Research Article
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Correlation of Ultrasound Pulse Velocity with Pozzolanic Activity and Mechanical Properties in Lime-Calcined Clay Mortars

Year 2012, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 219 - 233, 24.01.2012


The relationship between ultrasound pulse velocity (UPV) with pozzolanic activity of lime mortars produced with clays calcined at different temperatures were examined. Three different types of clay samples were calcined at 550, 650, 750 and 850 oC. All the calcined clays were ground in proper granulometric sizes and with them, a series of 12 batches of lime mortars were mixed. From three per mix, a total of 36 samples were prepared in accordance with TS 25 standard. Two extra batches of mortars were prepared for comparison purposes; pure lime mortar and a pozzolanic lime mortar mixed with rock powder. All the samples were cured in accordance with ASTM C593-95 standard. There is a close and good relationship between the UPV with pozzolanic activity and mechanical properties of lime mortars produced with clays calcined at different temperatures. Hence, pozzolanic activity can be predicted also by non-destructive methods.


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  • Chakchouk, A., Samet, B., Mnif, T., “Study on the potential use of Tunisian clays as pozzolanic materials”, Applied Clay Science 33, 69-88, (2006).
  • Cara, S., Carcangiu, G., Massidda, L., Meloni, P., Sanna, U., Tamanini, M., “Assessment of pozzolanic potential in lime-water systems of raw and calcined kaolinic clays from the Donnigazza Mine (Sardinia-Italy)”, Applied Clay Science, 33: 66–72 (2006).
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Year 2012, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 219 - 233, 24.01.2012



