition, Office of Special Nutritionals
  • Bermejo P, Pena E, Dominguez R, Bermejo A, Fraga JM, Cocho JA. 2000. Speciation of iron in breast milk and infant formulas whey by size exclusion chromatog raphy-high performance liquid chromatography and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Talan ta, 50: 1211-1222.
  • Rodriguez Rodriguez EM, Sanz Alaejos M, Diaz Romero C. 2000. Concentrations of iron, copper and zinc in human milk and powdered infant formula. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 51: 373-380.
  • Ikem A, Nwankwoala A, Odueyungbo S, Nyavor K, Egiebor N. 2002. Levels of 26 elements in infant formula from USA, UK, and Nigeria by microwave digestion and ICP–OES. Food Chem, 77: 439-447
  • Combs Jr GF. 1992. Discovery of the vitamins. In: The vitamins: fundamental aspects in nutrition and health, Academic Press, San Diego, USA.
  • Albalá-Hurtado S, Novella-Rodríguez S, VecianaNogués MT, Mariné-Font A. 1997. Determination of vitamins A and E in infant milk formulae by high-per formance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr A, 778: 243-246
  • Albalá-Hurtado S, Veciana-Nogués MT, IzquierdoPulido M, Mariné-Font A. 1997. Determination of wa ter-soluble vitamins in infant milk by high-performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr A, 778: 247-253
  • Gonzalez-Corbella MJ, Tortras-Biosca M, Castel lote-Bargallo AI, Lopez-Sabater MC. 1999. Retinol and α-tocopherol in infant formulas produced in the EEC. Food Chem, 66 (2): 221-226
  • Majchrzak D, Elmadfa I. 2001. Phylloquinone (vitamin K1) content of commercially-available baby food prod ucts. Food Chem, 74: 275-280.
  • Rodrigo N, Alegría A, Barberá R, Farré R. 2002. High-performance liquid chromatographic determina tion of tocopherols in infant formulas. J Chromatogr A, 947: 97-102
  • Mendoza BR, Morera Pons S, Castellote Bargalló AI, López-Sabater MC. 2003. Rapid determination by re versed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of vitamins A and E in infant formulas. J Chromatogr A, 1018: 197-202.
  • Vinas P, Lopez-Erroz C, Balsalobre N, HernandezCordoba M. 2003. Reversed-phase liquid chromatogra phy on an amide stationary phase for the determination of the B group vitamins in baby foods. J Chromatogr A, 1007: 77-84
  • Perales S, Delgado MM, Alegría A, Barberá R, Farré R. 2005. Liquid chromatographic determination of Vita min D3 in infant formulas and fortified milk. Anal Chim Acta, 543: 58-63.
  • Chávez-Servín JL, Castellote A, López-Sabater MC. 2006. Simultaneous analysis of Vitamins A and E in infant milk-based formulae by normal-phase highperformance liquid chromatography–diode array detec tion using a short narrow-bore column. J Chromatogr A 1122: 138-143
  • Mittermayr R, Kalman A, Trisconi MJ, Heudi O. 2004. Determination of vitamin B5 in a range of fortified food products by reversed-phase liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry with electrospray ionisation. J Chromatogr, 1032: 1-6.
  • Gao Y, Guo F, Gokavi S, Chow A, Sheng Q, Guo M. 2008. Quantification of water-soluble vitamins in milkbased infant formulae using biosensor-based assays. Food Chem, 110: 769-776
  • Jorgenson JW, Lukacs KD. 1983: Capillary zone elec trophoresis. Science, 222: 266-272
  • Dong Y. 1999. Capillary electrohoresis in food analy sis. Trends Food Sci Tech, 10: 87-93
  • Trenerry VC. 2001. The application of capillary elec trophoresis to the analysis of vitamins in food and bever ages. Electrophoresis, 22: 1468-1478
  • Fraizer RA. 2005. Capillary electrophoresis-food chemist applications. Encyclopedia of Analytical Sci ence, 374-381
  • ICH Topic Q2A, 1996. Validation of analytical proce dures: Methodology, CPMP/ICH/281/95.
  • Terabe S, Otsuka K, Ichikawa K, Tsuchiya A, Ando T. 1984. Electrokinetic separations with micellar solutions and open-tubular capillaries. Anal Chem, 56: 111-113.
  • Heiger DN. 1992. High performance capillary elec trophoresis-An introduction. Hewlett-Packard Primer. Publication number 12-5091-6199E
  • Hu Q, Zhou T, Zhang L, Li H, Fang Y. 2001. Separa tion and determination of three water-soluble vitamins in pharmaceutical preparations and food by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with amperometric elec trochemical detection. Anal Chim Acta, 437: 123-129.
  • Klejdus B, Petrlová J, Potěšil D, Adam V, Mikelová R, Vacek J, Kizek R, Kubáň V. 2004. Simultaneous determi nation of water- and fat-soluble vitamins in pharmaceu tical preparations by high-performance liquid chroma tography coupled with diode array detection. Anal Chim Acta, 520: 57-67.
  • Anon 1996. Turkish Standard, Baby Food I-Infant Formula, TS 11983.
  • Anon 2007. Turkish Food Codex, Baby and infant supplementary food, 01.11.2007-26687, No: 2007-50
  • Anon 2008. Turkish Food Codex, Baby Formula, 04.09.2008-26987, No: 2008/52
  • Anon 2008. Turkish Food Codex, Follow-on formula, 04.09.2008-26987, No: 2008/53

