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Radio Frequency System and Its Applications in Food Industry (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2011, Volume: 36 Issue: 6, 383 - 390, 14.02.2015


Radio frequency process is a novel heating method which has great advantages as providing rapid and uniform heating, high heat penetration into food and having high energy efficiency compared to microwave heating. Radio frequency can be used in thawing of frozen foods, sterilization of ready-to-eat packaged foods, cooking of processed meats, post bake drying of bakery products and blanching of vegetables.  Radio frequency identification system (RFID) is used for food safety and traceability applications. Like other dielectric methods, knowledge of dielectric properties of the food material is required. Dielectric properties have been considered as the main features contributing to the interactions between electromagnetic energy and the material during dielectrical heating. Dielectric properties are affected by various factors such as frequency, temperature, moisture content and also by food components.


  • Schoenlechner R, Siebenhandl S, Berghofer E. 2008. Pseudocereals. In: Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages, Eds: Arendt EK., Bello FD. Elsevier, pp. 149-190.
  • FAOSTAT 2011. FAO Statistics Division. (Erişim tarihi: 20 Mayıs 2013). 3. Biacs P, Aubrecht E, Leder I, Lajos J. 2002. Buckwheat. In: Pseudocereals and Less Common Cereals-Grain Properties and Utilization Potential, Eds: Belton P, Taylor J. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 123-151.
  • Li S., Zhang QH. 2001. Advances in the development of functional foods from buckwheat. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 41: 451-464.
  • Panda R, Taylor SL, Goodman RE. 2010. Development of a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of buckwheat residues in food. J Food Science, 75 (6): 110-117.
  • Dizlek H, Özer MS, İnanç E, Gül H. 2009. Karabuğday’ın (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) bileşimi ve gıda sanayiinde kullanım olanakları. GIDA, 34 (5): 317-324.
  • Sedej I, Sakac M, Mandic A, Misan A, Tumbas V, Canadanovic-Brunet J. 2012. Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) grain and fractions: antioxidant compounds and activities. J Food Science, 77 (9): 954-959.
  • Min B, Lee SM, Yoo SH, Inglett GE, Lee S. 2010. Functional characterization of steam jet-cooked buckwheat flour as a fat replacer in cake-baking. J The Sci Food Agric, 90: 2208-2213.
  • Im JS, Huff HE, Hsieh FH. 2003. Effects of processing conditions on the physical and chemical properties of buckwheat grit cakes. J Agric Food Chem, 51: 659-666.
  • Steadman KJ, Burgoon MS, Lewis BA, Edwardson SE, Obendorf RL. 2001a. Buckwheat seed milling fractions: description, macronutrient composition and dietary fibre. J Cereal Sci, 33: 271-278.
  • Acquistucci R, Fornal J. 1997. Italian buckwheat (Fagopyrumesculentum) starch: Physico-chemical and functional characterization and in vitro digestibility. Food/Nahrung, 41: 281-284.
  • Qian J, Rayas-Duarte P, Grant L. 1998. Partial characterization of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) starch. Cereal Chem, 75 (3): 365-373.
  • Noda T, Takahata Y, Sato T, Suda I, Morishita T, Ishiguro K, Yamakawa O. 1998. Relationships between chain length distribution of amylopectin and gelatinization properties within the same botanical origin for sweet potato and buckwheat. Carbohydrate Polymers, 37: 153-158.
  • Zheng GH, Sosulski FW, Tyler RT. 1998. Wet-milling, composition and functional properties of starch and protein isolated from buckwheat groats. Food Res Int, 30: 493-502.
  • Skrabanja V, Kreft I. 1998. Resistant starch formation following autoclaving of buckwheat (Fagopyrumesculentum Moench) groats: An in vitro study. J Agric Food Chem, 46: 2020-2023.
  • Mariotti M, Lucisano M, Pagani MA, Iametti S. 2008. Macromolecular interactions and rheological properties of buckwheat-based dough obtained from differently processed grains. J Agric Food Chem, 56: 4258-4267.
