The Chemometric Classification of Ayvalik and Memecik Virgin Olive Oils Exposed to Daylight and Dark Based on Their Spectroscopic Data (Turkish with English Abstract)
Year 2014,
Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 87 - 94, 01.04.2014
In this study, oil samples of Ayvalik and Memecik, domestic olive cultivars of Aegean region providing aproximately 65 % of virgin olive oil production of Turkey, were analysed and classified by using common spectroscopic (FTNIR, FTIR-ATR, Excitation-Emission [EX-EM] Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Synchronous [SYN] Fluorescence Spectroscopy) methods. The analysed oil samples consisted of totally 9 samples – except 1 mixed organic oil sample – taken from North Aegean [ Ayvalık olive cultivar] (n=4) and South Aegean [Memecik olive cultivar] (n=4) subzones. The samples were stored in PET glass at room temperature and they were divide into two groups including exposed to diffused day ligth and covered with aluminium folios [dark]. The classification of Ayvalık ve Memecik olive oil samples were carried out by the most used chemometric (Principal Component Analysis, PCA and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, HCA) techniques. Ayvalık and Memecik oil samples were classified noticeable according to cultivars, origin district or processing applications (exposed to ligth or dark and store conditions) based on the results of spectroscopic methods. In additon, the spectroscopic methods could be exhibited promising effects for the correct classification – also, information on possible store conditions and adulterations – of virgin olive oil was seen.
Zohary D, Hopf M. 1993. Domestication of Plants in the Old World: the Origin and Spread of Cultivated Plants in West Asia, Europe, and the Nile Valley, 2nd edition. Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK.
Harwood JL, Yaqoop P. 2002. Nutritional and health aspects of olive oil. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol, 104: 685-697.
Aparacio R, Luna G. 2002. Characterisation of monovarietial virgin olive oils. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol, 104: 614-627.
Baeten V, Dardenne P. 2002. Spectroscopy: Developments in instrumentation and analysis. Grasas Aceites, 53: 45-63.
Galtier O, Dupy N, Le Drèau Y, Ollivier D, Pinatel C, Kister J, Artaud J. 2007. Geopraphic origins and compositions of virgin olive oils determined by chemometric analysis of NIR spectra. Anal Chim Acta, 595: 136-144.
Alonso-Salces RM, Holland MV, Guillou C, Héberger K. 2011. Quality Assessment of Olive Oil by 1H-NMR Fingerprinting. In: Olive Oil-Constituents, Quality, Health Properties and Bioconversions. Boskou, D. Ed, pages:185-210. Publised by InTech Open Acess Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia. show/title/olive-oil-constituents-quality-health properties-and-bioconversions
Yang H, Irudayaraj J, Paradkar MM. 2005. Discriminant analysis of edible oils and fats by FTIR, FT-NIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy. Food Chem, 93 , 25-32.
Özdemir D, Öztürk B. 2007. Near infrared spectroscopic determination of olive oil adulteration with sunflower and corn oil. J Food Drug Anal, 15: 40-47.
Karoui R, Blecker C.2011. Fluorescence spectroscopy measurement for quality assessment of food systems-a Review. Food Bioprocess Technol, 4:364-386
Zandomeneghi M, Carbonero L, Caffarata C.2005. Fluorescence of vegetable oils: Olive oils. J Agric Food Chem, 53: 759-766
Yılmaz E, Ö¤ütcü M. 2012. Yakın Kızılötesi Spektroskopisinin (NIR) Tekni¤inin Yemeklik Ya¤ Sektöründeki Kullanımları. Dünya GIDA Temmuz 2012, 07: 34-39.
Gürdeniz G, Özen B, Tokatlı F. 2008. Classification of Turkish olive oils with respect to cultivar, geographic origin and harvest year, using fatty acid profile and mid-IR spectroscopy. Eur Food Res Technol, 227: 1275-1281.
Gürdeniz G, Tokatli F, Özen B. 2007. Differentiation of mixtures of monovarietal olive oils by mid – infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol, 109, 1194-1202.