Examination of Changes in Certain Vitamins in Baby Foods by Capillary Electrophoresis (in English)

Year 2011, Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 1 - 8, 01.02.2011


This study describes the analysis of baby foods regarding time-dependent changes of d-pantothenate and niacin by a new capillary electrophoretic method at first and fifteenth days of opening the packages. D-pantothenate amounts in eight of the samples were found to be higher than those identified in the Turkish Standard and it was not detected in the nine samples. Niacin was not detected in the seven samples. Losses of mentioned vitamins were observed at the fifteenth-day for all samples


  • Anon 1997. US Food and Drug administration (FDA). Overview of infant formulas. USA: Center for Food Safe ty and Applied Nutrition, Office of Special Nutritionals
  • Bermejo P, Pena E, Dominguez R, Bermejo A, Fraga JM, Cocho JA. 2000. Speciation of iron in breast milk and infant formulas whey by size exclusion chromatog raphy-high performance liquid chromatography and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Talan ta, 50: 1211-1222.
  • Rodriguez Rodriguez EM, Sanz Alaejos M, Diaz Romero C. 2000. Concentrations of iron, copper and zinc in human milk and powdered infant formula. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 51: 373-380.
  • Ikem A, Nwankwoala A, Odueyungbo S, Nyavor K, Egiebor N. 2002. Levels of 26 elements in infant formula from USA, UK, and Nigeria by microwave digestion and ICP–OES. Food Chem, 77: 439-447
  • Combs Jr GF. 1992. Discovery of the vitamins. In: The vitamins: fundamental aspects in nutrition and health, Academic Press, San Diego, USA.
  • Albalá-Hurtado S, Novella-Rodríguez S, VecianaNogués MT, Mariné-Font A. 1997. Determination of vitamins A and E in infant milk formulae by high-per formance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr A, 778: 243-246
  • Albalá-Hurtado S, Veciana-Nogués MT, IzquierdoPulido M, Mariné-Font A. 1997. Determination of wa ter-soluble vitamins in infant milk by high-performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr A, 778: 247-253
  • Gonzalez-Corbella MJ, Tortras-Biosca M, Castel lote-Bargallo AI, Lopez-Sabater MC. 1999. Retinol and α-tocopherol in infant formulas produced in the EEC. Food Chem, 66 (2): 221-226
  • Majchrzak D, Elmadfa I. 2001. Phylloquinone (vitamin K1) content of commercially-available baby food prod ucts. Food Chem, 74: 275-280.
  • Rodrigo N, Alegría A, Barberá R, Farré R. 2002. High-performance liquid chromatographic determina tion of tocopherols in infant formulas. J Chromatogr A, 947: 97-102
  • Mendoza BR, Morera Pons S, Castellote Bargalló AI, López-Sabater MC. 2003. Rapid determination by re versed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of vitamins A and E in infant formulas. J Chromatogr A, 1018: 197-202.
  • Vinas P, Lopez-Erroz C, Balsalobre N, HernandezCordoba M. 2003. Reversed-phase liquid chromatogra phy on an amide stationary phase for the determination of the B group vitamins in baby foods. J Chromatogr A, 1007: 77-84
  • Perales S, Delgado MM, Alegría A, Barberá R, Farré R. 2005. Liquid chromatographic determination of Vita min D3 in infant formulas and fortified milk. Anal Chim Acta, 543: 58-63.
  • Chávez-Servín JL, Castellote A, López-Sabater MC. 2006. Simultaneous analysis of Vitamins A and E in infant milk-based formulae by normal-phase highperformance liquid chromatography–diode array detec tion using a short narrow-bore column. J Chromatogr A 1122: 138-143
  • Mittermayr R, Kalman A, Trisconi MJ, Heudi O. 2004. Determination of vitamin B5 in a range of fortified food products by reversed-phase liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry with electrospray ionisation. J Chromatogr, 1032: 1-6.
  • Gao Y, Guo F, Gokavi S, Chow A, Sheng Q, Guo M. 2008. Quantification of water-soluble vitamins in milkbased infant formulae using biosensor-based assays. Food Chem, 110: 769-776
  • Jorgenson JW, Lukacs KD. 1983: Capillary zone elec trophoresis. Science, 222: 266-272
  • Dong Y. 1999. Capillary electrohoresis in food analy sis. Trends Food Sci Tech, 10: 87-93
  • Trenerry VC. 2001. The application of capillary elec trophoresis to the analysis of vitamins in food and bever ages. Electrophoresis, 22: 1468-1478
  • Fraizer RA. 2005. Capillary electrophoresis-food chemist applications. Encyclopedia of Analytical Sci ence, 374-381
  • ICH Topic Q2A, 1996. Validation of analytical proce dures: Methodology, CPMP/ICH/281/95.
  • Terabe S, Otsuka K, Ichikawa K, Tsuchiya A, Ando T. 1984. Electrokinetic separations with micellar solutions and open-tubular capillaries. Anal Chem, 56: 111-113.
  • Heiger DN. 1992. High performance capillary elec trophoresis-An introduction. Hewlett-Packard Primer. Publication number 12-5091-6199E
  • Hu Q, Zhou T, Zhang L, Li H, Fang Y. 2001. Separa tion and determination of three water-soluble vitamins in pharmaceutical preparations and food by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with amperometric elec trochemical detection. Anal Chim Acta, 437: 123-129.
  • Klejdus B, Petrlová J, Potěšil D, Adam V, Mikelová R, Vacek J, Kizek R, Kubáň V. 2004. Simultaneous determi nation of water- and fat-soluble vitamins in pharmaceu tical preparations by high-performance liquid chroma tography coupled with diode array detection. Anal Chim Acta, 520: 57-67.
  • Anon 1996. Turkish Standard, Baby Food I-Infant Formula, TS 11983.
  • Anon 2007. Turkish Food Codex, Baby and infant supplementary food, 01.11.2007-26687, No: 2007-50
  • Anon 2008. Turkish Food Codex, Baby Formula, 04.09.2008-26987, No: 2008/52
  • Anon 2008. Turkish Food Codex, Follow-on formula, 04.09.2008-26987, No: 2008/53
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ülkü Dilek Uysal This is me