  • Tang CH, Wang XY, Liu F, Wang CS. 2009. Physicochemical and conformational properties of buckwheat protein isolates: Influence of polyphenol removal with cold organic solvents from buckwheat seed flours. J Agric Food Chem, 57: 10740-10748.
  • Milisavljevic MD, Timotijevic GS, Radovic RS, Brkljacic JM, Konstantinovic MM, Maksimovic VR. 2004. Vicilin-like storage globulin from buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seeds. J Agric Food Chem, 52: 5258-5262.
  • Radovic SR, Maksimovic VR, Varkonji-Gasic EI. 1996. Characterization of Buckwheat Seed Storage Proteins. J Agric Food Chem, 44: 972-974.
  • Choi SM, Ma CY. 2006. Extraction, purification and characterization of globulin from common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seeds. Food Research International, 39: 974-981. 21. Radovic RS, Maksimovic RV, Brkljacic MJ, Varkonji IE, Savic AP. 1999. 2S albumin from buckwheat seed. J Agric Food Chem, 47: 1467- 1470.
  • Tomotake H, Shimaoka I, Kayashita J, Nakajoh M, Kato N. 2002. Physicochemical and functional properties of buckwheat protein product. J Agric Food Chem, 50: 2125-2129.
  • Tang CH 2007. Functional properties and in vitro digestibility of buckwheat protein products: Influence of processing. J Food Engineering, 82: 568-576.
  • Nordlee JA, Panda R, Baumert JL, Goodman RE, Taylor SL. 2011. Wild buckwheat is unlikely to pose a risk to buckwheat-allergic individuals. J Food Science, 76 (8): 189-191.
  • Taylor SL 2010. Creating gluten free winners. The World of Food Ingredients, 45-46.
  • Sohn MH, Lee SY, Kim KE. 2003. Prediction of buckwheat allergy using specific IgE concentrations in children. Allergy, 58: 1308-1310.
  • Wang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao Z, Wieslander G, Norbäck D, Kreft I. 2004. Purification and characterization of a 24 kDa protein from tartary buckwheat seeds. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 68: 1409-1413.
  • Bonafaccia G, Gambelli L, Fabjan N, Kreft I. 2003. Trace elements in flour and bran from common and tartary buckwheat. Food Chem, 80: 1-5. 29. Steadman KJ, Burgoon MS, Lewis B, Edwardson SE. 2001b. Minerals, phytic acid, tannin and rutin in buckwheat seed milling fractions. J Sci Food Agric, 81: 1094-1100.
  • Fabjan N, Rode J, Kosir IJ, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Kreft I. 2003. Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) as a source of dietary rutin and quercitrin. J Agric Food Chem, 51: 6452-6455.
  • Krkosková B, Mrázová Z. 2005. Prophylactic components of buckwheat. Food Res Int, 38: 561-568.
  • Hsu CK, Chiang BH, Chen YS, Yang JH, Liu CL. 2008. Improving the antioxidant activity of buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn) sprout with trace element water. Food Chem, 108: 633-641.
  • Gallardo C, Jiménez L, García-Conesa MT. 2006. Hydroxycinnamic acid composition and in vitro antioxidant activity of selected grain fractions. Food Chem, 99: 455-463.
  • Krahl M, Back W, Zarnkow M, Kreisz S. 2008. Determination of optimized malting conditions for the enrichment of rutin, vitexin and orientin in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). J Inst Brew, 114 (4): 294-299.
  • Suzuki T, Honda Y, Mukasa Y, Kim SJ. 2005. Effects of lipase, lipoxygenase, peroxidase, and rutin on quality deteriorations in buckwheat flour. J Agric Food Chem, 53: 8400-8405.
  • Jiang P, Burczynski F, Campbell C, Pierce GJ, Austria JA, Briggs CJ. 2007. Rutin and flavonoid contents in three buckwheat species Fagopyrum esculentum, F. tataricum, and F. homotropicum and their protective effects against lipid peroxidation. Food Res Int, 40: 356-364.
  • Zielinski H, Michalska A, Amigo-Benavent M, Dolores del Castillo M, Piskula MK. 2009. Changes in protein quality and antioxidant properties of buckwheat seeds and groats induced by roasting. J Agric Food Chem, 57: 4771-4776.
