Year 2025,
Volume: 50 Issue: 2, 147 - 164
Yaren Didem Esendemir
Semanur Yıldız
Hatice Sıçramaz
Bu çalışma, aquafaba proteinlerinin ultrases (US) teknolojisiyle fonksiyonel özelliklerinin geliştirilerek vegan mayonez üretiminde emülgatör olarak kullanımını incelemektedir. Doğal formdaki aquafaba protein konsantratına (AQ) %80 genlikte 5, 15 ve 25 dakika US uygulanmış ve en yüksek emülsiyon stabilitesi (%9.28) 5 dakikalık sonikasyonla elde edilmiştir (AQUS-5). FTIR ve SEM analizleri, yapısal ve fiziksel değişiklikleri ortaya koymuştur. %70 yağ ve %10 emülgatör (AQ/AQUS-5 ve nohut unu) içeren formülasyonla M-AQ (doğal aquafaba içerikli) ve M-AQUS-5 (modifiye aquafaba içerikli) mayonezler üretilmiş olup kontrol grubu mayonezinde (M) %80 yağ ve %10 yumurta sarısı kullanılmıştır. Depolamanın başlangıcında M mayonezinin sertlik (91 g) ve emülsiyon stabilitesi (5.19%) değerleri M-AQ (78.3 g ve 3.87%) ve M-AQUS-5 (74.5 g ve 4.44%) örneklerinden daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Depolama sonunda ise, emülsiyon stabilitesi açısından M-AQ (6.31%) ve M-AQUS-5 (5.53%) örnekleri M mayonezine (3.70%) göre daha istikrarlı bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmada, modifiye aquafaba proteinlerinin yağ oranı azaltılmış vegan gıda ürünü geliştirme potansiyeli ortaya konulmuştur.
Supporting Institution
TÜBİTAK Bilim İnsanı Destek Programları Başkanlığı (BİDEB)
Project Number
Bu çalışma Tübitak 2209-A Üniversite Öğrencileri Araştırma Projeleri Destekleme Programı kapsamında desteklenmiştir (Başvuru no: 1919B012304126). Çalışmanın bir kısmı Yaren Didem Esendemir’in Lisans Bitirme çalışması olarak gerçekleştirilmiş olup destekleri için TÜBİTAK Bilim İnsanı Destek Programları Başkanlığı’na (BİDEB) teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
- Ali, M. R., El Said, R. M. (2020). Assessment of the potential of Arabic gum as an antimicrobial and antioxidant agent in developing vegan “egg‐free” mayonnaise. Journal of Food Safety, 40(2), e12771.
- AOAC. (2002). Official Methods of Analysis. Vol. II. 17th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, International. Gaithersburg, MD.
- Ataie, M. J., Shekarabi, S. P. H., Jalili, S. H. (2019). Gelatin from bones of bighead carp as a fat replacer on physicochemical and sensory properties of low-fat mayonnaise. The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 8(4), p. 979.
- Badıllı, A. G. (2020). Yağı azaltılmış fonksiyonel dondurma üretiminde süt tozu yerine nohut ununun kullanılabilme olanaklarının araştırılması. Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, 119 s.
- Barbosa-Cánovas, G. V., Donsì, F., Yildiz, S., Candoğan, K., Pokhrel, P. R., Guadarrama-Lezama, A. Y. (2022). Nonthermal processing technologies for stabilization and enhancement of bioactive compounds in foods. Food Engineering Reviews, 1-37.
- Boye, J. I., Aksay, S., Roufik, S., Ribéreau, S., Mondor, M., Farnworth, E., Rajamohamed, S. H. (2010). Comparison of the functional properties of pea, chickpea and lentil protein concentrates processed using ultrafiltration and isoelectric precipitation techniques. Food Research International, 43(2), 537-546.
- Cedergårdh, F. (2014). Characterization of commercial mayonnaise products–texture, viscosity and droplet size. M.Sc. Dissertation, Lund University, Sweden.
- Cserhalmi, Z., Sass-Kiss, A., Tóth-Markus, M., Lechner, N. (2006). Study of pulsed electric field treated citrus juices. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 7(1-2), 49-54.
- Dhiman, A., Prabhakar, P. K. (2021). Micronization in food processing : A comprehensive review of mechanistic approach, physicochemical, functional properties and self-stability of micronized food materials. Journal of Food Engineering, 292, 110248, https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2020.110248.