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  • Vasconcelos, G., Lourenço. P.B., Alves, C.A., Pamplona, J., “Ultrasonic evolution of the physical properties of granites”, Ultrasonic, 48: 453-466 (2008).
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  • Philippidis, T.P., Aggelis, D.G., “Experimental study of wave dispersion and attenuation in concrete”, Ultrasonics, 43: 584–595 (2005).
  • Aggelis, D.G., Polyzos, D., Philippidis, T.P., "Wave dispersion and attenuation in fresh mortar: theoretical predictions vs. experimental results”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 53: 857–883 (2005).
  • Demirboğa, R., Türkmen, İ., Karakoç, M.B., “Relationship between ultrasonic velocity and compressive strength for high-volume mineral- admixtural concrete”, Cement and Concrete Research 34: 2329-2336 (2004).
  • Mishra, S.R., Kumar, A., Park, A., Rho, J., LosbyHoffmeister, B. K., ”Ultrasonic characterization of the curing process of PCC fly ash-cement composites”, Materials Characterization 50: 317-323 (2003).
  • Raman, S.N., Safiuddin, M.D., Zain, M.F.M., “Non- destructive evaluation of flowing concretes in cooperating quarry waste”, Asian journal of civil engineering (Building and Housing), 8(6): 597- 614 (2007).
  • Lourenço, P.B., Feio, A., Machado, J.S., “Chestnuts wood in compression perpendicular to the grain: non-destructive correlation for news and old wood”, Construction and Building Materials 21(8): 1617-1627 (2007).
  • Feio, A., Lourenço, P.B., Machado, J.S., “New and old chestnut wood parallel to the grain: mechanical behavior and non-destructive evaluation”, International Journal of Architectural Heritage 3(1): 272-292 (2007).
  • Postacıoğlu, B., Yapı Malzemesi Esasları (The Principles of Building Materials, Section 1: General Features of Materials), İstanbul Technical University, 141 (1966).
  • De Belie, N., Grosse, C., Baert, G., “Ultrasonic Transmission to Monitor Setting and Hardening of Fly Ash Concrete”, ACI Material Journal, 105 (3): 221-226 (2008).
  • Labouret, S., Looten-Baquest, I., Bruneel, C., Forhly, J., “Ultrasound method for monitoring rheology properties evolution of cement”, Ultrasonic 36: 205-208 (1998).
  • Faiz, B., Maze, G., Decultot, D., Moudden, A., Assif, E.H., Ezzaidi, M., “Ultrasonic characterization of the quality of an epoxy resin polymerization”, Ferroelectr Freq. Control, 46: 188-196 (1999).
  • Yazıcıoğlu, S., Demirel, B., “The effect of the Elazığ Region used as a pozzolanic additive on the compressive strength of concrete increasing cure ages”, Journal of Fırat Univ. Science and Eng. 18(3): 367-374 (2006).
  • Cabane, N., “Sols traites à la chaux et aux liants hydrauliques: Contribution à l’identification et à l’analyse des éléments perturbateurs de la stabilisation”, Ph.D. These, Docteur de l’Université Jean Monnet et de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de St-Etienne, France, (2004).
  • Baronio, G., Binda, L., “Study of the pozzolanacitiy of some bricks and clays”, Construction and Building Materials, 11 (1): 41- 46 (1997).
  • Melo, C.U., Billiong, N., “Activité pouzzolanique des déchets de briqueset tuiles cuites”. African Journal of Science and Technology (AJST). Science and Engineering Series 5(1): 92-100 (2004).
  • Aardt, J.P.H., Visser, S., “Calcium hydroxide attack on feldspars and clays: Possible relevance to cement-aggregate reactions”, Cement and Concrete Research 7: 643-648 (1977).
  • Shvarzman, K., Kovler, K., Schamban, I., Grader, G., Shter, G., “Influence of chemical and phase composition of mineral admixture on their pozzolanic activity”, Advances in Cement Research 14(1): 35-41 (2002).
  • Shvarzman, K., Kovler, K., Schamban, I., Grader, G., Shter, G., “The effect of dehydroxylation/amorphization degree on pozzolanic activity of kaolinite”, Cement and Concrete Research 33: 405-416 (2003).
  • Sabir, B.B., Wild, S., Bai, J., “Metakaolin and calcined clays as pozzolans for concrete: a review”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 23(6): 441-454 (2001).
  • Samet, B., Chakchouk, A., Mnif, T., Tagnit- Hamou A,. “Influence of mineralogy of Tunisian clays on pozzolanic activity-assessment by different methods”, Advances in Cement Research 19 (2): 57-65 (2007).
  • Hee, C., Makovicky, E., Osaeck, B., “Thermal stability and pozzolanic activity of calcined kaolin”, Applied Clay Science, 9: 165-187 (1994).
  • Kurugöl, S., “Effect of calcination on the pozzolanic activity of Ömerli clays”, VII.International Ceramic Congress, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon, 26-28 November (2008).
  • “Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete”, ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) Standard C618-03 (2003).
  • “Methods of Testing Cement - Determination of Strength”, TS EN (Turkish Standard Institution) Standard 196-1, Ankara (1997).
  • “Specification for Fly Ash and Other Pozzolans for Use With Lime”, ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) Standard C593-95 (Reapproved 2000).
  • “Definitions, Requirements and Conformity Criteria)”, TS (Turkish Standard Institution) Standard 25, Trass. (Natural Pozzolan for use in Cement and Concrete Ankara (2008).
  • “Natural Stone Test Methods-Determination of sound speed propagation”, EN (Norme Euroéenne) Standard 14579, Brussels, (2004).
  • “Determination of Compressive and Flexure Strength of Hardened Mortars”, TS EN (Turkish Standard Institution) Standard 1015-11, Methods of Test Mortar for Masonry-Part 11, Ankara, (2000).
  • “Tensile Splitting Strength of Test Specimens” TS EN (Turkish Standard Institution) Standard 12390-6, Testing Hardened Concrete-Part 6: Ankara, (2002).
  • “Natural Stone Test Methods-Determination of real density and apparent density, and of total and open porosity”, EN (Norme Euroéenne) Standard 1936, Brussels, (2006).
  • Malhotra, S.K., Dave, N.G., “Investigation into the effect of addition of fly ash and burn clay pozzolana on certain engineering properties of cement composites”, Cem. Concrete Composites 21: 285-291 (1999).
  • Chakchouk, A., Samet, B., Mnif, T., “Study on the potential use of Tunisian clays as pozzolanic materials”, Applied Clay Science 33, 69-88, (2006).
  • Cara, S., Carcangiu, G., Massidda, L., Meloni, P., Sanna, U., Tamanini, M., “Assessment of pozzolanic potential in lime-water systems of raw and calcined kaolinic clays from the Donnigazza Mine (Sardinia-Italy)”, Applied Clay Science, 33: 66–72 (2006).
  • Lafhaj, Z., Goueygou, M., Djerbi, A., Kaczmarek, M., “Correlation between porosity, permeability and ultrasonic parameters of mortar with variable water/cement ratio and water content”, Cement and Concrete Research, 36: 625–633 (2006).
  • Lafhaj, Z., Goueygou, M., “Experimental study on sound and damaged mortar: Variation of ultrasonic parameters with porosity”, Construction and Building Materials, 23: 953–958 (2009).
  • Hernández, M.G., Anaya, J.J., Sanchez, T., Segura I., “Porosity estimation of aged mortar using a micromechanical model”, Ultrasonics, 44: e1007– e1011 (2006).
  • Hernández, M.G., Izquierdo, M.A., Ibanez, A., Anaya, J.J., Gomez-Ullate L., “Porosity estimation of concrete by ultrasonic NDT”, Ultrasonics, 38: 531–536 (2000).
  • Papayianni, I., Stefanidou, M., “Strength–porosity relationships in lime–pozzolan mortars”, Construction and Building Materials 20: 700–705 (2006).
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Architecture & City and Urban Planning