  • Watanabe M, Ohshita Y, Tsushida T. 1997. Antioxidant compounds from buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Mo1ench) hulls. J Agric Food Chem, 45, 1039-1044.
  • Liu CL, Chen YS, Yang JH, Chiang BH. 2008. Antioxidant activity of tartary (Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.) and common (Fagopyrum esculentum (L.) Moench) buckwheat sprouts. J Agric Food Chem, 56: 173-178.
  • Qin P, Wang Q, Shan F, Hou Z, Ren G. 2010. Nutritional composition and flavonoid content of flour from different buckwheat cultivars. Int J Food Sci and Tech, 45: 951-958.
  • Oomah BD, Mazza G. 1996. Flavonoids and antioxidative activities in buckwheat. J Agric Food Chem, 44: 1746-1750.
  • Sedej I, Mandic A, Sakac M, Misan A, Tumbas V. 2010. Comparison of antioxidant components and activity of buckwheat and wheat flours. Cereal Chem, 87 (5): 387-392.
  • Hung PV, Maeda T, Tsumori R, Morita N. 2007. Characteristics of fractionated flours from whole buckwheat grain using a gradual milling system and their application for noodle making, J The Sci Food & Agric, 87: 2823-2829.
  • Schober TJ, O’Brien CM, McCharthy D, Darnedde A, Arendt EK. 2003. Influence of gluten-free flour mixes and fat powders on the quality of gluten-free biscuits. Eur Food Res Technol, 216: 369-376.
  • Chillo S, Laverse S, Falcone PM, Protopapa A, Del Nobile MA. 2008. Influence of the addition of buckwheat flour and durum wheat bran on spaghetti quality. J Cereal Science, 47: 144-152.
  • Manthey FA, Hall CA. 2007. Effect of processing and cooking on the content of minerals and protein in pasta containing buckwheat bran flour. J The Sci Food & Agric, 87: 2026-2033.
  • Filipcev B, Simurina O, Sakac M, Sedej I, Jovanov P, Pestoric M, Bodroza-Solarov M. 2011. Feasibility of use of buckwheat flour as an ingredient in ginger nut biscuit formulation. Food Chem, 125: 164-170.
  • Sakac M, Torbica A, Sedej I, Hadnadev M. 2011. Influence of breadmaking on antioxidan capacity of gluten free breads based on rice and buckwheat flours. Food Res Int, 44: 2806-2813.
  • Lin L-Y, Wang H-E, Lin S-D, Liu H-M, Mau J-L. 2009. Flavor components in buckwheat bread. J Food Processing & Preservation, 33 (6): 814-826.
  • Lin L-Y, Wang H-E, Lin S-D, Liu H-M, Mau J-L. 2013. Changes in buckwheat bread during storage. J Food Processing & Preservation, 37 (4): 285-290.

Radyo Frekans Sistemi ve Gıda Sanayiindeki Uygulamaları

Year 2011, Volume: 36 Issue: 6, 383 - 390, 14.02.2015


Radyo frekans işlemi, hızlı ve tekdüze ısınma gözlenmesi, yüksek enerji etkinliği ve mikrodalgaya göre daha yüksek nüfuz derinliğine sahip olması gibi avantajları sebebiyle yeni ısıl uygulamalar arasında yer almaktadır. Donmuş gıdaların çözündürülmesi, hazır gıdaların ambalajda sterilizasyonu, işlenmiş et ürünlerinin pişirilmesi, fırın ürünlerinin son kurutması ve sebzelerin haşlanması gibi uygulamalarda kullanılabildiği gibi radyo frekans tanımlama (RFID) sistemiyle, gıda güvenliğinin sağlanabilmesi ve izlenebilirliğinde de kullanılmaktadır. Diğer dielektrik ısıtma yöntemlerinde olduğu gibi bu yöntemde de işlem uygulanmadan önce, seçilen gıda ürünlerinin dielektrik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Dielektrik özellikler, dielektrik ısıtma sırasında maddenin elektromanyetik enerjiyle ilişkisini göstermektedir. Dielektrik özellikler, frekans, sıcaklık, nem içeriği ve diğer gıda bileşenleri gibi birçok faktörden etkilenmektedir. 