- Erdoğan, Z., Gürbüz, E. (2023). Vegan tüketim uygulamaları üzerinde sürdürülebilirlik yaklaşımı. Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16(3), pp. 697-730.
- Güneş, E., Karakaş, T. (2022). Tarım ve gıda sistemlerinde sürdürülebilirlik yaklaşımları. Journal of Academic Value Studies, 8(3), 304-316.
- Gladwin, T. N., Kennelly, J. J., Krause, T. S. (1995). Shifting paradigms for sustainable development: Implications for management theory and research. Academy of management Review, 20(4), pp. 874-907.
- He, Y., Purdy, S. K., Tse, T. J., Tar’an, B., Meda, V., Reaney, M. J. T., Mustafa, R. (2021). Standardization of Aquafaba Production and Application in Vegan Mayonnaise Analogs. Foods, 10(9), p. 1978. https://doi.org/10.3390/ foods10091978.
- He, Y., Shen, J., Meda, V., Reaney, M. J. (2024). Composition and properties of ethanol-precipitated chickpea aquafaba. Food Hydrocolloids, 150, 109723.
- Jing, X., Cai, Y., Liu, T., Chen, B., Zhao, Q., Deng, X., Zhao, M. (2023). Formation, texture, and stability of yolk-free mayonnaise: Effect of soy peptide aggregates concentration. Food Chemistry, 403, 134337.
- Jung, H., Oh, I. Physicochemical and structural properties of vegan mayonnaise prepared with peanut sprout oil and aquafaba. Available at SSRN 4924613. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/ papers.cfm?abstract_id=4924613
Karabulut, G., Yildiz, S., Karaca, A. C., Yemiş, O. (2023). Ultrasound and enzyme‐pretreated extraction for the valorization of pea pod proteins. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 46(12), e14452.
- Kim, M. J., Shin, W. S. (2022). Structural and functional modification of proteins from black soybean Aquasoya via ultrasonication. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 91, 106220.
- Kocacık, A. (2021). Çöven Ekstraktının Kurutulması ve Dondurmada Emülgatör Olarak Kullanılmasının Araştırılması. Ordu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ordu, Türkiye, 156 s.
- Kumar, Y., Roy, S., Devra, A., Dhiman, A., Prabhakar, P. K. (2021). Ultrasonication of mayonnaise formulated with xanthan and guar gums: Rheological modeling, effects on optical properties and emulsion stability. LWT, 149, 111632.
- Liu, H., Xu, X., Guo, S. (2007). Rheological, texture and sensory properties of low-fat mayonnaise with different fat mimetics. LWT, 40, pp. 946–954. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.lwt.2006.11.007.
- Meurer, M. C., de Souza, D., Marczak, L. D. F. (2020). Effects of ultrasound on technological properties of chickpea cooking water (aquafaba). Journal of Food Engineering, 265, 109688.
- Noh, E., Lee, K. G. (2024). Effects of ultrasound on the structural, physicochemical, and emulsifying properties of aquafaba extracted from various legumes. Food Chemistry, 451, 139438.
- Özcan, I., Özyiğit, E., Erkoç, S., Tavman, S., Kumcuoğlu, S. (2023). Investigating the physical and quality characteristics and rheology of mayonnaise containing aquafaba as an egg substitute. Journal of Food Engineering, 344, 111388.
- Özdemir, N., Bayrak, A., Tat, T., Yanık, Z. N., Altay, F., Halkman, A. K. (2021). Fabrication and characterization of basil essential oil microcapsule-enriched mayonnaise and its antimicrobial properties against Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Food Chemistry, 359, 129940.
- Pearce, K. N., Kinsella, J. E. (1978). Emulsifying properties of proteins: evaluation of a turbidimetric technique. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 26(3), pp. 716-723.
- Raikos, V., Hayes, H., Ni, H. (2020). Aquafaba from commercially canned chickpeas as potential egg replacer for the development of vegan mayonnaise: Recipe optimisation and storage stability. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 55(5), 1935-1942.
- Ramisetty, K. A., Shyamsunder, R. (2011). Effect of ultrasonication on stability of oil in water emulsions. International Journal of Drug Delivery, 3(1), pp. 133–140. https://doi. org/10.5138/ ijdd.2010.0975.0215.03063.
- Roosta, F., Sourki, A. H. (2024). Techno-functional, physicochemical and thermal characteristics of black chickpeas aquafaba under ultrasound pre-processing. Heliyon, 10(22).