Gürdeniz G, Tokatlı F, Özen B. 2008. Zeytinya¤ında Ta¤flis Tespiti için Fourier- Dönüflümlü Kızıl Ötesi (FTIR) Spektroskopi Kullanımı. Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi; 21-23 Mayıs 2008, Erzurum. Kongre Kitabı ‹çinde sayfa: 33-36. Erzurum. 17. Gürdeniz G, Özen B. 2009. Detection of adulteration of extra-virgin olive oil by chemometric analysis of mid-infrared spectral data. Food Chem, 116: 519-525
Downey G, McIntyre P, Davie AN. 2003. Geographic classification of extra virgin olive oils from the eastern Mediterranean by chemometric analysis of visible and near-infrared spectroscopic data. Appl Spec, 57(2): 158-163.
Dupoy N, Le Dreau Y, Ollivier D, Artaud J, Pinatel C, Kister J. 2005.Origin of French virgin olive oil registered designation of origins predicted by chemometric analysis of synchronous excitation- emission fluorescence spectra. J. Agric Food Chem, 53: 9361-9368
Sikorska E, Górecki T, Khmelinskii IV, Sikorski M, Kozio_ J. 2005. Classification of edible oils using synchronous scanning fluorescence spectroscopy. Food Chem, 89: 217–225
Guimet F, Boqué R, Ferré J. 2005 a. Study of oils from the protected denomination of origin "Siurana" using excitation-emission fluorescence spectroscopy and three-way methods of analysis. Grasas Aceites, 56 (4): 292-297.
Guimet F, Ferre J, Boque R, 2005 b. Rapid detection of olive-pomace oil adulteration in extra virgin olive oils from the protected denomination of origin "Siurana" using excitation-emission fluorescence spectroscopy and three-way methods of analysis. Anal Chim Acta, 544: 143-152.
Allam MA, Hamed S.F. 2007. Application of FTIR spectroscopy in assesment of olive oil adulteration. J App Sci Res, 3 (2): 102-108.
Dankowska A, Ma_ecka M. 2009. Application of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy for determination of extra virgin olive oil adulteration. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol, 111: 1233-1239
Obeidat SM, Khanfar MS, Obeidat WM. 2009. Classification of edible oils and uncovering adulteration of virgin olive oil using FTIR with the aid of chemometrics. Australian J Basic App Sci, 3(3): 2048-2053.
Sinelli N, Casale M, Di Egido V, Oliveri P, Bassi D, Tura D, Casiraghi E. 2010. Varietial discrimination of extra virgin olive oils by near and mid infrared spectroscopy. Food Res Int, 43: 2126-2131.
De Luca M, Terouzi W, Ioele G, Kzaiber F, Oussama A, Oliverio F, Tauler R, Ragno G. 2011. Derivative FTIR spectroscopy for cluster analysis and classification of morocco olive oils. Food Chem, 124: 1113–1118.
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin zeytinyağı üretiminin % 65’ini Oluşturan Ege bölgesinin hakim zeytin çeşidi olan Ayvalık ve Memecik yağ örneklerinin en yaygın spektroskopik yöntemler ile (FTNIR, FTIR-ATR, Excitation-Emission [EX-EM] ve Senkronize [SYN] Floresans Spektroskopisi) analiz edilerek sınıflandırılması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz edilen yağ örnekleri organik ve karışık çeşitlerden üretilen bir örnek dışında Kuzey Ege (Ayvalık çeşidi) (n=4) ve Güney Ege (Memecik çeşidi) (n=4) alt bölgelerinden alınmış toplam 9 adetten Oluşmaktadır. Oda sıcaklığında PET şişeler içinde muhafaza edilen yağ örnekleri gün ışığına maruz bırakılan ve aluminyum folyo ile kaplanmış (karanlık) olarak iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Ayvalık ve Memecik çeşidi natürel zeytinyağlarının sınıflandırılması en yaygın kullanılan kemometrik yöntemler ile (Temel Bileşen Analizi, PCA ve Aşamalı Kümeleme Analizi, HCA) gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayvalık ve Memecik çeşitleri spektroskopik yöntemlerin sonuçları temelinde çeşit, orijin bölgesi ve işlem uygulamalarına (ışığa maruz kalma veya karanlıkta tutma gibi) göre dikkate değer bir şekilde sınıflanmışlardır. Ayrıca, spektroskopik yöntemlerin natürel zeytinyağların sınıflandırılmasında ve muhtemel depolama koşulları ve tağşiş konusunda ümitvar etkiler sergileyebileceği görülmüştür.