  • Schoenlechner R, Siebenhandl S, Berghofer E. 2008. Pseudocereals. In: Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages, Eds: Arendt EK., Bello FD. Elsevier, pp. 149-190.
  • FAOSTAT 2011. FAO Statistics Division. (Erişim tarihi: 20 Mayıs 2013). 3. Biacs P, Aubrecht E, Leder I, Lajos J. 2002. Buckwheat. In: Pseudocereals and Less Common Cereals-Grain Properties and Utilization Potential, Eds: Belton P, Taylor J. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 123-151.
  • Li S., Zhang QH. 2001. Advances in the development of functional foods from buckwheat. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 41: 451-464.
  • Panda R, Taylor SL, Goodman RE. 2010. Development of a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of buckwheat residues in food. J Food Science, 75 (6): 110-117.
  • Dizlek H, Özer MS, İnanç E, Gül H. 2009. Karabuğday’ın (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) bileşimi ve gıda sanayiinde kullanım olanakları. GIDA, 34 (5): 317-324.
  • Sedej I, Sakac M, Mandic A, Misan A, Tumbas V, Canadanovic-Brunet J. 2012. Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) grain and fractions: antioxidant compounds and activities. J Food Science, 77 (9): 954-959.
  • Min B, Lee SM, Yoo SH, Inglett GE, Lee S. 2010. Functional characterization of steam jet-cooked buckwheat flour as a fat replacer in cake-baking. J The Sci Food Agric, 90: 2208-2213.
  • Im JS, Huff HE, Hsieh FH. 2003. Effects of processing conditions on the physical and chemical properties of buckwheat grit cakes. J Agric Food Chem, 51: 659-666.
  • Steadman KJ, Burgoon MS, Lewis BA, Edwardson SE, Obendorf RL. 2001a. Buckwheat seed milling fractions: description, macronutrient composition and dietary fibre. J Cereal Sci, 33: 271-278.
  • Acquistucci R, Fornal J. 1997. Italian buckwheat (Fagopyrumesculentum) starch: Physico-chemical and functional characterization and in vitro digestibility. Food/Nahrung, 41: 281-284.
  • Qian J, Rayas-Duarte P, Grant L. 1998. Partial characterization of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) starch. Cereal Chem, 75 (3): 365-373.
  • Noda T, Takahata Y, Sato T, Suda I, Morishita T, Ishiguro K, Yamakawa O. 1998. Relationships between chain length distribution of amylopectin and gelatinization properties within the same botanical origin for sweet potato and buckwheat. Carbohydrate Polymers, 37: 153-158.
  • Zheng GH, Sosulski FW, Tyler RT. 1998. Wet-milling, composition and functional properties of starch and protein isolated from buckwheat groats. Food Res Int, 30: 493-502.
  • Skrabanja V, Kreft I. 1998. Resistant starch formation following autoclaving of buckwheat (Fagopyrumesculentum Moench) groats: An in vitro study. J Agric Food Chem, 46: 2020-2023.
  • Mariotti M, Lucisano M, Pagani MA, Iametti S. 2008. Macromolecular interactions and rheological properties of buckwheat-based dough obtained from differently processed grains. J Agric Food Chem, 56: 4258-4267.
  • Tang CH, Wang XY, Liu F, Wang CS. 2009. Physicochemical and conformational properties of buckwheat protein isolates: Influence of polyphenol removal with cold organic solvents from buckwheat seed flours. J Agric Food Chem, 57: 10740-10748.
  • Milisavljevic MD, Timotijevic GS, Radovic RS, Brkljacic JM, Konstantinovic MM, Maksimovic VR. 2004. Vicilin-like storage globulin from buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seeds. J Agric Food Chem, 52: 5258-5262.
  • Radovic SR, Maksimovic VR, Varkonji-Gasic EI. 1996. Characterization of Buckwheat Seed Storage Proteins. J Agric Food Chem, 44: 972-974.