- Sachko, A., Sema, O., Grinchenko, O., Gubsky, S. (2023). Canned beans aquafaba as an egg white substitute in the technology of low-fat mayonnaise. Engineering Proceedings, 56(1), p. 206.
- Serdaroğlu, M., Deniz, E. E. (2002). Sıvı yumurtaların dondurulması ve dondurma nedeniyle oluşan kalite problemleri. Hayvansal Üretim, 43(1).
- Stantiall, S. E., Dale, K. J., Calizo, F. S., Serventi, L. (2018). Application of pulses cooking water as functional ingredients: The foaming and gelling abilities. European Food Research and Technology, 244, pp. 97-104.
- Tavakoli, R., Karami, M., Bahramian, S., Emamifar, A. (2021). Production of Low-fat mayonnaise without preservatives: Using the ultrasonic process and investigating of microbial and physicochemical properties of the resultant product. Food Science & Nutrition, 9(5), pp. 2676–2685. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.2227.
- Tawalbeh, D., Ahmad, W. W., Sarbon, N. M. (2023). Effect of ultrasound pretreatment on the functional and bioactive properties of legumes protein hydrolysates and peptides: A comprehensive review. Food Reviews International, 39(8), pp. 5423-5445.
- Tian, L., You, X., Zhang, S., Zhu, Z., Yi, J., Jin, G. (2024). Enhancing functional properties and protein structure of almond protein isolate using high-power ultrasound treatment. Molecules, 29(15), 3590.
- Tiwari, B. K., Mason, T. J. (2012). Ultrasound processing of fluid foods. In: Novel thermal and non- thermal technologies for fluid foods, Academic press, pp. 135-165.
- Wang, T., Wang, N., Li, N., Ji, X., Zhang, H., Yu, D., Wang, L. (2022). Effect of high-intensity ultrasound on the physicochemical properties, microstructure, and stability of soy protein isolate-pectin emulsion. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 82, 105871.
- Yang, J., Duan, Y., Geng, F., Cheng, C., Wang, L., Ye, J., Zhang, H., Peng, D., Deng, Q. (2022). Ultrasonic-assisted pH shift-induced interfacial remodeling for enhancing the emulsifying and foaming properties of perilla protein isolate. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 89, 106108.
- Yüceer, M. (2020). Sıvı yumurta sarısının ultrases tekniğiyle işlenmesi ile yapısal özelliklerinin karakterizasyonu ve reolojik davranışının belirlenmesi. Akademik Gıda, 18(4), pp. 402-410.
- Zhu, Z., Zhao, C., Yi, J., Cui, L., Liu, N., Cao, Y., Decker, E. A. (2018). Ultrasound improving the physical stability of oil‐in‐water emulsions stabilized by almond proteins. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(11), pp. 4323-4330.
Year 2025,
Volume: 50 Issue: 2, 147 - 164
Yaren Didem Esendemir
Semanur Yıldız
Hatice Sıçramaz
This study investigates the use of aquafaba proteins as emulsifiers in vegan mayonnaise production by improving their functional properties by ultrasound (US) technology. The natural form of aquafaba protein concentrate (AQ) was sonicated at 80% amplitude for 5, 15, and 25 minutes, with the highest emulsion stability (9.28%) achieved after 5 minutes (AQUS-5). FTIR and SEM analyses revealed structural and physical changes. Mayonnaise formulations containing 70% oil and 10% emulsifier (AQ/AQUS-5 and chickpea flour) were prepared, while the control (M) used 80% oil and 10% egg yolk. Initially, M mayonnaise exhibited higher hardness (91 g) and emulsion stability (5.19%) than M-AQ (78.3 g and 3.87%) and M-AQUS-5 (74.5 g and 4.44%). However, at the end of storage, M-AQ (6.31%) and M-AQUS-5 (5.53%) showed greater emulsion stability than M (3.70%). This study highlights the potential of modified aquafaba proteins in developing reduced-fat vegan food products.
Project Number
- Ali, M. R., El Said, R. M. (2020). Assessment of the potential of Arabic gum as an antimicrobial and antioxidant agent in developing vegan “egg‐free” mayonnaise. Journal of Food Safety, 40(2), e12771.
- AOAC. (2002). Official Methods of Analysis. Vol. II. 17th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, International. Gaithersburg, MD.