Zohary D, Hopf M. 1993. Domestication of Plants in the Old World: the Origin and Spread of Cultivated Plants in West Asia, Europe, and the Nile Valley, 2nd edition. Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK.
Harwood JL, Yaqoop P. 2002. Nutritional and health aspects of olive oil. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol, 104: 685-697.
Aparacio R, Luna G. 2002. Characterisation of monovarietial virgin olive oils. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol, 104: 614-627.
Baeten V, Dardenne P. 2002. Spectroscopy: Developments in instrumentation and analysis. Grasas Aceites, 53: 45-63.
Galtier O, Dupy N, Le Drèau Y, Ollivier D, Pinatel C, Kister J, Artaud J. 2007. Geopraphic origins and compositions of virgin olive oils determined by chemometric analysis of NIR spectra. Anal Chim Acta, 595: 136-144.
Alonso-Salces RM, Holland MV, Guillou C, Héberger K. 2011. Quality Assessment of Olive Oil by 1H-NMR Fingerprinting. In: Olive Oil-Constituents, Quality, Health Properties and Bioconversions. Boskou, D. Ed, pages:185-210. Publised by InTech Open Acess Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia. show/title/olive-oil-constituents-quality-health properties-and-bioconversions
Yang H, Irudayaraj J, Paradkar MM. 2005. Discriminant analysis of edible oils and fats by FTIR, FT-NIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy. Food Chem, 93 , 25-32.
Özdemir D, Öztürk B. 2007. Near infrared spectroscopic determination of olive oil adulteration with sunflower and corn oil. J Food Drug Anal, 15: 40-47.
Karoui R, Blecker C.2011. Fluorescence spectroscopy measurement for quality assessment of food systems-a Review. Food Bioprocess Technol, 4:364-386
Zandomeneghi M, Carbonero L, Caffarata C.2005. Fluorescence of vegetable oils: Olive oils. J Agric Food Chem, 53: 759-766
Yılmaz E, Ö¤ütcü M. 2012. Yakın Kızılötesi Spektroskopisinin (NIR) Tekni¤inin Yemeklik Ya¤ Sektöründeki Kullanımları. Dünya GIDA Temmuz 2012, 07: 34-39.
Gürdeniz G, Özen B, Tokatlı F. 2008. Classification of Turkish olive oils with respect to cultivar, geographic origin and harvest year, using fatty acid profile and mid-IR spectroscopy. Eur Food Res Technol, 227: 1275-1281.
Gürdeniz G, Tokatli F, Özen B. 2007. Differentiation of mixtures of monovarietal olive oils by mid – infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol, 109, 1194-1202.
Gürdeniz G, Tokatlı F, Özen B. 2008. Zeytinya¤ında Ta¤flis Tespiti için Fourier- Dönüflümlü Kızıl Ötesi (FTIR) Spektroskopi Kullanımı. Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi; 21-23 Mayıs 2008, Erzurum. Kongre Kitabı ‹çinde sayfa: 33-36. Erzurum. 17. Gürdeniz G, Özen B. 2009. Detection of adulteration of extra-virgin olive oil by chemometric analysis of mid-infrared spectral data. Food Chem, 116: 519-525
Downey G, McIntyre P, Davie AN. 2003. Geographic classification of extra virgin olive oils from the eastern Mediterranean by chemometric analysis of visible and near-infrared spectroscopic data. Appl Spec, 57(2): 158-163.
Dupoy N, Le Dreau Y, Ollivier D, Artaud J, Pinatel C, Kister J. 2005.Origin of French virgin olive oil registered designation of origins predicted by chemometric analysis of synchronous excitation- emission fluorescence spectra. J. Agric Food Chem, 53: 9361-9368
Sikorska E, Górecki T, Khmelinskii IV, Sikorski M, Kozio_ J. 2005. Classification of edible oils using synchronous scanning fluorescence spectroscopy. Food Chem, 89: 217–225
Guimet F, Boqué R, Ferré J. 2005 a. Study of oils from the protected denomination of origin "Siurana" using excitation-emission fluorescence spectroscopy and three-way methods of analysis. Grasas Aceites, 56 (4): 292-297.