Muzaffer Tunçel This is me

Necati Barış Tuncel This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 36 Issue: 1


APA Uysal, Ü. D. ., Tunçel, M. ., & Tuncel, N. B. . (2011). Bebek Mamalarında bazı Vitamin Değişimlerinin Kapiler Elektroforez ile İncelenmesi (İngilizce). Gıda, 36(1), 1-8.
AMA Uysal ÜD, Tunçel M, Tuncel NB. Bebek Mamalarında bazı Vitamin Değişimlerinin Kapiler Elektroforez ile İncelenmesi (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. February 2011;36(1):1-8.
Chicago Uysal, Ülkü Dilek, Muzaffer Tunçel, and Necati Barış Tuncel. “Bebek Mamalarında Bazı Vitamin Değişimlerinin Kapiler Elektroforez Ile İncelenmesi (İngilizce)”. Gıda 36, no. 1 (February 2011): 1-8.
EndNote Uysal ÜD, Tunçel M, Tuncel NB (February 1, 2011) Bebek Mamalarında bazı Vitamin Değişimlerinin Kapiler Elektroforez ile İncelenmesi (İngilizce). Gıda 36 1 1–8.
IEEE Ü. D. . Uysal, M. . Tunçel, and N. B. . Tuncel, “Bebek Mamalarında bazı Vitamin Değişimlerinin Kapiler Elektroforez ile İncelenmesi (İngilizce)”, The Journal of Food, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 1–8, 2011.
ISNAD Uysal, Ülkü Dilek et al. “Bebek Mamalarında Bazı Vitamin Değişimlerinin Kapiler Elektroforez Ile İncelenmesi (İngilizce)”. Gıda 36/1 (February 2011), 1-8.
JAMA Uysal ÜD, Tunçel M, Tuncel NB. Bebek Mamalarında bazı Vitamin Değişimlerinin Kapiler Elektroforez ile İncelenmesi (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. 2011;36:1–8.
MLA Uysal, Ülkü Dilek et al. “Bebek Mamalarında Bazı Vitamin Değişimlerinin Kapiler Elektroforez Ile İncelenmesi (İngilizce)”. Gıda, vol. 36, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1-8.
Vancouver Uysal ÜD, Tunçel M, Tuncel NB. Bebek Mamalarında bazı Vitamin Değişimlerinin Kapiler Elektroforez ile İncelenmesi (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. 2011;36(1):1-8.


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