- Ataie, M. J., Shekarabi, S. P. H., Jalili, S. H. (2019). Gelatin from bones of bighead carp as a fat replacer on physicochemical and sensory properties of low-fat mayonnaise. The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 8(4), p. 979.
- Badıllı, A. G. (2020). Yağı azaltılmış fonksiyonel dondurma üretiminde süt tozu yerine nohut ununun kullanılabilme olanaklarının araştırılması. Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, 119 s.
- Barbosa-Cánovas, G. V., Donsì, F., Yildiz, S., Candoğan, K., Pokhrel, P. R., Guadarrama-Lezama, A. Y. (2022). Nonthermal processing technologies for stabilization and enhancement of bioactive compounds in foods. Food Engineering Reviews, 1-37.
- Boye, J. I., Aksay, S., Roufik, S., Ribéreau, S., Mondor, M., Farnworth, E., Rajamohamed, S. H. (2010). Comparison of the functional properties of pea, chickpea and lentil protein concentrates processed using ultrafiltration and isoelectric precipitation techniques. Food Research International, 43(2), 537-546.
- Cedergårdh, F. (2014). Characterization of commercial mayonnaise products–texture, viscosity and droplet size. M.Sc. Dissertation, Lund University, Sweden.
- Cserhalmi, Z., Sass-Kiss, A., Tóth-Markus, M., Lechner, N. (2006). Study of pulsed electric field treated citrus juices. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 7(1-2), 49-54.
- Dhiman, A., Prabhakar, P. K. (2021). Micronization in food processing : A comprehensive review of mechanistic approach, physicochemical, functional properties and self-stability of micronized food materials. Journal of Food Engineering, 292, 110248, https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2020.110248.
- Erdoğan, Z., Gürbüz, E. (2023). Vegan tüketim uygulamaları üzerinde sürdürülebilirlik yaklaşımı. Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16(3), pp. 697-730.
- Güneş, E., Karakaş, T. (2022). Tarım ve gıda sistemlerinde sürdürülebilirlik yaklaşımları. Journal of Academic Value Studies, 8(3), 304-316.
- Gladwin, T. N., Kennelly, J. J., Krause, T. S. (1995). Shifting paradigms for sustainable development: Implications for management theory and research. Academy of management Review, 20(4), pp. 874-907.
- He, Y., Purdy, S. K., Tse, T. J., Tar’an, B., Meda, V., Reaney, M. J. T., Mustafa, R. (2021). Standardization of Aquafaba Production and Application in Vegan Mayonnaise Analogs. Foods, 10(9), p. 1978. https://doi.org/10.3390/ foods10091978.
- He, Y., Shen, J., Meda, V., Reaney, M. J. (2024). Composition and properties of ethanol-precipitated chickpea aquafaba. Food Hydrocolloids, 150, 109723.
- Jing, X., Cai, Y., Liu, T., Chen, B., Zhao, Q., Deng, X., Zhao, M. (2023). Formation, texture, and stability of yolk-free mayonnaise: Effect of soy peptide aggregates concentration. Food Chemistry, 403, 134337.
- Jung, H., Oh, I. Physicochemical and structural properties of vegan mayonnaise prepared with peanut sprout oil and aquafaba. Available at SSRN 4924613. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/ papers.cfm?abstract_id=4924613
Karabulut, G., Yildiz, S., Karaca, A. C., Yemiş, O. (2023). Ultrasound and enzyme‐pretreated extraction for the valorization of pea pod proteins. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 46(12), e14452.
- Kim, M. J., Shin, W. S. (2022). Structural and functional modification of proteins from black soybean Aquasoya via ultrasonication. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 91, 106220.
- Kocacık, A. (2021). Çöven Ekstraktının Kurutulması ve Dondurmada Emülgatör Olarak Kullanılmasının Araştırılması. Ordu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ordu, Türkiye, 156 s.
- Kumar, Y., Roy, S., Devra, A., Dhiman, A., Prabhakar, P. K. (2021). Ultrasonication of mayonnaise formulated with xanthan and guar gums: Rheological modeling, effects on optical properties and emulsion stability. LWT, 149, 111632.
- Liu, H., Xu, X., Guo, S. (2007). Rheological, texture and sensory properties of low-fat mayonnaise with different fat mimetics. LWT, 40, pp. 946–954. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.lwt.2006.11.007.
- Meurer, M. C., de Souza, D., Marczak, L. D. F. (2020). Effects of ultrasound on technological properties of chickpea cooking water (aquafaba). Journal of Food Engineering, 265, 109688.