  • Choi SM, Ma CY. 2006. Extraction, purification and characterization of globulin from common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seeds. Food Research International, 39: 974-981. 21. Radovic RS, Maksimovic RV, Brkljacic MJ, Varkonji IE, Savic AP. 1999. 2S albumin from buckwheat seed. J Agric Food Chem, 47: 1467- 1470.
  • Tomotake H, Shimaoka I, Kayashita J, Nakajoh M, Kato N. 2002. Physicochemical and functional properties of buckwheat protein product. J Agric Food Chem, 50: 2125-2129.
  • Tang CH 2007. Functional properties and in vitro digestibility of buckwheat protein products: Influence of processing. J Food Engineering, 82: 568-576.
  • Nordlee JA, Panda R, Baumert JL, Goodman RE, Taylor SL. 2011. Wild buckwheat is unlikely to pose a risk to buckwheat-allergic individuals. J Food Science, 76 (8): 189-191.
  • Taylor SL 2010. Creating gluten free winners. The World of Food Ingredients, 45-46.
  • Sohn MH, Lee SY, Kim KE. 2003. Prediction of buckwheat allergy using specific IgE concentrations in children. Allergy, 58: 1308-1310.
  • Wang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao Z, Wieslander G, Norbäck D, Kreft I. 2004. Purification and characterization of a 24 kDa protein from tartary buckwheat seeds. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 68: 1409-1413.
  • Bonafaccia G, Gambelli L, Fabjan N, Kreft I. 2003. Trace elements in flour and bran from common and tartary buckwheat. Food Chem, 80: 1-5. 29. Steadman KJ, Burgoon MS, Lewis B, Edwardson SE. 2001b. Minerals, phytic acid, tannin and rutin in buckwheat seed milling fractions. J Sci Food Agric, 81: 1094-1100.
  • Fabjan N, Rode J, Kosir IJ, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Kreft I. 2003. Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) as a source of dietary rutin and quercitrin. J Agric Food Chem, 51: 6452-6455.
  • Krkosková B, Mrázová Z. 2005. Prophylactic components of buckwheat. Food Res Int, 38: 561-568.
  • Hsu CK, Chiang BH, Chen YS, Yang JH, Liu CL. 2008. Improving the antioxidant activity of buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn) sprout with trace element water. Food Chem, 108: 633-641.
  • Gallardo C, Jiménez L, García-Conesa MT. 2006. Hydroxycinnamic acid composition and in vitro antioxidant activity of selected grain fractions. Food Chem, 99: 455-463.
  • Krahl M, Back W, Zarnkow M, Kreisz S. 2008. Determination of optimized malting conditions for the enrichment of rutin, vitexin and orientin in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). J Inst Brew, 114 (4): 294-299.
  • Suzuki T, Honda Y, Mukasa Y, Kim SJ. 2005. Effects of lipase, lipoxygenase, peroxidase, and rutin on quality deteriorations in buckwheat flour. J Agric Food Chem, 53: 8400-8405.
  • Jiang P, Burczynski F, Campbell C, Pierce GJ, Austria JA, Briggs CJ. 2007. Rutin and flavonoid contents in three buckwheat species Fagopyrum esculentum, F. tataricum, and F. homotropicum and their protective effects against lipid peroxidation. Food Res Int, 40: 356-364.
  • Zielinski H, Michalska A, Amigo-Benavent M, Dolores del Castillo M, Piskula MK. 2009. Changes in protein quality and antioxidant properties of buckwheat seeds and groats induced by roasting. J Agric Food Chem, 57: 4771-4776.
  • Watanabe M, Ohshita Y, Tsushida T. 1997. Antioxidant compounds from buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Mo1ench) hulls. J Agric Food Chem, 45, 1039-1044.
  • Liu CL, Chen YS, Yang JH, Chiang BH. 2008. Antioxidant activity of tartary (Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.) and common (Fagopyrum esculentum (L.) Moench) buckwheat sprouts. J Agric Food Chem, 56: 173-178.
  • Qin P, Wang Q, Shan F, Hou Z, Ren G. 2010. Nutritional composition and flavonoid content of flour from different buckwheat cultivars. Int J Food Sci and Tech, 45: 951-958.