Guimet F, Ferre J, Boque R, 2005 b. Rapid detection of olive-pomace oil adulteration in extra virgin olive oils from the protected denomination of origin "Siurana" using excitation-emission fluorescence spectroscopy and three-way methods of analysis. Anal Chim Acta, 544: 143-152.
Allam MA, Hamed S.F. 2007. Application of FTIR spectroscopy in assesment of olive oil adulteration. J App Sci Res, 3 (2): 102-108.
Dankowska A, Ma_ecka M. 2009. Application of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy for determination of extra virgin olive oil adulteration. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol, 111: 1233-1239
Obeidat SM, Khanfar MS, Obeidat WM. 2009. Classification of edible oils and uncovering adulteration of virgin olive oil using FTIR with the aid of chemometrics. Australian J Basic App Sci, 3(3): 2048-2053.
Sinelli N, Casale M, Di Egido V, Oliveri P, Bassi D, Tura D, Casiraghi E. 2010. Varietial discrimination of extra virgin olive oils by near and mid infrared spectroscopy. Food Res Int, 43: 2126-2131.
De Luca M, Terouzi W, Ioele G, Kzaiber F, Oussama A, Oliverio F, Tauler R, Ragno G. 2011. Derivative FTIR spectroscopy for cluster analysis and classification of morocco olive oils. Food Chem, 124: 1113–1118.
Öztürk, B. ., Dıraman, H. ., & Özdemir, D. . (2014). Karanlık ve Aydınlıkta Depolanmış Ayvalık ve Memecik Çeşidi Natürel Zeytinyağlarının Spektroskopik Verilere Göre Kemometrik Sınıflandırılması. Gıda, 39(2), 87-94.
Öztürk B, Dıraman H, Özdemir D. Karanlık ve Aydınlıkta Depolanmış Ayvalık ve Memecik Çeşidi Natürel Zeytinyağlarının Spektroskopik Verilere Göre Kemometrik Sınıflandırılması. The Journal of Food. April 2014;39(2):87-94.
Öztürk, Betül, Harun Dıraman, and Durmuş Özdemir. “Karanlık Ve Aydınlıkta Depolanmış Ayvalık Ve Memecik Çeşidi Natürel Zeytinyağlarının Spektroskopik Verilere Göre Kemometrik Sınıflandırılması”. Gıda 39, no. 2 (April 2014): 87-94.
Öztürk B, Dıraman H, Özdemir D (April 1, 2014) Karanlık ve Aydınlıkta Depolanmış Ayvalık ve Memecik Çeşidi Natürel Zeytinyağlarının Spektroskopik Verilere Göre Kemometrik Sınıflandırılması. Gıda 39 2 87–94.
B. . Öztürk, H. . Dıraman, and D. . Özdemir, “Karanlık ve Aydınlıkta Depolanmış Ayvalık ve Memecik Çeşidi Natürel Zeytinyağlarının Spektroskopik Verilere Göre Kemometrik Sınıflandırılması”, The Journal of Food, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 87–94, 2014.
Öztürk, Betül et al. “Karanlık Ve Aydınlıkta Depolanmış Ayvalık Ve Memecik Çeşidi Natürel Zeytinyağlarının Spektroskopik Verilere Göre Kemometrik Sınıflandırılması”. Gıda 39/2 (April 2014), 87-94.
Öztürk B, Dıraman H, Özdemir D. Karanlık ve Aydınlıkta Depolanmış Ayvalık ve Memecik Çeşidi Natürel Zeytinyağlarının Spektroskopik Verilere Göre Kemometrik Sınıflandırılması. The Journal of Food. 2014;39:87–94.
Öztürk, Betül et al. “Karanlık Ve Aydınlıkta Depolanmış Ayvalık Ve Memecik Çeşidi Natürel Zeytinyağlarının Spektroskopik Verilere Göre Kemometrik Sınıflandırılması”. Gıda, vol. 39, no. 2, 2014, pp. 87-94.
Öztürk B, Dıraman H, Özdemir D. Karanlık ve Aydınlıkta Depolanmış Ayvalık ve Memecik Çeşidi Natürel Zeytinyağlarının Spektroskopik Verilere Göre Kemometrik Sınıflandırılması. The Journal of Food. 2014;39(2):87-94.