- Noh, E., Lee, K. G. (2024). Effects of ultrasound on the structural, physicochemical, and emulsifying properties of aquafaba extracted from various legumes. Food Chemistry, 451, 139438.
- Özcan, I., Özyiğit, E., Erkoç, S., Tavman, S., Kumcuoğlu, S. (2023). Investigating the physical and quality characteristics and rheology of mayonnaise containing aquafaba as an egg substitute. Journal of Food Engineering, 344, 111388.
- Özdemir, N., Bayrak, A., Tat, T., Yanık, Z. N., Altay, F., Halkman, A. K. (2021). Fabrication and characterization of basil essential oil microcapsule-enriched mayonnaise and its antimicrobial properties against Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Food Chemistry, 359, 129940.
- Pearce, K. N., Kinsella, J. E. (1978). Emulsifying properties of proteins: evaluation of a turbidimetric technique. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 26(3), pp. 716-723.
- Raikos, V., Hayes, H., Ni, H. (2020). Aquafaba from commercially canned chickpeas as potential egg replacer for the development of vegan mayonnaise: Recipe optimisation and storage stability. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 55(5), 1935-1942.
- Ramisetty, K. A., Shyamsunder, R. (2011). Effect of ultrasonication on stability of oil in water emulsions. International Journal of Drug Delivery, 3(1), pp. 133–140. https://doi. org/10.5138/ ijdd.2010.0975.0215.03063.
- Roosta, F., Sourki, A. H. (2024). Techno-functional, physicochemical and thermal characteristics of black chickpeas aquafaba under ultrasound pre-processing. Heliyon, 10(22).
- Sachko, A., Sema, O., Grinchenko, O., Gubsky, S. (2023). Canned beans aquafaba as an egg white substitute in the technology of low-fat mayonnaise. Engineering Proceedings, 56(1), p. 206.
- Serdaroğlu, M., Deniz, E. E. (2002). Sıvı yumurtaların dondurulması ve dondurma nedeniyle oluşan kalite problemleri. Hayvansal Üretim, 43(1).
- Stantiall, S. E., Dale, K. J., Calizo, F. S., Serventi, L. (2018). Application of pulses cooking water as functional ingredients: The foaming and gelling abilities. European Food Research and Technology, 244, pp. 97-104.
- Tavakoli, R., Karami, M., Bahramian, S., Emamifar, A. (2021). Production of Low-fat mayonnaise without preservatives: Using the ultrasonic process and investigating of microbial and physicochemical properties of the resultant product. Food Science & Nutrition, 9(5), pp. 2676–2685. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.2227.
- Tawalbeh, D., Ahmad, W. W., Sarbon, N. M. (2023). Effect of ultrasound pretreatment on the functional and bioactive properties of legumes protein hydrolysates and peptides: A comprehensive review. Food Reviews International, 39(8), pp. 5423-5445.
- Tian, L., You, X., Zhang, S., Zhu, Z., Yi, J., Jin, G. (2024). Enhancing functional properties and protein structure of almond protein isolate using high-power ultrasound treatment. Molecules, 29(15), 3590.
- Tiwari, B. K., Mason, T. J. (2012). Ultrasound processing of fluid foods. In: Novel thermal and non- thermal technologies for fluid foods, Academic press, pp. 135-165.
- Wang, T., Wang, N., Li, N., Ji, X., Zhang, H., Yu, D., Wang, L. (2022). Effect of high-intensity ultrasound on the physicochemical properties, microstructure, and stability of soy protein isolate-pectin emulsion. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 82, 105871.
- Yang, J., Duan, Y., Geng, F., Cheng, C., Wang, L., Ye, J., Zhang, H., Peng, D., Deng, Q. (2022). Ultrasonic-assisted pH shift-induced interfacial remodeling for enhancing the emulsifying and foaming properties of perilla protein isolate. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 89, 106108.
- Yüceer, M. (2020). Sıvı yumurta sarısının ultrases tekniğiyle işlenmesi ile yapısal özelliklerinin karakterizasyonu ve reolojik davranışının belirlenmesi. Akademik Gıda, 18(4), pp. 402-410.
- Zhu, Z., Zhao, C., Yi, J., Cui, L., Liu, N., Cao, Y., Decker, E. A. (2018). Ultrasound improving the physical stability of oil‐in‐water emulsions stabilized by almond proteins. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(11), pp. 4323-4330.