  • Oomah BD, Mazza G. 1996. Flavonoids and antioxidative activities in buckwheat. J Agric Food Chem, 44: 1746-1750.
  • Sedej I, Mandic A, Sakac M, Misan A, Tumbas V. 2010. Comparison of antioxidant components and activity of buckwheat and wheat flours. Cereal Chem, 87 (5): 387-392.
  • Hung PV, Maeda T, Tsumori R, Morita N. 2007. Characteristics of fractionated flours from whole buckwheat grain using a gradual milling system and their application for noodle making, J The Sci Food & Agric, 87: 2823-2829.
  • Schober TJ, O’Brien CM, McCharthy D, Darnedde A, Arendt EK. 2003. Influence of gluten-free flour mixes and fat powders on the quality of gluten-free biscuits. Eur Food Res Technol, 216: 369-376.
  • Chillo S, Laverse S, Falcone PM, Protopapa A, Del Nobile MA. 2008. Influence of the addition of buckwheat flour and durum wheat bran on spaghetti quality. J Cereal Science, 47: 144-152.
  • Manthey FA, Hall CA. 2007. Effect of processing and cooking on the content of minerals and protein in pasta containing buckwheat bran flour. J The Sci Food & Agric, 87: 2026-2033.
  • Filipcev B, Simurina O, Sakac M, Sedej I, Jovanov P, Pestoric M, Bodroza-Solarov M. 2011. Feasibility of use of buckwheat flour as an ingredient in ginger nut biscuit formulation. Food Chem, 125: 164-170.
  • Sakac M, Torbica A, Sedej I, Hadnadev M. 2011. Influence of breadmaking on antioxidan capacity of gluten free breads based on rice and buckwheat flours. Food Res Int, 44: 2806-2813.
  • Lin L-Y, Wang H-E, Lin S-D, Liu H-M, Mau J-L. 2009. Flavor components in buckwheat bread. J Food Processing & Preservation, 33 (6): 814-826.
  • Lin L-Y, Wang H-E, Lin S-D, Liu H-M, Mau J-L. 2013. Changes in buckwheat bread during storage. J Food Processing & Preservation, 37 (4): 285-290.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hülya Çakmak

Şebnem Tavman This is me

Publication Date February 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 36 Issue: 6


APA Çakmak, H. ., & Tavman, Ş. . (2015). Radyo Frekans Sistemi ve Gıda Sanayiindeki Uygulamaları. Gıda, 36(6), 383-390.
AMA Çakmak H, Tavman Ş. Radyo Frekans Sistemi ve Gıda Sanayiindeki Uygulamaları. The Journal of Food. February 2015;36(6):383-390.
Chicago Çakmak, Hülya, and Şebnem Tavman. “Radyo Frekans Sistemi Ve Gıda Sanayiindeki Uygulamaları”. Gıda 36, no. 6 (February 2015): 383-90.
EndNote Çakmak H, Tavman Ş (February 1, 2015) Radyo Frekans Sistemi ve Gıda Sanayiindeki Uygulamaları. Gıda 36 6 383–390.
IEEE H. . Çakmak and Ş. . Tavman, “Radyo Frekans Sistemi ve Gıda Sanayiindeki Uygulamaları”, The Journal of Food, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 383–390, 2015.
ISNAD Çakmak, Hülya - Tavman, Şebnem. “Radyo Frekans Sistemi Ve Gıda Sanayiindeki Uygulamaları”. Gıda 36/6 (February 2015), 383-390.
JAMA Çakmak H, Tavman Ş. Radyo Frekans Sistemi ve Gıda Sanayiindeki Uygulamaları. The Journal of Food. 2015;36:383–390.
MLA Çakmak, Hülya and Şebnem Tavman. “Radyo Frekans Sistemi Ve Gıda Sanayiindeki Uygulamaları”. Gıda, vol. 36, no. 6, 2015, pp. 383-90.
Vancouver Çakmak H, Tavman Ş. Radyo Frekans Sistemi ve Gıda Sanayiindeki Uygulamaları. The Journal of Food. 2015;36(6):383-90.


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