Sedat Kurugol This is me

Publication Date January 24, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 25 Issue: 1


APA Kurugol, S. (2012). Correlation of Ultrasound Pulse Velocity with Pozzolanic Activity and Mechanical Properties in Lime-Calcined Clay Mortars. Gazi University Journal of Science, 25(1), 219-233.
AMA Kurugol S. Correlation of Ultrasound Pulse Velocity with Pozzolanic Activity and Mechanical Properties in Lime-Calcined Clay Mortars. Gazi University Journal of Science. January 2012;25(1):219-233.
Chicago Kurugol, Sedat. “Correlation of Ultrasound Pulse Velocity With Pozzolanic Activity and Mechanical Properties in Lime-Calcined Clay Mortars”. Gazi University Journal of Science 25, no. 1 (January 2012): 219-33.
EndNote Kurugol S (January 1, 2012) Correlation of Ultrasound Pulse Velocity with Pozzolanic Activity and Mechanical Properties in Lime-Calcined Clay Mortars. Gazi University Journal of Science 25 1 219–233.
IEEE S. Kurugol, “Correlation of Ultrasound Pulse Velocity with Pozzolanic Activity and Mechanical Properties in Lime-Calcined Clay Mortars”, Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 219–233, 2012.
ISNAD Kurugol, Sedat. “Correlation of Ultrasound Pulse Velocity With Pozzolanic Activity and Mechanical Properties in Lime-Calcined Clay Mortars”. Gazi University Journal of Science 25/1 (January 2012), 219-233.
JAMA Kurugol S. Correlation of Ultrasound Pulse Velocity with Pozzolanic Activity and Mechanical Properties in Lime-Calcined Clay Mortars. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2012;25:219–233.
MLA Kurugol, Sedat. “Correlation of Ultrasound Pulse Velocity With Pozzolanic Activity and Mechanical Properties in Lime-Calcined Clay Mortars”. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 25, no. 1, 2012, pp. 219-33.
Vancouver Kurugol S. Correlation of Ultrasound Pulse Velocity with Pozzolanic Activity and Mechanical Properties in Lime-Calcined Clay Mortars. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2012;25(1):219-33.